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FairyCrystal 06-05-2023 04:30 PM

New Kitten!!
After my sweet Bailey passed away in February I found myself thinking of getting a kitten. I only had my Nila and I don't really like 1 cat. And I could tell she felt a bit out of sorts too.
Not just in general but her behaviour has also changed a bit since Bailey has gone. For instance, she used to sleep and snooze a lot in between being outdoors, but now she's mostly busy 'guarding' the house? She keeps going from the front to the side window in the living room, keeping an eye on neighbouring cats that wake by and often go under the fencing into my garden.
She doesn't like that one bit! It does mean she's busy with that for hours on end, until approx 23.00 at night?!
She never did that when Bailey was still around so that got me thinking that he mostly carried the protective & guarding load?
Cats are very protective of their guardians, but I have never realised to what extent. Clearly now with Nila being alone she has to carry that load by herself.

But I also want a kitten for myself, to have 2 cats again.
So I started looking but these days everyone asks a fortune for a normal cat, not even a specific breed. Outrageous prices!
Then I found a family at 3 kms from me with 2 pregnant cats! And they don't ask a cent for the kittens, a good home for them is all she wants.
Now I really wanted a 3 colour. I have wanted that all my life but never had one. And considering my age and how old cats get on average, this may very well be the last kitten I ever get. However weird that feels to think about.
So I thought, if this is the last kitten I want a 3 colour now!! These are very popular and not easy to find.
But... 1 of the pregnant cats happens to be a cute, small 3 colour! And her mother -also pregnant- is white & red and has had several 3 coloured kittens before. So suddenly the chances of finding one went up!!!
I think Spirit has listened as I had asked Spirit to guide me to the right kitten for me and for Nila, and since I want a 3 colour...

In any case, the first litter had 1 three-colour but someone else chose her before me. So I decided to wait for the 2nd litter.
That was born on the 29th of April and... it had two 3-colour kittens!! YAY!!
I now even had a choice, hihi.
I went over last Tuesday and went for the smallest one of the two. She's so incredibly cute!

Today I visited them to see the li'l kitty-kat again. She's now a week old, and seeing her properly this time I truly felt I indeed had made the right choice!
Spirit had guided me to the right one for sure, at least as far as I can tell of course.

Now there's waiting another 7 weeks at least, and then there will be the moment supreme: introducing her to my Nila. I'm a bit nervous about that!
You never know, could go very well, can go very wrong.

Anywho, this is the little kitten, the 3 colour in the middle. She was 3 days old when I took the photo:

Altair 06-05-2023 04:46 PM

Ah that's sweet.


introducing her to my Nila. I'm a bit nervous about that!

Yeah you never know how it will work out.
Perhaps Nila will be like a mother..

FairyCrystal 06-05-2023 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by Altair
Ah that's sweet.

Yeah you never know how it will work out.
Perhaps Nila will be like a mother..

That's what I'm hoping for. She is, however, quite the li'l Diva, haha. As long as they sort of get along I'm good. Anything more is an extra!

Dude111 10-05-2023 03:38 AM

Meow meow purr!!

I love kitty cats :icon_smile:

AngelBlue 31-05-2023 06:56 AM

Are they getting along ?
My son had same thing . They got a kitten called Mungo and he is SUCH a drama queen. Then when he was 2 ( earlier this year) they adopted a 12 year old female whose owner had to go into a care home. The new cat is called Merlin. They had to keep them apart for a few days but they're ok now.

Hope yours have settled nicely together.

Native spirit 31-05-2023 07:47 PM

I keep thinking about getting another one, but the heartache of loosing them puts me off.
my daughter help support a guy from the town who rescues cats and kittens.
he pays for everything out of his own pocket.
so she buys food treats etc for the Animals.
He said since covid he has rescued over 1000, people just dumping them he re homes those that can be,
The cats league cant take anymore


Dude111 31-05-2023 09:04 PM

Yes thats the herd part NS..... They become part of our famaily and it hurts losing them.........

FairyCrystal 02-06-2023 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by AngelBlue
Are they getting along ?
My son had same thing ......
The new cat is called Merlin. They had to keep them apart for a few days but they're ok now.

Hope yours have settled nicely together.

That's wonderful to hear!
The little one isn't with me yet. She's now 5 weeks old and end of this month when she's 8 weeks she can come live with me and Nila. I am, however, going to try and have her stay another week but not sure if the family where she's born is okay with that. I will have to ask.
But 8 weeks is way too young to leave the nest and can cause problems in behaviour. They actually shouldn't leave the litter until 12 weeks old which very few do, but in Belgium it is law!
They learn a lot concerning social & normal behaviour from 7-12 weeks from mother & siblings which they will miss out on when having moved to a new place at 8 weeks.
So if I can squeeze an extra week out of it... better than nothing!

FairyCrystal 02-06-2023 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by Native spirit
I keep thinking about getting another one, but the heartache of loosing them puts me off.

That means you keep your heart closed and are also missing out on the good stuff that you get when opening your heart!

I had 14 glorious years with my Bailey until I had to let him go in Feb this year. Yes it hurt, was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, and had I not gotten him 14 years earlier I wouldn't have had to go through that.
But then I also wouldn't have had all the love, cuddles, joy, comradery and happiness with my Bailey for 14 yrs on end! Would I want to miss out on that? No way!

So I kept my heart open, right through the pain of letting him go, which means I worked through the loss properly, and am fully ready to commit to a new kitten and again enjoy 14+ years of love.

Hurt & loss are part of life. You can't avoid it and attempting to do so only makes you miss out on life itself, the joy & love & happiness!
I know everyone deals with (the risk of) loss in different ways. Some take tranquilisers to not feel, another form of avoidance.
For me none of that is an option. I love myself enough to not cut myself off from love.


FairyCrystal 02-06-2023 09:44 AM

So far I've seen li'l Rosie ("Roosje" in Dutch, which is her name) every week :) They live about 1 km from me, just outside the village, so it's easy to pop over, but I don't go too often as I don't want to become a bother, hihi.
They have 9 kittens (2 litters) so I guesstimate they quite often have people coming round to look at their kitten(s).

In any case, I took this photo last week. The entire 2nd litter seems to be a bit calmer than the 1st one. All kittens of that 1st litter are a little more fiery. Suits me fine to have a bit of a calmer sweet li'l kitten!

Redchic12 02-06-2023 10:29 AM

Sooooo cute!

FairyCrystal 02-06-2023 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by Redchic12
Sooooo cute!

Isn't she?! Totally adorable li'l kitten.
I can't wait for her to be with me so I can enjoy her all day every day, bond with her, discover what she's like and so on.

Native spirit 03-06-2023 07:19 AM

Fairy crystal Re post 9 you know Nothing of my life or what I have been Through to say I am closed Hearted
Is a Derogatory remark to make,
Please be careful how you Address people. before making a Remark like that


FairyCrystal 03-06-2023 08:47 PM

My little Rosie, the kitten, has had an accident this afternoon and she didn't survive...

I can only hope that she made a good transition in spite of the accident.

Native spirit 03-06-2023 10:09 PM

I am sorry to hear that


Miss Hepburn 03-06-2023 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by FairyCrystal
My little Rosie, the kitten, has had an accident this afternoon and she didn't survive...

WHAT!!? I'm so sorry!!! :(

FairyCrystal 04-06-2023 09:41 AM

Thank you, Native and Miss Hepburn.
It took a little time to register after I'd gotten the news, but I'm devastated.
I'd seen her grow from a few days after birth as I went to see her so often. I'd really bonded with her and she already felt like my cat.

And the stupid thing is... the thought that I'd get news that Roosje had passed crossed my mind a few times over the past couple of weeks. I brushed that aside as it didn't make any sense whatsoever.
Until I actually got that news yesterday.
So somehow intuitively I have fore-felt this? Ain't being intuitive a biotch...
Just like painting a doorway in a painting way before my cat Bailey passed in February last, not understanding why on Earth I felt I had to paint that doorway there as it didn't make sense.
Then Bailey suddenly got very ill and had to make his transition, and I painted him in that doorway. How could I have know upfront??

I have found myself another kitten in the meantime as the thought & feeling to not get a new kitten was unbearable. I went to see her last night and it felt good. I've not yet bonded with her the same way of course. I've only seen her once and I missed out on those first weeks with her.

So now it's joy for having found the new one and sorrow for the loss of Roosje.
It may seem weird for some that I've already searched & found another kitten, but for me it was the right thing to do. It has helped me. It somehow created space for me to let in the pain of losing Roosje and working through that.

I just heard from the woman where Roosje was born. They gave her a nice resting place in their garden and put a vase with a pink peony with it.
She sent me photos of that. Helps me, and I'm glad they did it for themselves as well. Their youngest daughter -approx. 5-6 years old- was devastated by it and she herself as well as she caused the accident.
So giving little Roosje a beautiful resting place helps us all with accepting & letting go.

Sorry it got so lengthy but I need to get it out of my system.

AngelBlue 04-06-2023 09:45 AM

Oh Fairy, that is just so terribly sad. I'm so sorry for your loss.
I'm sure Roosje will remain with you in spirit. She knew you loved her .

FairyCrystal 04-06-2023 10:49 AM

Thank you, AngelBlue. She sure will be remembered by me!
Somehow it feels like my Bailey, my familiar, who passed in February is with her and looking out for her?
Maybe that's just me thinking that, but somehow it feels to be the case.

I just put a deep pink rose in a vase for Roosje with my Quan Yin in the garden. The statue sits on a wooden plateau I made and is surrounded by rose quartz chunks, a cute gentle-sounding chime above it in the butterfly bush.
Couldn't think of a better place!

AngelBlue 04-06-2023 11:10 AM

Oh I am absolutely CERTAIN that is the case . Maybe she was sent to you in the first place because spirit knew she would be going home and Bailey will look after her.And it's strange too that this is the second conversation I have had today about rose quartz/ pink granite been relevant in a tribute/ memory of a loved one.
And also butterflies have been very topical for me too today.
A lovely tribute for her .

FairyCrystal 04-06-2023 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by AngelBlue
Oh I am absolutely CERTAIN that is the case . Maybe she was sent to you in the first place because spirit knew she would be going home and Bailey will look after her.And it's strange too that this is the second conversation I have had today about rose quartz/ pink granite been relevant in a tribute/ memory of a loved one.

Thank you for that. Feels like wonderful confirmation of my own intuitive feeling!

This is the pink rose I put with Quan Yin beginning of the afternoon. The rose quartzes are all deep pink, but the direct sunlight makes them look pale which they aren't.

Dude111 04-06-2023 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by FairyCrystal
My little Rosie, the kitten, has had an accident this afternoon and she didn't survive..

Oh my,I am so sorry!!

FairyCrystal 05-06-2023 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by Dude111
Oh my,I am so sorry!!

Thank you. It's so sad. I'm glad the little one didn't suffer. The woman said she was gone instantly.

AngelBlue 05-06-2023 09:04 AM

It's a lovely memorial you created for her Fairy.

FairyCrystal 05-06-2023 09:22 AM

I feel like posting a photo of the new kitten. I sure have not forgotten the other one and I'm thinking of painting her.
But the new one deserves a place of her own.

I was a bit in a twist as I want to name the new one Roosje but it also seemed weird to do that after what happened.
Last night I was talking to my cousin about it, a tremendous cat lover, and she said, it can also be a beautiful tribute.
I hadn't looked at it that way. I will, however, add a 2nd name to it to make a distinction between the two.
It's going to be Roosje Carina. That name will be on her cat passport from the vet's. Carina means `little belovedĀ“.

In a way the new kitten looks remarkably like Roosje, and yet she looks entirely different. Kind of peculiar.
She's 4,5 weeks old, born 5 days later than Roosje.
This is Roosje Carina:

AngelBlue 05-06-2023 09:29 AM

Ah she's beautiful.
When my twin died at birth I was given her chosen name as my middle name and it was the greatest gift my parents ever gave me.

FairyCrystal 05-06-2023 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by AngelBlue
Ah she's beautiful.
When my twin died at birth I was given her chosen name as my middle name and it was the greatest gift my parents ever gave me.

Wow, that is beautiful!!
Thank you for sharing that with me.

And yes, I'm happy with this little sweetheart.
When I looked at the litter, in a large wooden encasing, most of the kittens were snoozing, but she wasn't. I spotted her, the only calico and the one I'd gone to see, and she looked right back at me. It felt like we had an immediate connection.
When I gently picked her up she briefly rested her head against my face as if to show me we indeed had a connection. As if to indicate, "this is good!"
Even the woman was wow-ed by that gesture.

I spent some 30 mins there, and the last time I picked her up before going home she bit my finger? LOL.
Clearly she was done with being picked up, haha.
I admit I was taken aback by that for a bit but I think she just wanted to play as her siblings had woken up. When I put her down she started playing a bit so I doubt it meant anything other than that.

AngelBlue 05-06-2023 10:02 AM

Aww, I always say we don't choose our pets but they choose us.
Sounds to me like she has chosen you !

FairyCrystal 05-06-2023 10:52 AM

It does, doesn't it?!
And thank you for your feedback.
I know this is good, but I'm still a little off-kilter because of what happened to the other kitten.

AngelBlue 05-06-2023 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by FairyCrystal
It does, doesn't it?!
And thank you for your feedback.
I know this is good, but I'm still a little off-kilter because of what happened to the other kitten.

Oh gosh , I know how you are feeling, and that is very natural.
Just take each day at a time with your feelings and emotions and go with the flow of what that brings .
When my son and his wife bought their little kitten two years ago it was after their baby girl passed away and my son , in his grief wanted to give his wife something to cuddle.
But the kitten , in those first few weeks was very very poorly but luckily he pulled through. It would have been just too cruel if they had lost him also. I believe that he was sent to them from heaven .

FairyCrystal 05-06-2023 12:41 PM

Oh goodness, that is something to go through!
And happy to hear the kitten made it as I can imagine another blow after something so devastating as losing a child would be unbearable.

I'd asked Spirit to guide me to the right kitten for me and Nila. It took a bit of a strange route with what happened Saturday to now get to Roosje Carina.
I do believe it was meant to go that way, for whatever mysterious reason. At least she got to experience my love & Light whenever I saw and held her, and I really do feel my cat Bailey has taken her under his paws & care across the Rainbow Bridge.
Maybe that was all she needed in her short life this time round?

AngelBlue 05-06-2023 01:03 PM

Oh you can absolutely guarantee that little kitten felt your love and took it with her to Bailey.
Can you imagine if she had not had anyone fuss her or hold her, or cuddle her prior to her passing ?
And Bailey will be like "Yep. That's our mamma !!"...
Ahhhh but my son's cat has been such a source of joy to them.
( Yes they still have such heartache over the tragic loss of baby Olive , but Mungo has helped them through ).

FairyCrystal 05-06-2023 02:03 PM

Wonderful to hear about Mungo helping them deal with the loss of little Olive!
Did you know cats come in from Orion, especially to help & protect us? They do not need us, we need them! That's why they are independent creatures, they do not depend on us since they don't need us.
All felines are healers and protectors. Domestic felines of us & our homes, the big ones of our planet.

Domestic cats generally transmute a lot of negativity coming of their 'owners' and the homes they live in. If this is a lot a cat can become ill though as there's only so much one small animal can take on. Then it helps to put a labradorite in the cat's drinking water. That helps the cat with its job of transmuting and being able to get rid of excess negativity itself.
And to be clear, negativity is anything that isn't joyful, not what many think bad spirits. Heartache, loss, arguing & conflict, illness, stress, general unhappiness of people, and so on are all negative energy.

So cats work their feline behinds off for us! And more than just protecting, they also bring healing. They bring the qualities of enlightenment to us & to Earth, which is part of what the constellation Orion -where they originate from- is about.

So you see, they're indeed like little Angels!

AngelBlue 05-06-2023 02:18 PM

WOW Fairy, no I didn't know that ! Although if I suggested to my son to put a laboradolite in the cats drinking water they would have me committed into an asylum LOL....
I'm afraid they are not spiritually or religiously minded in any way shape or form . And that's quite sad really because little Olive is very much with me in spirit and sends me blue butterflies in all forms . ( This is how I got my username) ..
Prior to my son getting mungo I had no real dealings with domestic cats, but I have had many many many years of dealings with big wild cats !!! Those were some of my most precious moments in life.
(Maybe it's cos I'm a lion myself)..
But no, didn't know any of that.
Wish I could post a pic of mungo . He's such a poser !!
He's an orange and white Scottish fold.

FairyCrystal 05-06-2023 04:08 PM

I looked that breed up, I'd never heard of it. But now I have an idea of what he looks like :)
Now I'm wondering how you have had dealings with big wild cats? It's that the ones like lions and tigers or wild cats in the US?

AngelBlue 06-06-2023 06:33 AM

Oh gosh Fairy, and everyone will be thinking "oh no, here we go AGAIN !!" ) LOL. But I don't care, I loved my big cats heehee.
Oh, I'm not really sure about the cats in the US . I'm in the UK but here goes. My dad took me to see "born free" when I was a little girl. The true story about Elsa the lion and the woman called joy Adamson.
Joy was played by actress Virginia McKenna and little did I know then, as that little girl that one day I would be working on wild cat projects with that actress Virginia McKenna and her son will Travis , in the rescue of wild cats, restoring them to full health and where possible to free them back into their natural environments all be it under controlled monitoring. It was Lions, Tigers and a Leopard.
Even now I could cry thinking about them . They were brought to a rescue centre in Kent , England and this was NOT a zoo. The general public were not allowed in there and in fact a lot of the locals did not know it was even there.
We have been talking about baby kittens , but dear God , you should see a baby Siberian tiger !!!! Soz, I'll shut up now, I could talk all day and night about them .

AngelBlue 06-06-2023 09:48 AM

Fairy and Altair, the foundation I was part of had projects with all wild animals...
Sadly, as fairy said , some of the animals are beyond help and just have to be loved and cared for , for the rest of their days . But at least they DO eventually experience love.

And this FairyC is why the time spent with your baby kitten was crucial . She knew she was loved as will your new little one.

Miss Hepburn 06-06-2023 11:48 AM

The cruelty to animal talk that happens in the world has got to end ...
it was brought to my attention, btw. Thanks, guys.

FairyCrystal 07-06-2023 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by AngelBlue
And this FairyC is why the time spent with your baby kitten was crucial . She knew she was loved as will your new little one.

I sure as heck hope so!

The new one I hope to see again on either Friday or Saturday. I'll have to ask them if it's convenient.

AngelBlue 07-06-2023 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by FairyCrystal
I sure as heck hope so!

The new one I hope to see again on either Friday or Saturday. I'll have to ask them if it's convenient.

Hope it goes well.
Bet you can't wait. Try not to worry. If she is meant to be with you it will happen.

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