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Aknaton 08-09-2019 05:54 PM

Encouragement to Stay on The Way.
Hello my brothers and sisters, and all who strive towards the Body of Christ. I would like to share some encouragement that you stay on The Way that our Lord Jesus Christ gave us, and indeed is our Lord Jesus Christ. God, who is bringing us to Him on a moment by moment basis as far as we are willing to cooperate. God, whose Love and Mercy have neither beginning nor end. God, who gives power to the discerning and wisdom to the wise; being just to all people regardless of creed, religion, race and what have you. God, who looks at our hearts intent and rewards all our deeds, to Whom Justice belongs.

Let us always bring before us the message that our Lord Jesus Christ left for us to share with others, and let's be strong in holding onto that and nothing else. Let's not allow any adulteration to come to this message with was meant for all but received by a few.

1. St. John the Baptist came and preached repentance and the right ways of the Lord. He spoke of the soon coming Baptism.
2. Jesus, our Messiah and Saviour preached repentance and the right ways of the Lord. He brought the Baptism.
3. The Apostles who were sent by Jesus preached repentance and brought the Logos to bear through this Baptism.

We as members of the Body of Christ are to follow what the Apostles did and not stray from this message no matter what; neither adding nor subtracting from it.

However, there are teachings that creep into this message and dilute it, denying its all-saving power and make it of no use. There are teachers that lead the way and delude others into thinking that The Way is one part of the answer and the answer can be found in many other ways. There are many self-formed ideas having they're foundation upon the ego that have as their only aim to mislead.

Now, ours is not a path that is next to other possible paths to get to the truth; it is The Path & there is none other. There are only two paths, the wide one and the narrow one. Ours cannot be given by an advanced student in the mastery of mind and breath sitted in trance in his cave; flesh and bones will rot. Ours comes from the Incorruptible One who has power over life and death. Ours cannot be attained by some meditation or mental discipline, some physical exercise involving pose or breath. What truth lies within the flesh? Then those far older than us would have reached it. What truth lies within the mind? Then those who have minds would have reached it. What truth lies in the breath? Isn't this not an action of a living heart and functioning lungs?

We cannot reach the truth by our own self, we need the Creator to fill in the blanks. This is our way, given to us that we must walk, and the message must be taught undiluted.

The Good Shepherd extends His Hands in a gesture of blessing to His beloved flock and sends His regards.

God bless you my brothers and sisters.

ThatMan 08-09-2019 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by Aknaton
Hello my brothers and sisters, and all who strive towards the Body of Christ. I would like to share some encouragement that you stay on The Way that our Lord Jesus Christ gave us, and indeed is our Lord Jesus Christ. God, who is bringing us to Him on a moment by moment basis as far as we are willing to cooperate. God, whose Love and Mercy have neither beginning nor end. God, who gives power to the discerning and wisdom to the wise; being just to all people regardless of creed, religion, race and what have you. God, who looks at our hearts intent and rewards all our deeds, to Whom Justice belongs.

Let us always bring before us the message that our Lord Jesus Christ left for us to share with others, and let's be strong in holding onto that and nothing else. Let's not allow any adulteration to come to this message with was meant for all but received by a few.

1. St. John the Baptist came and preached repentance and the right ways of the Lord. He spoke of the soon coming Baptism.
2. Jesus, our Messiah and Saviour preached repentance and the right ways of the Lord. He brought the Baptism.
3. The Apostles who were sent by Jesus preached repentance and brought the Logos to bear through this Baptism.

We as members of the Body of Christ are to follow what the Apostles did and not stray from this message no matter what; neither adding nor subtracting from it.

However, there are teachings that creep into this message and dilute it, denying its all-saving power and make it of no use. There are teachers that lead the way and delude others into thinking that The Way is one part of the answer and the answer can be found in many other ways. There are many self-formed ideas having they're foundation upon the ego that have as their only aim to mislead.

Now, ours is not a path that is next to other possible paths to get to the truth; it is The Path & there is none other. There are only two paths, the wide one and the narrow one. Ours cannot be given by an advanced student in the mastery of mind and breath sitted in trance in his cave; flesh and bones will rot. Ours comes from the Incorruptible One who has power over life and death. Ours cannot be attained by some meditation or mental discipline, some physical exercise involving pose or breath. What truth lies within the flesh? Then those far older than us would have reached it. What truth lies within the mind? Then those who have minds would have reached it. What truth lies in the breath? Isn't this not an action of a living heart and functioning lungs?

We cannot reach the truth by our own self, we need the Creator to fill in the blanks. This is our way, given to us that we must walk, and the message must be taught undiluted.

The Good Shepherd extends His Hands in a gesture of blessing to His beloved flock and sends His regards.

God bless you my brothers and sisters.

I agree with everything you said! Aknaton, I just want to share with you that while reading this post I saw an orb of light floating over your words.

sky 08-09-2019 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by Aknaton
Hello my brothers and sisters, and all who strive towards the Body of Christ. I would like to share some encouragement that you stay on The Way that our Lord Jesus Christ gave us, and indeed is our Lord Jesus Christ. God, who is bringing us to Him on a moment by moment basis as far as we are willing to cooperate. God, whose Love and Mercy have neither beginning nor end. God, who gives power to the discerning and wisdom to the wise; being just to all people regardless of creed, religion, race and what have you. God, who looks at our hearts intent and rewards all our deeds, to Whom Justice belongs.

Let us always bring before us the message that our Lord Jesus Christ left for us to share with others, and let's be strong in holding onto that and nothing else. Let's not allow any adulteration to come to this message with was meant for all but received by a few.

1. St. John the Baptist came and preached repentance and the right ways of the Lord. He spoke of the soon coming Baptism.
2. Jesus, our Messiah and Saviour preached repentance and the right ways of the Lord. He brought the Baptism.
3. The Apostles who were sent by Jesus preached repentance and brought the Logos to bear through this Baptism.

We as members of the Body of Christ are to follow what the Apostles did and not stray from this message no matter what; neither adding nor subtracting from it.

However, there are teachings that creep into this message and dilute it, denying its all-saving power and make it of no use. There are teachers that lead the way and delude others into thinking that The Way is one part of the answer and the answer can be found in many other ways. There are many self-formed ideas having they're foundation upon the ego that have as their only aim to mislead.

Now, ours is not a path that is next to other possible paths to get to the truth; it is The Path & there is none other. There are only two paths, the wide one and the narrow one. Ours cannot be given by an advanced student in the mastery of mind and breath sitted in trance in his cave; flesh and bones will rot. Ours comes from the Incorruptible One who has power over life and death. Ours cannot be attained by some meditation or mental discipline, some physical exercise involving pose or breath. What truth lies within the flesh? Then those far older than us would have reached it. What truth lies within the mind? Then those who have minds would have reached it. What truth lies in the breath? Isn't this not an action of a living heart and functioning lungs?

We cannot reach the truth by our own self, we need the Creator to fill in the blanks. This is our way, given to us that we must walk, and the message must be taught undiluted.

The Good Shepherd extends His Hands in a gesture of blessing to His beloved flock and sends His regards.

God bless you my brothers and sisters.

Jesus Meditated and taught his Disciples. Throughout the Psalms there are many references to meditation.

Joshua 1:8, it is stated: “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written herein; for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous and then thou shalt have good success.”

In the Old Testament (Genesis 24:63) it is stated that Isaac goes out to meditate: “And Isaac went out to meditate in the fields at the eventide, and he lifted up his eyes, and saw, and behold the camels were coming.”

So maybe if you do some research in the OT and the NT you will see Meditation is indeed practiced.....

May my meditation be pleasing to him, as I rejoice in the LORD Psalm 104:34.

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD Psalm 19:14.

Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. (Psalm 1:1-2)

I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your wonders of old. I will ponder all your work, and meditate on your mighty deeds. Your way, O God, is holy. What god is great like our God? (Psalm 77:11-13)

In the way of your testimonies I delight as much as in all riches. I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways. I will delight in your statutes; I will not forget your word.” (Psalm 119:14-16)

Aknaton, it would be beneficial for you to research before disregarding different practises :smile:

sky 08-09-2019 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by ThatMan
I agree with everything you said! Aknaton, I just want to share with you that while reading this post I saw an orb of light floating over your words.

If you agree why do you Meditate ?

Aknaton 09-09-2019 05:24 AM


Originally Posted by ThatMan
I agree with everything you said! Aknaton, I just want to share with you that while reading this post I saw an orb of light floating over your words.

AMEN. Thanks ThatMan for this observation.

Honza 09-09-2019 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by sky123
If you agree why do you Meditate ?

Once again you misconstrue. No one said you should not meditate or that it is unholy. It was stated that meditation is not the path to God. However it may still be helpful.

Honza 09-09-2019 07:28 AM

Thank you very much for the encouragement. I find the discussions that go on in this Christian section distressful and unhelpful. Every single post in this section is leapt upon by the unfaithful and destroyed.

I understand that this is a multi faith and open spiritual forum. But people could at least have the decency to leave the Christian section to the Christians. There are scores of other sections for all the other paths.

sky 09-09-2019 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by Honza
Once again you misconstrue. No one said you should not meditate or that it is unholy. It was stated that meditation is not the path to God. However it may still be helpful.

Hi Honza, long time no see, hope your not going to shout again before your hurt :biggrin:

Jesus must have found that Meditation is one of the paths to God otherwise he wouldn't have taught it to his Disciples nor spent 40 days/nights Meditating in the desert :smile:

sky 09-09-2019 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by Honza
Thank you very much for the encouragement. I find the discussions that go on in this Christian section distressful and unhelpful. Every single post in this section is leapt upon by the unfaithful and destroyed.

I understand that this is a multi faith and open spiritual forum. But people could at least have the decency to leave the Christian section to the Christians. There are scores of other sections for all the other paths.

' distressful and unhelpful.'

Maybe because you jump to the wrong conclusions like you did regarding Meister Eckhart .
There are many paths in Christianity also, nothing is written in stone....

' They do him wrong who take God just in one particular way. They take the way rather than God '

Aknaton 10-09-2019 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by sky123
Hi Honza, long time no see, hope your not going to shout again before your hurt :biggrin:

Jesus must have found that Meditation is one of the paths to God otherwise he wouldn't have taught it to his Disciples nor spent 40 days/nights Meditating in the desert :smile:

He did not find the path to God, He is the Path and He is God.

Aknaton 10-09-2019 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by Honza
Thank you very much for the encouragement. I find the discussions that go on in this Christian section distressful and unhelpful. Every single post in this section is leapt upon by the unfaithful and destroyed.

I understand that this is a multi faith and open spiritual forum. But people could at least have the decency to leave the Christian section to the Christians. There are scores of other sections for all the other paths.

We ought to encourage each other more often in this subsection, as there will always be some kind of persecution and stone throwing to push of the message. Some are strong to maintain, others fail and fall.

That is true. And we see what is happening here on this Christian subsection is happening out here in the Body of Christ; little word about Jesus and more on other stuff.

JosephineB 10-09-2019 09:57 AM

Why bring meditation as a practice up in the first place.

sky 10-09-2019 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by Aknaton
He did not find the path to God, He is the Path and He is God.

Other Religions including some Christians would disagree, but to each their own :smile:

Why do you think Jesus Meditated and taught his Disciples?
Forty days/nights is a long time so he must have found it very beneficial.

davidmartin 10-09-2019 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by sky123
' distressful and unhelpful.'

Maybe because you jump to the wrong conclusions like you did regarding Meister Eckhart .
There are many paths in Christianity also, nothing is written in stone....

' They do him wrong who take God just in one particular way. They take the way rather than God '

There are not many paths within Christianity, there is only one. it is followed in different ways but its one spirit, one single truth behind the differences and the stumbling blocks put there by those within and outside it. the task set by Jesus is to find this one single thing and if you want it badly enough you will, and then your problems are replaced by a new set of problems

sky 10-09-2019 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by davidmartin
There are not many paths within Christianity, there is only one. it is followed in different ways but its one spirit, one single truth behind the differences and the stumbling blocks put there by those within and outside it. the task set by Jesus is to find this one single thing and if you want it badly enough you will, and then your problems are replaced by a new set of problems

Let's agree to differ :smile:

Honza 10-09-2019 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by sky123
Let's agree to differ :smile:

You ought to agree that you are in the wrong section.

Honza 10-09-2019 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by sky123
Hi Honza, long time no see, hope your not going to shout again before your hurt :biggrin:

Gosh that was funny. :icon_frown:

sky 10-09-2019 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by Honza
You ought to agree that you are in the wrong section.

No Honza, I'm quite happy here :D

sky 10-09-2019 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Honza
Gosh that was funny. :icon_frown:

It's good to enjoy humour :smile:

Honza 10-09-2019 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by sky123
It's good to enjoy humour :smile:

Not at someone else's expense.

Honza 10-09-2019 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by sky123
No Honza, I'm quite happy here :D

You have settled in like a fat cat.....

sky 10-09-2019 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by Honza
You have settled in like a fat cat.....

Meowwwwwwwwww :D

davidmartin 10-09-2019 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by sky123
Let's agree to differ :smile:

Sure, the abuse has concealed a lot. I understand this

sky 10-09-2019 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by Honza
Not at someone else's expense.

At least we agree on something :smile:

JosephineB 10-09-2019 06:53 PM

I think this would be a missed and wasted opportunity if I weren't to use the cat emoji

:icon_cat: :cat:

BigJohn 10-09-2019 10:49 PM


Originally Posted by Aknaton
He did not find the path to God, He is the Path and He is God.

English translations seem to support that belief but do the
Hebrew and Greek scriptures support that Jesus is God?

Aknaton 11-09-2019 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by sky123
It's good to enjoy humour :smile:

I encourage you too sky123.

davidmartin 11-09-2019 12:56 PM

answer me this sky, how come we need many paths to a God who is everywhere yet hidden in everything? why are there multiple paths to a universal deity?
the path through Jesus exists and is real, even if others also are good at this
if you want all paths to be made the same, i can't ever see that happening, but i can see the different paths existing together, but they can't be made the same

sky 11-09-2019 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by davidmartin
answer me this sky, how come we need many paths to a God who is everywhere yet hidden in everything? why are there multiple paths to a universal deity?
the path through Jesus exists and is real, even if others also are good at this
if you want all paths to be made the same, i can't ever see that happening, but i can see the different paths existing together, but they can't be made the same

' how come we need many paths to a God '

Different horses for different courses.... :smile:

sky 11-09-2019 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by Aknaton
I encourage you too sky123.

Encouragement is not needed, but thanks anyway :smile:

BigJohn 11-09-2019 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by davidmartin
answer me this sky, how come we need many paths to a God who is everywhere yet hidden in everything? why are there multiple paths to a universal deity?
the path through Jesus exists and is real, even if others also are good at this
if you want all paths to be made the same, i can't ever see that happening, but i can see the different paths existing together, but they can't be made the same

Ask somebody "Who created everything?"
And the answer you usually get is God.
Ask somebody "I thought God created Jesus and Jesus created everything else, correct?"
Some times you will get an answer "Yes".

Then somebody starts studying the Bible all by itself. They do not get too far in that of acquiring knowledge and
understanding. Then they start studying the scriptures in Hebrew and Greek and the more they study, the
more they see how what was 'original' got changed/altered into a completely different religion.
The Truth is probably there somewhere but a person may have to go down multiple paths in order to find it.
But then some say all you got to do is believe in Jesus...... but which Jesus?
The original or one of the many that apparently appear as though forms?

sky 11-09-2019 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by BigJohn
Ask somebody "Who created everything?"
And the answer you usually get is God.
Ask somebody "I thought God created Jesus and Jesus created everything else, correct?"
Some times you will get an answer "Yes".

Then somebody starts studying the Bible all by itself. They do not get too far in that of acquiring knowledge and
understanding. Then they start studying the scriptures in Hebrew and Greek and the more they study, the
more they see how what was 'original' got changed/altered into a completely different religion.
The Truth is probably there somewhere but a person may have to go down multiple paths in order to find it.
But then some say all you got to do is believe in Jesus...... but which Jesus?
The original or one of the many that apparently appear as though forms?

Exactly BJ, that's why there are different courses for different horses :D

BigJohn 11-09-2019 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by sky123
Exactly BJ, that's why there are different courses for different horses :D

But there is more.........

As I already mentioned, God created Jesus and Jesus created everything else.
But in the days of Noah, God got so mad he destroyed all the people,
all of the animals and all of the plants except for those that were on the Ark.

Some people have speculated that Jesus may not have done a very
good job in creating and God had to come and clean up the mess.

But then, it was God who created Jesus in the first place.

sky 11-09-2019 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by BigJohn
But there is more.........

As I already mentioned, God created Jesus and Jesus created everything else.
But in the days of Noah, God got so mad he destroyed all the people,
all of the animals and all of the plants except for those that were on the Ark.

Some people have speculated that Jesus may not have done a very
good job in creating and God had to come and clean up the mess.

But then, it was God who created Jesus in the first place.

I used to believe these FairyTales but after eating all my fruit and veg I grew bigger and didn't need them anymore :biggrin: I do wonder though how did the Dino's fit on that ark....

davidmartin 11-09-2019 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by sky123
' how come we need many paths to a God '

Different horses for different courses.... :smile:

but you yourself are on a course along with everyone else, while portraying your own one as the only one that's true and undermining other views, its very easy to see this and wish you'd be more open minded

sky 12-09-2019 05:10 AM


Originally Posted by davidmartin
but you yourself are on a course along with everyone else, while portraying your own one as the only one that's true and undermining other views, its very easy to see this and wish you'd be more open minded

I don't think my way is the only way, It's the only way for me obviously but never for others. I have Friends from different belief systems and would never undermine their views.

I go to Buddhists Temples, Spiritualist Churches have Atheist Friends, I practise Taoist Qigong, Taoist Tai Chi and Buddhists Tai Chi, I am extremely open minded :smile:

BigJohn 12-09-2019 05:18 AM


Originally Posted by sky123
I used to believe these FairyTales but after eating all my fruit and veg I grew bigger and didn't need them anymore :biggrin: I do wonder though how did the Dino's fit on that ark....

You don't know...... God directed them to walk and board the Ark.

But as the Ark raised higher then the Himalayan mountains, the extreme cold and oxygen deficiency killed off the dinosaurs. That is why we have fossils today. Too bad for those trees at the bottom of the water. The water pressure was very great but not great enough to produce diamonds.

If you remember, Noah stayed on the Ark for over one year. I can just image how smelly the Ark smelled that is why it did not survive.

neil 12-09-2019 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by BigJohn

But as the Ark raised higher then the Himalayan mountains, the extreme cold and oxygen deficiency

Yes, they would have been on the ark for ages, up there above the highest mountains, freezing cold & hidden from the rays of the sun behind rain clouds. Waiting for the water to reside, to a level that was comfortable for them to survive.

Just think about people climbing Everest in harsh conditions without oxygen or the clothing nessesary. think of the frost bite on themselves & animals. They would have frozen animals left right & centre.
They would have been out of their minds without oxygen canisters, they could not have survived.

& all of that water would have kept them up high for so long. because all of that water had no where to go, all at once.
So then they wait, for some where to exit the ark...But where...oh my, what a shomozle.

& where did all of that water actually come from. & would the water have frozen around the ark whilst up so high.

The concept of it all just seems so wrong.
& as we know from humans climbing to the tip of Everest without oxygen & staying there for extended periods of time, would be impossible. then we could surmise that anyone on the ark up so high could surely not survive.

& so if the above is true, as proven through history, then what about the rest of the biblical story...is it all more than semi false & very misleading ?

Honza 12-09-2019 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by sky123
I am extremely open minded :smile:

Which is all very well. This whole forum applauds that. However Christians don't exactly aim to be open minded - they aim to be true to Christ. That is what this small section of SF is about. The Christian aspect.

Honza 12-09-2019 09:10 AM

The truth is who cares if you believe the Christian fairy tales or not. Most members of SF don't. But they have the courtesy not to invade the Christian section where Christians are free to express their views.

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