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FairyCrystal 19-08-2019 11:41 AM

More Advanced Lightworkers here?
Nice to see there's a Lightworker thread :smile: After years on this forum I'd never seen it, hihi. Weird to stick it under religion, I guess that's why I missed it, but alas.

I'm a Lightworker and I've been looking for 'my tribe' for quite some time now, and so far I've not found it. I know the path of a Lightworker can be lonely but I feel I've reached the stage where you want togetherness, to share, and have my tribe around -or like-minded people- to learn and grow, have a bit of fun, relax, and so on.
I'm beginning to miss it more and more.
To be honest, I also don't know where such people hang out? Are there more advanced Lightworkers on here?
I'm busy with 5D subjects daily, do 5D/ascension visualizations and webinars on a regular basis, and follow teachers on the matter like Diana Cooper, Tim Whild, Kyle Gray etc.
On here I've never come across anyone who follows Diana Cooper, although she has thousands of followers and readers of her books.
So that's on visiting the Halls of Learning, expanding the chakras so they become 5D, working with dragons, Archangels, angels, Ascended Masters and so on, but on a different level. It's based on 'higher' information, not the old stuff that's out on the net.

I'm way beyond learning to ground and shield, protecting from negativity, talking about darkness and all that basic stuff.
No judgement, I've been there too, you got to start somewhere. But I so crave exchange with people who are (much) further than that.
So wondering and hoping there are some here!

dryad 20-08-2019 02:49 AM

I don't call myself a light worker but yeah I'm advanced. I looked up Diana Cooper. I wouldnt really call that stuff advanced but its a start. I would think you've gone about as far as you can go with it already though. It has a lot of inbuilt limitations. You need higher level stuff to keep going. I know you think its higher level but its really not. Its based on ancient fae lore.... And you know how fae can be tricksters.

I'd also be careful about writing off grounding, shielding and anything to do with darkness as beginner stuff. There are advanced versions of all of those. Even the beginner versions are usually misunderstood. And since most higher level abilities depend on those fundamental skills you don't want to skip over them too quickly.

Anyway drop me a line if you want to chat.
xx dryad

FairyCrystal 20-08-2019 11:24 AM

It's fine to not get what I'm talking about, to not feel resonance with it. Like I said, we all have to start somewhere and then grow and evolve from there. I did too.
But to then judge and belittle me and what I do and who I am and what I stand for... And do the same thing with one of the most advanced knowledgeable and wise teachers of this era, if not the most advanced one... Sorry. That says enough and tells me we are not on the same level at all.
It's okay to not get something yet but to then judge what you don't understand? That's very old and 3D...
And to judge Fairie lore... Not that that is what Diana Cooper is about, another thing you don't understand. But there's nothing wrong with Faerie lore at all. I know as it's part of what I studied to get to where I am now. One of MANY things.
I've tasted from most known things, which I feel is the best way to grow and evolve as you then have a very large & varied palette.

Anywho, I guess I've got to try my luck elsewhere.

dryad 20-08-2019 05:46 PM

And those are the limitations I was talking about. The assumption that there isn't anything higher than what you already know. That if I don't agree its because I don't understand. And if I don't agree I must be on a lower level than you. The emotional identification of your belief system with your identity. And the defensive reaction to the suggestion that maybe your not as advanced as you think you are.... Those that really want to learn see it as an opportunity not an attack. Sorry, I'm really not trying to judge or demean you. I was just pointing out that there is more to learn. Advanced is a relative term. In the system I use 5d ascension is one of the early stages. I'm not saying its wrong, just that there is more advanced levels beyond that. I've been where you are, and moved on. I understand more than you think.

I actually am Fae by bloodline. I'm not judging faerie lore. I just recognised the similarities between the 5d ascension beliefs and the ancient tradition of human to fae transformation. It puts everything in a different perspective. And by the way fae being tricksters is well known and a point of pride not an insult.

But since it seems you only want to talk to people that agree with you I won't waste any more time. Good luck finding your tribe. You may want to try some of the Facebook groups that focus on 5d ascension. There are thousands of people there that believe as you do.

John32241 08-09-2019 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by FairyCrystal
To be honest, I also don't know where such people hang out? Are there more advanced Lightworkers on here?

I find that there are different flavors of lightwork. It is kind of like Christians. There are many Christian religions. So finding your tribe is indeed what you want to do.


I'm way beyond learning to ground and shield, protecting from negativity, talking about darkness and all that basic stuff.
No judgement, I've been there too, you got to start somewhere. But I so crave exchange with people who are (much) further than that.
So wondering and hoping there are some here!

In my view, Ha Ha, I am also light years beyond these things. However my way of being most likely does not resonate with you or you would have clicked with me. No problem. Keep looking for your tribe.


FairyCrystal 08-09-2019 06:27 PM

Yes, you're right, there'll be different flavours. I'm hopeful to find my tribe at some point :D

BlackfoxNZ 08-09-2019 06:47 PM

1, How would you define advanced? I would call myself ahead of many other humans in terms of entity tracking, stealth, offensive and defensive energy working, but not advanced as there’s still huge amounts of information I’m yet to sort through and learn from

FairyCrystal 08-09-2019 07:52 PM

Difficult to describe. I'll post a text underneath that I feel does tell it really well.
First I want to make clear I mean no judgement with 'advanced'.

A Lightworker is anyone who devotes their life to being a bright light in the world. They understand that their actions (no matter how big or small) have the potential to raise the vibration of the planet. A Lightworker soul is awake, conscious that their presence matters and that they are part of something that is bigger than them.

Lightworkers are not just tie-dye wearing hippies and healers with dreads. Far from it. They are teachers and chefs, writers and singers, producers and cleaners, mothers and mediums. They’re at the country club and the nightclub, in the cafe and crèche, the boardroom and the art room.

A Lightworker is someone who makes a conscious decision to endeavour to answer the call of Source (light) over the call of the ego (fear).

There are two types of energy on this planet. Light and dark. Light energy is unlimited and comes from Source. It’s high vibrational, expansive and full of love. Dark energy is much more dense. It’s the manipulation, power struggle and fear. It sees us all as separate, rather than connected spiritual beings. It goes against the flow of The Universe.

Lightworkers turn their light on by following what lights them up and then effortlessly sharing that light with the world around them. They are in tune with the callings of their soul and act on its whispers regardless of fear. They do not need to convince anyone of anything, rather just be the light.

This is from Rebecca Campbell, who made the Work Your Light oracle card deck.
There's more on her site, where she describes two types of Lightworker (not that dark one, I personally don't see that as a Lightworker).


BlackfoxNZ 08-09-2019 10:22 PM

1, how dense energy is doesn’t make it good or evil, if water is denser than air does that make water a force of dark beings and evil? It is the being using the energy which decides if it will be used for good or evil in the eyes of the many

2, I don’t really care about what Rebecca Campbell has said, if I wanted to hear what she has to say I would ask her, I’m talking to you so I want to hear what you have to say not someone else.

FairyCrystal 09-09-2019 10:59 AM

1) That may be true, but negativity is never light/Light.
I do see that many people had / have to go through a phase of investigating the darker side of themselves, which most everyone has. You cannot be Light if you don't fully know your own darker side.
But I also believe the new souls that come in (Crystal & Rainbow children, many of them now adults btw) do not have to go there or not nearly so much.

2) I get that, but the fact I quote her means that that is how I see it. I made clear what part I don't agree with too.
It is all about being the Light, spreading Light by being yourself and doing what you do. And by that uplifting other people, help them to also feel lighter and better.
The reason I found it difficult to put in my own words is that I too had to go through quite the trial and tribulation in my life due to old stuff as I have been here on this planet before and most of my lives have not been pleasant.
I know I've been judged and killed and whatnot for being a Lightworker quite the few times in unpleasant ways, so for me it has been difficult to dare to stand up and shine my light.

Still plenty to learn and do, but at least I finally know who/what I am.

TheOther 09-10-2019 03:48 AM

I have lived an eternity in the 'World of Light'. In that world I have met and been guided by many beings who are solely made of energy/light. I am one of those beings, one who has chosen to do their work here before I return. I understand your feelings of isolation, but I think that you need to ask yourself why you really want to connect with us on this plane. Do you want to figure out what you're specifically supposed to be doing here, or do you simply want to spend time with us?

Myself, and 'The Others' do not seek active relationships with the 'Tribe' on this plane because we understand that there is no time to waste, and must do as much work as possible before our bodies wither and fade. Most of the beings I know are not in this world, but we communicate often.. as our connection is inseparable.

You are more likely to find us when you are in need of guidance because we are committed to our work on this plane, we appear when it is necessary. It also depends HOW you are looking, we will never say "I am from the Other Side, nice to meet you." because we understand the rules of this world and how our existence flies in the face of any conventional model of the world.. going against that causes trouble and interferes with our work.. so we silently guide those who ask for help.

We take many forms.. bus driver, bank teller, cashier, police officer, homeless person, etc. It is not certain which model others have chosen to do their work. I suggest that you ACT from the spirit, live AS the spirit, and naturally you will see the other conscious spirits that inhabit your surroundings.

You will recognize us by first recognizing Yourself. Looking into our eyes will allow you to connect with us, and we will speak without the need for words. Do not be offended if we are only interested in brief exchanges, we understand what we are doing, and don't feel the need to spend time with other 'Light beings' because that time would be better spent influencing this world and the souls who need to be reminded of who they really are.

I cannot tell you what to do, but I can suggest that you look for activities that will bring you closer to those of similar mind. Here is a doorway for you: transpersonalassociation.com (I cannot post links yet.)

There you will find many beings doing their 'Work', and the events held have brought many of the type that you're seeking together. Hopefully that gives you an idea of the type of events that you must find. Trust your path, be open enough to LISTEN, and you will see that we are all around you. Feel free to privately message me anytime.

I wish you love and success on your journey, I hope to see you on 'The Other Side', when the time is right.

FoxTracks 24-10-2019 12:27 AM


I see your posts elsewhere, and I respect your perspective and enjoy your posts. What you posted by, rebecca campbell, I think, on the first page, was really inspiring. Especially the part about pursuing the things that light you up, and sharing that light. It's something I love to do.

Lightwork is an interesting thing to me and a community I would like to get to know a little, as I seem to agree with many of their precepts. The faerie realm has recently opened to me, and I have been working with them lately.

You call yourself advanced, though, and crave that from others, when it seems to me that your perspective, although valuable, is limited in ways that someone who has not studied lightwork teachers perspectives is not. You talk about lower vibrations and darkness, as if they are wholly bad. They can be, but excessively high, or too high too often, isn't conducive to life either. The key is balance. Dark energy, or chaos, also has purpose. There is a reason, in the grand scheme, it is here. Although I fight to spread light, I recognize that the darkness has purpose. I think that's an important lesson.

Grounding, sheilding, and such are important techniques, and completely necessary for one working with magic, magick, or various forms of light energy. Be aware of the saying, though, "staring into the sun too long can burn out your eyes." It is good to see the light, but you have to be able to see in the moderate light of the world, and the darkness of the world, as well.

Other skills you may not have mastered are those of camouflage and shapeshifting.

Much love,


FairyCrystal 24-10-2019 08:24 AM


Originally Posted by FoxTracks

I see your posts elsewhere, and I respect your perspective and enjoy your posts. What you posted by, rebecca campbell, I think, on the first page, was really inspiring. Especially the part about pursuing the things that light you up, and sharing that light. It's something I love to do.

Lightwork is an interesting thing to me and a community I would like to get to know a little, as I seem to agree with many of their precepts. The faerie realm has recently opened to me, and I have been working with them lately.

You call yourself advanced, though, and crave that from others, when it seems to me that your perspective, although valuable, is limited in ways that someone who has not studied lightwork teachers perspectives is not. You talk about lower vibrations and darkness, as if they are wholly bad. They can be, but excessively high, or too high too often, isn't conducive to life either. The key is balance. Dark energy, or chaos, also has purpose. There is a reason, in the grand scheme, it is here. Although I fight to spread light, I recognize that the darkness has purpose. I think that's an important lesson.

Grounding, sheilding, and such are important techniques, and completely necessary for one working with magic, magick, or various forms of light energy. Be aware of the saying, though, "staring into the sun too long can burn out your eyes." It is good to see the light, but you have to be able to see in the moderate light of the world, and the darkness of the world, as well.

Other skills you may not have mastered are those of camouflage and shapeshifting.

Much love,


Typical how no one understands what I mean but tries to talk me down.

After a while you get to the point where shielding and grounding goes by itself. I reached that point years ago, I occasionally have to address it, not often though.
Like when you go to school for the first time. You need to read and write and practice letters and words. When you've been at school for a year, you've past that stage and there's no need to go back to learning to write a letter.
You're ready to move on to the next thing.
Why is it so difficult to understand that personal growth works exactly the same way?

Camouflage is easy, learnt that years ago too. Shape-shifting doesn't interest me. Neither are requirements btw to evolve and to become a Lightworker or more evolved.
I've left most of shamanism/witchcraft behind, but I've integrated from it what I need and what resonates.

Contrast you always need, yes, but the type you need changes when you've grown and evolved. Quite logical. Like the contrast a young schoolchild encounters changes with the years.

And exactly like they say, when you're a Lightworker your path is lonely. At least for a bit. That's what I am talking about, craving some contact of like-minded people who are approx as far in their growth & development, as it indeed get very lonely. Who understand what I'm talking about.

COB Michael 11-11-2019 02:34 AM

Hello FairyCrystal. You have already find your tribe. As a manifestation of God, or Universal Light, in the Physical Universe you are surrounded by your own Presence and Creation. There is nothing else to know above the Certainty that you are the Creator and the Created at the same time. In my book this is the most Advanced Knowledge one can get in this Universe. Hope this help. Michael.

Jalo90 13-11-2019 07:10 AM

these postings are all very interesting . I have seen the name lightworker used in the web , I am not sure what it means but its perhaps so that if you are a light workers there are others who are not light workers and than there must be differences between groups . can say more sure all are souls incarnated on earth .is that not the best thing to be ? I am also not sure if it makes sense to derive values from others in relationship to what you are your self . its done a lot, it makes people send energy to them an energy you can have access to your self also and that gives you more freedom. as there being dark energy , I have never seen it, seems to me there is just energy , which can be taken away unwanted to hurt a person , but that would just be a flow direction of the same energy that can also please . yet again to have your own access is a freedom so I think. if people would just be fine with the energy they have or are in , that would never need be a point of unbalance but just taken for granted , or a normal thing.

NoOne 13-11-2019 09:13 AM

I guess I would fit the definition of a lightworker or an Indigo / Starseed, though I have not looked into any of these concepts in detail. I am wary of New Age trends, I feel there is a lack of grounding and canon to fall back to, people can basically say whatever they want and proclaim it to be the truth.

I feel much more at home with "Old Age", whatever is based on established scripture and writings going back thousands of years. Currently I'm looking into and working with the Elohim / Anunnaki and trying to learn as much about them as I can. I guess there is a point where they meet with the New Age stuff and the two overlap, but I simply do not trust any of the people involved in that scene, too many of them have turned out to be charlatans and frauds.

The Fae stuff sounds intriguing, but again, what is it actually based on? Are there any scriptures and ancient writings on them to read? Do we even know that much about them, apart from a couple of old fairytales? Do we have any archeological evidence or any physical proof that they really were here and left a trace of their existence that we can examine in detail? Again, these are the questions that need answering before it can be taken seriously, in my view.

FoxTracks 13-11-2019 02:45 PM

Believe it or not, the fae are much more established than you might believe. Legends of "Little people" and "faeries" exist globally, if you dig for them. I have not read the poetic or prose eddas in completion, but therein are tales of fae beings, dwarves, dragons. I think the miscommunication with physical evidence of their being is that they were not physical beings, but rather were and are energetic/spiritual beings who are not deceased. I think many of those who talk about them today have personal contact and rely little on legends, especially when they have been christianized to demonize them.

Legrand 13-11-2019 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by NoOne
I guess I would fit the definition of a lightworker or an Indigo / Starseed, though I have not looked into any of these concepts in detail. I am wary of New Age trends, I feel there is a lack of grounding and canon to fall back to, people can basically say whatever they want and proclaim it to be the truth.

I feel much more at home with "Old Age", whatever is based on established scripture and writings going back thousands of years. Currently I'm looking into and working with the Elohim / Anunnaki and trying to learn as much about them as I can. I guess there is a point where they meet with the New Age stuff and the two overlap, but I simply do not trust any of the people involved in that scene, too many of them have turned out to be charlatans and frauds.

The Fae stuff sounds intriguing, but again, what is it actually based on? Are there any scriptures and ancient writings on them to read? Do we even know that much about them, apart from a couple of old fairytales? Do we have any archeological evidence or any physical proof that they really were here and left a trace of their existence that we can examine in detail? Again, these are the questions that need answering before it can be taken seriously, in my view.

Hello NoOne,

It’s been a while, hope everything finds you well.

Like you know, I’m a fervent of the Goddess in all the forms we may have given her over history. But most of the scriptures we have from Her or any other ‘spiritual’ scripture we have where mostly written by men and I find there is in them a general tendency to bypass the feminine aspect or even demonize it.

IMO those text from history need to be revisited in this new age. Of course this will take a few hundred years. But it needs to be done before the next dark age comes in a few thousands years.


NoOne 13-11-2019 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by Legrand
Hello NoOne,

It’s been a while, hope everything finds you well.

Like you know, I’m a fervent of the Goddess in all the forms we may have given her over history. But most of the scriptures we have from Her or any other ‘spiritual’ scripture we have where mostly written by men and I find there is in them a general tendency to bypass the feminine aspect or even demonize it.

IMO those text from history need to be revisited in this new age. Of course this will take a few hundred years. But it needs to be done before the next dark age comes in a few thousands years.


Hi Legrand,

Always nice to hear from you.

Surpisingly perhaps, in ancient Sumer, there was gender equality, not least because of Inanna's cult, who at times was the most powerful and revered of the Anunnaki.

The first named poet in history, that we are aware of, was Enheduanna, who was a woman and a devotee and high priestess of Inanna. Many of the scriptures and stories that survive from that time, were written by her and there were probably other female poets, writers, seers and prophets at the time.

Another aspect of Inanna's cult, that is very striking in today's context, was the use of Gay and Transgender priests in her temples. In fact, she was known to prefer them in her temples, though of course, she did not exclude anybody.

I don't know if you were aware of this, but the Anunnaki did found the Sumerian civilisation and introduced things like writing, astronomy, religion, agriculture, mathematics, etc... Each of the Anunnaki ruled over a different Sumerian city and they lived amongst their devotees, in those days, still in flesh and blood. They have since moved on, or ascended to a higher plane.

Inanna's city was Uruk, which was the first Sumerian/Assyrian city to be thoroughly excavated and most of the artefacts that were unearthed are now in the British Museum. When I first saw the artefacts from Uruk, most of whom are connected with Inanna's, her brother Utu's, and her father Enki's worship, I instantly felt at home and knew straight away that this was my culture and my family. I connected to Inanna through unknowing worship, by meditating on the religious objects connected to her cult, as well as some of the personal artefacts that she wore during her reign on earth. These include a very fetching lapis lazuli headdress and necklace. Blue is her favoured colour :smile:

As you know, Inanna saved my life and sanity, when I was in a dire spiritual and medical emergency and Enki and Utu also helped me with many things during the years, as well as others I asked them to help. Enki saved my father from paralysis when he got a stroke and he fully recovered from that. Utu got me the job I'm currently in, when I was unemployed and unable to pay my bills. There were many other people who were helped by them, so I'm incredibly grateful.

I hope I'm not digressing too much, but since you brought it up, I thought it really needed mentioning.

I also hope you are progressing well on your spiritual journey, it sounds that you are having a wonderful time in your communion with the Goddess.

NoOne 13-11-2019 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by FoxTracks
Believe it or not, the fae are much more established than you might believe. Legends of "Little people" and "faeries" exist globally, if you dig for them. I have not read the poetic or prose eddas in completion, but therein are tales of fae beings, dwarves, dragons. I think the miscommunication with physical evidence of their being is that they were not physical beings, but rather were and are energetic/spiritual beings who are not deceased. I think many of those who talk about them today have personal contact and rely little on legends, especially when they have been christianized to demonize them.

Yes, that's the way it seems. I'm happy, that people are having positive experiences with the fairy folk, just wish that there was some sort of established lore to fall back on, that would at least help to verify whether someone was being genuine or not. I just feel that in this area, as well as other New Age trends, such as the Pleiadians, Ascended Masters, Ashtar Command, Galactic federation, Sphere Beings, Blue Avians and so on, there is simply nothing to fall back on, which would help you verify if you are dealing with actual beings or just the figment of someone's imagination. Most of the ones I listed have turned out to fall in the latter category.

One thing I will say though, is that I am fairly certain the Fae exist, I have reliable and feet-on-the-ground friend in fact, who has seen a banshee.

Legrand 13-11-2019 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by NoOne
Hi Legrand,

Always nice to hear from you.

Surpisingly perhaps, in ancient Sumer, there was gender equality, not least because of Inanna's cult, who at times was the most powerful and revered of the Anunnaki.

The first named poet in history, that we are aware of, was Enheduanna, who was a woman and a devotee and high priestess of Inanna. Many of the scriptures and stories that survive from that time, were written by her and there were probably other female poets, writers, seers and prophets at the time.

Another aspect of Inanna's cult, that is very striking in today's context, was the use of Gay and Transgender priests in her temples. In fact, she was known to prefer them in her temples, though of course, she did not exclude anybody.

I don't know if you were aware of this, but the Anunnaki did found the Sumerian civilisation and introduced things like writing, astronomy, religion, agriculture, mathematics, etc... Each of the Anunnaki ruled over a different Sumerian city and they lived amongst their devotees, in those days, still in flesh and blood. They have since moved on, or ascended to a higher plane.

Inanna's city was Uruk, which was the first Sumerian/Assyrian city to be thoroughly excavated and most of the artefacts that were unearthed are now in the British Museum. When I first saw the artefacts from Uruk, most of whom are connected with Inanna's, her brother Utu's, and her father Enki's worship, I instantly felt at home and knew straight away that this was my culture and my family. I connected to Inanna through unknowing worship, by meditating on the religious objects connected to her cult, as well as some of the personal artefacts that she wore during her reign on earth. These include a very fetching lapis lazuli headdress and necklace. Blue is her favoured colour :smile:

As you know, Inanna saved my life and sanity, when I was in a dire spiritual and medical emergency and Enki and Utu also helped me with many things during the years, as well as others I asked them to help. Enki saved my father from paralysis when he got a stroke and he fully recovered from that. Utu got me the job I'm currently in, when I was unemployed and unable to pay my bills. There were many other people who were helped by them, so I'm incredibly grateful.

I hope I'm not digressing too much, but since you brought it up, I thought it really needed mentioning.

I also hope you are progressing well on your spiritual journey, it sounds that you are having a wonderful time in your communion with the Goddess.

Just love this blue a bit like the one of the crystal rose of the picture of my avatar. I just keep seeing it from the third eye.

Always nice to read from you and mostly share this form of consciousness.

All the best to you!

NoOne 14-11-2019 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by Legrand
Just love this blue a bit like the one of the crystal rose of the picture of my avatar. I just keep seeing it from the third eye.

Always nice to read from you and mostly share this form of consciousness.

All the best to you!


I have been taking a more passive approach, as I was out of balance lately and needed to retune myself. As a result of our conversation, the Goddess came to me last night and corrected a few of my misconceptions.

I did not do a very good job of explaining how she came to be on this earth all those millennia ago. I assumed, mostly based on the popular literature on the subject, that back then, the Anunnaki were in physical bodies, flying around in craft and came to earth in physical bodies as well. Apparently, that is a popular misconception. She explained to me, that it is actually a lot like the Hindu concept of gods incarnating as avatars into a physical body, such as Krishna being an avatar of Vishnu. The way she showed it to me was as follows:

She was floating around in a void space and she was surrounded by a dynamically moving hoop. She explained to me, that this is a time loop and this is how they observe our linear time from their higher-dimensional realm. In this void, she can reach out to any point in the time loop, touch it and enter it for a very brief time, from her perspective. For us, it is an entire lifetime, but for them, it is barely a blip in time.

This is what an incarnation or avatar is. They touch a particular point in the time loop as they see fit, but from their perspective, there is no difference between the past, present and future, they are all accessible to them simultaneously and they do not observe the passage of time as we do. They simply do not need to travel around in spacecraft, because they can access any point in time and space instantaneously. They can appear as you and I experience them, as pure energy, or they can take a physical body and spend a lifetime on earth. This also explains why the Goddess has so many different forms and names, it is the same "Her" just in different points in time and space. She does not see a distinction between her different forms and incarnations the way we do.

Legrand 14-11-2019 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by NoOne

I have been taking a more passive approach, as I was out of balance lately and needed to retune myself. As a result of our conversation, the Goddess came to me last night and corrected a few of my misconceptions.

I did not do a very good job of explaining how she came to be on this earth all those millennia ago. I assumed, mostly based on the popular literature on the subject, that back then, the Anunnaki were in physical bodies, flying around in craft and came to earth in physical bodies as well. Apparently, that is a popular misconception. She explained to me, that it is actually a lot like the Hindu concept of gods incarnating as avatars into a physical body, such as Krishna being an avatar of Vishnu. The way she showed it to me was as follows:

She was floating around in a void space and she was surrounded by a dynamically moving hoop. She explained to me, that this is a time loop and this is how they observe our linear time from their higher-dimensional realm. In this void, she can reach out to any point in the time loop, touch it and enter it for a very brief time, from her perspective. For us, it is an entire lifetime, but for them, it is barely a blip in time.

This is what an incarnation or avatar is. They touch a particular point in the time loop as they see fit, but from their perspective, there is no difference between the past, present and future, they are all accessible to them simultaneously and they do not observe the passage of time as we do. They simply do not need to travel around in spacecraft, because they can access any point in time and space instantaneously. They can appear as you and I experience them, as pure energy, or they can take a physical body and spend a lifetime on earth. This also explains why the Goddess has so many different forms and names, it is the same "Her" just in different points in time and space. She does not see a distinction between her different forms and incarnations the way we do.

Hello NoOne,

I'm trying actually to "see" the cosmos from Her very own perspective at this time. She does not come as an energy form anymore. I see Her as the all Cosmos Itself. Getting to expand and feel every details of It as I merge more and more with Her.


Melahin 24-11-2019 07:27 PM

Seems like I'm late to the party. It would seem that it's a persons capacity to love that makes them advanced in this subject.

Legrand 24-11-2019 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by Melahin
Seems like I'm late to the party. It would seem that it's a persons capacity to love that makes them advanced in this subject.

Hello Melahin,

Never to late to love :smile:


Okey Dokey 17-03-2020 12:58 AM

More Advanced Lightworkers here?
Thank you for this thread. I too have been searching for others I can communicate with at a higher level of awareness. The loneliness and isolation I have experienced most of my life can be frustrating at times, especially when I delay reaffirming my believed purposes for this life, and recalling how much I have gained from what I have learned and experienced so far.

It may help you to try "Meetups.com" (if you haven't ) as I did for a few years. I attended several spiritual group meetings, but could find no one I could talk with that appeared to really understand the spiritual values of higher thoughts and unconditional love, nor could they comment on the occasional expression of some of my wonderful experiences. Depending on what you seek, you may have better luck than me.

The missing of communications with those who may truly understand me, is reality not a big deal for me any longer, and I hope you and others will come to see it this way as well. Someone in the family asked me "Don't you ever get lonely? I told them that I cannot get lonely because life is always around me.

As I continue to ascend into higher vibration levels I have become more adaptable to what the "going with the flow" may bring me. I also understand that we are all on various levels of ascension, in our awareness, beliefs, love and understandings. All of us are in the process of ascending and will eventually get there. No one gets left behind.

Love yourself first, be kind and gentle with your self always. Radiate this kindness and love where ever you go and notice how the same begins to reflect back to you.

Legrand 17-03-2020 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by Okey Dokey
Thank you for this thread. I too have been searching for others I can communicate with at a higher level of awareness. The loneliness and isolation I have experienced most of my life can be frustrating at times, especially when I delay reaffirming my believed purposes for this life, and recalling how much I have gained from what I have learned and experienced so far.

It may help you to try "Meetups.com" (if you haven't ) as I did for a few years. I attended several spiritual group meetings, but could find no one I could talk with that appeared to really understand the spiritual values of higher thoughts and unconditional love, nor could they comment on the occasional expression of some of my wonderful experiences. Depending on what you seek, you may have better luck than me.

The missing of communications with those who may truly understand me, is reality not a big deal for me any longer, and I hope you and others will come to see it this way as well. Someone in the family asked me "Don't you ever get lonely? I told them that I cannot get lonely because life is always around me.

As I continue to ascend into higher vibration levels I have become more adaptable to what the "going with the flow" may bring me. I also understand that we are all on various levels of ascension, in our awareness, beliefs, love and understandings. All of us are in the process of ascending and will eventually get there. No one gets left behind.

Love yourself first, be kind and gentle with your self always. Radiate this kindness and love where ever you go and notice how the same begins to reflect back to you.

Hello and welcome Okey Dokey!

Lightbringer373 18-03-2020 12:07 PM

Now the things about it is whatever anyone agrees or disagrees with eachother it does not matter at all. Whatever works for you is the right thing, I dont listen to anyone or do anything like anyone for example and it works wonders for me.

Okey Dokey 19-03-2020 06:35 AM

In response to "Fairy Crystals" post about judgement.

Perhaps this will help you better understand those of us who have different beliefs than our own, and are on different levels of understandings and paths of ascension.

All truths are true and all paths are valid. There are many paths that lead toward ascension. Some long and winding, others more straight and narrow, but all of us will eventually arrive in our due time.

Our chosen reasons for taking human form at this linear time period vary according to the lessons we desire to learn from our experiences here, or from the blessings and joy we may receive from this visitation.

We can all benefit with a lesson in patience, understanding, and the power of forgiveness now and then.

Love and kindness

WildHairedWoman 22-03-2020 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by FairyCrystal
Nice to see there's a Lightworker thread :smile: After years on this forum I'd never seen it, hihi. Weird to stick it under religion, I guess that's why I missed it, but alas.

I'm a Lightworker and I've been looking for 'my tribe' for quite some time now, and so far I've not found it. I know the path of a Lightworker can be lonely but I feel I've reached the stage where you want togetherness, to share, and have my tribe around -or like-minded people- to learn and grow, have a bit of fun, relax, and so on.
I'm beginning to miss it more and more.
To be honest, I also don't know where such people hang out? Are there more advanced Lightworkers on here?
I'm busy with 5D subjects daily, do 5D/ascension visualizations and webinars on a regular basis, and follow teachers on the matter like Diana Cooper, Tim Whild, Kyle Gray etc.
On here I've never come across anyone who follows Diana Cooper, although she has thousands of followers and readers of her books.
So that's on visiting the Halls of Learning, expanding the chakras so they become 5D, working with dragons, Archangels, angels, Ascended Masters and so on, but on a different level. It's based on 'higher' information, not the old stuff that's out on the net.

I'm way beyond learning to ground and shield, protecting from negativity, talking about darkness and all that basic stuff.
No judgement, I've been there too, you got to start somewhere. But I so crave exchange with people who are (much) further than that.
So wondering and hoping there are some here!

My opinion is that any time you think you are separate from everyone else, you have separated yourself.

Could define "Advanced Lightworker" and also define "lightworker". And for the 5D, are there some other words you could use to explain what you mean by that? Dimension is a math word that does not translate very well in to any other concept. Everyone seems to use the word but no one really agrees on what it means except the mathematicians. So how else can you describe what you are refering to when you say "5D"?

I am challenging not to be mean but to make it clear that there are communications issues with using certain terms. You may not find people willing to be around you if they don't understand what you are talking about, AND those same people may have similar beliefs and attitudes without all the jargon. When you make yourself lofty you miss a lot.

Just Tim 04-06-2020 09:49 PM

Hi FairyCrystal !

You mentioned that you craved it.. You know where this goes, right ? :tongue:

So, did you find what you were looking for ? Anyway, I wish for you to find it, if not already. I would like it if you shared, not to do the same but it could be inspirational ! And even if I'm the only one resonating with that bit of your story, well.. 1's better than 0 ! :D

Peace to you, on your way forward/up/multidimentional ! :smile:

Aqua-Avatar 05-06-2020 02:48 AM

Lonely? That's an understatement. A spiritual awakening, stuck in a small Canadian town is a challenge for me. On a positive note, you get to know thyself. There is no transformation without struggle.

SikuX 06-06-2020 08:24 PM

This thread resonates with me, still going through my own journey and seeing past simple labels such as light and dark and just 'feeling' lost or traumatic energies that want transmuting (find a home), all the same as us feeling lonely, no? :)

Or perhaps I personally just love the idea of putting faces to energies. Helps raise us all the same.

Isolation and loneliness comes with the territory huh? Personally, I can't help but feel like purposely trying to inform myself quickly will allow outside experiences of others' mutate my own intuition and my own calling and divinity. Am I alone in this? And I hope no one sees it as an ego, because it's not.

Just following my intuition and guidance that I should gradually and slowly learn my abilities on my own and no longer let strong influences steer me off track with ease. Keep my antenna to the divine strong, to society and others' beliefs, less. Not to imply that I don't believe in them, just give me time to catch up on my own. :) So, I generally not only find it intentionally hard to absorb seminars and topics on this, but something 'in me' doesn't want me to. Steers me when they feel I'm ready. Which is mighty interesting in itself. Still learning. Possibly a nub lightworker whose strong linked to divine, here. :D

Much rather be fueling the EQ not the IQ and intuition lessons/inspired over mindful curiosity. My view of higher consciousness is less 'thinking' and reading. More feeling and self-work on the deepest levels. Just basic loving and compassion from your heartspace. Don't question, just accept and keep raising above it. Stretching the meta-muscles over the brain comes to mind. ;) <3

Excuse my out-pouring, not many outlets and it indeed helps with the loneliness and feeling invisible. Sometimes we still need some 3D work and healing to ourselves, all the same. Darn social creatures us humans are. :P

Just Tim 06-06-2020 10:04 PM

Hey SikuX !


Originally Posted by SikuX
Personally, I can't help but feel like purposely trying to inform myself quickly will allow outside experiences of others' mutate my own intuition and my own calling and divinity. Am I alone in this? And I hope no one sees it as an ego, because it's not.

You're definitely not alone. :hug2:


Originally Posted by SikuX
Excuse my out-pouring, not many outlets and it indeed helps with the loneliness and feeling invisible.

We're all like that, in a way, feeling invisible.

By the way, I looked at your profile, I had a good belly laugh, seing the end of the "Interests" section. Thank you for that ! Your energy definitely feels like "Chaotic Good" :tongue:

SikuX 07-06-2020 04:32 PM

Thanks for that. I really appreciate it. :)

Yes, I can definitely flip the switch between Chaotic and Lawful depending on whatever I'm currently dealing with. Haha. I'm easily turned Chaotic once I come across any selfish childness or "light, love or doing the right thing" is being dubbed naive hypocritically. Call it or me, fake? I REALLY flip. I can feel intent and I can feel how I'm perceived by energies. I generally dislike any powers, loa, or abilities used wrongly with negative intentions or sins. You bring fire, I'll give it back. I'll stoop to teach it a lesson, and only transmute or send love vibrations when I feel love or agony, not hatred or anger. I want the cycle to stop, not let it get what it wants and come back later for seconds.... Stupid shows of power and power trips to see what I'm made of and 'pretend' they don't need me or find me interesting. That's what I deal with on a daily basis. Heh.

Not too proud of it though, as it's usually only occurs whenever I'm too overwhelmed with foreign energies. When they step over the line. I spend a lot of time spreading realist light and tough love to narcissist energies. Purposely. Let me tell ya.... It's exhausting and may sound contradicting but it's to let them grow up and fight their own battles which is entirely the point. :P lol. Transmuting much deeper and hands on than 'just' strong energy work and aura cleansing. Legitimate, 'core' help. Even my empathy is a weirdo. I treat any energy as if it's a person or a potential bird messenger to it's source. :D

Too many people, entities, energies(you name it) hide themselves with spiritual masks all the same as the physical too and it's heart-breaking.... I sometimes have to literally let them know they need me, I don't need them and rip the masks off their faces or have them drop their layers in order to get to the source of their problem. Just to see me eye to eye, finally. And respectingly, and either see me for who I am or respect my help. It's like being a energy father figure or downright unothordox therapist... lol. :(

Just Tim 08-06-2020 12:09 PM

I definitely resonate with everything you said.

Right now I'm at a point in my life where I'm okay with people needing me, but I just want one person who doesn't need me and I don't need them. It's very nice too, because all there is is will to be together and share some adventures and such. And why not help other people together, it doesn't have to be an all one-person job, even if in fact it never is !

That said I'm happy to help too :smile:

SikuX 08-06-2020 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by Tim here
I definitely resonate with everything you said.

Right now I'm at a point in my life where I'm okay with people needing me, but I just want one person who doesn't need me and I don't need them. It's very nice too, because all there is is will to be together and share some adventures and such. And why not help other people together, it doesn't have to be an all one-person job, even if in fact it never is !

That said I'm happy to help too :smile:

Yes. I know how you feel. I want the same, maybe more romantically than it should be.

A breathe of fresh air and growth in a more free kind of way. ; <3

To be on the same wave length with someone else is mighty refreshing and therapeutic.

Just Tim 08-06-2020 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by SikuX
maybe more romantically than it should be

Ah, "lawful" side kicking in :biggrin:

Nothing "should" be this way or that way. There's nothing wrong with romance, at all, trust me ! Particularly if someone tells/show/prove you you don't need them and they don't need you !

Love & happiness are meant to be shared :smile:

Enchanted_DreamFaerie 15-07-2020 01:24 AM

Is there any other info on Lightworkers?

Such as books you can buy? I'm trying to find out more info on Lightworkers.

How did you know you were a Lightworker? Were there certain signs?

smilingsun 18-07-2020 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by Enchanted_DreamFaerie
Is there any other info on Lightworkers?

Such as books you can buy? I'm trying to find out more info on Lightworkers.

How did you know you were a Lightworker? Were there certain signs?

Maybe you can search for Dolores Cannon and the 3 waves of volunteers.
Or do some search on starseed, indigo and crystal children.

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