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Orlando 26-05-2013 07:32 PM

Is there life after death?
This stress of not knowing is KILLING me. I can't live life happily not knowing, and I never will live life happily not knowing.

knightofalbion 26-05-2013 07:39 PM

Is there life after death?

YES! Life is a continuum.

Teal 26-05-2013 08:16 PM

I would have to agree with knight. I believe there is life after death.

psychoslice 26-05-2013 09:17 PM

Know how to live this life first, and all questions about an after life will disapear.

Tobi 26-05-2013 10:18 PM

I do not believe there is life after death.
I know there is life after death.
....scrub that
There is no death.

Orlando 26-05-2013 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by Tobi
I do not believe there is life after death.
I know there is life after death.
....scrub that
There is no death.

That's good to know.

spiritseeker123 27-05-2013 03:32 AM

In The End It's A Win/Win Either Way

This stress of not knowing is KILLING me. I can't live life happily not knowing, and I never will live life happily not knowing.

I know exactly how you feel. I am constantly wondering if my deceased mother is "alive" or conscious of anything and if so, what. And if she does still exist, what is she doing over there? Does she ever see me or know what I'm doing? But, I have had dreams that were so real where she appeared to me and talked to me and I believe these were visitations from here to console me in my intense grief. I was with her the moment she passed and the image is burned/seared in my mind's eye and gets replayed over and over again almost daily. It's a heavy burden to live with. Of course, I don't expect to ever have proof either way but I so sense in my gut that she is in a better place and that she is waiting for me to join her someday. But if you think about it: either way it's okay because, number one: if there is life after death then we are all going to be having one big everlasting "party" together (excluding the hell doctrine here.) And, secondly, if there is no conscious survival after death then we won't exist or know ANYTHING and NOTHING will matter, so, again, if you think about it, one thing's certain: the mental anguish of this life will be over someday, ie, at the moment of physical death. Thanks for reading this. Yours truly, Spiritseeker123. Take care. Peace/Joy/Blessings for you and yours.

Mystik 27-05-2013 04:22 AM


Originally Posted by Tobi
I do not believe there is life after death.
I know there is life after death.
....scrub that
There is no death.

This is pretty much how I feel. I have read too much and heard too many stories to not believe in something. It's really silly to think that when you die that's it. Although our physical bodies retire I seriously believe a part of us(our soul perhaps)continues on.

I used to be afraid of death. However, wanting to die and feeling like life has nothing to offer has made me reconsider. Also, I realized that pretty much any fear is ego based(some fears are necessary but not all).

psychoslice 27-05-2013 04:57 AM

When you truly realize your true SELF, you then realize that there is no soul, that there is only the Source, or Consciousness, the idea of a soul is something made up.

Juanita 27-05-2013 05:48 AM


Originally Posted by spiritseeker123
I know exactly how you feel. I am constantly wondering if my deceased mother is "alive" or conscious of anything and if so, what. And if she does still exist, what is she doing over there? Does she ever see me or know what I'm doing? But, I have had dreams that were so real where she appeared to me and talked to me and I believe these were visitations from here to console me in my intense grief. I was with her the moment she passed and the image is burned/seared in my mind's eye and gets replayed over and over again almost daily. It's a heavy burden to live with. Of course, I don't expect to ever have proof either way but I so sense in my gut that she is in a better place and that she is waiting for me to join her someday. But if you think about it: either way it's okay because, number one: if there is life after death then we are all going to be having one big everlasting "party" together (excluding the hell doctrine here.) And, secondly, if there is no conscious survival after death then we won't exist or know ANYTHING and NOTHING will matter, so, again, if you think about it, one thing's certain: the mental anguish of this life will be over someday, ie, at the moment of physical death. Thanks for reading this. Yours truly, Spiritseeker123. Take care. Peace/Joy/Blessings for you and yours.

Of course there is an afterlife...Those dreams with your Mother are called "dream visits" and are very real....She wanted you to know that she is alive and well on the Other side...She does not want you to dwell on her passing, which is why she "visited"..... She has probably sent you signs/ADCs which may have appeared as coincidence or synchronicities....

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