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rodan 31-03-2018 01:07 PM

Strange Creatures
Internet podcasts on youtube and various other sites have now provided a way for people who experience a very weird or shocking experience with strange creatures, ( bigfoot, dogman, skinwalker, wendigo, fleshgaite, the rake, etc. ) to share their stories anonymously, giving them a means to do so without ridicule from sharing their encounter with a family member, friend, or local authorities.

I've listened to many of these encounters. There are a lot that bring up the emotion in the victim to the point they cannot hardly share the story. You cannot help but believe them. Yes, there are some stories that sound too unbelievable, and, I'm sure some people share them just for the their need for attention, however, I do think many of them are true.

What do you think? Are these encounters people say they have with strange creatures true, or, are most of them made up stories?

solofff 15-08-2018 07:52 AM

I'm personally more interested in the loch ness monster, I think that there is much about this planets people/species that we still don't know or is being hidden from us. I plan to just astral project and ask a lot of questions lol.

Empowers 22-08-2018 01:31 AM

I love cryptozoology. I don't spend a great deal of time on it but there are a few creatures that I follow.

However, more than my love of cryptozoology is my love for the enduring belief of mystery and wonder that humans have. If someone were to say they saw a unicorn, there would be people who would believe this. Because, like Fox Mulder's poster, "I want to believe".

That's the spirit of a large number of humans, and I love that magical place of wonder that they create in this world.


manifestyourreality88 05-12-2018 03:37 AM


Originally Posted by solofff
I'm personally more interested in the loch ness monster, I think that there is much about this planets people/species that we still don't know or is being hidden from us. I plan to just astral project and ask a lot of questions lol.

I love to learn more about loch ness monster, too!

Dargor 05-12-2018 12:47 PM

Many of them are just fictional creepypastas and sometimes people can be simply deluded. On the other hand, some cryptids that don't look like something from a Stephen King novel are more believable to exist. For example, the Loch Ness monster may have some truth even though there are many fake reports because one eyewitness gives a completely different description than another eyewitness.

hallow 19-03-2020 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by rodan
Internet podcasts on youtube and various other sites have now provided a way for people who experience a very weird or shocking experience with strange creatures, ( bigfoot, dogman, skinwalker, wendigo, fleshgaite, the rake, etc. ) to share their stories anonymously, giving them a means to do so without ridicule from sharing their encounter with a family member, friend, or local authorities.

I've listened to many of these encounters. There are a lot that bring up the emotion in the victim to the point they cannot hardly share the story. You cannot help but believe them. Yes, there are some stories that sound too unbelievable, and, I'm sure some people share them just for the their need for attention, however, I do think many of them are true.

What do you think? Are these encounters people say they have with strange creatures true, or, are most of them made up stories?

I believe anything is possible. But for every real encounter there's a 1,000 made up ones.

MDBdivinity 16-05-2020 01:00 PM

There is that creature they are calling Hikikomori.
Had treatment with invega 12 mg for schizophrenia. Got viral lung infection. Food wasn't relieving immunity system blockages. And started to talk to people as if loving on them from underneath the mask.
And he died in Japan while playing video games about corona virus

ketzer 16-05-2020 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by rodan
Internet podcasts on youtube and various other sites have now provided a way for people who experience a very weird or shocking experience with strange creatures, ( bigfoot, dogman, skinwalker, wendigo, fleshgaite, the rake, etc. ) to share their stories anonymously, giving them a means to do so without ridicule from sharing their encounter with a family member, friend, or local authorities.

I've listened to many of these encounters. There are a lot that bring up the emotion in the victim to the point they cannot hardly share the story. You cannot help but believe them. Yes, there are some stories that sound too unbelievable, and, I'm sure some people share them just for the their need for attention, however, I do think many of them are true.

What do you think? Are these encounters people say they have with strange creatures true, or, are most of them made up stories?

All lies except for the chupacabra, it is real and no wall will keep it out.
What happened to Puerto Rico was not due to any hurricane, that is just the government cover story, it was the CHUPACABRA!
America is dooooooooommmmed!

:icon_bounce: :icon_compress: :laughing7: :hiding:

Kaytee 09-02-2021 04:30 AM

All of these mystic creatures are very cool. However, most of the videos on youtube are fake... sadly. I wish they were real because I want to believe but they are often debunked :(

lomax 09-02-2021 09:52 AM

Lobsang Rampa wrote in one of his books the he and his guide encoutered 'yetis'.
This link contains some lines only.


Now the link doesn't show the page.(I'll quote it).


Later we saw a few yetis in the distance. They hastened to hide at sight of us, and we certainly did not provoke them. The Lama Mingyar Dondup told us that these yetis were throwbacks of the human race who had taken a different path in evolution and who could only live in the most secluded places. Quite frequently we heard tales of yetis who had left the Highlands and had been seen leaping and bounding near inhabited regions. There are tales of lone women who have been carried off by male yetis. That may be one way in which they continue their line. Certainly some nuns confirmed this for us later when they told us that one of their Order had been carried off by a yeti in the night. However, on such things I am not competent to write. I can only say that I have seen yeti and baby yetis. I have also seen skeletons of them.
Some people have expressed doubts about the truth of my statements concerning the yetis. People have apparently written books of guesses about them, but none of these authors have seen one, as they admit. I have. A few years ago Marconi was laughed at when he said he was going to send a message by radio across the Atlantic. Western doctors solemnly asserted that Man could not travel at more than fifty miles an hour or they would die through the rush of air. There have been tales about a fish which was said to be a “living fossil”. Now scientists have seen them, captured them, dissected them. And if Western Man had his way, our poor old yetis would be captured, dissected and preserved in spirit. We believe that yetis have been driven to the Highlands and that elsewhere, except for very infrequent wanderers, they are extinct.
The first sight of one causes fright. The second time one is filled with compassion for these creatures of a bygone age who are doomed to extinction through the strains of modern life.

AbodhiSky 07-04-2021 08:15 PM

i think nature spirits are real. not sure about the others

GlitterRose 24-04-2021 02:55 PM

Our beliefs color our world.

If what you believe in is nature spirits, then what you experience will be nature spirits.

Ghaleon 28-07-2021 02:59 AM

When i think of strange creatures The Mothman seen in Point Pleasant Virginia from 1966-67 comes to mind. Besides that in Atlantis which was the entire planet when En.ki as Neptune/Poseidon openly ruled, he and his team of genetic scientist created alot of strange monsters and creatures such as minotaurs, centaurs, cyclops and various giants that they used for slave labor, transportation or war. At some point he left the planet and let these creatures evolve on their own. Big mistake!! This is was a very strange time to be on Earth with all these erratic beings mostly the giants roaming around killing and preying on humans. This was "part" of the reason for the decision to let/have the Flood wipe everything out. The old Atlantis (Tiamaat/Earth) perished in The Deluge (13,000 years ago)

Traveler 01-08-2021 10:59 PM

I think a lot of these so-called cryptids probably have a logical and natural answer, like the chupacabra is probably a poor wild dog with mange so bad it has no fur on its body, and the West Virginia Moth Man was probably a Harpy Eagle. People like to collect exotic animals and neighbors have absolutely no clue until it escapes. Harpy eagles are bizarre-looking birds and are quite big. From a distance and in the dark I can see someone mistaking it for a monster. And as for Bigfoot, man that one is strange. You'd think that after all these years someone would have gotten a close up picture of one if they existed. I'm thinking that a lot of sightings at a distance that aren't out right hoaxes are probably bears just walking up right. They do that. There was a youtube video of a black bear that lived near a subdivision that was filmed routinely walking upright taking a stroll down the street, into people's yards, checking out their garbage cans and then disappearing into the woods still walking upright.

Izz 23-03-2022 08:21 AM

I think some stories are true, but some others may be exaggerated or distorted

However, I do think (and have envisioned) that there is still the veiled element when it comes to the ocean (the biggest mystery in this universe) - and it wouldn't surprise me if there are many other unknown strange creatures when it comes to the ocean

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