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Unseeking Seeker 08-04-2020 11:10 AM


Hi Realm Ki! Good to meet again! :)


Unseeking Seeker 08-04-2020 11:11 AM


Along with main chakras seven
Along with several hidden ones
Spinal enlivenments too shapen
Heart energising the central sun

We alone feel and so know
Surprising ways bliss flows


Unseeking Seeker 09-04-2020 06:05 AM


Each nuance flicker
A soundless whisper
Eagle eye attentive & responsive
An intuitive orientation meditative
Imbibes essence
Of the fragrance
Cognising wholeness spherically
Assimilating the nectar magically


Unseeking Seeker 09-04-2020 04:25 PM


Sipping wine and sitting still
The pulse of bliss heightens
We witness the nectar overspill
As the energy grid tightens

Friends & family & the scripture
None can come to our rescue
Recognising form as a caricature
We alone feel bliss ignition renew

The energy being love we do share
Shouting the truth from our rooftop
No echo returns for none does pair
Turbid thoughts of all at a gallop

Recognising the futility we yet outpour
Reflections of the fragrance divine
For having vaporised we keep no score
As with the pulse of ॐ we gently align


Unseeking Seeker 10-04-2020 02:05 PM


Ultra slow motion blossoming
Each subtle gyration delighting
Imbibing waves for assimilation
Love pulse in osmotic percolation
As it swathes our being in bliss
An seductive never ending kiss
Of polarities as they ignite within
Explosion renewal again & again

We are the sole witness
We in our ecstatic aloneness


Unseeking Seeker 11-04-2020 03:44 AM


In & within fully committed to each moment
We yet immerse and exit leaving no quotient
Unable to identify with minds that seize & size
In the midst of materialism we seek no prize
And whilst destiny oscillates in as ordained
Love enablement is the wealth we have gained
We feel a strange captivity in our spontaneity
In aloneness yearning for divine connectivity


Unseeking Seeker 12-04-2020 03:56 AM


Deepening bliss exhilaration mystery
Our individual journey celebratory
Moment to moment new wonders
Wisdom downloads and silent thunder
Each subtle nuance and hue
In delicate seduction renews
Who else save us can detect
The pulse of ॐ into our heart direct


Unseeking Seeker 12-04-2020 08:24 AM


Gender rotation
Of polarities within
Rod of initiation
Is where we begin

Root to crown
A hollow conduit
Vaporise to drown
Devotion resolute

The magnetic pull
Ecstasy by friction
Explosive bliss full
Climax in continuation

The pulse indivisible
Yet concealing wonder
Sushumna cylindrical
Ignited by blissful thunder

Which aspect then male
Divine energy in form
Or is bliss essence female
As magnetism warm

Be that that is as it may be
Heart spacial androgynous
Aching love in joyous ennui
Rapture renewal continuous


Unseeking Seeker 13-04-2020 01:34 AM


In aloneness we see
Karma cease
When the doer disappears
Pain no longer sears
We are nonchalant & oblivious
To ego cravings stuporous
Purpose of our flowing meditation
Is to strengthen the divine connection
The benign searing rapture within
As at each instant renewal begins
In aloneness we align
With the dance divine
Fullness in cessation
Ignition in continuation



Unseeking Seeker 13-04-2020 07:31 AM


Closing ears we do cognise
A distinct soundless thunder
Inner sound current surprise
An innate unceasing wonder

A subtle background sound
Of crickets softly chirping
In the background resound
As of forest at night sleeping

Divine nectar as it outpours
Upon arriving at heart spacial
Unstruck sound as ॐ roars
An unending divine miracle

Magnetic pulse has its say
Manifesting rapturous bliss
In spasms of delight we sway
Transfixed in the divine caress

Recognition of all as vibration
The very source of existence
We choose pulse of resonation
As of measure of our innocence


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