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-   -   is Reiki an unholy practice? (https://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=4669)

lumpygravy 15-10-2010 02:06 PM

is Reiki an unholy practice?
I am not too familiar with Reiki although I hear alot from both sides of the coin. I must share the following so that perhaps clarity will be more forthcoming for us through information.
thx a lot!
in light,

Roselove 15-10-2010 02:41 PM

of course not! it's using universal energy to heal others and yourself! far from unholy!

Adrienne 15-10-2010 03:35 PM

hi lumpygravy,

perhaps you could explain what you mean by " unholy practice ? "

Dream Angel xx

Spiritlite 15-10-2010 03:44 PM

No it's not uholy in fact I feel it's been used many of thousands of years. I have had reiki done to me and it's so soothing and really helps my chakra blockages. My husband does hands on healing on me everyday which I feel is a form of reiki and it really helps my anxiety a lot.

Lynn 15-10-2010 03:52 PM


I have just compled Level One and OMG I so felt nothing but possitive energies.

It is the greatest of gifts to know that one has helped to bring balance to another person. NOT to maybe HEAL as sadly some things be out of our control to change but to bring some peace for a time.

To be able to connect to another and take away a muscle ache or head ache is to me amazing.


Falling Star 15-10-2010 04:26 PM

Reiki connects us to universal energies and masters of light. Love and light is as holy as you can get i think!

Enya 15-10-2010 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by lumpygravy
I am not too familiar with Reiki although I hear alot from both sides of the coin. I must share the following so that perhaps clarity will be more forthcoming for us through information.
thx a lot!
in light,

Perhaps you could begin the thread of clarity by defining what you mean by 'unholy practice' and where this idea/theory originated?

iolite 15-10-2010 05:12 PM

I think Lumpygravy has been getting grief from Christians who feel that reiki is "devil's work". I've seen this question posted on other reiki forums.

Lumpygravy...how can anything that heals emotionally, physically and spiritually be sinful?

lumpygravy 15-10-2010 05:47 PM

Yikes! Picky,Picky!!:cool:

I forgot to add the very argument that caused me think on all sides of the coin in relation to Reiki, THEREFORE:redface: , this is what I meant pertaining to UNHOLY.

in the name of APU...thank you,get out,and please come again.

Reikidangers is revealing the absolute, complete truth about reiki!
Why reiki is not the healing method of Jesus Christ is fully proved and many churches are putting this in writing. Jesus Christ and reiki are believed to be connected by some 60 Millions of reiki practioners worldwide. Many reikibooks are trying to support this deception through the repetition of the same reiki-stories, until it is becoming accepted as truth. But the spiritual reality of reiki is totally different of what it seems to be and doesn't replace the redemtion of our sin nor the Salvation as Jesus Christ gives us.

The purpose of this website is sharing the united Christian view on reiki, and to give honor were honor is due, to Jesus Christ.
By providing more then 40 links to different Christian Church websites, of all denominations, all warning about the occult of reiki and which are clearly proving that reiki was never used by Jesus Christ and reiki has a big negative spiritual impact on people ! (Eph.5–11) Several linked websites are made by saved ex-reikians/masters, who after get stuck in reiki, got saved by the Lord Jesus Christ! Giving their testemonies from allover the world, this to warn about the dangers of reiki in many different areas, confirmed by the Bible and the expieriances of deliverance-ministries worldwide.

2) To show, that the body of Christ is united and to share the good tidings of the Gospel to the poor (spiritually) the oppressed and captives. (Eph.5–14;Isa.61) In "reikispirits" you will find some testemonies from people around the world who were saved from reiki through this website, by Jesus Christ, Glory to God.
3) Warning both, Christians and ex-reikians, about the spiritual impact of reiki, with its Biblical backgrounds. Revealing the problem areas, which churches encounter nowadays when they meet reikians who ask for help. For those Christians who once started with reiki and think they became closer to God, without knowing what is really behind reiki spiritually and just are blinded by the manifestations, freedom and spirituality of it. Please read on and take your Bible. As for reikians, we believe that reikians are spiritual abused and completaly misguided in their truthful calling to serve God as supernatural healers. We love both of them and truly feel a deep compassion for the reikians, we wish that the glorious light of salvation and Truth in Christ Jesus will shine upon them, as in 2Cor.5-20 "God is making His apeal as it were through us, we beg you for His sake to lay hold on the divine Favor offered you and be reconsiled to God"

Falling Star 15-10-2010 06:01 PM

OMG.......I am a reiki 111 teacher, and i can assure you that i have never felt so close to God. I see Reiki as a re-connection to god source.
Unbiasedly..........i find that completely laughable! LOL

Falling Star 15-10-2010 06:27 PM

The energy of the universe is love. Love is light, Reiki uses universal energy connection. God is love! All healing energy comes from source......the grace of god. I believe that religion is all about control......control=fear.
Reiki is universal life force energy.......the energy of god.
sorry.........i feel quite strongly about truth and Reiki's positive effect on the world.

lost imp 15-10-2010 06:40 PM

I've completed my reiki level one and all I know is reiki has brought peace and harmony into my life.I feel so happy and content when I have given a reiki treatment to another person so I cannot see how its a bad thing.
I feel that christians tend to see reiki as bad because they don't understand universal energy hence they don't understand reiki.

LightFilledHeart 15-10-2010 06:42 PM

How could universal life force be negative? I've been a practicing Reiki Master/Teacher for ten years, and I assure you it is nothing more than a conduit for passing love, light, and healing energy. It is non-invasive physically AND spiritually, in that it respects free will choice and will not force healing upon one who for whatever reason needs their sickness to get love and attention, or perhaps to give those things. For those who are ready to embrace healing (and who have no pre-executed Soul Plan that requires the condition in order for them to learn, grown and complete their karma), I've seen some results that are nothing less that miraculous! For example I saw an elderly woman in her 80's stricken with a debilitating stroke that left one side of her body totally paralyzed recover OVER NIGHT, finding herself able to execute full range of motion with no slurred speech or other impediments. In fact, she was sitting up in bed calling the nursing staff with her patient buzzer to request breakfast! In three more days she was released from the hospital and sent home. She is now 95 and still going strong! Most Reiki healings are more gradual, of course. I'm in no way indicating this is the norm! But in all the cases I've personally been involved with it has been a tremendous positive healing force, and not one single person was ever damaged or harmed by it.

Enya 15-10-2010 10:31 PM

BWAAAHAHAHAHAA!!!!! Dear Lord, 'Reikians' indeed.... :rolleyes:

These people need some serious therapy. Reiki would be good. :tongue:

Talk about not even bothering to discover the truth. I would defy anyone to tell me that this wonderful healing does not come from Divine Source.

They have clearly taken the story which Mrs Takata wove to make a Japanese system more palatible for post-war Americans (Christian teacher, visited Chicago, etc etc) and gone rambling off into their own little fear-filled dreamworld. Let's Reiki it and open their eyes... :wink: :wink:

Adrienne 15-10-2010 10:43 PM

Wow, LightFilledHeart, that is an amazing story about the now 95 year old woman ! Hearing something like this, how can one even doubt the healing powers and wonderful benefits of Reiki ?

Dream Angel xx

Silver 15-10-2010 11:34 PM


in the name of APU...thank you,get out,and please come again.

I will be sending you my superdeluxe superwhammy reiki healing ~ for your memory. And I'm not even into reiki (sender), but I willingly receive it.

innerlight 16-10-2010 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by lumpygravy
Yikes! Picky,Picky!!:cool:

I forgot to add the very argument that caused me think on all sides of the coin in relation to Reiki, THEREFORE:redface: , this is what I meant pertaining to UNHOLY.

in the name of APU...thank you,get out,and please come again.

Reikidangers is revealing the absolute, complete truth about reiki!
Why reiki is not the healing method of Jesus Christ is fully proved and many churches are putting this in writing. Jesus Christ and reiki are believed to be connected by some 60 Millions of reiki practioners worldwide. Many reikibooks are trying to support this deception through the repetition of the same reiki-stories, until it is becoming accepted as truth. But the spiritual reality of reiki is totally different of what it seems to be and doesn't replace the redemtion of our sin nor the Salvation as Jesus Christ gives us.

The purpose of this website is sharing the united Christian view on reiki, and to give honor were honor is due, to Jesus Christ.
1) By providing more then 40 links to different Christian Church websites, of all denominations, all warning about the occult of reiki and which are clearly proving that reiki was never used by Jesus Christ and reiki has a big negative spiritual impact on people ! (Eph.5–11) Several linked websites are made by saved ex-reikians/masters, who after get stuck in reiki, got saved by the Lord Jesus Christ! Giving their testemonies from allover the world, this to warn about the dangers of reiki in many different areas, confirmed by the Bible and the expieriances of deliverance-ministries worldwide.

2) To show, that the body of Christ is united and to share the good tidings of the Gospel to the poor (spiritually) the oppressed and captives. (Eph.5–14;Isa.61) In "reikispirits" you will find some testemonies from people around the world who were saved from reiki through this website, by Jesus Christ, Glory to God.
3) Warning both, Christians and ex-reikians, about the spiritual impact of reiki, with its Biblical backgrounds. Revealing the problem areas, which churches encounter nowadays when they meet reikians who ask for help. For those Christians who once started with reiki and think they became closer to God, without knowing what is really behind reiki spiritually and just are blinded by the manifestations, freedom and spirituality of it. Please read on and take your Bible. As for reikians, we believe that reikians are spiritual abused and completaly misguided in their truthful calling to serve God as supernatural healers. We love both of them and truly feel a deep compassion for the reikians, we wish that the glorious light of salvation and Truth in Christ Jesus will shine upon them, as in 2Cor.5-20 "God is making His apeal as it were through us, we beg you for His sake to lay hold on the divine Favor offered you and be reconsiled to God"

It's a shame that so many are misinformed especially those that were claiming to be ex reiki masters. Had they of been Reiki masters that actually knew about Reiki they would know that Mikao Usui never claimed that his healing was the healing Jesus did, nor did he ever claim that salvation from sins could come from the use of Reiki healing.

There is much danger that can be had by the passing of the wrong information around. This day and age there is freedom of speech where people can create a blog, or website, saying whatever they want to get people to read it.

Reiki has no no negative impact on people as it can not do what it is not allowed to happen. If someone had karma preventing them from being healed then they will not be healed. It's as simple as that. Healing will never take away from ones freewill, or will it erase karma.

This is really more church propaganda being spread with the use of fear, and damnation if one does not follow into the salvation of Jesus Christ or the Church. They used the same tactics with Pagans, and Witches. I think if people put down their "books" and really got to know the true Jesus Christ they will see there is no fear, and there is no need for control.

LightFilledHeart 16-10-2010 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by Dream Angel
Wow, LightFilledHeart, that is an amazing story about the now 95 year old woman ! Hearing something like this, how can one even doubt the healing powers and wonderful benefits of Reiki ?

Dream Angel xx

Dream, exactly!! And while her miraculous healing is not the norm, it DOES happen! And all with the gentle, non-invasive application of this wonderful healing modality called Reiki. I am proud and pleased to be a practitioner all these years...prouder still to be associated with such a loving and gentle modality. Christians who find fault with such should read their Bibles again. Hands on healing was practiced not only by Jesus but by his disciples for decades after! They didn't call it Reiki, but it sure sounds like it :wink: :D

iolite 16-10-2010 02:34 AM

Reikians? I dunno, sounds sorta exotic like Romulan, Vulcan.. Wait a minute, my ears are pointy, my skin is turning green and my eye brows are now slanted ....EEEEEEKKKKK!

seekseek 16-10-2010 04:44 AM

i am also a reiki "master teacher." what fear-based bunk. reiki is divine energy . . . it goes where it is needed in accordance with divine guidance. it can do no harm. i am not aware of anyone proclaiming that they are doing the healing . . . the healing flows through the practitioner, or initiate who has simply been opened up to divine energy.

why would anyone spend their valuable time attempting to debunk a discipline that does nothing but help? why not do something positive with your time and energy, instead? if reiki is not for you, don't use it! no need to attempt to demonize it.

psychoslice 16-10-2010 04:56 AM

I was once in a church for many years who believed that if healing was done by any other church belief system that it was from the devil, they believed that because they were God's chosen people they were the only ones who could do true healing. They believed that if healing was done by another church or belief that the healing wouldn't last that long. This is so sad..:confused: :icon_frown:

pre-dawn 16-10-2010 05:35 AM


Originally Posted by Falling Star
OMG.......I am a reiki 111 teacher, and i can assure you that i have never felt so close to God. I see Reiki as a re-connection to god source.
Unbiasedly..........i find that completely laughable! LOL

I am a Reiki master as well, and the Churches viewpoint may be based on ignorance but their conclusion nevertheless has some validity. The reason I say this is because because 'spiritual' is not the same as 'harmless', 'always beneficial', 'always good'. Any spiritual practice can open one to good and bad influences. It is just like medicines, natural does not mean not poisonous and if taken in excess even water becomes toxic.
The problem with Reiki is that when an averse reaction sets in most Reiki practitioners don't know what's going on. Their psycho-spiritual knowledge is limited or one-sided and because there is no organizational structure for Reiki there is also no referral system.
What other choice does an affected person who is overwhelmed by spiritual energies have other than contact the established and traditional structures?

pre-dawn 16-10-2010 05:43 AM

More thoughts. One cannot open up to spiritual energies selectively. Either one opens up to them or not. Anger, hate or concern for the other (by the Churches) is as much 'life energy' as a dismissive 'laughable' or love and peace. The bad comes with the good and some people may have more difficulty in handling the energies which are usually problematic for us.

psychoslice 16-10-2010 05:52 AM

I so agree with you seekseek, and I have to say I love your little dogie, it reminds me of my little girl I lost about 2 years ago, she was a Chihuahua also.:hug:

SoaringSpirit 16-10-2010 05:54 AM

This viewpoint of the churches really bugs me. There are some 'fanatical' people out there who will find fault in everything and will have worked out very compelling arguments as to why they are right.

EG: Years gone by I remember a whole outcry about the fact that 'Noddy & Bigears" were gay because they slept in the same bed........how pathetic and the people that came up with this, were very serious about the whole thing.

I think that chuches are worried that instead of going to church and praying for healing, they will go to Reiki Practitioners for healing and the church may then lose some of their 'flock'. There are many other things at the moment that are 'threatening' the church - people are becoming more 'spiritual' and less 'religious' and are often therefore leaving the church etc

Personally, I REALLY don't see how anyone who has investigated reiki can say that it is in any way 'unholy'....

seekseek 16-10-2010 06:00 AM

pre-dawn . . . there is no problem with reiki . . . it goes where it is needed. practitioners just channel it, as you know. if there is a so-called "adverse reaction," that says nothing about reiki, which is always for the highest good. it does not influence karma and cannot go where it is not wanted . . .

psychoslice . . . yes, my doggie is so adorable! thank you

pre-dawn 16-10-2010 06:31 AM


Originally Posted by seekseek
pre-dawn . . . there is no problem with reiki . . . it goes where it is needed. practitioners just channel it, as you know. if there is a so-called "adverse reaction," that says nothing about reiki, which is always for the highest good. it does not influence karma and cannot go where it is not wanted . . .

If Reiki is Universal Life energy then it includes all energies, it is not selectively 'good' only whatever that may mean. Your stance could be taken if one would also proposes a Universal Death energy.
IMO what you describe is the 'happy, go lucky' attitude which works fine until the proverbial s..t hits the fan.
It also assumes the notion that we are in conscious control of things. Psychology demonstrates that this is not the case at all. We are larger than what we appear to be, have many more aspects than we could ever imagine, and have less control over things than we think.
To step into this and try to influence it while saying 'nothing can go wrong' is foolish.

Falling Star 16-10-2010 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by pre-dawn
I am a Reiki master as well, and the Churches viewpoint may be based on ignorance but their conclusion nevertheless has some validity. The reason I say this is because because 'spiritual' is not the same as 'harmless', 'always beneficial', 'always good'. Any spiritual practice can open one to good and bad influences. It is just like medicines, natural does not mean not poisonous and if taken in excess even water becomes toxic.
The problem with Reiki is that when an averse reaction sets in most Reiki practitioners don't know what's going on. Their psycho-spiritual knowledge is limited or one-sided and because there is no organizational structure for Reiki there is also no referral system.
What other choice does an affected person who is overwhelmed by spiritual energies have other than contact the established and traditional structures?

Pre-dawn, i can only speak from my own experience of course, but when i was attuned to reiki 11, i began to open up to spirit. I had a massive spiritual awakening triggered by meeting my supposed TF, (since joined with another soul energetically who i KNOW to be my true TF.) I was surrounded by guides of the White Brotherhood and angels, i was never allowed to be afraid, and i was led to a Spiritualist church where i was helped to understand what was happening to me.
From my undersanding the Structures of religion are crumbling and the churches are becoming afraid. Religion has been based on fear for too long. God is love after all!
Reiki has been returned to the earthplane to help us all to re-connect to our higher-selves. If the highest vibration is love, and the energy of reiki is love, how can it be harmful?
Reiki works for the highest and greatest good, it cannot harm!

Silverfox 16-10-2010 09:57 AM


Just for the record. Have you ever had a Reiki healing, if so, what did you feel.

I just think that if you wanted to see and feel both sides of the coin that you would have done something about it??



Angels are speaking to all of us... some of us are only listening better


pre-dawn 16-10-2010 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by Falling Star
Reiki works for the highest and greatest good, it cannot harm!

If that is so what is all that talk about protection and grounding about?

SoaringSpirit 16-10-2010 11:55 AM

Pre-dawn, grounding is just to release yourself of any excess energies and protection is 'just in case'. Reiki itself is of the light, but if a reiki practitioner is in any way psychic, then they need to guard against 'uninvited guests'.

pre-dawn 16-10-2010 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by SoaringSpirit
Pre-dawn, grounding is just to release yourself of any excess energies and protection is 'just in case'. Reiki itself is of the light, but if a reiki practitioner is in any way psychic, then they need to guard against 'uninvited guests'.

I am trying to make sense of this.

Are you saying that there are other energies 'out there' but every Reiki attuned practitioner has the ability to selectively and exclusively channel Rei-Ki to the client. At the same the practitioners are unable to do the same thing for themselves and have to shield themselves from Bad-Ki which may flow from the client or the environment to them, and thus have to take special, and essentially non-Reiki measures?

Summerland 16-10-2010 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by lumpygravy
I am not too familiar with Reiki although I hear alot from both sides of the coin. I must share the following so that perhaps clarity will be more forthcoming for us through information.
thx a lot!
in light,

lumpygravy, I am really surprised at you. You have a very scientific mind as I know from some of the material that you so kindly provided me. I know that you are familar with the idea of energy, right? The universe is comprised of energy. Reiki, for me, is comprised of energy. It is a matter of channeling that energy thru a (analogy here) a house. Now the power is there, but is not available until someone actually taps into or turns on the switch. It doesn't have to be religious or Christian. I have seen Reiki work on people who totally do not believe in it.All they have to do is be willing to allow the Reiki to do its own thing.

Silverfox 16-10-2010 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by pre-dawn
I am trying to make sense of this.

Are you saying that there are other energies 'out there' but every Reiki attuned practitioner has the ability to selectively and exclusively channel Rei-Ki to the client. At the same the practitioners are unable to do the same thing for themselves and have to shield themselves from Bad-Ki which may flow from the client or the environment to them, and thus have to take special, and essentially non-Reiki measures?

Hi there pre-dawn.

I have enclosed a link that will perhaps explain what we mean by grounding & protection. It does make sense to follow certain guidelines in order to look after ones self.


God bless you when you walk with the angels.


innerlight 16-10-2010 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by pre-dawn
I am a Reiki master as well, and the Churches viewpoint may be based on ignorance but their conclusion nevertheless has some validity. The reason I say this is because because 'spiritual' is not the same as 'harmless', 'always beneficial', 'always good'. Any spiritual practice can open one to good and bad influences. It is just like medicines, natural does not mean not poisonous and if taken in excess even water becomes toxic.
The problem with Reiki is that when an averse reaction sets in most Reiki practitioners don't know what's going on. Their psycho-spiritual knowledge is limited or one-sided and because there is no organizational structure for Reiki there is also no referral system.
What other choice does an affected person who is overwhelmed by spiritual energies have other than contact the established and traditional structures?

If you are a Reiki master you would know that Reiki is actually very structered. Only a Reiki master can train a Reiki adept. Not just anyone can practice Reiki they have to be attuned by a Reiki Master to Level 1. To practice distant and learn the symbols, they must also be attuned to Level 2. Then to Level 3 and Master to teach it to others.

That seems very structured to me.

Summerland 16-10-2010 02:13 PM

innerlight, I am also a Master Level Reiki practioner and I was taught as you were. Also it is worth mentioning that Reiki can do no harm. If a recipient does not wish to receive the Reiki healing, the Reiki goes to where it is needed. And the practioner can instruct the energy to go where it is needed (as if Reiki needs our instruction~~~)

pre-dawn 16-10-2010 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by innerlight
If you are a Reiki master you would know that Reiki is actually very structered. Only a Reiki master can train a Reiki adept. Not just anyone can practice Reiki they have to be attuned by a Reiki Master to Level 1. To practice distant and learn the symbols, they must also be attuned to Level 2. Then to Level 3 and Master to teach it to others.

That seems very structured to me.

It would be structured if the Reiki masters in turn would have organized themselves, have some standardized minimum training which is monitored.
From what I see there is no oversight structure, no ethics monitoring structure, no disciplinary procedures, nobody can speak for the Reiki practitioners as a group, etc.

It is really a free for all, anybody can really do what they like.

How else would it be possible that some Reiki masters insist on trainees having substantial time gaps between attunements and others do level one to 3 all in one go? Yesterday I was nothing, today I am a fully fledged Reiki master. No verification of knowledge or skills.

This does not sound structured to me.

innerlight 16-10-2010 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by pre-dawn
It would be structured if the Reiki masters in turn would have organized themselves, have some standardized minimum training which is monitored.
From what I see there is no oversight structure, no ethics monitoring structure, no disciplinary procedures, nobody can speak for the Reiki practitioners as a group, etc.

It is really a free for all, anybody can really do what they like.

How else would it be possible that some Reiki masters insist on trainees having substantial time gaps between attunements and others do level one to 3 all in one go? Yesterday I was nothing, today I am a fully fledged Reiki master. No verification of knowledge or skills.

This does not sound structured to me.

What one or two masters does is not a full reflection of the modality itself. That is the unstructureness of the person you have gone to see, and has nothing to do with Reiki.

A master that does not support his students, or just sends them off into the world to do it on their own with no guidance is a reflection of the person that was doing the guiding.

There is proper structure in Reiki that covers all of this. After the first attunement there is a 21 day self healing that is supposed to occur. So the person can learn the basics of the healing. Can ask any questions, and to start the cleansing and detoxing of their system.

Then after that first month of self healing one can then be attuned for their next attunement if they feel they are ready and confident. The final attunement is supposed to be after 6 months to a year of having been self healing, and practicing healing on another.

What happens from there is that some masters take it upon themselves that they do not think that others need all this break and healing and like to wrap it all up into a nice package of a weekend course, or even a day course. IMO, it should not be all shoved into one weekend. The person being attuned should be given the time to learn the energies, and get used to them being incorporated into their body. To much to soon and you could end up with more questions, feeling lost, and probably just quit doing Reiki.

The eithics monitoring should be covered in your Reiki manual on the different things that you should be aware of. Such as only doing the healing on those that want the healing. Don't attempt to do healing on a person without their permission. Etc.

Just like with anything any person can offer their services, and if the price is right they will do anything they want to. It is a shame that such practices do taint the good name of the main practice. It was also a reason that the original founder had such strict guidelines when it started. Now there is so many different branches and spin offs that a lot of the true Usui Reiki is lost in the shuffle.

LightFilledHeart 16-10-2010 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by seekseek
i am also a reiki "master teacher." what fear-based bunk. reiki is divine energy . . . it goes where it is needed in accordance with divine guidance. it can do no harm. i am not aware of anyone proclaiming that they are doing the healing . . . the healing flows through the practitioner, or initiate who has simply been opened up to divine energy.

why would anyone spend their valuable time attempting to debunk a discipline that does nothing but help? why not do something positive with your time and energy, instead? if reiki is not for you, don't use it! no need to attempt to demonize it.

Well said, SeekSeek! This whole discussion is a non-argument in my book. Reiki does not need to be defended...it's gentle, non-invasive healing effects speak for themself. No one was ever harmed by recieving it, nor has free will been stepped on when (for whatever reason!) healing was NOT genuniely desired by the recipient. Case closed, eh? :D NEXT! :wink:

Neville 16-10-2010 04:20 PM

Reiki is said to repair holes in the Aura, So yes. I think it is un holey

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