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Unseeking Seeker 16-12-2019 03:33 AM


Please enter my dreams if you can
But do so in joy and do so with elan
For the invitation is to enter a mist
Even if you blink you will miss the gist
In sharing by pairing we walk not alone
Watchful of the tremor we alone own


Unseeking Seeker 06-01-2020 02:32 AM


Here alone we stand
At the divine frequency band
Reception by resonation
Manifesting bliss elation
Imbibed slowly
Yet explosively
Rapture of ineffable delight
Invisible to external sight
Ours if we choose to tune in
In dynamic stillness within

Our aloneness beauteous
In bubbling bliss continuous


Unseeking Seeker 09-01-2020 03:00 AM


We alone wondrously behold
Beauteous secrets unfold
Even as we embrace-hold-release
Each half breath cycle with ease


Unseeking Seeker 10-01-2020 06:06 AM


Even as upper nodes in harmony compete
Suffusing us to the brim with bliss replete
Through mists of rapture in joy we watch
Heightened enlivenment at our jugular notch
Conjoined with medulla in exuberance
Dispersing nectar elixirous in innocence
All overseen by our heart centre
Bliss outpouring wherefrom in a playful manner
Linear movement yields to bliss vibration
Everywhere at once renewing in continuation
We alone hear our silent cry of delight
As the ignition within pulsates through day & night


Unseeking Seeker 14-01-2020 04:17 PM


We continue letting go
Of all that that comes and goes
Ceasing to resist
Until bliss manifests
Renewal moment to moment does begin
Unbroken meditational awareness
Divine entwined connectedness
Whereupon we no longer calculate
Nestled in waves of bliss that elate
Our being in permanence
As we imbibe the nectar in innocence
Our emptiness radiating fullness
Rapture bursting forth in explosiveness
What may we say about our becoming
Let us tamely just label it as blossoming

We would if we could our bliss joy share
Yet each in aloneness must choose to pair
So all we offer is our affirmation
That going beyond mind we embrace bliss elation

In an unending explosive continuation


Nowayout 18-01-2020 02:24 AM

Nice, on my way there, the flower opens, the light floods in, I am as I rest in me.

Nowayout 18-01-2020 04:03 AM

We live in God but we are not it. In God, we move, live, and have our being.

Unseeking Seeker 18-01-2020 04:30 AM


Exploring the becoming
By being the happening
Beauteously blossoming
Requires ceasing thinking
Mind body identity hollowing
Embracing without any doing

Or in a word : Vaporising


Unseeking Seeker 21-01-2020 03:03 AM


Ceaselessly breathing & meditating
We find ourselves recalibrating
Fulcrum of our reflex instinct
in sync with the pulse of ॐ distinct

Flowing thus in timeless time
We align with the divine sublime
We are and so being be to become
With the pulse of ॐ oneness one

In aloneness


Unseeking Seeker 23-01-2020 04:26 PM


Receiving with gratitude
Enablements bestowed
Celebrating in solitude
Polarities within betrothed!

Divine nectar readily partaken
Magnetic bliss currents rising
Ignition renewal in continuation
Divine blessings astonishing!

That that is given
For us alone to imbibe
Divine bliss our haven
Ecstasy we cannot describe!


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