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tealily 01-08-2015 06:34 AM

Tarot practice thread
Hi all,

As discussed here (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/sh...d.php?t=89087), here is the Tarot version of the 'make a prediction about the person above you' thread! :)

This thread is intended to facilitate tarot practice between members of this forum whether beginner or advanced. In the spirit of fair play, readings are performed as thus:

[tealily opens thread]
Reader A reads for tealily
Reader B reads for Reader A
Reader C reads for Reader B
Reader D reads for Reader C (...and so on).

How to play:

1) Do a tarot or oracle prediction for the person above you and post it in this thread. The choice of deck or spread is entirely up to you.

2) Now, a choice: Make it EASY by giving the next reader an area you'd like your reading to be about (career, love etc). If you want to write a specific question (even if generally worded), that'd probably be helpful for the next reader. Otherwise, make it HARDER by leaving it completely general :)

3) Post constructive feedback after you've received your followup reading

4) Please write "Last reading done by ___[last reader's username here]___" at the bottom of your post, even if just offering feedback (it can get hard to follow whose turn it is when there's in-thread feedback/discussion)


Some guidelines:

- Are you a beginner and freaking out? No worries! It's all about experience. Every time you have to look up what a card means, or spend two minutes thinking about what a card might mean in relation to another card, it makes you a more knowledgeable reader. We recommend the use of a three or one-card spread rather than something complicated (like the Celtic Cross spread, which is sooo not beginner-friendly)

- This is not a freebie reading thread; if you don't have cards or don't feel confident, use a site like http://serennu.com/tarot/pick.php?l=1c to generate an online spread and use biddytarot or similar to find card definitions.

To prevent misuse of this thread, I encourage members to ignore any 'hey I'm not good at this, but can someone do a reading for me? I really need one' posts. That's not fair play! The correct home for these posts is the Reading Requests forum.

Let's begin! :hug3:

I'm happy for a general reading - an appropriate question might be "what can you tell me about tealily?"

Pandora. 01-08-2015 07:43 AM

Oh, how exciting! Thanks Tealily for organising this.

I'm using the Rider Waite deck and I do reversals (and wouldn't you know it, they were all reversed!)

I chose 3 cards, in no particular spread, which were:

9 of Pentacles reversed, VII of Pentacles reversed and IV of Swords reversed.

From these cards I would say Tealily is:

9 of Pentacles reversed: an independent type of woman who works hard but would like to have more leisure time but can't afford to at the moment. She may be experiencing a loss or lack of funds.

VII of Pentacles reversed: she's feeling frustrated and impatient with some aspect of her life. She may have thrown the towel in with something, or be thinking about it, because she feels she has put a lot into it but isn't getting enough out of it.

IV of Swords reversed: she's taken some time out recovering and is now ready to get back in the swing of things.

My question is a general one regarding finances. Something like "what can you tell me about my finances?"

Edit: I'm not sure if I've done this correctly. I thought about it afterwards and I'm not sure if I put in enough information. Could someone point me in the right direction, if I haven't? Thanks.

tealily 01-08-2015 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by Pandora.
Oh, how exciting! Thanks Tealily for organising this.

I'm using the Rider Waite deck and I do reversals (and wouldn't you know it, they were all reversed!)

I chose 3 cards, in no particular spread, which were:

9 of Pentacles reversed, VII of Pentacles reversed and IV of Swords reversed.

From these cards I would say Tealily is:

9 of Pentacles reversed: an independent type of woman who works hard but would like to have more leisure time but can't afford to at the moment. She may be experiencing a loss or lack of funds.

VII of Pentacles reversed: she's feeling frustrated and impatient with some aspect of her life. She may have thrown the towel in with something, or be thinking about it, because she feels she has put a lot into it but isn't getting enough out of it.

IV of Swords reversed: she's taken some time out recovering and is now ready to get back in the swing of things.

My question is a general one regarding finances. Something like "what can you tell me about my finances?"

Edit: I'm not sure if I've done this correctly. I thought about it afterwards and I'm not sure if I put in enough information. Could someone point me in the right direction, if I haven't? Thanks.

Hi Pandora,

What a great reading! I really liked it - succinct but accurate.

You're right, I'm a hard worker and gritting my teeth at the hours my studies require (which also limits the amount of time I can work/money I can earn). I'm somewhat frustrated/impatient with life at the moment, particularly my love life which I've 85% completely given up on :D

Recently I've been focusing less on boys and more on myself, which has been great - and has resulted in several projects finally being worked on/completed after being on hold for months.

Reading for Pandora:

The following spread was done with RW, using reversals, and in a 1) Situation, 2) Need to Know, and 3) Advice layout.

My cards are telling me that at present, you're in a good position (10 of Pentacles). It feels established and prosperous.

However they also tell me that you're in the process of moving on (6 of Swords) and this may not be entirely willing or without an aspect of fear/uncertainty. I'm not sure whether this is a resignation or some kind of sell off (the latter jumped to mind first) but the vibe is all about a new start/being on your way to starting over.

For advice, my cards are suggesting you surrender to the changes (Death). It feels bigger than you are and it will be easier to let it happen rather than try to fight it/control it.

Am a bit concerned about accuracy here as these are big calls, so let me know if I'm way off! :/

Last reading done by: Tealily. Happy to go with another general read, otherwise suggested question is "what's the best thing about tealily's life right now?"

Pandora. 01-08-2015 09:46 AM

Thanks Tealily. That was awesome fun!

I've learnt that the 4 of Swords reversed doesn't necessarily mean just "recovering" or "coming back from holidays". It could also mean getting things finished after a time of them being on hold.

Thanks for the feedback. I'm learning heaps already.

Your reading for me was brilliant. 10 of Pentacles - I'm not in a great position financially (as in day to day) but my partner and I have a house that we rent out, which supplies income. (Asset rich, cash poor at the moment). So that was very accurate, we are in a good position for longterm financial security.

6 of Swords was very accurate too. We are having problems with our local council and have been told we have to move out of where we are, as it doesn't meet council approval. There is a great deal of uncertainty surrounding this situation at the moment and is very stressful and is not something we want to do. So that was spot on too.

Death is also spot on. We realise we have to surrender to the changes, even though it's a pain in the backside at the moment, once it's all sorted, it will be better in the long run.

Absolutely brilliant Tealily, thanks!

55Degrees 01-08-2015 06:44 PM

Reading for tealily
What is the best thing about tealily's life right now

Deck used -Legacy of the Divine

Cards drawn - Queen of Coins, 4 of Swords Rx (again), 4 of Cups

It would appear that the best thing about your life right now is realising just how resourceful you are, and that you are a woman capable of using her own power to produce results. You are able to reflect on any missed opportunities, knowing the time wasn't right and that new opportunities will come your way (you're an optimist :smile: ). Your patience will pay off for you and you are happy to wait for the right opportunity to present itself.
Summarising, the best thing about tealily's life, optimism, patience and resourcefulness.

Last reading by pisces_moon general reading is good, if preferred tho' where do I need to focus my energies for August?

Pandora. 02-08-2015 04:24 AM

I hope it's okay me doing this one as well. I didn't want to hog them all without leaving someone else a chance. Let me know if I'm being to enthusiastic, for want of a better word. This is so much fun and really gets my brain working!

Where does Pisces Moon need to focus her energies for August? (I'm presuming you're a she, lol).

Rider Waite, using reversals.

Cards drawn: 10 of Wands, 9 of Wands, Death (no reversals this time, from one extreme to the other!)

The first thing I thought with the 10 of Wands, is you've got too much going on. Perhaps you need to finish what you're working on, before starting something new, or you may be having problems getting something finished that is causing you stress. At the moment, it's like you're stumbling blindly trying to get things finished, when you would get them finished quicker if you reorganised and worked more efficiently. Maybe try taking a step back, or taking a breather and then reassess and refocus, so you make good use of your time and effort.

The 9 of Wands makes me think that you may need to pay closer attention to what you're doing. The person looks very stressed and are likely to repeat past mistakes. I think that ties in with the 10 of Wands too. Because you've got so much on your plate at the moment, you may be more likely to have something come back and bite you on the backside if you don't be careful (or you may drop that load on your foot, figuratively speaking).

Death sort of reiterates the other cards to me. Death is saying you need to make some pretty drastic changes. Perhaps you need to decide what you want to keep (or keep doing) and what you want to get rid of, that will lighten your load and lessen your stress. It may be advising you that you need to get rid of the old, before starting with the new, or cut out the dead wood, so to speak.

Last reading by Pandora. My question is a general question regarding my cat's health in the next few weeks. I don't really know how to word it, so it's not a "yes" or "no" question. So maybe something like, "what can you tell me about my cat's health situation?"

55Degrees 02-08-2015 07:55 AM

Feedback for Pandora

Well you have pretty much nailed it. I am working a job with early morning shifts, and looking after my grandson of an evening while my daughter works. In between which I am juggling with taking my mother to her hospital appointments (and everywhere else she decides she wants to go) and trying to keep on top of my studies. To say I am burning the candle at both ends is an understatement. I feel constantly stressed and never feel rested. (I'm not very good at saying 'no' to my family's requests for help). So your interpretation of 10 and 9 of Wands is absolutely spot on.
I know I need to re-assess and look at what I can change, Death card, my job is only seasonal (summertime here in the UK) and I only have guarenteed work until the start of September, after which the company could decide to let me go or keep me on. It could be the Death card is showing that change (not being kept on at work), as it is a change (an inevitable one that I have no control over) but I do need to re-prioritise until then.


Originally Posted by Pandora.
I hope it's okay me doing this one as well. I didn't want to hog them all without leaving someone else a chance. Let me know if I'm being to enthusiastic, for want of a better word. This is so much fun and really gets my brain working!

Where does Pisces Moon need to focus her energies for August? (I'm presuming you're a she, lol).

Rider Waite, using reversals.

Cards drawn: 10 of Wands, 9 of Wands, Death (no reversals this time, from one extreme to the other!)

The first thing I thought with the 10 of Wands, is you've got too much going on. Perhaps you need to finish what you're working on, before starting something new, or you may be having problems getting something finished that is causing you stress. At the moment, it's like you're stumbling blindly trying to get things finished, when you would get them finished quicker if you reorganised and worked more efficiently. Maybe try taking a step back, or taking a breather and then reassess and refocus, so you make good use of your time and effort.

The 9 of Wands makes me think that you may need to pay closer attention to what you're doing. The person looks very stressed and are likely to repeat past mistakes. I think that ties in with the 10 of Wands too. Because you've got so much on your plate at the moment, you may be more likely to have something come back and bite you on the backside if you don't be careful (or you may drop that load on your foot, figuratively speaking).

Death sort of reiterates the other cards to me. Death is saying you need to make some pretty drastic changes. Perhaps you need to decide what you want to keep (or keep doing) and what you want to get rid of, that will lighten your load and lessen your stress. It may be advising you that you need to get rid of the old, before starting with the new, or cut out the dead wood, so to speak.

Last reading by Pandora. My question is a general question regarding my cat's health in the next few weeks. I don't really know how to word it, so it's not a "yes" or "no" question. So maybe something like, "what can you tell me about my cat's health situation?"

Thank you. Very accurate,

Pandora. 02-08-2015 08:32 AM

Thanks for the feedback Pisces Moon. You've certainly got a lot on your plate! From what you've just said, I'm thinking the 9 of Wands is perhaps a warning not to keep going the way you are, because the stress may affect your health, (looking at that bandage on his head). If you have suffered from any stress related health issues in the past, the message may be to be careful that they don't resurface, seeing as the man in the 9 of Wands has already been hurt in a past battle.

I hope everything calms down for you and you get some rest time. Do something nice for yourself.

On another note, my partner and I are from the UK. Well, I wasn't born there, I lived there for a number of years, but my partner was born there. We go back for 6 months or so each year or other year to visit relatives. My partner is nagging to go back now (we got back from our last trip last September) but alas, we just can't afford it at the moment, with various dramas happening here! We're normally in the UK in summer, and this is the first winter we've been in Australia for a couple of years. Let me tell you, we're feeling it.

Thanks again and all the best.

tealily 02-08-2015 08:41 AM

Feedback for Pisces_Moon


Originally Posted by Pisces_Moon
Reading for tealily
What is the best thing about tealily's life right now

Deck used -Legacy of the Divine

Cards drawn - Queen of Coins, 4 of Swords Rx (again), 4 of Cups

It would appear that the best thing about your life right now is realising just how resourceful you are, and that you are a woman capable of using her own power to produce results. You are able to reflect on any missed opportunities, knowing the time wasn't right and that new opportunities will come your way (you're an optimist :smile: ). Your patience will pay off for you and you are happy to wait for the right opportunity to present itself.
Summarising, the best thing about tealily's life, optimism, patience and resourcefulness.

Thanks for this reading! I definitely think I'm trying to be patient and resourceful - not sure my inner optimist is still alive (although it's activity level is usually raging, so perhaps it's just 'normal' now :D) but nice to hear all the same.

I like your style of read - it's positive, and feels really smooth and polished!

Reading for Pandora
Ooh, a health-related question. I don't have much experience with these so glad for the practice!

This is a bit weird, but if your cat was a person I would be saying it's kind of like they just went through a breakup/in the process of going through one... ?! I've got two cards for anxiety here (Judgement, 9 of Wands) with advice to be a bit more open about accepting help/healing (2 of Cups rev).

In context of your cat, I'm wondering if there are territorial disputes with other cats or something?

Apologies for the brief read, I'm a total novice at health-related tarot so at ground zero right now :(

Last reading by: tealily. Happy for a general reading, or "What hope can you offer me regarding happiness in my future?"

PS: I'm actually quite enjoying these suggested tarot questions - getting all sorts of ideas for tarot question wording here :)

Pandora. 02-08-2015 09:47 AM

Oh, sorry Tealily. I didn't know how to word it. I should have given you more information. It's terribly unfair expecting you to know what's wrong with my cat! I should have said that my cat has recently been diagnosed with diabetes and needs to be injected twice a day with insulin and ask if his diabetes will be successfully brought under control. (He's having to go into the hospital every 2 weeks and have blood tests all day to try and determine the right amount of insulin to give him).

With regard to territorial disputes with other cats. That was interesting. We have 3 cats - his brother is a pain in the backside, he's deaf as a post and howls and makes a racket 24/7 (he can't hear himself, so he doesn't care!). He stresses the whole household out, especially at 4 in the morning when you're trying to sleep.

The other cat is very old, we didn't think she'd survive another winter, and is the matriarch. She's a crotchety, bad tempered old thing, who hisses and gives the young ones a paw across the face if they get too close.

The cat recently diagnoses with diabetes is the most timid, scaredy cat you've ever known. I did wonder if his "stress head" outlook in life may have contributed to his diabetes. He is seriously scared of his own shadow.

I'm not sure about the break up aspect, but the 9 of Wands looks just like him!

Thanks again Tealily.

Pandora. 02-08-2015 11:39 AM

Reading for Tealily

Gosh, this is a tricky one.

"What hope can you offer Tealily regarding her happiness in the future?"

Rider Waite (as usual) 10 of Cups, Page of Wands reversed and 8 of Pentacles reversed.

I had to really think about this one.

Okay. In the 10 of Cups, it looks like there's definitely hope for a fulfilling relationship in the future (I guess that's pretty obvious from the card!). To me it shows that after a drought, you'll finally get some well awaited rain and the rainbow, and all the happiness that a loving, committed relationship brings. Lucky you, what a great card!

Page of Wands reversed may show that you're feeling very stuck at the moment - frustrated and bored with a lack of spontaneity and adventure in your life. Being reversed, it may be trying to tell you that things won't always be this way. You will move forward and live the life that you want, that is more inspiring and more exciting. The Page of Wands reversed is in a barren environment, he's not happy where he is and would desperately like an opportunity to change it. Perhaps there's an indication of the hope of physically moving to a better environment in the future, somewhere that's more inspiring and suits you better. (Maybe the house in the 10 of Cups, lol).

The 8 of Pentacles reversed may be saying that your work situation won't always be as boring, mundane and repetitive as it is at the moment. In the future you will find work that you will enjoy, you won't be doing the same thing day in day out. Being the apprentice card, maybe there's an indication that it will all be worth the hassle you're experiencing at the moment, if you stick with it and try to see the bigger picture of what you can achieve.

Do you do any sort of craft work, or wish you could? The 8 of Pentacles is very skilled at what he's doing, it's his passion. I wonder if in the future you'll finally have the opportunity to do something you've always been really passionate about, but just haven't been able to put the time and energy into it yet.

Either way, I think things will look up in all areas of your life.

Edit, sorry I forgot: Last reading by Pandora. A question for me would be something along the lines of "Can you tell me what travel plans may be on the horizon in the near future?" Or something like that. I'm hopeless trying to think of questions!

ReSurrection 02-08-2015 02:06 PM

ili grad this Q for you Pandora let me write it up

ReSurrection 02-08-2015 02:21 PM

I meant let me read that one for you sorry tako error.

Okay you asked about traveling

i think first with the Steven of swords that this travelling ideja Furst came about out of some desire to escape if you will,to greener pastures. However whatever happened caused some type od discord because the five od cups followed,so could it ne you planned something and it Dirnt quite work out. It could be that for some reason this traveling could not bave been done in a normal Fashion but it had to ne planned with stealth, Seven od swords because for some reason maybe people dont approve of you going to these plačeš etc so there is a feeling of acting alone. Maybe recently you felt like you were dissapointed with a travel plan gone bad but it looks like you wont give up cause the knight of swords follows so you will charge somewhere else but it will Kind od reach a temporary dead end with the five od pentacles could quite ne that u will ask Simeone for help but they will ask od you to fullfill an obligation or do something im order to travel that you Wont feel like doing, with the four of pentacles u will stick to your guns And as a result experience the five of pents. You role here is the king od Wanda so you are full od energy Ane the people to whom your travelling to are highly expecting you with the three od wands but i feel with the eight od cups for the time Bring no travelling although it looks promising im the future.

Please dont take my read seriously i am just a newbie

ReSurrection 02-08-2015 02:27 PM

Sorry for the typos btw im writting from my tablet.:tongue:

My question is what will L generally think about me And feel for me?

tealily 02-08-2015 03:25 PM

Feedback for Pandora

Thanks so much for your reading! Very reassuring and has made a difference to my evening.

The 10 of cups is interesting - at this time I don't hold much hope for my love life but you're not the first to pull that card (it's one a professional reader has pulled for me as well in context of future relationships). So as far as hope goes, I'm unable to say 'bang on' but thought you'd like to know that it's consistent with other readers :)

Page of Wands rev sounds spot on - I can be resentful at times of how un-fun my studies are and the lifestyle the goes with it, but I have faith that it'll get easier after graduation... as well as a whole lot more inspiring and rewarding!

I sort of do craft (if you count certain activities as "my craft") and have had to put this on hold for my studies, and I'm looking forward to picking it up again afterwards when I have more time and energy. Good pick! :)

Last reading by: ReSsurection.

Pandora. 02-08-2015 09:52 PM

Feedback for Ressurection

Thanks Ressurection. Yes, we would like to move to greener pastures! We were planning to go on a camping trip round Australia for a couple of months this year, but with various problems, including lack of funds, we have been unable to put it into action.

Not sure if the King of Wands is me, or my partner, but it certainly looks like there won't be any travelling in the immediate future.

Thanks again.

Last reading by Ressurection

Pandora. 02-08-2015 11:38 PM

Reading for Resurrection

Rider Waite with reversals

What will L generally think about Ressurection?

2 of Pentacles, Queen of Wands reversed, Knight of Cups reversed (oh-oh - court cards!)

The 2 of Pentacles to me looks like a fair amount of ups and downs and instability, trying to keep everything together. But it also shows someone who is very skilful, very adaptable, they are able to think on their feet and accomplish a great deal.

The Queen of Wands is someone who is confident, assertive, independent and capable. She has a lot on the go - doesn't like to sit still, likes to be doing things, preferably interesting and challenging things that keeps her from getting bored. She's someone who is attractive, lively and vibrant. So being reversed, she still may have these qualities, but maybe can be prone to being too fiery, too explosive at times. She can be someone who is a bit opinionated, they like to think they're in charge and like things to go their way and can sometimes be too sharp in their manner, because they think they're right and won't concede the other person's views. They can also be a bit of the critical side. This is not intentional on their part, it's just the way they come across to others.

The Knight of Cups is a very loving, caring individual, who is sympathetic to others and quick to lend a helping hand, or support if need be. However, reversed, the Knight of Cups can be too emotional, they let their emotions get out of control and run their lives, making them prone to moodiness and sometimes being temperamental, especially if they don't get their own way.

So putting it all together, I think the 2 of Pentacles supports the other two cards - L will think you are capable, adaptable and interesting, caring and adventurous, but may feel that sometimes you become too emotional, moody and temperamental, especially if things aren't going your way.

Last reading for Ressurection. My question, "What can you tell me about Pandora's personality?"

Justme1981 03-08-2015 03:20 AM

Reading for Pandora

A word of caution is that I am completely new to this, just having received my Rider Waite tarot cards from Amazon this week. So, take it with a grain of salt. (Although I can do readings with spiritual texts, I've never tried a tarot)

Tarot deck: Rider Waite.
Spread: Past, Present, Future (three cards)

Cards I pulled (with reversals): Ace of Pentacles (upright), The Tower (reversed), Eight of wands (upright)

My interpretation: Overall, you are concerned with wealth and well-being.

In the past or recent past you have benefited from a new start in a financial direction. It could have been an idea for prosperity or it could have been you received some sort of prosperity. Either way, you were hopeful.

However, the present finds you a little wary, a little concerned with what has resulted from your past benefits; you may find yourself overly cautious or even afraid of what the future change has to bring. You may even blame the past benefits for how you are feeling.

In the near future your concern will be resolved by embracing that change in new events that concern you. Maybe embracing is too much, at least recognizing it and addressing it. What I believe the cards show is once this is done and you move into action you will have period of activity and growth, possibly abundance.

Last Reading for Justme1981

My concern: what does the future hold for me spiritually

Pandora. 03-08-2015 04:46 AM

Feedback for Justme1981:

Thanks for the reading Justme1981.

I don't get the Ace of Pentacles, I'm afraid. If anything, it should be reversed! I'm struggling financially due to a number of factors, and if anything, we've actually lost a steady source of income recently. So unfortunately I can't see that I've benefited from a new start financially or in any financial direction.

The Tower relates to damage control and delaying the necessary destruction of something (quite literally), which is going to come about very quickly, so that is described quite accurately.

So those two cards accurately describe my present circumstances, though not sure they describe my personality, and I can't for the life of me place the Ace of Pentacles.

Thanks again, a good effort. Don't worry about being a newbie, I'm in the same boat. Everyone has to start somewhere!

Last reading for Justme1981

Serenifly 03-08-2015 05:34 AM

I really enjoyed my reading it was spot on for what is going on in my life at the current time! thank you Pandora! :)

Pandora. 03-08-2015 05:54 AM

I'm very confused Serenifly! I haven't done a reading for you ... :confused1:

Justme1981 03-08-2015 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by Pandora.
I'm very confused Serenifly! I haven't done a reading for you ... :confused1:

She is looking into the future and can see you have done an excellent reading of her future.:D

tealily 03-08-2015 06:15 AM

hello new players! Great to see more beginners giving it a go (and doing really well by the looks of things!)

Last reading by: Justme1981

Asrai 03-08-2015 01:34 PM

For Justme1981 -

"My concern: what does the future hold for me spiritually"

I used the Messages from your Animal Spirit Guides deck.

Honeybee - Let compassion and forgiveness be your top priority

Gorilla - Take time to listen compassionately to those you love, especially family members.

Octopus - Practice shapeshifting by altering you physical appearance and mannerisms

Last reading by Asrai

Maybe a general reading for me would be nice. (smile)

rainbow.sprinkles 03-08-2015 11:15 PM

alright, I'll take a shot at this :)

Reading for Asrai

general reading; using The Faeries' Oracle deck

Iris of the Rainbows: light is breaking through your present darkness; having hope with speed up this process. the storm may not be entirely over, but there is some brightness and beauty present. you have something to gain from this passage through the storm. have patience.

The Green Woman: be yourself. it's a good time to enhance your abilities. you are maturing and gaining self confidence. trust yourself and this process of growth. there is reward ahead. once again, have patience.

Sylvanius: you are discovering new truths about yourself, which are essential for creating relationships based on mutual affection, respect, and trust. you may be seeing yourself in surprising ways. you have the potential to accomplish a lot right now and into the future. you haven't been giving yourself enough credit for all you have to give and to enjoy.

last reading by rainbow.sprinkles

how can I feel more solid and committed?

ReSurrection 04-08-2015 12:07 AM

reading for rainbow

You can feel more solid and commited by loving something you want to be commited to more.commitment comes from love ,so if you make love grow inside u towards the things you want to be commited to, your devotion will increase. You should never feel like you have to be commited because you have to or because you feel its an oblligation,but because you want to.as for stability,increase spending time with your family because they will give you a better foundation,if you have peace ih the home you will feel stsble,also practise having calm or being calm on midst od troubles.

Sorry for the Extreme shortness im writting from a tablet

My Q: what will my fiances male friends truly feel for me?

Justme1981 04-08-2015 12:31 AM


Originally Posted by ReSsurection
reading for rainbow

You can feel more solid and commited by loving something you want to be commited to more.commitment comes from love ,so if you make love grow inside u towards the things you want to be commited to, your devotion will increase. You should never feel like you have to be commited because you have to or because you feel its an oblligation,but because you want to.as for stability,increase spending time with your family because they will give you a better foundation,if you have peace ih the home you will feel stsble,also practise having calm or being calm on midst od troubles.

Sorry for the Extreme shortness im writting from a tablet

My Q: what will my fiances male friends truly feel for me?

Reading for Ressurection

(sorry Pandora I did not see your question so from now on I'm starting with the question)

My Q: what will my fiances male friends truly feel for me?
How I interpret the question: how do my fiance's male friends feel about me.

Three Card Spread: how his friends view my past, my present and our future together

Cards pulled in their order with reversals: The Moon (upright), Seven of Swords (upright), Three of wands (upright)

My interpretation:
Your fiance's friends will view you coming from a somewhat mystical past. If they relate to this mystical side, they will find you very evolved spiritually but if they are not receptive they will just find it mysterious.

When they meet you they may feel you are not completely honest, they may not even completely trust you for their friend. My reading of the cards suggest the best approach is to be authentic and not try to, "fit in," or they will see this as something reinforcing their impressions of you, which may be largely unfounded.

Finally, they will view you as ready for the challenges of a long-term relationship and ready to be committed to this person. They won't see you as a fly by night or shaken by the wind kind of person but instead someone who is ready to take on the challenge of marriage with commitment.

Overall, I think the key is to be completely authentic about your past and your beliefs when they meet you; within limits of course of candor and tact, the hurdle to overcome will be an initial interpretation of mistrust but by being authentic they will see either a very evolved spiritual person or a very esoteric person both they can admire.

Last Reading JustMe1981

Q: What lies in my future of spirituality, what are my spiritual challenges and will I overcome them.

Now if you are reading me, please, please, please put the effort in. I put a lot of effort into my responses even though I am probably wrong. So, please put the effort in.

Justme1981 04-08-2015 12:36 AM


Originally Posted by Asrai
For Justme1981 -

"My concern: what does the future hold for me spiritually"

I used the Messages from your Animal Spirit Guides deck.

Honeybee - Let compassion and forgiveness be your top priority

Gorilla - Take time to listen compassionately to those you love, especially family members.

Octopus - Practice shapeshifting by altering you physical appearance and mannerisms

Last reading by Asrai

Maybe a general reading for me would be nice. (smile)

Hi Asrai, I'm not familiar with the deck you are using; I'm just starting to become familiar with Rider Waite Deck. However, the way I use these cards is to form a narrative based on the cards. I try to string them together to form a theme. I messed up with Pandora (I didn't see the question and I got the pentacle wrong) however, even my mess up began the theme of what I felt most concerned him or her (I am still wrong). Don't be afraid to put yourself out there; I come to this site looking to help and looking for help. Overall, what I learned from Pandora's correction is that I need to verbalize what each card means to me, their position to me, and how they individually speak to me. So, from now on, I will see the Pentacle as, "a concern with wealth card," and nothing more.

I hope this helps.

Last Reading JustM1981

tealily 04-08-2015 01:45 AM

Hi guys, just a friendly reminder to provide feedback after you've received a reading - without this, readers can't check for accuracy :)


tealily 04-08-2015 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by Justme1981
Q: What lies in my future of spirituality, what are my spiritual challenges and will I overcome them.

This is kind of three questions, so I've asked "What lies ahead in Justme1981's future of spirituality?"

I'm using the RW deck and a four-card spread which *might* answer all three questions in one: 1) Situation, 2) Challenge, 3) Advice and 4) Likely Outcome :) I'm also going to pull out a few other things like a fallout card and quint card, just for kicks.


Fallout card - 8 of Wands. Things moving pretty quickly for you at the moment? Bit of an intuitive awakening?

Okie dokie. The general vibe here is a of a person (and I'm going to take a pot shot without looking at your profile and assume you're female, because I've got a Queen of Swords rev and The Empress rev) who's... shall we say, a wee bit stuck. You may be looking at things from a black-and-white perspective right now and quite frustrated with how things have turned out. Can you be a bit emotionally reactive/cold when things aren't going well? Learning how to take a step back, chill and re-ground yourself may be part of your current spiritual lesson.

The challenge here is learning how to deal when things aren't going to plan, and in particular, when things aren't moving forward. You have two options: Accept conditions aren't ripe for progress and make the most of it, or burn a whole tonne of energy trying to shift things that are bigger than you (ie reactivity; sounds pathetic but is a very human reaction to want to control our environment so no judgement here).

The advice from the cards is to bunker through the storm (4 of Pent). Learn to be more aware of what you DO have; hang on to what you have, invest wisely, and patiently await better circumstances. In time, your open-mindedness and adaptability will improve (The Hierophant rev) and you may start to see the gains you seek. But it will come by taking a time out and thinking about how to go AROUND the proverbial brick wall, not powering through :D

QUINT CARD: 4 - The Emperor. This card speaks of hard work but I'm also getting the vibe of setting up strong foundations here and 'doing it right'. Progress indicated by this dude is usually - and frustratingly - slow, but solid. Take your time, do your research, get things right. You can do this :)

Last reading by: tealily

I'd like to offer a time-based prediction question: "Is it likely that we'll find out what happened to flight MH370 by Sunday 9th August, midnight Greenwich Meridian Time?"

This question could be approached a straight yes-or-no, although with the right sort of spread you might be able to glean contextual information that gives more information as to the reason behind a yes or no.

Pandora. 04-08-2015 07:48 AM

This is a very interesting question.

"Is it likely that we'll find out what happened to flight MH370 by Sunday 9th August, midnight Greenwich Meridian time?"

Rider Waite, 3 cards, with reversals (yes, I know, boring and predictable).

The Moon reversed, Queen of Pentacles, Page of Cups reversed.

I will go with no, we won't find out what happened to flight MH370 by Sunday 9 August.

The Moon reversed to me is things not being as they appear, being deluded. Perhaps they initially thought they would have the answer from what was found on Reunion Island, but things aren't as expected. There's a lot of negative emotion with this card (to me, anyway).

The Queen of Pentacles looks like she's examining something, maybe the found plane part, to see if it is indeed from MH370.

The Page of Cups reversed could be someone who lets their imagination run away with them, they jump to conclusions without looking at the facts, they're too emotionally invested.

I think they will desperately want to have the answer, and have their hopes up, but nothing will be forthcoming by then.

Last reading by: Pandora Oops, I forgot to put in a question (again). Sorry. I have no idea what to ask ... how about something like "Will Pandora get more work coming in the next month?"

55Degrees 04-08-2015 08:40 AM

Reading for tealily


Originally Posted by tealily

I'd like to offer a time-based prediction question: "Is it likely that we'll find out what happened to flight MH370 by Sunday 9th August, midnight Greenwich Meridian Time?"

This question could be approached a straight yes-or-no, although with the right sort of spread you might be able to glean contextual information that gives more information as to the reason behind a yes or no.

I used Illuminati Tarot and a 5 card spread. Cards drawn The Moon, Judgement, Princess of Swords, King of Cups, The Emperor.

The short answer would be 'no.
There is still much the investigators don't know yet, and they do not have enough information/evidence to be able to get to the truth. Whoever the blame lies with is the main issue and the investigation is unable to clarify where that responsibility lies. There has been no claims by any terrorist groups accepting this responsibility and so the investigation is waiting for a breakthrough to find clear answers.

A new theory may be put forward that may at first appear a bit contraversial but has been considered valid and it may mean that it has to be handled sensitively and with diplomacy.

It seems that the investigation is being handled by a strong leader, someone who knows this job well, with plenty of experience and will lead the team to a result although he knows it that there will be many set backs until the breakthrough comes, and he is determined to find that breakthough

ETA must have posted at the same time as Pandora, so to avoid confusion, I won't ask a question as I cannot think of one


tealily 04-08-2015 09:00 AM

Feedback for Pandora and Pisces_Moon:

Cheers for the efforts guys! Guess we'll get real-time feedback on this one come Sunday/Monday :)

"Will Pandora get more work coming in the next month?"

RW tarot, four-card spread using reversals.

It's a yes, yes, and a double yes! In fact, have you received a new work opportunity like, today? Or any emails pertaining to one? (Ace of Swords) It feels like it has the potential to become something long-lasting (Ace of Pentacles); potentially something that may enable you to network with other people and expand somehow, perhaps diversification? (latter half of sentence is intuition rather than strict Tarot definition)

For advice, the energy is one of open-mindedness, creativity and joy (Page of Cups).

For some reason, 5 of Swords is coming up in the predicted outcome spread. This isn't to dash the pretty story above by any means, simply a foretold is forwarned type card so you are best equipped for the future. If there ARE more players coming into your worklife soon (work partners, clients, co-workers, whatever), be aware that there may be differing opinions on how the budding potential should be spread - and potentially a bit of alpha-male-esque infighting. My best advice is to be diplomatic but also research ahead of time and not to expect that everyone will want to play fair and let everyone have 'a fair go'/equal creative share; if you know where everyone's coming from and where they are likely to get grumpy, you can start working on your mediation tactics and potential solutions well in advance. Good luck! :)

Last reading by: tealily Happy for general reading or "Where should I focus my energies for August?" (taking a leaf out of Pisces_Moon's book :) )

55Degrees 04-08-2015 09:45 AM

Reading for tealily "Where should I focus my energies for August?"

I asked what you should embrace and what you need to release
Oracle of Shadows and Light
Embrace - Angel of Time
It looks like you need to set some time for yourself, you have been preoccupied with other things recently and August is time to slow down and catch your breath. Sit back a bit and let others take the reins for a while.

Release - Mildew Fairy August is the time to start ridding yourself of all those things gs that no longer serve you. Be it people, habits, attitudes, the things that are in your life that have no purpose, value or potentially toxic.

Overall August is a month to start focusing on re-energising your internal world.

next reading for pisces_moon. How can I best support K with her issue?

tealily 04-08-2015 09:58 AM

Feedback for Pisces_Moon

Sounds good, thank you :)

Reading for Pisces_Moon:


Originally Posted by Pisces_Moon
How can I best support K with her issue?

Another proverbial stab in the dark - let me know if I'm way off.

I get the vibe something big has happened recently - not sure what it is but it feels tremendously unfair and that it may have left K with her head hanging. Two 9's in this spread - did something come to an end?

Though she may be 'going through the motions', I also get the impression that she may be working overtime or trying to stay busy in an attempt to avoid feeling emotions. Here is where you may be able to help: K is back in the real world (great!) but superbly unbalanced (not great). She might be neglecting her health, her friends, her hobbies... or doing all of these but so walled up that no-one can get close to her emotionally. Adjustment seems to be what she needs - adjustments plus coming to terms with any recent injustice.

Cards: Hermit reversed, Justice reversed, 9 of Pentacles reversed.

Last reading by: tealily. As a follow-on from my last question, I've been doing an EPIC de-clutter of my house recently. Sometimes I'm so wound up to do it that I'll jump out of bed at 2am to put things into bags - "Am I right in thinking that clearing my physical space is a top priority right now?"

Pandora. 04-08-2015 10:11 AM

Feedback for Tealily:

Well, that was freaky!

When I read your reading, I thought ... no, no, I haven't received any new work. In fact everything is very lean at the moment, a bit of a drought, you might say, depressingly so.

Then I saw you drew the Ace of Swords, and read what you said about that. As I work in the legal field, (the Ace of Swords usually comes up as something legal for me) I thought, what the heck, I'll just check my email ... well, stone the crows, I got some new work in from a client I haven't done any work for in about 3 months!!! :icon_eek: I tell you, I could certainly do with that big pentacle at the moment!

I can't comment on the 5 of Swords as yet, but will keep you posted if something comes up that gels. At least I'll be forewarned. Thanks Tealily! :hug3:

Last reading by Tealily

tealily 04-08-2015 10:16 AM

YES!! I love it when my farfetched calls come true. Had a strong feeling it was an email - glad you checked and that there's a work offer on the table!

The alternate reading for the 5 of swords, now that I know you're in the law industry, is that you may return to active lawyer-ing, if that's something you're qualified for. It usually indicates verbal conflict with others to the point of making your opponent back off, but heck, that kind of sounds like defending a client in a court of law to me! :)

Last reading by tealily

Pandora. 04-08-2015 10:38 AM

That was a pretty awesome reading - I have to say. I'm still somewhat gobsmacked. Well done.

No, I'm not a qualified lawyer, lawyers and barristers are my clients, so no doubt there's a connection there somewhere. Guess I'll just have to wait and see! :dontknow:

Last reading by Tealily

Pandora. 04-08-2015 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by Pandora.
Feedback for Justme1981:

Thanks for the reading Justme1981.

I don't get the Ace of Pentacles, I'm afraid. If anything, it should be reversed! I'm struggling financially due to a number of factors, and if anything, we've actually lost a steady source of income recently. So unfortunately I can't see that I've benefited from a new start financially or in any financial direction.

The Tower relates to damage control and delaying the necessary destruction of something (quite literally), which is going to come about very quickly, so that is described quite accurately.

So those two cards accurately describe my present circumstances, though not sure they describe my personality, and I can't for the life of me place the Ace of Pentacles.

Thanks again, a good effort. Don't worry about being a newbie, I'm in the same boat. Everyone has to start somewhere!

Last reading for Justme1981

I tried to double quote, to include your original reading, but couldn't manage it.

I thought you may be interested to know that Tealily did a reading for me this evening, where the Ace of Pentacles came up. It came after the Ace of Swords and (much to my surprise) indicated a new lot of work that has just come in, literally in the last hour.

So maybe your Ace of Pentacles is more relevant that given credit for. I wonder if it may have indicated that some money would be coming in, that would take the edge of the stress of the Tower and the 8 of Wands.

Last reading by Tealily (I always forget to put this in!)

tealily 04-08-2015 10:58 AM

Hey Pandora - to quote as many times as you want within the one post, all you need to do is hit the "wrap" icon (it looks like a speech bubble with text in it - it lives at the top of the quick reply box with the other icons = bold, italics, underline, text colour, web link, insert image, wrap text) :) You'll need to copy and paste the text you want to quote though.

Otherwise you can manually write [ QUOTE ] [ /QUOTE ] around the text you want to quote, without the spaces of course :)

last reading by tealily

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