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I guess I'm not special 23-09-2020 12:59 AM

I'm in over my head. If you dont think its physically hurting me to proceed you would be wrong. I am passing a point of no return by posting this.

Long story short.... a year ago "my worst freaking nightmare" came into my life. Obviously I was scared and questioned my sanity in the beginning.

Now, it's mostly annoying and boring but he won't leave and I can't stop messing with him. A usual day consists of a nonstop presence, anger, pain, and a sound that kinda resembles locusts? I return the favor with relentless frustration or at least it feels like it. I foolishly thought I'd get answers from him eventually but to his credit he doesn't answer questions. Hopefully I can find some here.

What's really going on? Why am I suffering everyday and can't do nothing about it? I know this has gotten out of control and forgive me for being honest but there's no way I'm walking away from this peacefully now. I appreciate suggestions like shielding or connection breaking but that's not what I'm looking for at this time unless it's my only option. He says he can't break the connection.

Is it possible for me to return the favor of headaches, induce crippling fear, or blast him with a "locust" like noise?

P.s. I withheld his "nickname" because I've invited him to share his version here because I'm a pain in the rear like that.

Elfin 23-09-2020 03:42 PM

Hi... I agree with asearcher, I'm a little confused... People will try and help , and give advice if they can. But I'm getting a sense that the message is aimed more directly at one other person.

Native spirit 23-09-2020 08:40 PM

Like the previous posts i to am confused can you Elaborate on what you mean so that we can help you.


I guess I'm not special 24-09-2020 02:00 AM

I apologize if I'm too hardcore. I promise I have tried to end this peaceful numerous times. I don't know how to be a victim and don't care to learn. There's got to be another way out of this other than insanity or death? I've seriously been tortured for a year now.

The jokers goes by "Satan" I have no clue if he's a member here. I asked for his version because I suffer extra while writing this because I am not sneaking this by him. I don't understand how this works. He always is saying 'it's not supposed to go this way."

I tried telling 2 friends in the beginning I was hearing someone and he can cause physical pain. Anywho their reactions made me think I had to suffer this alone. Fast forward one year and I did a little research the other day and ended up here. So I'm humbling myself and asking if someone can point me in the right direction, help, or mentor?

Elfin 24-09-2020 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by I guess I'm not special
I apologize if I'm too hardcore. I promise I have tried to end this peaceful numerous times. I don't know how to be a victim and don't care to learn. There's got to be another way out of this other than insanity or death? I've seriously been tortured for a year now.

The jokers goes by "Satan" I have no clue if he's a member here. I asked for his version because I suffer extra while writing this because I am not sneaking this by him. I don't understand how this works. He always is saying 'it's not supposed to go this way."

I tried telling 2 friends in the beginning I was hearing someone and he can cause physical pain. Anywho their reactions made me think I had to suffer this alone. Fast forward one year and I did a little research the other day and ended up here. So I'm humbling myself and asking if someone can point me in the right direction, help, or mentor?

Hi again...please don't apologize. We are just trying to understand in order to help if we can. Am I correct in thinking this is not a person in the physical sense, but a voice you are hearing , that is causing you torment?... If so , I would assume you are at breaking point , and desperately seeking help. It would appear to me that you really are trying to fight this , if the voice keeps saying "it's not supposed to go this way"... But I'll be honest, I have not had any experience of this myself, and therefore can maybe offer no practical help. I am hoping that other forum members , that have perhaps experienced this themselves, can help you more. All I can offer is someone to talk to if you feel the need. Elfin.

I guess I'm not special 24-09-2020 09:31 PM

How many times do I have to be asked indirectly if I'm schizophrenic before we can establish this is very real? I don't hear voices. I hear one person. Its never been peaceful and I still tried to take the high road countless times. I dont know why he thinks it ok to torture me everyday. The only thing I'm guilty of is having the balls to stand up for myself. Since I wrote my suicide note(his words for reaching out here) I've opened myself up to even more. I guess I should've elaborated on the pain I experience. He can vibrate my whole body to almost unbearable levels and I can't stop it. He can somehow "squeeze" my left foot. Now he says he's demon and living inside of me. I know this sounds ludicrous. The only positive thing achieved so far is the locust sound has become almost a whisper.

Hologram8 25-09-2020 12:23 AM

rebuke the demon in the name of Jesus Christ ---- it's worth a try if you really want to be rid of it

does not require going to church - does not require reading the bible
just say I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ

I guess I'm not special 25-09-2020 03:33 PM

I did several times and nothing happened :(

Hologram8 25-09-2020 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by I guess I'm not special
I did several times and nothing happened :(

someone else told me it didn't work for them -?

- it worked for me ?

I don't even have to say it out loud - I just have to think it telepathically
not sure what the problem is -- I resist evil in all areas of my life - not just when it's attacking me - maybe that has something to do with it
I try my best to refrain from being evil myself .

MysticRose 01-10-2020 01:57 PM

I get it. Some do seem to jump IMMEDIATELY to the fact THEY think you are nuts, which then makes your post and cry for help all about them, and it kind of defeats the purpose of being able to share your experiences which is what we need to do. BECAUSE none of us are doctors. So if you say it is real, I believe you because I have been there. The only thing I can recommend is to report this conduct to the monitors of this board. They will take care of it. I should have reported it sooner. So please do that.

As for your problem. Whether it is spirit or human. Meeting anger with anger solves nothing. It creates more negativity in your life, and you don't need that. You need to set about to create an environment for yourself that is of such high vibration that the darkness cannot live in it. It feeds off the negativity, and it will try to keep you stirred up so it can continue to feed. Turn the tables on it. Refuse to give it more power over your life, because that is what it wants. Seek out the positive. Then the negative will slowly go away. Blessings. Be Safe and know you are not alone.

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