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Revan 31-03-2014 10:35 PM

The effects of eating meat on human chakra
Can someone help me identify any adverse effects if any at all from eating meat on meditation and the human chakra?

Lilyth Von Gore 01-04-2014 12:09 AM

I read somewhere that being vegetarian makes you less likely to fall victim to diseases such as cancer, heart disease, etc. So I'm willing to bet that since illness is the side effect of an underlying and perhaps spiritual malady, meat might not be the best thing for you, spiritually speaking.

Tobi 01-04-2014 12:13 AM

I don't know about the physical/etheric effects.

But (and this is only my own opinion) -with 'meditation and human chakras', what we are really talking about is consciousness, and the concentration and focus and flowing of energy. The consciousness -levels of compassion, kindness, and unconditional Love, are better nurtured, than overlooked.

wstein 01-04-2014 02:27 AM


Originally Posted by Revan
Can someone help me identify any adverse effects if any at all from eating meat on meditation and the human chakra?

There are no accross the board effects from eating meat on the chakras. Chakras are energy centers. Your energy (includes chakra centers) will increase if you eat food compatible (in alignment) with your energy and will decrease if you eat foods incompatible with your energy (out of alignment, poisons). There are few if any foods that are not 'bad' for somebody. There are poisons that negatively affect nearly everyone, however, 'meat' is not one of them.

So to be clear, meat may increase or decrease a chakra based on the combination of that particular type of meat and your personal energy system. So, to find out in your situation, you need to either get tested or try and check (your energy).

Melanin 01-04-2014 06:15 AM

I'm pretty sure people who enjoy their meat will say not much is of consuming it.

Its scientifically proven that consuming dense food, meat, causes the majority of the blood and energy to focus itself in the stomach region due to having to process it. This takes as many as days to deal with.

So regardless of who you are meat has a detrimental effect on the human body and chakras. Anyone who has fasted or lived a 'lighter' lifestyle will tell you their bodies were rejuvenated, more energy abounds, and life is of a better quality due primarily to that one reason alone.

innerlight 01-04-2014 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by Melanin
So regardless of who you are meat has a detrimental effect on the human body and chakras. Anyone who has fasted or lived a 'lighter' lifestyle will tell you their bodies were rejuvenated, more energy abounds, and life is of a better quality due primarily to that one reason alone.

I have done fasts, was a vegetarian for years, even went on a raw diet for a year.. And on each of those, I did not find myself to feel as you claim one would by following said lifestyle choice. I found myself lacking energy and feeling more sluggish than when I eat meat..

I agree with wstein that one should follow a eating style that is compatible with their bodies and their energies. Our bodies are smart enough to be able to tell you what it needs to fuel itself.

In a perfect world we'd all get by on sunshine and air.. Sometimes, that's not always the case.

I know some people will say that eating meat prevents us from being able to connect to spirit. But as a medium, I do not have an issue with connecting with spirit while eating meat. Of course for me I can not break down and digest fruits and veggies. And eating them has an adverse affect on my body and how it functions.

Belle 01-04-2014 08:15 PM

What innerlight said.

For me, it's more about the respect animals are given, that they are honoured and gratitude is given for the part they have played in nourishing us and for their families.

I would dearly love to be organic in my lifestyle as that I believe is more honouring all round but everywhere I go, I'm met with the problem that organic is not cost effective.

There is a good alternative to organic and that is ethical - so chickens aren't fed unnatural foods and so on.

Melanin 01-04-2014 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by innerlight
I have done fasts, was a vegetarian for years, even went on a raw diet for a year.. And on each of those, I did not find myself to feel as you claim one would by following said lifestyle choice. I found myself lacking energy and feeling more sluggish than when I eat meat..

I agree with wstein that one should follow a eating style that is compatible with their bodies and their energies. Our bodies are smart enough to be able to tell you what it needs to fuel itself.

In a perfect world we'd all get by on sunshine and air.. Sometimes, that's not always the case.

I know some people will say that eating meat prevents us from being able to connect to spirit. But as a medium, I do not have an issue with connecting with spirit while eating meat. Of course for me I can not break down and digest fruits and veggies. And eating them has an adverse affect on my body and how it functions.

I agree some people do claim to not have felt a difference when changing dietary habits but I will say in my experience those people are few. Plus the op asked about meat and its effects on chakras and I strongly doubt your body was having an equally hard time digesting fruit/veggies compared to meat.

A lighter diet will free up more energy from the lower chakras and spread it to the rest of the body.

lilybug 01-04-2014 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by Melanin
I agree some people do claim to not have felt a difference when changing dietary habits but I will say in my experience those people are few. Plus the op asked about meat and its effects on chakras and I strongly doubt your body was having an equally hard time digesting fruit/veggies compared to meat.

A lighter diet will free up more energy from the lower chakras and spread it to the rest of the body.

I've been a vegetarian for over 3 years and I absolutely have more energy but I also eat more veggies and fruits than when I ate meat. My choice to become a veg was for the animals sake and it has made me feel more connected with the force of life. So overall I have become more spiritual and feel healthier. I imagine we won't all feel this way but you never know until you try it. (:

check out a book called The Book of Chakras by Ambika Wauters. In the back is a list of foods for your chakras including meat.

Star Wolf Medicine Woman 01-04-2014 09:47 PM

I have to say I do not think vegitarians or meat eaters are any more spiritual than anyone else.. I honestly do not think this affects ones Chakrahs... If you are worried re your own Chakrahs, you can have them 'Rebalanced'.. I used to run a workshop showing people how... I eat meat, but not every day, I have friends who are vegitarian and are accomlished Mediums even.. I honestly do not think it has any effect...

wstein 02-04-2014 05:50 AM


Originally Posted by Melanin
A lighter diet will free up more energy from the lower chakras and spread it to the rest of the body.

Scientific evidence is that cooking foods reduces nutrition slightly but makes it much easier to digest. The net effect is more benefit from less food. Going raw uncooked ends up using more resource for digestion leaving less net benefit.

Belle 02-04-2014 06:11 AM

I heard that as well wstein, that uncooked food is not digested and so the vitamins are not received as much. And this was from a chef in an old people's home.

Belle 02-04-2014 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by Melanin
I agree some people do claim to not have felt a difference when changing dietary habits but I will say in my experience those people are few. Plus the op asked about meat and its effects on chakras and I strongly doubt your body was having an equally hard time digesting fruit/veggies compared to meat.

A lighter diet will free up more energy from the lower chakras and spread it to the rest of the body.

But it's not about what you eat. Eating healthily for your body might be one part of it but the lower chakras are more complicated than what you put in your mouth.

Sapphirez 02-04-2014 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by innerlight
I have done fasts, was a vegetarian for years, even went on a raw diet for a year.. And on each of those, I did not find myself to feel as you claim one would by following said lifestyle choice. I found myself lacking energy and feeling more sluggish than when I eat meat..

this is an extremely common conclusion experimental vegeterians complain with and I think it definitely boils down to the 'afflicted' not taking enough responsibility with the diet and assuring there aren't nutritional deficiencies. in addition to that being a primary reason people who try the route experience the weakness, I think in many cases it's also a sign that the body is detoxifying the harmful stuff, but then as you display the person just goes back to the poisons that make them unable to tolerate.. think of it like a drug if you will, you're bound to feel weak and then when you get your fix everything is supposedly ok again for however long. it's extremely ignorant and irritating to people who actually put time into researching the simplicity of the reality.. I am not a vegetarian, I'm newer to that sort of stuff but hopefully some day soon I'll muster up the dedication necessary. and when I do I'm going to do what you should have done, learned a total profile of food and nutrition and made sure I wasn't deficient in anything, and also take it easy so my body isn't shocked and I can handle what I do or undo to it

Sapphirez 02-04-2014 07:55 AM


Originally Posted by wstein
Scientific evidence is that cooking foods reduces nutrition slightly but makes it much easier to digest. The net effect is more benefit from less food. Going raw uncooked ends up using more resource for digestion leaving less net benefit.

it seems that a healthy body would welcome the digestive process of healthy food items.. also cooking murders integral enzymes phytonutrients and whatnot from many foods, so apparently some foods are improved in ways by cooking but certainly not all or most food

innerlight 02-04-2014 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by wstein
Scientific evidence is that cooking foods reduces nutrition slightly but makes it much easier to digest. The net effect is more benefit from less food. Going raw uncooked ends up using more resource for digestion leaving less net benefit.

Those that follow a Chinese energy system, will speak against eating raw foods and energy. As it will create to much "cold" in ones energy system. I have also heard that foods cooked past a certain temperature, causes them to lose some of their nutrition. But I do agree it does make them easier to digest in the body. I have also experienced that to be true.

OnAPath 02-04-2014 04:10 PM

I have found that if I am deficient or stuck, especially in the root chakra, eating meat definitely makes it worse. I feel like a lead weight dragging around. If the lower energy is doing well, however, then I am able to process meat without any ill effect. So for me, it all depends on how able I am to process those proteins. I usually do a mini meditation, just spend a thoughtful moment and listen to my body when I feel hunger. It will tell me what it needs.

Belle 02-04-2014 05:24 PM

How different we all are - I find meat grounding.

lilybug 02-04-2014 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by Belle
How different we all are - I find meat grounding.

Exactly! Belle you hit the nail on the head there (;

I think what works for one person can certainly be horrible for another. The simple fact is listen to your body it knows best be aware and it will tell you what it likes and needs. A friend of mine was a vegetarian for 5 years and became very ill as soon as he incorporated meat back into his diet he got better so with that said keep in my mind our bodies change over the years but it always speaks to us it's just a matter of listening and seeing what feels best to you. (:

Revan 02-04-2014 08:07 PM

So everyone is different and what may harm could help another?

Belle 02-04-2014 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by Revan
So everyone is different and what may harm could help another?

That's my take on it.

But I would advise honouring the source of your food - be it meat and vegetable and a gratitude towards it. We are blessed by plenty of food relatively and we shouldn't forget that.

innerlight 02-04-2014 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by Revan
So everyone is different and what may harm could help another?

Exactly! One must do whatever is best for them. And not reach a decision because another does it, or tell them they should. Our bodies are our temples and homes for our spirit. We must treat them well if we wish to continue on earth and wish to give our spirits the best environment it can have.

Creative 13-04-2014 11:41 AM

The lighter meats such as fish, fowl and lamb are perfectly fine for pretty much anyone. People need meat for its blood building properties. Beef is fine small quantities. Pork should be avoided by everyone.
As mentioned, the key is how the animal is raised, honored and killed.

The chakras are more a reflection of the thoughts and intent of the person, rather than what is eaten. Granted what is eaten can have an effect, but it's not the be all and end all.

For most people, the diet should be mostly vegetarian with some meat on the side. However, as suggested above, people should find the balance that works for them.

knightofalbion 13-04-2014 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by Tobi

But (and this is only my own opinion) -with 'meditation and human chakras', what we are really talking about is consciousness, and the concentration and focus and flowing of energy.

The consciousness -levels of compassion, kindness, and unconditional Love, are better nurtured, than overlooked.

A wonderful post, dear Tobi.

Phantasmic Fox 13-04-2014 11:55 AM

I once heard that the consumption of meat calcifis the pineal gland, making it less active in a sense. The pineal gland produces hormones, it produces melatonin which is hormone that acts in visualization. Calcification, or hardening, of the pineal gland affects all chakras considering that the pineal gland is the organ of the crown chakra, the crown of chakras.

Creative 13-04-2014 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by Phantasmic Fox
I once heard that the consumption of meat calcifis the pineal gland, making it less active in a sense. The pineal gland produces hormones, it produces melatonin which is hormone that acts in visualization. Calcification, or hardening, of the pineal gland affects all chakras considering that the pineal gland is the organ of the crown chakra, the crown of chakras.

Many are now saying that it is Flouridated water that causes this, which may have some credence.
Meat has been consumed by many spiritual cultures for eons, so for me that would tend to suggest that meat has benefits, rather than detriments.

shampoo 13-04-2014 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by lilybug
I've been a vegetarian for over 3 years and I absolutely have more energy but I also eat more veggies and fruits than when I ate meat. My choice to become a veg was for the animals sake and it has made me feel more connected with the force of life. So overall I have become more spiritual and feel healthier. I imagine we won't all feel this way but you never know until you try it. (:

check out a book called The Book of Chakras by Ambika Wauters. In the back is a list of foods for your chakras including meat.

I became a vegan in 9th grade, which was about 9-10 years ago. I felt really good when I was on my vegan diet, and being a vegan helped me learn compassion. It went from compassion for animals to better compassion for all of mankind.
I kind of fell off the wagon around 2008 and started eating dairy and egg products again and ever since then I've always felt a little guilty about that decision. I am still planning to go back to being a vegan someday, but enough about that.

I guess what I am trying to say is that it's all about how you feel about what you're eating. If you have no problems eating the meat of an animal then I do not see where there would be an issue there in relation to your chakras. If you decide not to eat meat for the sake of animals, like lilybug said, it may help you feel more spiritual and healthier. I know for a fact that when I stopped eating meat I felt much healthier and lively than I did when I ate meat, also my complexion got better. Meat made me feel sluggish.

jenriggs 14-04-2014 12:42 AM

When you eat meat, you are ingesting the fear the animal felt before and while being slaughtered. It adds a negative respone to your vibrational field. Another reason animals need to be treated respectfully if they are getting killed for us to consume their meat.

underdoq 14-04-2014 08:07 AM

One should keep in mind, not to completely identify with labels. Ontopic, it's been a month i stopped eating meat, and i feel better then before, except bad stomach cramps that lasted two week and subsided. Also there are many factors here, from genetic predisposition, individual needs etc.. I'm still unaware if my chakras are influenced by this lifestyle, but overall health improvements are noticeable.

underdoq 14-04-2014 08:07 AM

Moderator please delete this comment, chrome made me do double post.

running 14-04-2014 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by Revan
Can someone help me identify any adverse effects if any at all from eating meat on meditation and the human chakra?

For me I meditate best after a steak. Eating a high protein and fat diet keeps my physical body healthier as well. My body does well off it. My energy body does well off it. Its in my make up and just is. Always has been. But in realizing it I can grow spiritually and stay healthy. From simply knowing what works for me.

running 14-04-2014 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by wstein
There are no accross the board effects from eating meat on the chakras. Chakras are energy centers. Your energy (includes chakra centers) will increase if you eat food compatible (in alignment) with your energy and will decrease if you eat foods incompatible with your energy (out of alignment, poisons). There are few if any foods that are not 'bad' for somebody. There are poisons that negatively affect nearly everyone, however, 'meat' is not one of them.

So to be clear, meat may increase or decrease a chakra based on the combination of that particular type of meat and your personal energy system. So, to find out in your situation, you need to either get tested or try and check (your energy).

Makes sense

bryanchris 14-04-2014 02:18 PM

I notice that meat should increase the possibilities of colon cancer, it affects harmful to biological process systems and physique chakras. Once you like meat, it brings lots of blood all the way down to the system.

running 14-04-2014 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by bryanchris
I notice that meat should increase the possibilities of colon cancer, it affects harmful to biological process systems and physique chakras. Once you like meat, it brings lots of blood all the way down to the system.

Your statement applys to those whom it fits. There is no one size fits all. We all have different backgrounds.
For example as i kind of stated earlier my digestive system digests meat the best. In addition keeps my blood sugar levels normalized. In so doing I'm healthier and meditate better. Also I merge spiritually with what I eat. Often times after I eat a steak my energy body grows and is like a catalyst for a powerful meditation.

My spirit simply says this. When I die I hope I'm eaten. Its the last thing I have to give in the circle of things. From birds, worms, or whatever.

innerlight 15-04-2014 02:13 AM


Originally Posted by running
For me I meditate best after a steak. Eating a high protein and fat diet keeps my physical body healthier as well. My body does well off it. My energy body does well off it. Its in my make up and just is. Always has been. But in realizing it I can grow spiritually and stay healthy. From simply knowing what works for me.

And I think that is key to keeping your mind/body/spirit/energy working its best. Consuming things that work the best for your body. If you are consuming that which is not good for it in the sense that ones body rejects it, you are not going to be feeling well. And your energy body/chakras are going to reflect this.

I am the same way, in that my body can not digest fruits and veggies. I can only tolerate a small amount of a certain type. Anything more and my body falls apart, and I am spending the rest of the day making repeated trips to the bathroom. When I eat what my body allows me to eat, I feel better. My mind is better, and I am at peace within myself. Things that allow my energy body to flourish.

Ilaria 15-04-2014 08:57 AM

I would like to know this as well, especially considering the effects I felt from today. I made myself a chicken breast meal w fettuchini (fully cooked, not expired of course) and right away after eating some of the meat I felt the most excruicating empty feeling. It's been 8 hours now and I STILL feel it. This has happened a few other times with eating poultry. I don't know what it is, it's an incredibly horrible sensation.

Revan 17-04-2014 01:59 PM

I actually
Can meditate better sometimes when I don't eat
But meat is definitely not something I eat until later in my day usually

Morpheus 19-04-2014 07:19 PM

I once read a book by a former Hindu, who related disaster experiences in his life, when on a strict vegetarian, and meatless diet.

He directly attributed these near fatal misses with a meatless diet. He stated that he believed spiritual health and strength is related too at least a partial high quality protien consumption, from meat.

Phantasmic Fox 22-04-2014 03:10 AM

"A man fed on whiskey and dead bodies cannot do the finest work of which he is capable." -George Bernard Shaw

The properties of meat are detrimental to the diet for multiple reasons, and the hinderance is not only on our chakras. Meats contain high saturated fats and cholesterol. Not only do we consume the fear and pain the animal went through being slaughtered (you cannot deny the energy is there since slaughterhouses don't practice the cleansing of bad energy), but we're damaging our bodies too. Also the method of slaughtering animals is in no way pleasant, it is quite cruel. Some workers actually take delight in abusing chickens in captivity knowing they're just going to be killed for meat. I've witnessed it, and it's awful how they treat these animals for sport. I am certain this abuse takes place in other factories that raise animals for food. Cattle live their lives, not on grassy plains in the bigger plants, but trudging around in their own feces, only being sprayed with a hose to clean them off before death.

Furthermore, in relation to the physical body and science of nutrition: High meat consumption means high protein consumption, and fat and cholesterol. This makes our kidneys work harder, increases calcium loss in the urine, and it's bad for the heart for obvious reasons. Balancing this out by eating more veggies than meat won't help any. Balance is balance. You can't redefine it to your likeable standards. Excess energy consumed is changed and stored as fat in adipose tissue. It doesn't contribute to muscle mass. Working out contributes to muscle mass, and proteins simply play a role is muscle contraction and they're structural components of muscles, organs, and such. More protein doesn't mean more muscles by any means. There are literally thousands of different proteins, and the body makes them all. The proteins we eat are broken into specific amino acids which are used to construct proteins for many reasons, including fluid balance, acid base balance, movement of nutrients, hormones, and more. While meats are common sources of complete proteins, you can get all the indispensable amino acids you require from consuming a variety of complementary proteins, incomplete proteins coupled with each other to provide all essential amino acids required. Sure each person is different, but meat isn't the only source of anything. At all, except blood. Since vampires aren't real, that isn't important for anyone's diet. Thus said we are all HUMAN in flesh and blood. Variations are not so great that some people can live without meat while others cannot. Any person on the face of this planet can get all they need if there were to be no more slaughtering of animals. Eggs supply complete proteins, so does soy... And like I said combining sources will provide everything you need. Sure it's hard quitting eating meat but we've been eating it for centuries. We have a sort-of-bloodlust imbedded into our minds. Some of us truly think we need to eat meat. Not true. The only argument that's valid is we are all different, yet that's no excuse for not considering the alternatives. Complete proteins do NOT only exist in meats. This is false. The way I see it, people are too greedy to give it up because they are addicted to the taste of flesh. Hence the sort-of-bloodlust.

Lorelyen 23-04-2014 05:49 PM

Indeed, we are omnivores!

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