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Emmalevine 03-09-2012 09:31 AM

Aquiring a cat or cats!
I've got a lady from a local animal rescue centre coming to see me tomorrow because I've decided to adopt! I'd like a kitten but been told they prefer to send kittens off in pairs so will either need to take two or adopt one older cat. I'm still open either way. I'm so excited. Cats make such good companions :smile:

Sunflower 03-09-2012 11:43 AM

How exciting. I recently visited a cat shelter and could not make my mind up like you, and then the cost of two kittens was over £100.00 and that seemed wrong to me. When I got home a neighbour that had heard I was looking for a cat told me about a wild cat that the local authorities were trying to catch and well cut a long story short I have a wonderful cat now that virtually jumped into my arms!

Good luck, would love to know how you get on and share cat stories :)

Adrienne 03-09-2012 12:27 PM

Exciting news ! I wonder if the kittens would be siblings ? I can understand them wanting one to take both kittens then, to keep the family together. How about triplets ? :D Let us know what you decide to do. :smile:

Ninoushka 03-09-2012 01:34 PM

Starbuck, How exciting! I've volontureed for a few months for a cat rescue charity in the States and people like you are a God Sent! You have no idea how much good karma you attract by adopting a pet in need :)
Sunflower, shelters and animal rescue associations usually do charge a fee for pet's adoptions. It's basically meant to cover for the fees incurred by the pet when s/he was in their care : vaccines, surgery (spay/neuter), that kind of things. It's also a way to screen families and make sure that people really care about the pet. Kind of like to put off abusers, if you will. From what I know in the States, the adoption fee is about 30 to 50 dollars. So your 100 pounds for 2 kittens seems a little expensive but not extraordinary. Another reason why they were "charging" that much is that kittens are so easy to place in families, compared to adult pets... hence, more expensive to get? I don't know.
Starbuck, have you considered adopting an adult pet by the way?
I got my cat Charlie through my non profit, he was already adult but let me tell you I never regretted getting a grown up cat. He's sooooo amazing!
Here he is :D :D :D

Sans titre de par Lil Strawberry, sur Flickr

Sungirl 03-09-2012 03:59 PM

I adore our kitties, they make such great companions. 2 of ours are rescues.

I am sure you will find a lovely friend

Adrienne 03-09-2012 04:03 PM

Charlie looks so cute, Ninoushka !

LPC 03-09-2012 04:10 PM

Starbuck, whatever you decide, I'm delighted that you chose to take care of an animal from a shelter.Blessings to you!

Sunflower 03-09-2012 04:31 PM

Actually the kittens were far cheaper than the adult cats as they had so many litters in. The kittens were kept in pairs in the cages so they had a warm friend with them and so it would be splitting them up. For those too young the neutering would come later at a charge to the new owner on top of the fee.

Emmalevine 03-09-2012 05:39 PM

Thanks everyone!:smile:

I'll let you know what I decide. I'm open to an adult cat although for various reasons I was leaning in the direction of a kitten. I think the centre prefer them to go in pairs so that they have company being so young rather than because they're siblings, although most of them are I think. I'm wondering whether the shelter would prefer I take an adult cat as I live by a road, although it's an estate road and not very busy. I never let cats out the front (only back garden) but some shelters can be quite particular.

This rescue centre charges £50 as an adoption fee which I feel is reasonable but anymore than that and I'd be more hesitant.

Hopefully I won't have to wait long. I've already bought a cat bed, scratch post, litter tray and food etc.

I'm looking forward to exchanging cat stories with you all :D

Nino - I love the pic of Charlie by the way - he's gorgeous!

Xan 03-09-2012 08:23 PM

I love living with cat friends... they're good companions and some share their wisdom with you. I've found that cats don't need company while you're away like dogs do, so one could be enough. Two kittens though is a fun circus, for sure.


Ninoushka 04-09-2012 06:09 AM

thank you for the compliments on Charlie guys :D
Can't wait to see who you decide to take in Starbuck ;)

Emmalevine 04-09-2012 01:38 PM

I'm probably getting an 18 month old tortishell female :smile: Am going to see her tomorrow and with any luck bringing her to her new home!

Berry 04-09-2012 02:04 PM

Congrats on your bringing home a cat tomorrow! What a blessing! They are fine solitary or as pairs. We've had 4 cats and now we are down to one. I hope you'll be posting lots of photos of your new kitty!

Ninoushka 04-09-2012 02:32 PM

I hope to see pictures tooo !!!
The crazy cat ladies club is now open :D

sesheta 04-09-2012 05:10 PM

It does seem easier to have at least 2 cats - that way if you're not home, they can keep each other company and have someone to play with :)
I have 5 cats myself, and they are just a joy to me - there is never a day that goes by without them making me laugh or smile! They comfort me when I'm sad, and are great reminders to simply stop, relax, and enjoy a cat nap :cat:

Emmalevine 04-09-2012 05:34 PM

I'm home most of the time. I did say to the lady I'd be happy to have two but she said this particular cat would be better alone for at least the time being so it has most of the attention. It would be possible later on though. I have two guinea pigs so she won't feel entirely alone! :smile:

sesheta 04-09-2012 06:10 PM

A few tips -

- the more expensive the cat toy/scratch post...the less likely they are to play with it or use it, lolol! A cat will be just as happy with a piece of ribbon, or an empty cardboard box....

- Not all cats respond to catnip....some have no reaction at all - and I had one cat who seemed to be somewhat allergic, because any time she got near catnip, all she would do is sneeze!!

- Try to start trimming their claws as soon as possible - the earlier you get them used to it, the easier it is. I find that alternating between brushing them (which most cats LOVE) and trimming claws, then giving them a few treats at the end, seems to be a good combination :smile:

Enjoy your new companion :D

Xan 04-09-2012 11:44 PM

On the other hand, if the cat goes outside claws are needed for escaping up trees... out of range of dogs and other predators.


sesheta 05-09-2012 05:50 AM

To Xan
On the other hand, if the cat goes outside claws are needed for escaping up trees... out of range of dogs and other predators.

Absolutely - that's why I mentioned just trimming the claws, not getting the cat de-clawed (which I am totally opposed to, even if it's a strictly indoor cat!!) :smile:

Emmalevine 05-09-2012 05:36 PM

Oh dear it so nearly broke my heart seeing all the rescue cats in their small spaces :icon_frown: I wish i could have rescued them all!

But here is Tori, 18 months old and incredibly cute! She's friendly and interested in her new home, only disappearing behind the sofa at times for some quiet.

sesheta 05-09-2012 05:43 PM

AAAAWWWWWW....she is SO CUTE :smile:
Just give her lots of love, and it will be returned many times over :smile:

Xan 05-09-2012 08:20 PM

ahhhh.... calico... my favorite...


bluebell 05-09-2012 09:05 PM

Tori looks sooo cute. Cats bring such fun and joyment to your life.

Some times cats choose you, while I was trying to make my mind up over two adult cats, in this open plan cage, this tiny kitten jumped up on all these boxes and tapped me on the cheek, well I just couldn't so no and Katie became one of my best friends and we had soooo much fun together. Sadly she is no longer with us but i still miss her great sense of fun.

Emmalevine 05-09-2012 10:01 PM

Xan I had to look up calico lol. Here we call it tortishell. She is beautiful anyhow and very loving. I think her name really suits her personality.

Bluebell that's really sweet! I'm glad you had those years with Katie.

Ninoushka 06-09-2012 05:50 AM

She is so prettyyyyyy!!! I know the feeling, it's so hard to choose among all these pets in need. But today you saved one, and that's already wonderful!!

Berry 07-09-2012 03:02 PM

Tori is a beauty. Such striking features! :cat:

Newfreedom9 07-09-2012 08:23 PM

Oh she's so cute!!! I'm glad you found one!

My husband and I were lucky, there are a whole lot of families in our area that give away cats. We found two that were from the same litter. They'd had their shots and been declawed (we wouldn't have had them declawed either, but they were 2 and it had been done when they were kittens). She also gave us the rest of their food, their travel cages, and their favorite scratching posts! We tried to pay her a little something for all of that, but she refused any money. She just wanted them to have a good new home. :smile:

Here's a pic of Chloe, the girl.

Emmalevine 10-09-2012 10:03 AM

Sadly I've had a severe allergic reaction to Tori and she has had to go back :(

A friend of mine was over and also reacted which is odd because both of us have had cats before.

I am really sad.

Xan 10-09-2012 05:32 PM

I'm so sorry, Starbuck.

Maybe a little dog? Or a ferret?


Newfreedom9 11-09-2012 12:41 AM

Sorry to hear that. That's strange about the sudden allergy. :hug3:

Emmalevine 11-09-2012 09:49 AM

Thanks. I still have my guinea pigs at least. I can't really have a dog as I'm not mobile enough to take it out for walks. My immune system isn't too good at the best of times so I guess it reacts stronger to certain things now. It's a real shame but the rescue centre did say Tori will soon be re-homed as she's very pretty. Doesn't change things for me but at least she'll be okay.

Occultist 11-09-2012 05:56 PM

There is a curly hair cat that doesnt have as much allergins.
I would go with a curly hair cat they come in all colors.

sesheta 11-09-2012 06:06 PM

A Cornish Rex? A local pet shop had one for sale one day when I went in...I totally fell in love with that cat!!
Alas...I could not justify spending $800 on a cat....sigh....

primrose 18-09-2012 05:19 AM

I'm glad to see there's so many of us cat people on here. All the photos are adorable. I've noticed how different their personalities are, right now I only have one got her at 6weeks, she's now almost 13, black & white. I've never seen a cat like her, she does'nt like anyone but us that is my husband & I, she does'nt like any other cats, she's a vegetarian like me, always was won't eat any kind of wet cat food. We love her. There was a feral cat that would poke its head around, we started putting food out for it, it now comes right to the door to be fed. Our cat won't let it come in though. It's great that so many of you get them at shelters.

thinkthinkthink 18-09-2012 09:28 AM

I got my two kittens (12 weeks) free from and website called preloved. They are lovly! Were perfectly trained as they had been with their mother long enough which is VERY important for social skills and stuff they need to do like eating, drinking from a water bowl useing a litter tray ect... I got two brothers and iv never been a cat owner before (I hate saying that word 'owner') but I absoulty adore them and they love me also! They are very loveing and very naughty but still very obedient and they do listen to me. I got both of them so I didn't have to feel bad leveing one on their own while I was at wrk and it is def the best decision. I really doesn't cost much to feed a cat and once you have all the stuff for one like posts, bed ect they just share so the really don't cost more than just having one but for your piece of mind and their welbeing I would defo go for 2! Siblings if you can. Mine are a year old now and I love them! Still naughty tho haha!


TeeHee 18-09-2012 06:07 PM

I might be in the market for a cat soon, or should say will be ready to take a cat off the market soon enough. I am partial to Bengal Tigers, owned them in the past. Other cats like Persians, I have had not much luck with, them going through behavioral patterns of missing the litter box. Bad Kitty. Boot! :D

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