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aubreyamanda 08-03-2014 11:26 PM

Will someone explain the significance of the symbol of a triangle or pyramid?
The only thing I know is it has to do with the all seeing eye or third eye.
and it is associated with the illuminati
will someone explain further?

thank you in advance

Sammy 10-03-2014 01:06 PM

There realy isn't much aside from the ancient Egyptian beliefs on how it would bring the Pharaoh into the next life.

On the other hand I have been able to use this shape as part of a bigger shape, that can literally explain existence.

Could you give me some background on your interest? I might be able to point you toward some resources.

John32241 11-03-2014 12:42 PM


It is the energy of the three or trinity. Within the self there are 3 centers of awareness. We give then different names like Body-Mind-Spirit. They associate with the 3rd eye because we bring in those deeper wisdom’s through the pineal gland.


Sammy 11-03-2014 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by John32241

It is the energy of the three or trinity. Within the self there are 3 centers of awareness. We give then different names like Body-Mind-Spirit. They associate with the 3rd eye because we bring in those deeper wisdom’s through the pineal gland.


I am thinking there has always been a unknown 4th side under our noses.

Body - the one we see before us

Mind - the memory of our past actions, and ability to find new ones in our future.

Spirit - The location we would exist within the spiritual body.

Consciousness - the point of view in which all of it is seen from.

Clover 11-03-2014 01:21 PM

There is no association with the Illuminati,that's just a myth that became most popular with that silly Disney movie I forget what it's called..

Shadow‏ 17-06-2014 08:21 PM

Supposedly square-base pyramids have some interesting properties. They are/were used to harness energy among other things. I can't confirm that it's true, but the stories are pretty interesting. A triangle can be used as a two-dimensional representation of a pyramid. Triangles used in illuminati symbolism are supposed to be pyramids, not triangles. The eye often found within illuminati pyramid/triangle symbolism is the 'eye of providence' and, I believe, represents knowledge/information.

Zenfiro 20-06-2014 10:49 PM

This topic is very unclear. You'll don't know if you aren't the 'Chosen One'. I mean you can read about it, you can watch videos about it, you can write about it...There are many conspirations. You can say for sure who are membres of Illuminati (the most powerful and richest people on Earth.). And if you want to know associate with triangle/pyramid you need peer into deep history. Years ago I found article where author mentioned some rituals connected with pyramids and triangles with 'all seeing eye' where they summoned dark forces. As Shadow wrote "...represents knowledge/information" has right, they want to know everything...they know everything. And in this modern era it is much easier for them to know.

elisi 20-06-2014 11:57 PM

i think each culture has its own meaning. for the cherokee i means the great mystery, spiritual world and physical world.

also past, present and future.

Raina 27-06-2014 05:42 AM


Originally Posted by Sammy
I am thinking there has always been a unknown 4th side under our noses.

Body - the one we see before us

Mind - the memory of our past actions, and ability to find new ones in our future.

Spirit - The location we would exist within the spiritual body.

Consciousness - the point of view in which all of it is seen from.

Interesting stuff guys :smile:

Funnily enough, the square in Toth tarot; four of pentacles, represents power.

2Roses 12-07-2014 06:19 AM

The pyramid is indeed the trinity, physical body, intelligence, and spirit. The pyramid or triangle as we see it right side up can also mean the 3 points of light, the light, truth and life, positive forces. Also the pyramid is sometimes seen as an inverted tree with the seed from the heavens trunking down and its branches extended into the Earth meaning that the light from the heavens is extending and penetrating the dark Earth (ignorance, fear). Its an amplifier. When something is amplified we see it as growing more powerful or producing power. Now an upside down triangle or pyramid shape is its dual opposite the dark trinity of darkness, falsehoods and death. Put them together and you get the star of David, this is where we get the esoteric '33' of the free masons. Now the 'illuminati' is not bad or evil it simply means 'enlightened one' ones who know. Now the free masons are indeed probably evil but then again every major world religion is corrupt by the beast which is the 'carnality of man' or the flesh body that stays in ignorance. Man kinds (carnal) number is six three score six.

John32241 12-07-2014 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by 2Roses
The pyramid is indeed the trinity, physical body, intelligence, and spirit. The pyramid or triangle as we see it right side up can also mean the 3 points of light, the light, truth and life, positive forces. Also the pyramid is sometimes seen as an inverted tree with the seed from the heavens trunking down and its branches extended into the Earth meaning that the light from the heavens is extending and penetrating the dark Earth (ignorance, fear). Its an amplifier. When something is amplified we see it as growing more powerful or producing power. Now an upside down triangle or pyramid shape is its dual opposite the dark trinity of darkness, falsehoods and death. Put them together and you get the star of David, this is where we get the esoteric '33' of the free masons. Now the 'illuminati' is not bad or evil it simply means 'enlightened one' ones who know. Now the free masons are indeed probably evil but then again every major world religion is corrupt by the beast which is the 'carnality of man' or the flesh body that stays in ignorance. Man kinds (carnal) number is six three score six.


The symbol for six is the Octahedron. It is the integration of the triangle with its twin as you have so nicely described.

I do align with your thinking on that.


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