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themaster 29-01-2011 05:59 AM

Yeti - Bigfoot
So what does everyone know about them?

I'll pass on what I know most of it comes from tyberron/metatron channels..

According to tyberonn/metatron

- There are only 500 or so left (there dying off because they cannot grow as spirits do to genetic engineering)

- They were a worker class designed in the time of "Atlantis" by genetic engineering

Also on 2 destination truths I've seen..

- They found a freshly made foot print in the streams of napal..
- They found hair that did not match anything in the "known" dna database (of which there are millions known) and the hair was found to be human like characteristics of DNA..

I think it's pretty clear they exist.. I tend to think all things do! :rolleyes: :D

But I have heard one intresting argument that says.. "we never find their body's" all I know is metatron also said they "hate us" and that goes back to the genetic engineering stuff +10,000 years ago.. I also sometimes theorize that maybe there not apart of our physical dimension (but I have no information on that) it would seem with the little evidence that "destination truth" gathered they have physical hair and feet.. :tongue:

Silver 29-01-2011 06:04 AM

Maybe they've made a pact that whenever one of them dies, they find a way to dispose of the body so completely and that's why they're never found. We will be able to find the last of them, but IF we happen to locate it.

themaster 29-01-2011 07:00 AM

Found the article, that talks about yeti..


Seems like he didn't say "500" either.. got that part wrong :hug3:

I looked up the article for this question/statement..

Originally Posted by Silvergirl
Maybe they've made a pact that whenever one of them dies, they find a way to dispose of the body so completely and that's why they're never found.

Here's what it says..


They live in caves and remote mountains and within your deep forest and swamplands. They are nocturnal beings. They are a race that is dwindling, shall we say, and in time will no longer exist. These beings have great wariness of humans, and experience a great dismay and confusion as to their evolvement.

themaster 29-01-2011 05:08 PM

Hmm.. new information.. recently, I remembered the name of bigfoot is also "sasquatch" in our vocabulary.. I'm wondering now if the yeti and sasquatch are not the same..?

Because this new information confirms what I was thinking/feeling that sasquatch aren't always here.. :wink:

From bashar..

Q: You have talked many times about how the Anunnaki came to our planet and made some genetic changes in the hominids…

B: Yes.

Q: … on our own planet.

B: Yes.

Q: How long did it take, and how many generations was it before they were able to evolve that species into our current form and make it sentient, self-aware?

B: In your terms of linear time – though this is misleading, as they did many different kinds of things in and out of your dimension of experience – but in your terms of linear time, it was relatively brief, one millennium basically. You understand?

Q: Yes. And there were lots of different experiments going on?

B: Yes.

Q: To refine it to where they got it?

B: Yes. Yes.

Q: And one of them was with the Sasquatch?

B: Yes. One of them resulted in what you call the Sasquatch, yes; but this was before. The idea was then shifted to a different modality, and thus, then, provided the vehicle for incarnation you now recognize as the human form.

Q: And do Sasquatch reincarnate somewhere similar to the way we do?

B: Yes.

Q: And they stay with the planet?

B: Yes, but they are also more openly interdimensional and retain much of their more strong connection to nature than you have allowed yourselves to do consciously.

Q: And they reproduce and eat similarly?

B: Yes.

Q: How many currently are there on our planet?

B: One moment… in that they come and go interdimensionally, this is a little hard to calculate… one moment… about 1,700 to about 3,000. This is the best estimate that we can give you at the present time of our scan.

musartnova 17-07-2011 12:49 AM

Do to living out in the woods..... "the closes store is 15 miles away"
.... have gotten up at night and hear some strange sounds, that only a "Big" animal could have made. The sound was nothing heard before...plus been to many zoo's....so....who knows...?

cheeky_monkey 17-07-2011 01:47 AM

On a lighter note, my hirsuitism means if i travel into any woods, i'm likely to be shot in an instant. :laughing9: Sorry to divert the thread. More seriously, I thought big foot was a myth and Silvergirls point about dead bodies is interesting because it suggests just that, that it is a myth, otherwise there would be more evidence surely?

Time 18-07-2011 09:23 PM

"sasquatch" is the north american native word for it. Its been told in many legends and stories for a long time.

The thing is, its probably some remnant of one of our anscistors. Thats it. THeres nothing extra terrestrial about them, nothing space wise. I think we should just leave them alone...

Verunia 18-07-2011 09:28 PM

After hundreds of years of myth and urban legend, I highly doubt that any kind of creature like bigfoot exists. They certainly wouldn't be that hard to find. If we can find a human hiding out in the woods, I'm sure we could find something 3x the size of that. Especially with the size of the 'footprints'.

I haven't been able to find any information on the recent footprint in Napal that the OP mentioned, anyone got information?

iolite 18-07-2011 10:35 PM

I've heard that the Native American's knew of them. I've seen a couple of different recent telecasts on them and on one show, the camera crew had a couple of native american guides and they both reported seeing it in the distance. Later in the broadcast, at night after they'd put up night vision cameras and had wacked a tree with a log (the sound will carry for miles), they had some rocks thrown at the cabin.

I always thought it was a small colony of prehistoric humans that some how survived and managed to elude being discovered.

tmf 19-07-2011 02:37 AM


Originally Posted by themaster
So what does everyone know about them?

I'll pass on what I know most of it comes from tyberron/metatron channels..

According to tyberonn/metatron

- There are only 500 or so left (there dying off because they cannot grow as spirits do to genetic engineering)

- They were a worker class designed in the time of "Atlantis" by genetic engineering

Also on 2 destination truths I've seen..

- They found a freshly made foot print in the streams of napal..
- They found hair that did not match anything in the "known" dna database (of which there are millions known) and the hair was found to be human like characteristics of DNA..

I think it's pretty clear they exist.. I tend to think all things do! :rolleyes: :D

But I have heard one intresting argument that says.. "we never find their body's" all I know is metatron also said they "hate us" and that goes back to the genetic engineering stuff +10,000 years ago.. I also sometimes theorize that maybe there not apart of our physical dimension (but I have no information on that) it would seem with the little evidence that "destination truth" gathered they have physical hair and feet.. :tongue:

Watch finding bigfoot sundays on animal planet. they do exist. I started a post to hear anyones stories about them in general paranormal section.

Time 19-07-2011 01:18 PM

I find it pretty hard to believe they dont exsist. Mabey not what they think we are, but theres to many super ancient written accounts, spread accross the globe over to long of a period of time, between cultures who had no connection to eachother, for there NOT to be one.

My thoughts? Its a neanderthol, or slightly evolved neanderthol. They were the first hominid to bury their dead, hence... no bodies... yet near human level intelligence and look.

I will have to say lots of the new evidence, is probably faked, like UFOs. Its just what people seem to do, but there are always, very interesting videos that come up in terms of bigfoot, that make me go.. " ah finally something decent"

Verunia 19-07-2011 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by Time
I will have to say lots of the new evidence, is probably faked, like UFOs.

Yeah, I agree with this. Some evidence is just to keep people on their toes it seems

Time 19-07-2011 04:33 PM

Well, people want it to be real so much, we actualy create it ourselves... good ole internet >>

norseman 28-07-2011 10:22 AM

Time, there has been recent research [can't give you exact refs, sorry !] which has found that many of us bear Neanderthal genes - seems like there was interbreeding after all between Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal. I always thought this to be true and, if you observe people carefully, you will see obvious neanderthal facial and body features on the street. Maybe the yeti/Big Foot is a matter of recessives throwing up an occasional dominant.

Swingdance 25-10-2011 10:09 PM

Stampede Pass
Question for anyone in the Seattle area. I have been to Stampede Pass in the Cascades. Have there been any reported BF sightings there? I was there to explore Lester, the ghost town.

BlackWolf 01-11-2011 04:09 AM

According to a native american story, the reason we cannot see them or find them is because they live underground. There was a tribe in Oklahoma that told this story. Everything they said makes sense. You should look it up.

philji 03-11-2011 08:43 PM

Have you heard Kate Bush's new record... Wild Man about the yeti... great.

papanichols 05-11-2011 06:18 PM

im native american from the backwoods in oklahoma where nothing cool happens and, either i was hallucinating due to lack of sleep or i almost hit one on my way home from work one night. it was tall, hairy and STEPPED over a barb wire fence beside the road. It was real tall. I almost wrecked because of it. I think that they exist ONLY for that reason. I wish I had got it on tape or actually hit it to prove this.

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