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CJ82Sky 27-07-2012 07:46 PM

thyroid - coconut oil, bladderwrack, & ACV
hi all, this is long so TY in advance for your help!

after months of working out 4-5x a week (if not more) for a min of 30 - 40 min a day (often longer) as well as significant diet changes (cutting out sugars, focus on fresh rather than processed foods, cutting out snacks and sweets, etc.), i've seen very little change in my weight.

i've gotten stronger, and my cardio has improved as im not winded as easily and can jog longer/father and am no longer sore after almost ANY workout (even when i up the intensity). so my muscles are strong and my cardio is getting better...yippee. but my weight...grrrr! come to think of it, the only time i lost weight several years ago was about 10 pounds and that was taking vitamins regularly, which i started again.

in passing, i thought to ask my mother if we had any history of hypothyroidism in our fam and WOAH my great-grandmother died in the early 1900s of goiter due to hypothyroidism, it was an underlying cause for my grandmother's diabetes, and my mother is on medication for it. yeah, im 35 and no one told me til now. that said - i do NOT want to go the medicine route and looked into natural supps.

so i'm trying bladderwrack, l-tyrosine, and organic coconut oil in conjunction with ACV - heard lots of good stuff, and just ordered some and would love to hear feedback. do you have any experience with these supps? or with hypothyroidism? what about with stubborn weight loss? i'd love to hear more!

also for ACV - does it have to be organic/pure or is regular ok? (all i have at the moment is regular)


iolite 28-07-2012 12:03 AM

You need to get dr david brownstein's book (amazon has it) "iodine: why you need it; why you can't live without it" and "salt your way to health"

raw acv is better for you, you should be able to pick a bottle up at your grocery store in the natural foods aisle or at health food store.

Arcturus 30-07-2012 08:43 PM

i eat extra virgin coconut oil, its yummy and very good for you

CJ82Sky 31-07-2012 01:18 AM

eeek how do you eat the coconut oil?! the texture was too thick and just creeped me out lol. i felt like i was eating a lump of gooey raw fat and lard LOL even though it tasted like coconut. the texture just weirded me out. any other ways to take it!?

Miss Hepburn 31-07-2012 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by CJ82Sky
eeek how do you eat the coconut oil?! the texture was too thick and just creeped me out lol. i felt like i was eating a lump of gooey raw fat and lard LOL even though it tasted like coconut. the texture just weirded me out. any other ways to take it!?

It's just thick bec of temp.
Warm it up - in the sun for a few minutes is fine and make it more liquid - pour it over a salad as you would EVOO - or put into a smoothie.
I used to make carob brownies with it - pour it into ice cube trays and freeze.
(Honey, carob, or chocolate powder, lecithin, coco oil, voila)
Cook with it, but - as anything don't heat it too high to wreck it's natural benefits.

CJ82Sky 31-07-2012 02:14 AM

oooh lol that makes a lot more sense! thanks!

Mayflow 04-08-2012 12:35 AM


NIRVANA 01-10-2012 01:35 AM


Originally Posted by CJ82Sky
eeek how do you eat the coconut oil?! the texture was too thick and just creeped me out lol. i felt like i was eating a lump of gooey raw fat and lard LOL even though it tasted like coconut. the texture just weirded me out. any other ways to take it!?

Very nice in a smoothy:smile:

Xan 01-10-2012 02:11 AM

for ACV - does it have to be organic/pure or is regular ok?

To be effective for health apple cider vinegar has to be virgin unfiltered, with 'the mother' - cloudy stuff in the bottom of the bottle.

As for coconut oil, I take it thick on a small piece of bread, otherwise I couldn't get it down.


Markriba 13-10-2019 03:25 AM

Hi there....... There are actually many ways to cure low thyroid problems by doing yoga at home also.
I have found a link that explains a few simple ways on how to cure it.
I've tried many different ways to cure this.

tammora50 17-10-2019 04:02 PM

thanks too much

benefitsofa 21-08-2022 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by CJ82Sky
hi all, this is long so TY in advance for your help!
also for ACV - does it have to be organic/pure or is regular ok? (all i have at the moment is regular)

Can you inform me about this issue as well?

Miss Hepburn 22-08-2022 12:17 AM

Post #1

Originally Posted by benefitsofa
Can you inform me about this issue as well?

Gee, that poster is no longer around.
Also, might as well tellya now....the Admins asked awhile ago when we quote others
keep it short - 2-3 sentences...you can always ref to the post # if that helps. :)

Traveler 22-08-2022 12:28 AM

I would recommend that anyone dealing with hypothyroidism to get a copy of Dr. Brownstein's books, especially "Iodine: Why You Need It; Why You Can't Get Enough". The book is illuminating. And I'd recommend you get a pure iodine/iodide supplement like Iodoral or Lugol's which is in liquid form. And read everything on Janie Bowthorpe's website: https://stopthethyroidmadness.com/

I recommend her book as well.

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