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knightofalbion 02-07-2012 09:15 AM

The Woman Who Cured Cancer
The story of the legendary Rene Caisse...


LPC 03-07-2012 07:03 PM

An important post, indeed! If only the whole world had heard of this amazing and brave woman! The subsequent "hush up" by the authorities of her work is also shocking.

I love my Twin Soul 03-07-2012 09:51 PM

It seems to happen all the time though when there is not Billions to be made out of it.

Dragonfly1 04-07-2012 01:26 AM

I read the article and it sounds amazing.....the power of nature, everything is connected.......its a shame that some humans put the face of greed before the good of the ALL.....how amazing that this woman took information from natives and used it to evolve the 'cure' for many others to heal......

knightofalbion 04-07-2012 08:16 AM

There are numerous natural remedies for cancer...

richag77 22-08-2012 02:39 PM

Yes, there numerous remedies for Cancer. The ones I know are Turmeric, Sodium Bicarbonate, an ancient herbal mix called "Black Salve". Green Tea (or any tea high in antioxidants) to mention a few.
The tragedy about these cures is that they are not likely to go mainstream because they aren't "Proven" cures. They won't be unless some unselfish billionaire pays for the very expensive 'Clinical Trials' to prove their effectiveness. Who will spend that sort of money when there is no financial return?
The medical establishment fight these cures often. Look at it this way, why would a Dermatologist promote a skin cancer healing herbal cream costing $25 and miss out on charging their patient $1000 to have the skin cancer surgically removed. Sad but true.... that's present human nature.

knightofalbion 09-10-2012 05:20 PM

Dr Gary Glum wrote a wonderful book telling the full story of Essiac and Rene Caisse. The book is now out of print and very much a collector's item.
However the book may be viewed online, in full and for free, at...

Xan 10-10-2012 01:06 AM

Knight... I don't want to scan the whole book but is the recipe for Essiac given in it, and if so where?


blackraven 10-10-2012 06:11 AM

All due respect. My mom survived breast cancer 3 years ago now the traditional route...thank God. Her friend had a bone marrow cancer and elected from the very beginning to go the complete natural route. He got sicker and sicker and died 6 months ago. My mom is angry that he didn't save himself with chemotherapy and radiation so he could be with his family. After he died his wife announced she had breast cancer and was going the natural route. Why are people so afraid of chemicals and radiation? It's why my mom is still here.


knightofalbion 10-10-2012 09:15 AM

My dear friend had breast cancer, she had the allopathic treatment. It made her feel very ill, made her hair fall out, but didn't stop the cancer. So then they gave her a double mastectomy and made such a pig's ear of it, she has been on maximum dose morphine every day ever since...She ferevently wishes she had known at the time about the alternative treatments.

It's a question of freedom of knowledge and freedom of choice. Allopathic medicine holds sway not because it is the best, but because it pays the best.
Medicine should be about people, not about profit.

Incidentally, there are numerous natural treatments for cancer, with proven track records.

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