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Unseeking Seeker 30-10-2018 05:23 AM

Aloneness yes but never-ever alone
For once the ego cuckoo has flown
We are not and yet we are, The presence
In, as & one, with the Divine essence

Unseeking Seeker 04-11-2018 04:22 AM


Love is unseeking
Nonjudgingly embracing
Always outpouring
It’s being the becoming
Divine fragrance dispersing
A dance unending

In aloneness

Ziusudra 04-11-2018 04:57 AM

I am enjoying your verses!

Unseeking Seeker 04-11-2018 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by Ziusudra
I am enjoying your verses!




hallow 04-11-2018 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker

The genesis of boredom, discontent & melancholy lies in loneliness
Contrasted to the joy of being alive here & now in our vibrant aloneness
Just as indifference or self-serving egoism is consciousness contracting
While detachment, desirelessness, Universe connecting love, expanding ...

Extrapolating from these consciousness contracting vs expanding examples
We may contemplate upon our inner orientation from other samples
Our reflex instincts; just two lists: one giving, the other seeking more
One narrowing, the other expanding our consciousness at the core

As and when our attention is externalised, anchored in egoistic seeking
The delusional impossibility of making permanent the impermanent leaves us despondent, lonesome & weeping
Which is the root cause of our needless self-inflicted suffering ...
Shifting the fulcrum of our consciousness inwards, divine-entwined is fulfilling, empowering & enlightening

Boredom? What is that?
In being to become, I AM always That!
Choosing light over darkness, a persona winsome
Discarding vicarious knowledge for deep inner wisdom

We can choose to effortlessly reshape ourselves as we choose in our stillness
A self-help divine-assisted program we may execute in our joyous aloneness
Inner cleansing, lightening egoistic baggage, treading gently on the earth
Effusing unconditional love, dispersing the fragrance divine unendingly in joyous mirth

. Ooooh bordom! I often feel bordom. Lonelyness, that as well, your not the only one. Like your alone on a little island with nothing but you to depend on. It can be a empty feeling at first. But when that emptyness get filled with your own confidence and strength, nothing is more valuable! With nothingness you have everything to gain.

Unseeking Seeker 04-11-2018 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by hallow
. Ooooh bordom! I often feel bordom. Lonelyness, that as well, your not the only one. Like your alone on a little island with nothing but you to depend on. It can be a empty feeling at first. But when that emptyness get filled with your own confidence and strength, nothing is more valuable! With nothingness you have everything to gain.


Loneliness disabling, leads to melancholy, boredom

Aloneness enabling, meditational, acccess to the divine kingdom

Diametrically opposite ends of the spectrum

One contracted in anxiety, the other persona winsome

Unseeking Seeker 05-11-2018 07:12 AM


The vibrations of varied thought-emotion
Are & yet are not because their proportion
Their final reception
Depends upon our selection

Energy frequency filtration
By alchemical sublimation
In our nonjudgmental perception
Embraces each energy influx in exaltation

In silent aloneness

Unseeking Seeker 06-11-2018 10:12 AM

A new dimension

We in uncharted waters sail
Beyond the five sense veil
New dimensions, new realities
And never before seen entities

Nonjudgmental observation
No conditioned perception
Renders harmless the playful
While embracing the prayerful

Our orientation of openness
One with the absolute oneness
Enables seamless navigation
Without coloured imagination

In unhurried aloneness

Unseeking Seeker 07-11-2018 12:06 PM

Inspired by lyrics of the ‘Stopping by Woods’ poem by Robert Frost:

Part-1 : Ignorance

The wounds are ugly dark & deep
Love from them has started to seep
Alone in the void within I go to sleep

Part-2 : Illumination

The vibrations of divine love percolate way down deep
Divine joy overflows from within as the Universe does reap
Am entwined with the oneness through both waking & sleep

Unseeking Seeker 08-11-2018 03:42 AM

Alone we connect

The old man
With elan
In the balcony
Cloudy or sunny
Connects with the tree
His daily entree
His thought
We know not
But we see the sign
His face does shine
In autumn or spring
His inner zing
At any time
Birds he mimes
And feeds with seeds
Freeing plants of weeds
Though his profile is low
We sense he knows
Way he celebrates life
Without children or wife
In aloneness joyful
Persona wonderful
Face alive & aglow
One with the divine flow

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