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Rickswordfish 29-04-2019 05:14 PM

Since i was 12 my ultimate goal has been to kill myself , what will happen to me if i do it

WildHairedWoman 29-04-2019 05:48 PM

In my picture of reality, it is up to you what happens to you. I know two people (very well) who committed suicide. One told me through a medium that he was ok and moving on about 4 years after, the other took a lot longer, 15 or more years before he was able to say he was ok, and it wasn't that, it was that he understood how difficult he made himself to everyone and he was learning to do better.

That being said, I would never condone suicide as the effect on your family members will be life long, and sad and painful. You need to figure out why you think about this and find some way to think about living your life, being ok and loving the people who love you. So, if you decide to do this you need to remember that it is not just about you, it is about everyone you have encountered and interact with. Whether you get counseling or not, you are ultimately the one who has to figure out how to be ok.

iamthat 29-04-2019 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by Rickswordfish
Since i was 12 my ultimate goal has been to kill myself , what will happen to me if i do it

Ultimately you will die anyway, but aren't you curious to stick around and see what happens in your life? Let death come in its own time. In the meantime, enjoy the ride.

And it is possible that if you do kill your body then you will still be around but you will bitterly regret killing your body and wasting a glorious opportunity for physical experience.

And if reincarnation is a fact then sooner or later you will only find yourself back here.


janielee 29-04-2019 08:47 PM

I think that it may be that we "pass over" as we are here - so as we are angry, bitter, sad here - when we "die" we are there - still the same. But this time, we can't reach out to our loved ones, can't hug a loved pet or loved one, can't log on and watch a Youtube video whenever we want.

Unless you are a higher evolved being you may even have to stick around these earthly astral realms for a while, sad lonely and bitter.

Or not.


Native spirit 29-04-2019 10:07 PM

People who take their own lives do it for a variety of reasons.we cant judge them as we don't walk in their shoes.
some souls can communicate through a medium really quickly others take time the regret they normally have is for those left behind.
but saying that is you have been having these feelings to commit suicide I would sugest you visit your doctor and also see a therapist .


inavalan 30-04-2019 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by Rickswordfish
Since i was 12 my ultimate goal has been to kill myself , what will happen to me if i do it

I don't know your circumstances, but there are very few circumstances I would do it.

You should try to learn why you are here in Earth now, then try to accomplish it.

Chose one method of contacting your inner self (meditation, hypnosis, etc.), and ask the questions you want answers to. The more you do it, the better it works.

You can do it!

janielee 30-04-2019 06:02 AM

No judgement.

ImthatIm 30-04-2019 11:24 AM

"You ask what will happen to you if you commit suicide?"
No idea.
I can say this.
You may miss out on the best thing that you don't see coming.
You say it is a goal.
I ask, why have you made it a goal?
At least reevaluate your goal.Take a good hard look at it.
Instead of a goal of suicide most people use hope.
Hope can be a powerful tool.
Make a list of all the things you would like to do or become.Then find out what is stopping you from doing or becoming them. This could be a new goal.
Just because you had a goal since you were 12 does not mean you have to keep that goal.
You can change that goal at anytime.Make new goals,or at least reexamine your goals.:hug3:

Don't use a permanent solution on what may be a temporary problem.

NoOne 30-04-2019 11:40 AM

Bad idea.

Watch the movie "What Dreams May Come" to find out why and what the consequences may be.

linen53 01-05-2019 01:42 AM

IF you are still watching this thread, then I will tell you my experience. My last life i commit suicide. When I got to the other side I was kicking myself in the rear for ending it early. See, when you get to the other side you understand whole picture. All the 'why's'.

I have wanted to commit suicide many times in this lifetime but I don't because I will heap more shoot on myself in the next lifetime to make up for it.

My advice: not worth it. Keep moving forward. You think it's bad now? Keep moving forward. It gets worse.

Older souls have repeated and intensified 'lessons'. That's just how it rolls.

Jainarayan 01-05-2019 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by linen53
I have wanted to commit suicide many times in this lifetime but I don't because I will heap more shoot on myself in the next lifetime to make up for it.

Did you know that's the Hindu take on it? Part of the reason we are reborn is to continue to learn, and to finish what we were doing in previous lives. It's like a story arc in a tv show. The main theme of the show (the life) is there but sub-plots carry over life to life. To check out early simply sets the soul back.

Aethera 01-05-2019 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by WildHairedWoman
That being said, I would never condone suicide as the effect on your family members will be life long, and sad and painful. You need to figure out why you think about this and find some way to think about living your life, being ok and loving the people who love you. So, if you decide to do this you need to remember that it is not just about you, it is about everyone you have encountered and interact with. Whether you get counseling or not, you are ultimately the one who has to figure out how to be ok.

I agree with this, cause our lives are more than about ourselves, but the people we have in it, (even if they are strangers that we encounter.) And to figure out the root that causes those thoughts that come up, I found that perhaps some part of them feels inadequate, not sufficient enough. I feel that's more of a fear, fear of the unknown, fear the worse to come of "what will come" - so they feel that they will just let other's down and ultimately make them feel helpless. Which they aren't helpless, it's just a matter of them seeing past that.

iamthat 02-05-2019 04:12 AM


Originally Posted by Rickswordfish
Since i was 12 my ultimate goal has been to kill myself , what will happen to me if i do it

Out of interest, Rickswordfish, what would you hope to achieve by killing yourself?

Or what are you trying to avoid?


shivatar 02-05-2019 05:35 AM

That is a problem for after you are dead.

Busby 02-05-2019 01:23 PM

If we have free will - as it is said - then it shouldn't be a problem.

Unless of course it's 'free will but...' - which rather upsets the apple cart.

linen53 02-05-2019 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by Jainarayan
Did you know that's the Hindu take on it? Part of the reason we are reborn is to continue to learn, and to finish what we were doing in previous lives. It's like a story arc in a tv show. The main theme of the show (the life) is there but sub-plots carry over life to life. To check out early simply sets the soul back.

I agree.:thumbsup:

WildHairedWoman 02-05-2019 09:07 PM

@linen53 My cousin told me something similar and she did try to commit suicide 3 times, that is why she told me about her past life. She never had it easy but a lot of it was in her head. She turned to drugs and religion to keep from feeling the pain.

linen53 02-05-2019 09:42 PM

Hi WildHairedWoman.

One of my most prominent life lessons I had to learn in this life was about victimhood.

Getting out of my own pity party came in stages. Buy boy am I glad I learned that lesson.

Learning that I actually chose the bad things that happened to me this lifetime took the focus off of my perpetrators and put responsibility directly on me. They were merely the instruments to set the stage for my life lessons.

So far I get an A+.

Taking a Break 03-05-2019 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by NoOne
Bad idea.

Watch the movie "What Dreams May Come" to find out why and what the consequences may be.

The star of the movie committed suicide by hanging in real life, in the movie his wife committed suicide, did his spirit contacted anyone on SF?
That would be very interesting and for some entertainment if it is not unethical, who will start a thread were deceased celebrities are able to tell their stories?

Ironangel John 03-05-2019 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by linen53
Hi WildHairedWoman.

One of my most prominent life lessons I had to learn in this life was about victimhood.

Getting out of my own pity party came in stages. Buy boy am I glad I learned that lesson.

Learning that I actually chose the bad things that happened to me this lifetime took the focus off of my perpetrators and put responsibility directly on me. They were merely the instruments to set the stage for my life lessons.

So far I get an A+.

I SO BELIEVE WHAT YOU SAID! We CHOOSE our experiences, not always conciously, but due to our inner beliefs. I've tried to explain that to many kids, (I was a HS teacher) but a true victim doesn't want it to stop, they can't be a victim that way, LOL At the end of the day it is an attention seeking behavior. I always say: "Why do you hit yourself in the head with a hammer?" Because it feels SO GOOD when you stop!

linen53 03-05-2019 09:52 PM

Hi IA John. Yes, I considered myself to be a survivor and a victim. Now I am neither.

I read somewhere that the only thing we have to overcome in any incarnation is what is in our own back yard. I have done that and much more. I am very proud of myself for my accomplishments. Not that I put myself on a pedestal but I came into this world a much less spiritual person than I am now.

And I know it's not over yet. I have several more mountains to climb before I am ready to go home.

That A+ I spoke of in my last post was only in the spiritual subject, lol. I get quite a few C's and D's in people skill, anger management, self love, etc.

Taking a Break 03-05-2019 10:33 PM

Who can explain the Buddhist monks suicide by burning themselves alive in the 70's?

JosephineB 04-05-2019 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by Taking a Break
Who can explain the Buddhist monks suicide by burning themselves alive in the 70's?

Was he protesting?

ketzer 04-05-2019 03:37 PM

I believe the experiences we have in this life are created by our own consciousness and are designed to help us grow and understand at a higher deeper level. Yes the suffering we endure may seem intense, but our soul seeks out these experiences for the growth that may ultimately come of them. Tenth grade may be tough, but if we don't tough it out and learn what we need to learn, we don't get to go on to eleventh grade...so to speak. Suicide is like dropping out halfway through the year. Eventually we realize we need to go back and try again, and again, and again, until we learn what it is we need to learn. The only way to get beyond the fire is to go through it and have its lessons burned into our souls.

iamthat 04-05-2019 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by Taking a Break
Who can explain the Buddhist monks suicide by burning themselves alive in the 70's?

That was a completely different situation.

For the Buddhist monks it was an act of protest against events in Vietnam, and demonstrated their detachment from the physical body.

This is quite different from someone who kills themself because they cannot cope with life and its burdens, and they hope that death will somehow solve all their problems.


Taking a Break 05-05-2019 11:21 AM

I would like to stay open minded so I'm asking myself why it is OK for a Buddhist monk to commit suicide to protest a "greater cause" than that of an individual that is protesting personal matters.
BTW I'm not promoting suicide!

ketzer 05-05-2019 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by Taking a Break
I would like to stay open minded so I'm asking myself why it is OK for a Buddhist monk to commit suicide to protest a "greater cause" than that of an individual that is protesting personal matters.
BTW I'm not promoting suicide!

I am not sure what is OK or not when it comes to suicide, but there may be a difference here. The monk assumidly is not trying to escape suffering arising from unresolved personal karma, while the individual may be. I don't use karma here in the crime and punishment sense, but instead in the sense of unresolved issues or lac of understanding. Commiting suicide to avoid suffering that arises as we try to resolve our karmas is useless. We will only have to recreate the situations that are causing our suffering in another life to work through them.

Taking a Break 05-05-2019 03:40 PM

Is it possible that suicide is part of karma? also karma of the monk? was he forced by circumstances? I don't think that he was happy and full of joy at that moment.
I assume suicide isn't a pretty experience and because of a point of no return a lot of people die, if it was possible most suicide victims would change their mind in the last fraction of the last second.

Native spirit 05-05-2019 08:52 PM

I Have seen people who say that they are going to commit suicide.do nothing about it sometimes it can be a cry for help.
the ones who in my experience have commited suicide have not spoken about it.


Taking a Break 05-05-2019 09:55 PM

Hi Native spirit,

Sometimes I still think about those poor victims that jumped out of the Twin Tower buildings and I try to visualize myself in such a position to understand their decision.
Their options to die were:
Suffocate from the smoke.
Burn alive.
Falling debris
Jumping out of the building (as a reflex when in danger)

The victims were trapped and in a panic, they had no other options at that moment, I assume they were forced to "commit suicide" by jumping out of the building.
Was that part of karma?

BTW I hope that smart/intelligent people have already developed or invented techniques or equipment to escape/save (yourself) when trapped in a burning skyscraper.

Is it possible that victims who (consiously) plan their suicide are also forced to do suicide?
Is it possible a suicide spirit is trying to manipulate/force/misled the OP?

inavalan 05-05-2019 11:09 PM

As far as I know, there is no plan, no contract, nobody forces you to do anything, not even your higher self. Your conscious has free will.

Also, your karma isn't a punishment for your actions. It is the thought-forms that your thoughts created, both during this and your previous lives. Your karma isn't impacted by the thoughts (nor thoughts-forms) of others that were affected by your actions.

Taking a Break 06-05-2019 11:25 AM

In the past I've experienced doing things forced by a force with love/patience/support which I didn't mind and other times with the opposite or more with indifference. I was made conscious to learn to observe in chemistry class, so I observe myself closely but sometimes when I'm not alert a force is tricking me to do something (little things) I later regret. Anybody know more about this?

iamthat 06-05-2019 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by Taking a Break
Sometimes I still think about those poor victims that jumped out of the Twin Tower buildings and I try to visualize myself in such a position to understand their decision.
Their options to die were:
Suffocate from the smoke.
Burn alive.
Falling debris
Jumping out of the building (as a reflex when in danger)

The victims were trapped and in a panic, they had no other options at that moment, I assume they were forced to "commit suicide" by jumping out of the building.
Was that part of karma?

BTW I hope that smart/intelligent people have already developed or invented techniques or equipment to escape/save (yourself) when trapped in a burning skyscraper.

Is it possible that victims who (consiously) plan their suicide are also forced to do suicide?
Is it possible a suicide spirit is trying to manipulate/force/misled the OP?

It may be that the people in the towers were there for karmic reasons, just as others might have woken up with a bad feeling and chosen to take the day off work, or others were delayed getting to work and so were not in the building when the planes hit. It wasn't their day to die.

But I don't think that anyone is "forced" to commit suicide. But when your options are limited then it makes sense to take the least painful option. And jumping is a quick way to die compared with the alternatives.

Regarding suicide in general, making conscious plans to kill the body does not imply that someone is then forced to do so. Until that person reaches the point of no return then they can always change their mind.

As for "suicide spirits", it is possible that there are malign entities trying to persuade people to harm themselves. But presumably there has to be already something within the individual which responds to these malign influences.


Taking a Break 07-05-2019 11:58 AM

A part of my Soul Reading Says:
"In the life just past there was great suffering endured during world war two when a life was cut short in a particularly brutal manner. Again it was the decision made while in spirit born of the desire to advance quickly."

Does this mean that almost everything about our life is "planned" while in spirit, before we are born?

WildHairedWoman 07-05-2019 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by Ironangel John
I SO BELIEVE WHAT YOU SAID! We CHOOSE our experiences, not always conciously, but due to our inner beliefs. I've tried to explain that to many kids, (I was a HS teacher) but a true victim doesn't want it to stop, they can't be a victim that way, LOL At the end of the day it is an attention seeking behavior. I always say: "Why do you hit yourself in the head with a hammer?" Because it feels SO GOOD when you stop!

My 87 year old dad still thinks of himself as a victim. He is never to blame for any decision he makes, even in the demented state that he is currently in, though he does seem happier most of the time now that he can't remember anything.

linen53 07-05-2019 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by Ironangel John
I SO BELIEVE WHAT YOU SAID! We CHOOSE our experiences, not always conciously, but due to our inner beliefs. I've tried to explain that to many kids, (I was a HS teacher) but a true victim doesn't want it to stop, they can't be a victim that way, LOL At the end of the day it is an attention seeking behavior. I always say: "Why do you hit yourself in the head with a hammer?" Because it feels SO GOOD when you stop!

One more thing IA John. I wanted to eliminate my anger thus victimhood, I just didn't know how for a long time. Every advice I got said to forgive them. I felt affronted with that approach. It felt like I was abandoning me and focusing on them instead. I finally decided to forgive myself. It worked. Once I was whole and healed I could reach out and forgive those who hurt me. And then I could put down that tremendous burden I had been lugging around for so many years.

inavalan 11-05-2019 02:07 AM

This is a link to a past life regression that ended into suicide:


Conclusion: “I shouldn’t have killed myself!”. There were other obvious choices she didn't think about.

Taking a Break 11-05-2019 10:23 AM

Very nice story but it struck me that humans will never be independent, rich or educated, I hope we will in Spirit form.

peeps 26-05-2019 04:37 AM

You'll plan to reincarnate with issues pertaining to your past life- unfinished business.

I can't say everything will go wrong- I think whatever you walk away from, you have to work for it again because you didn't appreciate it last time, and your new life won't be as good.

I think you lose privileges on earth, and there can be some compromise. You'll be shown whatever it was you didn't appreciate or couldn't see after you've died, in visions.

We can have masks on us on earth so we don't see things that are working for us, and we can't get any value or self esteem from it. The naivety is part of the lesson, and we put them on ourselves before reincarnating, with an intended outcome.

It doesn't sound empathetic to why people commit suicide, but (from a higher perspective) they see our lives as valuable and they have some meaning and they can be worked on not abandoned.

They'll be explanations as to why things are as they- for you, now, as you're struggling, from a higher perspective. Every nuance and issue will be linked in with something. It'll be from another life.

You have to work through whatever issues you've got on earth to unlock gifts.

Lynn 26-05-2019 05:16 AM


I know how close I once came to taking my life, and I know too that I would have left no clues to why or would anyone have known why I would have done it. I would have left no note, no clues as to why. This is how it is with so many as I work with those that have lost loved one's and so many to their own hand and its always the same "no reason" but there is a reason that at times we keep only within us.

It is not a way out if is not something and its something maybe that most of us have to even contemplate in life's path. We might wonder why we are here or what would it matter if we were not here. Yet that ultimate act is something very deep that we do not discuss.

Having been in that darkest of places I know that there is light that shines when we are in need and when we can see it help is there.

Now there are times when there is mental illness at play and we need to really get to the root of things to make sure we look to all avenues out there before we act.


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