Radiating hands Energy bands Finger tips to palm Sensation warm A gift of the divine Are perfectly aligned With the central line Along the spine Shoulder tips Toes to lips Each pore in fact Lacking tact Vibrates in elation Dispersing love radiation One with the oneness In awakening aloneness *** |
Observe The nodes within Dance To the rhythm Of the music Divine As they resonate In unison And being resident Within form Our form We ascend Automatically If we but allow In as accepting Observing Without interfering Some call it Surrendering Or rather just being Soulfully present In the continuum Of nowness In our aloneness *** |
Aloneness In the silence Within stillness Does it grow to reticence? Lack of openness? A hidden resistance? Or a sacred place ... Which no other face ... May deface? Do we spontaneously share Glimmers of being self aware Or are we contracted in egoic snare? And is the sharing Love energised pairing Or imagined triumph blaring? Continuous contemplation Consciousness correction Avoids egoic deflection In aloneness *** |
Three wave assimilation
In our aloneness An orientation of meditational stillness Our state being of free flowing be-ness In, as & one with the absolute oneness ... We experience three wave assimilation First embraces divine love reception Next it’s nonjudgmental dispersion And thirdly, as the That oneness, creation! From subtleness Into grossness We descend To then, in a waking state, ascend To become consciously self aware To handle the high energy glare Which is but of which we are oblivious The ascension is what makes us conscious Thought creates: but see what we have created Unless egoic separateness is not decimated ... We observe the contrast of Universe perfection Versus man created wanton destruction So each node within awakens not once but thrice It may take as long as it takes or may happen in a trice Key words being stillness, be-ness, oneness Journey from reception, transmission to creation, in aloneness *** |
Alone I post Duplicate posts Posts which cannot be deleted This feedback I think, is completed! *** |
Egoic review Of earth life destiny Considers hardships Challenges It seeks As the soul seeks But the direction Is different It evaluates As the soul evaluates But the yardsticks Are different The ego ... Sorry for laughing!! No offence intended Looks outwards ... In transience But the funny thing is ... Why does it expect Us To wear the coloured glasses Of short term vision When we are looking at The wholeness Completeness Oneness Of eternity Within Which we were Which we are In the here & now In aloneness *** |
In aloneness We reflect Review Observe In silence The chaos The confusion Of fragmented thought The confusion Is good Once recognised As such, the source The root Of the chaos Is soon eliminated In aloneness *** |
A definition Of ascension Being Seeing Light With single eye sight The light percentage Piercing the foliage Of consciousness In our aloneness As ego decreases The percentage increases A definition Of ascension Definitions in aloneness Useless Unless we choose Without excuse To act, elevate Translate Into action With divine energised traction A consciousness shift To uplift By inner cleansing In being becoming The That Oneness In aloneness *** |
I love this. 'cept this ever aloneness that seems more center stage than I keep my separation. A wonderful tool of definition and texture and learning. In the tool box. . . . Movement Brings me to Contact A dance with One With All. Stillness a move So Slow It never reaches And Silence Our song In waiting Hanging Just out of reach Where I go You go Where you go We go All In one voice The air of us Meet our palms Touch Each of us Dance With us Love |
*** :hug3: *** |
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