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Unseeking Seeker 09-10-2022 03:14 AM

Howling winds, tranquil mind
As self-appraised
Egoic bind

Howling winds, childlike glee
Dance of aliveness
Soul’s free

JustBe 09-10-2022 03:19 AM

Get your zen
In the den
Where silence
So that when

Life moves in you
Your zen nest rests
All life movements
A silent nest..

Unseeking Seeker 09-10-2022 03:23 AM

What did we see and what did we miss
Vibrant space looks on
Blow it a kiss

Unseeking Seeker 10-10-2022 12:54 AM

Celebrate ignorance
Bondage allows us to feel
What would otherwise be missed

Unseeking Seeker 11-10-2022 02:23 AM

Nurture well the body
For we dwell within it
Knowing it is but dust

Unseeking Seeker 12-10-2022 01:20 AM

Temptations entice
We plunge in therein
It's a rain dance
But we don't get wet

Unseeking Seeker 13-10-2022 01:13 AM

Looking outward we see
Vast empty space
Beckoning us

We pause there awhile
Exploring, feeling
Our soul

Unseeking Seeker 14-10-2022 01:32 AM

Observer observing the observed, both us
Inhibits spontaneity, deflects the flow
Until both aspects become one
There then is no one here
Save awareness

Free will ~ whose
Identity has vaporised
All that is, is a luminous mist
Which yet celebrates it's uniqueness
Within the womb of existence, so expressing
The manner of it's response in resonance with love

Unseeking Seeker 15-10-2022 02:33 AM

Vast empty space
Immediate and intimate
Playfully hides in plain sight
From outside our form, looking in
Just as we from within, are looking out
Lovers with eyes half closed, holding hands
Always entwined, though not in active cognition
Until boundaries blur when imagined separation ends
Delighting as we awake within the lucid dream
At all times complete, even whilst in stupor
Being a part of the play being enacted
Of God concealing and revealing
Separation and then union
As we look on, amazed

Unseeking Seeker 16-10-2022 01:20 AM

To which aspect of this dream
Does our heart yet wish to cling
Come, come now, why so serious
Let's hold hands, for a while sing

Unseeking Seeker 17-10-2022 01:27 AM

Centred everywhere
As soma nectar drips
That that is instantaneous
Is stretched in linear time
Becoming a bliss continuum
Rain dance for heart's delight

What matters thought labels now

Unseeking Seeker 18-10-2022 01:31 AM

Fear should not arise
Yet it does
A strange phenomena
Of foreign origin
Let us watch it awhile
And see how deep it goes
For everywhere there is light

Miss Hepburn 18-10-2022 09:54 AM

These are beautiful. :smile:

Unseeking Seeker 18-10-2022 12:45 PM

Thanks, Miss H! So happy you’re enjoying them! Why not add some musings of your soul too? :smile:

Unseeking Seeker 19-10-2022 12:42 AM

Mind-body is feeling happy
Mind-body is feeling sad
Mind-body is neither happy nor sad

What's all this got to do with us?

Unseeking Seeker 20-10-2022 01:38 AM

Simple Simon follows rhythm of his breath
In surrender going where it flows
With each exhalation he shifts into space
Pauses there awhile in stillness
Receptive, vibrant but yet unexpectant
Then when breath polarity rotates
Naturally and unforced
He re-enters his form
Going into the heart
Via single eye
Bringing back to his soul
Whispers from the void
Feeling, not interpreting
For thoughts rest

Unseeking Seeker 21-10-2022 01:49 AM

Absolute silence
Is there such a thing
When opposites dissolve
Becoming one without a second
In a time stretched continuum
Of perfect dynamic stillness
Who then is the witness

Unseeking Seeker 22-10-2022 03:15 AM

Habit borne pretended emotions arise
A strange amalgamation of mind and heart
Even though we recognise the upsurge as unreal
Contorted cravings of delusional ego entice
Plunging us deep into ambedo trance
Thus both in bondage and yet free
We witness the play of maya


Notes: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maya_(religion)

Unseeking Seeker 23-10-2022 01:28 AM

Energy orbs jostle for attention
Observation is our meditation
Cessation too, vibrant celebration

Vast All-ness beholds such-ness
This-ness too, one with oneness
So if they wish, let nodes stir
Even as boundaries blur

Unseeking Seeker 24-10-2022 01:43 AM

Reaction to disdain
Appears in our cognition
We as soul, immune from pain
Wonder at writhing ego's rendition

Meanings assigned, outcomes desired
Anchors, fetters, cause of tension
Futile thoughts by ego sired
Seeking our attention

Unseeking Seeker 25-10-2022 01:03 AM

Reduce burden on body and mind
Breath slow lest the void be disturbed
As a crucible of God's divine energy
With pulse of love, heart has concurred

Demons sometimes do raise their heads
Wafting divine fragrance heals pain
Enigmatic life movie plays on as ordained
For our nonchalant eye, it is no strain

Unseeking Seeker 26-10-2022 02:57 AM

Same time every morning
Celebration mourning
In bondage to routine
Habits we did not wean

Surprise offers release
Unpredictable sneeze
Bliss bubbling on our skin
Each breath intake virgin

Unseeking Seeker 27-10-2022 01:14 AM

Feel within something stir
Even as an erst musing fades
Melding, resurrecting, transforming
Thus never born and never died
Throb of eternal aliveness

That I Am

Unseeking Seeker 28-10-2022 01:22 AM

Seeking patterns
Familiar environs
Sensory apparatus
Thus so languishing
In hypnotic stupor
Yet heart yearns for
Soul's luminescence

Governed by instinct
Fickle egoic attention
Having separated itself
From womb of God's love
Is tragically blown away
In winds of uncertainty
Of duality remorseless

We are where
We choose to be
So we may dream on
Or decide to wake up
Our life, our choice
Yet pulse of love whispers
“Oh child, please be still”

Unseeking Seeker 29-10-2022 01:29 AM

We see it clearly
The screen of awareness
From birth to death, is unchanging

What changes is our perspective
As also roller coaster of life
And body that ages

Each half breath pauses
Positioning us in the vast void
In slow motion, three Gunas interplay

That from which all emanations arise
We find in time dissolved silence
Tranquil peace, vibrant bliss

Entwined with the all there is

Unseeking Seeker 30-10-2022 01:37 AM

something needs to be done
so we get up and do it
or so it appears

Unseeking Seeker 31-10-2022 01:20 AM

not judging but we cannot help but see it
violence, hatred, lust, envy, narrowness
all crouching in fear in the darkness
egos self-blocking love and light
if they look our way we pause
holding their hands awhile
allowing energy transfer
if they wish to receive
magnetism divine
to set aflame
soul's light

all that is
is God's light
when ego fades
luminescence shines
for souls who so choose
eternal over the ephemeral
by exiting the game of shadows
foolish clinging to objects of desire
trauma bonding with fears so mirrored
this truth's been affirmed time and again
there being nothing to add, we too do the same
moment to moment, all moments dissolved in time

Unseeking Seeker 31-10-2022 11:49 PM

traumatised within the lucid dream
why do we then wake up so relieved
did we not in the play enacted bleed
subtly shifted are emotes we stream

miniaturised within this mind-body form
not quite bliss replete, we feel incomplete
heart yet feels joy in victory, pain in defeat
bilocating as voidness within each storm

hypnotists count down from ten to one
that we awake bringing back in cognition
each nuance of bestowed polarity ignition
transformed by the light of the central sun

Unseeking Seeker 02-11-2022 01:30 AM

awoke this morning
astonished to find
my mind-body still here
obviously I’m dreaming

Unseeking Seeker 03-11-2022 01:04 AM

where lies root of residual desire ~
that still binds us to form

search at ego's peril

Unseeking Seeker 04-11-2022 01:20 AM

attention fixated in quanta of time
each packet a hypnotic trance
gluey friction inbuilt in duality
it's been fun but we're done

or so we imagine
as a subtle desire
mirroring aversion
signalling bondage

the rabbit hole goes in deep

Unseeking Seeker 05-11-2022 12:54 AM

The urge to create in us is innate
In harmony with sacred geometry
Reverberation of cosmic vibration
Amplifying within a divine rhythm
Music nurturing soul to feel whole
Effervescence borne of innocence
Play within renewing bliss ignition
Ineffable delight by day and night
Filling every chasm in body prism
As bliss nectar drips rapture grips
Pristine presence in love’s incense
Soundless thunder divine wonder
From soul's core like never before
Dance of vibrance in exuberance
That feels heals anneals by touch
Dynamic stillness path to wellness

Unseeking Seeker 06-11-2022 02:11 AM

how can the tightening noose
strangle our vaporised self

yet if it seems to
wave it away

if that's our wish

Unseeking Seeker 07-11-2022 01:36 AM

How still is our stillness
May the baton of awareness
Be held in a silence continuum
Ever humming to grant continuity
Yet nonchalant to life's ebb and flow
Infusing in the void loving intent
Propelled by bliss magnetism
Ever pulsating in our heart

When stupor overpowers
Recognise it impacts body
But our soul is yet untouched
Likewise thoughts of lower mind
They too rest in the deep sleep state
But soul's awareness self-aware
Is always throbbing with vitality
Be it in form or formlessness

Unseeking Seeker 08-11-2022 02:02 AM

sing us a lullaby oh gentle spirit
that lower mind slips into slumber
making us empty, so as to imbibe bliss
reverberating within as soundless thunder

Unseeking Seeker 09-11-2022 01:53 AM

the air is still
yet a gentle breeze
wafting a blissful fragrance
arises from deep within
borne by magnetism
we feel complete

divine assistance
thus fixates attention
on the vibrant bliss current
bursting forth from inside out
pervading every cell of our form
transmuting us as living light
with no doing on our part
save beholding magic
unfold within us

Unseeking Seeker 10-11-2022 01:31 AM

The blemish we saw in the other's soul
Was but mirroring our own reflection
Narrow views causing from love deflection
Oneness recognition making us whole

Linear time and memory erasure
Releases us from burden of our past
Else grief for erst misdeeds leaves us aghast
Tranquil eye ensures there's no heart fissure

Each entity as aspect of The One
Navigates contrast to feel love shine through
In active cognition, bliss beats renew
Rekindling within, the light of the sun

Unseeking Seeker 11-11-2022 12:58 AM

minor tremors seek resolution
in witness mode, we offer love
the Universe handles outcomes
we are simply here now present

Unseeking Seeker 12-11-2022 12:29 AM

a memory trigger
which we never knew of
in active cognition
crystallises before us
seeking our indulgence
but why would we oblige
beyond giving it a nod
of recognition
before we flow on
where the currents carry us
borne by past momentum
of our once fickle heart
which is now void centric
assigning no preference
to any vibration
other than love

Unseeking Seeker 13-11-2022 01:58 AM

Having been, seen, known,
light that has now flown,
memory recalls,
thus building new walls.

Incessant seeking,
energy leaking,
whilst if we be still,
voids within soon fill.

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