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Shivani Devi 29-06-2016 02:35 AM

LOA Doesn't Work For Me
Maybe I am doing something wrong, but the only things that manifest for me are unconscious synchronicities.

I've tried bringing things into my life by concentrating on them, praying for them, affirming them, visualising them...nope, nothing happens...or the exact opposite happens.

This gets reaffirmed by the 'you can't always get what you want, but sometimes, you'll get what you need' vibe.

Maybe it wasn't meant to work this way for me...I've tried sending out messages into the universe, but if this LOA has any validity whatsoever, what is the timeframe involved? If there isn't any timeframe? what does it matter? Thanks.

Nameless 29-06-2016 03:50 AM

I love when I notice synchronicities! I'm not sure how I would recognize an unconscious one, though.

I just posted a channeling I did for someone on deliberate manifesting.

I think LOA and manifesting are two very different things.

LOA brings you back exactly what you believe about any topic. So, if you don't believe LOA works for you, then it won't. Whatever you are believing is true by your attention to it.

We all manifest everything, all day long. Unconscious manifesting, for me means thinking the same thoughts all the time and then my life shows them to be true for me. I have to catch myself thinking if I want to change what shows up.

For me, that's the trickiest part. To catch myself thinking, and then try to change that before it gets too much momentum behind it.

LOA, you get maybe a minute to change your thoughts before they begin to manifest on any subject.

For me, once I learned that, in order to get what I wanted, I had to let it go was a lightbulb moment in my life. It seems asking and receiving are on two different wavelengths. Who knew?

So I tried that, and when I would catch myself thinking about something that I had placed my order for, I would think about something else. After a few days of doing this, I didn't think about it anymore. And then things started occuring along that path.

I'd get an idea, a wonderful idea, about that thing I wasn't thinking about anymore, and so I'd explore that. At the time, I was manifesting a job. And once I placed my order of what I wanted out of that job, really wanted, and let it go, things started happening. I would get an impulse to go check the computer, and lo and behold, there were a lot of jobs that fit my criteria to apply to. Then I would apply and let it go and go on with the rest of my day. Then I started getting lots of interviews. Now, I didn't like to interview, it make me nervous. So the Universe sent me lots of interviews so I could practice. I didn't appreciate it at the time, because they made me nervous.

Then I changed my thinking about that, and I started having fun at interviews.? Who knew? I started interviewing them, I began believing I had a lot to offer these companies, but did they really fit my criteria.

It really switched my focus on how I was looking at job hunting. It became a fun game. But after each interview, I had to let it go. And that was hard at first, so I got lots to practice on, and I got good at it.

I got so good at it, that, when I went on an interview where I knew I could help these people, and it would be a good match, I actually called them back after I didn't hear from them. I had the thought one day to do that, and I didn't hestitate. I picked up the phone and called. And, lo and behold, if I hadn't called right at that moment, I'm not sure I would have got that job.

But I did, and I had fun with it for awhile, but it was the step on my path to the job that I really wanted, which I have now.

So it's all a learning curve. If you let it go, and pay attention to what shows up, what thoughts occur for things to do, usually they are little things, if you do them right then and there, that is the path to the path of what you are wanting.

So, it's not like, Ta Da! Here is what you want, all gift wrapped up. I have found it's more like a gentle inner prodding..now would be a good time for me to ____ and you do that, and then another one comes and you do that. I call it, following my nose.

Pay attention to your hunches. They will lead you to where you are wanting to go... Pay attention to what you really believe about the subject you are wanting LOA to bring to you.

If you really believe it wasn't meant to work this way for you, then that is your belief, and LOA will prove it to you by bringing more of that.

Just my 2 cents :)

Shivani Devi 29-06-2016 04:01 AM

Thanks for that reply. It makes sense.

How I notice the unconscious synchronicities is with hindsight...like I'll be talking about something the day before...it turns up next day and I was like 'wow, I was just talking about that very thing yesterday'...but try to do this consciously...I cannot.

I once believed it worked...I tried for years to make it work...it didn't, so what's one to think/believe after that?

It's one of those things that I want to believe, but in the lack of any experiential evidence, I am finding it very difficult to believe in it...and the best I can do is 'it works for some and not others'.

I tried that 'computer thing'...posting a blog...waiting for people to read and reply...for months...hoping somebody would...nobody did.

So, how do I get from the position of 'it has never worked for me in the past' to 'it may work for me in the future'? Thanks again.

Nameless 29-06-2016 04:26 AM

I did the same thing for years that you did too. I watched the Secret, and I tried that for about two years. And it never worked for me. So I gave up on it. And guess what showed up, about the minute I gave up on it? Esther Hicks, who channels Abraham, who actually was the Secret behind the Secret and was edited out. Well, the version I watched didn't have Esther or Abraham in it. It did, however, get to me thinking differently about a lot of subjects, and it got me practicing holding my dreams longer than a moment - I had a hard time focusing on one thing at a time - still do, but that helped a lot.

And so, for me, the Secret was the path to the path, and Abraham was on that path, and lot of other goodies.

My thought about it is this - it's not that you didn't learn anything from being on the same path for awhile, you just needed to maybe let that part of it go. For me, it took about 2 years! Because I didn't know I was supposed to actually let them go. Nobody told me that part.

And then you asked about time. I think time has a lot to do with it. There has to be enough time between the two events - a space in time, if you will. So, my thought is, you are in that space between times. Where you can let it go, and just do fun things and enjoy your life.

And then see what shows up on your doorstep.

My first thought, when my husband wanted me to listen to Abraham, because he liked the message, but wasn't sure about the delivery, was heck no! Not me. I'm not listening to all that woo woo stuff. (I really had an aversion to psychics, if that's the word). And he wore me down, little by little, by not telling me anything about it, but talking to my daughter about it. My daughter loved them! Turns out, she could channel her guides, but was too afraid to tell us.

I tell you, you never know what is coming at you, but sometimes you have to get out of your own way to listen.

So, how to get from "it has never worked for me in the past" or anything you want to fill in the blank with, is to realize that it is just a belief you keep thinking.

I have found what is helpful to me is making of list. Make a list of what you don't want about any subject that you are trying to manifest on. Really focus on what it is you don't like about that, what you have learned over the years that you just don't like. When I was needing a job, my guide kept telling me, what do you want? over and over, and I got to the point I was angry (I was automatic writing) and I ranted about how they never tell me what to do, and what good is it learning how to channel if they won't tell you helpful things?

Then about a day later it came to me. What she was telling me was, What did I want? And, you know what, I had never looked at what I wanted, I was focused on what I needed.

So I sat and made a list of things I didn't want in a job. i didn't want to work for people who were unkind - I had had enough of that to last a lifetime. I wanted to work close to home, because I was tired of spending 2 hours on the freeway each day. I focused on what I didn't want, and realized that is how I knew what I DID want. The opposite of what I didn't want.

But I couldn't figure out what I did want, until I realized what I didn't want.

So I make a list of things i did want. It wasn't a very long list, but it hit the high points. And that was my order that I placed.

So, in order to change a belief (which is just a thought you keep thinking - and keeping thinking it doesn't make it a truth, just a belief) try making a list of things you don't want about that subject.

Maybe instead of concentrating on why people don't seem to find your blog, focus on things you didn't like about some part of that whole process. Your golden nugget is there what you didn't want.

It is a different process for everyone. But I would make general statements and don't get too specific.

Maybe a nice rant will get you going - it certainly helped me when I vented to the sky people about my frustrations with the whole thing.

It's a place to start. And then don't read it, just let it go. And give it some TIME.

You might ask the Sky for help, and then get out of the way of it and go do something fun.

Get in the vibration of fun and laughter and do that for awhile. If you can stay in that vibration, and out of the asking mode, see what shows up.

Have fun with it. Life should be more fun!

Shivani Devi 29-06-2016 04:35 AM

Thank you so much. You have the right answer and I shall follow your advice. *hugs*

OMG, I did a nice rant to the sky people five days ago...what happened after that, I'm still dealing with it...

Let's put it this way, it was something I always wanted until I got it. lol

Nameless 29-06-2016 04:39 AM

You are most welcome. I think we all know about things we get that we think we wanted until we get them :)

I'm sure that there could be a blog post in there somewhere....LOL

Shivani Devi 29-06-2016 04:47 AM


It's like the genie going 'be careful what you wish for' while another genie goes 'oops...too late'. lol

Thanks again...I'm keeping a personal daily journal of this, which one day will get blogged.

Clover 29-06-2016 11:45 AM

Hi Necromancer,

Do you watch Abraham Hicks by any chance? She's pretty good, she doesn't get too gimmicky. I'd check her out on your tube, most her material is free to watch.

Google "Vision boards", they can be inspiring as well. I remember a few years ago I made a vision board and put oceans all around it ( among other things) Well, fast forward 3 years, I will be living pretty close to one. Sort of unexpected, but the Universe conspired in every shape and form to get me there, this includes making tough and uncomfortable decisions which I feel is very important and no one really mentions. The biggest art of LOA is the allowing or disallowing. Resistance being the keyword. Think about what is holding you back from getting what you want, than feel compelled to take inspired action.

That saying, I am pretty realistic and practical with my 'desires'. My goal is to aim for the best or highest possible vibration, and you can find that in many things ( I find it in running/dance) not just the physical and I think that is the core of "LOA".

Abraham Hicks does focus wheels, those are kind of neat.

Shivani Devi 29-06-2016 02:14 PM

Thanks Clover *hugs*. Yeah, Rhonda Byrne's stuff was a bit too basic for me and I'll definitely check that out. I meant if this really worked we'd all be millionaires by now. lol

Clover 29-06-2016 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by The Necromancer
Thanks Clover *hugs*. Yeah, Rhonda Byrne's stuff was a bit too basic for me and I'll definitely check that out. I meant if this really worked we'd all be millionaires by now. lol

Abraham hicks is the way to go.

Ah with all that knowledge you posses, you already are a millionaire :hug2:

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