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FairyCrystal 24-05-2022 09:59 AM

Current Energies & Dynamics
I'm not entirely sure what's going on with people but it seems many are highly irritable, irate, taking things out on others, minding other people's business etc. etc.
Maybe it has to do with Mercury Rx and people reacting strongly to that? Maybe something else, I don't know.

To me it's odd as I'm doing great at the moment, I feel very inspired and am enthusiastically working on finishing things that have been waiting for that for years. Like 2 paintings, my 3rd novel etc.
So while I am clearly on a high note, others seem to be on a low reactive one.

From what I've noticed here and elsewhere it's mostly miscommunication -which would indicate Merc Rx- and if people had been clear there'd be no problem whatsoever.

I'm thinking it's a good time to count to 10 before reacting, and for the ones that don't feel irritable a good time to spread some positive vibes!
And bear in mind if it is indeed Merc Rx, or the solar flares that Celia Fenn spoke of, it'll pass.

Izz 24-05-2022 10:22 AM

There's been much of "standing your ground more than usual" vibration going on collectively around this Mercury Rx. Perhaps to do with the purging energy

FairyCrystal 24-05-2022 11:54 AM

Yes it seems so.
And just now I happened to come across a vid by Paige Apgar, great woman!, posting a vid on "eclipsed emotions".
Apparently some are struggling because of the Lunar Eclipse we had. She posted a vid on YouTube on how to work through this.
In case anyone is interested... Paige is always so great!


But I hadn't thought of the Lunar Eclipse. I know the influence of an eclipse lasts for months but still.

Anywho, glad you noticed it too!

Izz 24-05-2022 12:02 PM

Bookmarking that video!

Yeah it was like with the purging energy there was a point I was pulled to regress to an over analytical mode (my South Node being Virgo) but then I still get pushed it seems by the universe to accept the tipping balance - trusting my intuition and the flow of things (North Node in Pisces)

I think it's been overall holistically a necessary learning experience

FairyCrystal 24-05-2022 03:06 PM

Wow, now reading this from Celia Fenn, her energy report, and she mentions this tendency to lash out too!!

24th May 2022

With the Sun into Gemini and the Sun crackling with Sunspots and Solar Flares, the energy is very intense and a little strange.
Right now the Sun is offering the biggest Sunspot of the current cycle!
Archangel Michael says that, like most of our Galaxy, the Sun is the process of rebirthing and changing its Solar Geometries into a more "octahedron" frequency.
This means that our "Solar Temple" is realigning and restructuring as it enters into Gemini, which is directly opposite to Sagittarius and the Galactic Center. This is producing what I call "waves of weird" as Light Codes from the Sun also accelerate the crystalline restructuring on the Earth.
Last night, while not even directly opposite the Sun, I felt a wave of potent energy wash over the Planet, creating a humming sound and everything seemed to shimmer for a moment!
Waves of weird indeed!
I find it translates into physical symptoms that affect the lower chakras, especially the base and sacral! Wobbly leg syndrome and pain in the hip joints. Also dizziness and a feeling of being disoriented as we find our way in this new reality.
Timelines have shifted...and we are truly finding our way in a Reality that has quantum shifted.
Don't panic, stay calm and focus on staying grounded and focussed on your immediate environment and your soul mission.
Be kind and loving. People are scared and confused at the apparent lack and difficulty, as life becomes more confusing. They are stressed and lashing out sometimes.
It is our work to be the Light Beacons that guide them home.
Remain at Peace and in Harmony.
Your Inner Coherence will create a field of Coherence or an Energy Signature that will balance the Harmonic Field around You.
You are loved.
You are supported.
You are the Change that you came to see!

Source: Celia Fenn https://starchildglobal.com/

Izz 24-05-2022 07:55 PM

Thank you so much, this would be useful! Esp the reminder about grounded and soul mission

FairyCrystal 24-05-2022 09:09 PM

You're so welcome, Izz! And the grounding, yes. I too need to remind myself to check if it's still good when the energies are high or intense.

Izz 24-05-2022 10:15 PM

That's great for you!

This also explains why I had recently been brought to learn further about my North Node and more details on what my soul mission on this earth entails

jro5139 20-06-2022 11:13 PM

Hi FC! Long time, no see!
This all makes sense; there's intense energies right now. And I thought I had a handle on being an empath and not taking on everyone else's stuff but lately I feel like I just can't help it, it's so much. Or I just haven't figured out how to block that much intensity out yet.
And I'm agitated. But I feel there is good cause to be. So I don't live there and I don't feel low overall, just very angry at times.

FairyCrystal 21-06-2022 10:00 AM

Hi JRO!! Indeed been a long time! Nice to have you back :)

Best way to not take it on is to focus on the positive and love and hold that vibration as much as you can.
The Merc Rx has finished but we had the energies of today's Solstice building up and now we will soon get into the build-up of the Lion's Gate. Not quite yet, but we won't get much respite.
These days the high incoming energies are only getting higher as we can handle more, and also more frequent for the same reason.

From what I gathered it's a common thing for many Lightworkers to be tired, get a burn out even. Someone did a workshop on that particular subject not that long ago to support Lightworkers with that.

The thing is also at the moment, and that is entirely new, both the event and the news, that Mother Earth isn't holding all the dense energies anymore like she's done for thousands of years. She held this in her waters and so on, and now she's letting this go as she too is ascending and shifting into a higher vibration.
Her connection with the planet's Crown is restoring (Alcyone) and in order to do that she has to let go of our old dense stuff.

That means this is coming up and we feel that too, might even have a task in transmuting these energies, which will be enormous since it's from thousands of years.

So we're dealing with those old energies from us, held in the Earth, the high incoming energies, and our own shifts and changes which is our entire being. Meaning our energy & light bodies but also physical as our DNA and cells etc. are also changing and releasing things in order to allow more light in.
So it's plus, plus, plus.
In other words: a helluva lot!

Taking regular time-outs for yourself, esp. time in nature, and focusing on the positive, joy, and love as much as you can.

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