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Unseeking Seeker 27-12-2018 04:56 PM

Short & crisp
An open page for both fool & sage to reveal what they feel in brevity with levity and it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t rhyme each & every time;:smile:


Unseeking Seeker 27-12-2018 04:57 PM

Seeker of security fearful of uncertainty instead of getting to the root of the ailment being attachment containment frets & fumes and energy consumes attempting to preserve the perishable and thus becoming sorrowful blaming the powers that be for his dark destiny.


Unseeking Seeker 27-12-2018 04:59 PM

Does God exist being the question asked by the unconscious mind with the single eye closed in repose and even though if omnipresent He must be within but strangely the questioner does not begin ... his search. He is content as a pseudo intellectual mystic, arguments eristic, consciousness erratic, growth static.


Unseeking Seeker 27-12-2018 05:14 PM

If I know it I do it right but unless I don’t do it before I know it I don’t know it right.


Unseeking Seeker 27-12-2018 05:19 PM

Keep the fire burning with zest & zeal surging for the moon too reflects beauteous light only if the Sun is shining bright


Unseeking Seeker 28-12-2018 12:23 AM

Rat in a rat race running to get ahead finally stood behind the rat who stood still on the circular track. Yet instead of pausing, he continued running.


Unseeking Seeker 28-12-2018 12:26 AM

Thought being matter and matter energy, the source easily identifiable by connecting in synergy, yet the subset of the set in boundaries limited seeks to decrypt the unlimited even though recognising the anomaly of action folly. A good way to kill time though silly. Literally.


Unseeking Seeker 28-12-2018 12:50 AM

The way to fly being to simplify by embracing expansion & distancing contraction yet the herd mentality born of egoic insanity deludes & eludes the possibility of divine entwined enableability and all we need to do is to undo past conditioning and in the here & now make a new beginning.


Unseeking Seeker 28-12-2018 01:04 AM

Accepting the conniving as he who is striving to expand his consciousness though in ignorance we embrace his spirit which merely needs to correct its direction by divine intervention which will be done in timeless time as ordained by the Oneness sublime.


Unseeking Seeker 28-12-2018 06:24 AM

The magic wand to break the egoic bond is a voluntary realisation that the sole cause of sorrow precipitation is addiction to images ephemeral in the domain external and that perceived duality is in truth a singularity being the wisdom we imbibe upon experiencing Oneness in meditational be-ness if we but choicelessly choose without excuse to be.


Unseeking Seeker 28-12-2018 06:26 AM

Short & crisp, so forgive my lisp, lend a helping hand, for me to stand :smile:


Unseeking Seeker 28-12-2018 06:27 AM

Cognised in stillness that All being Oneness, karma is nothing but the echo which returns, tables turns and if our orientation be WE instead of ME we have nothing to fear for all were and are dear. The law of cause & effect, has this defect, love does relent, so we may if we so will, love & joy overspill, with nary a care of the karmic scare.


Unseeking Seeker 28-12-2018 06:34 AM

What can I say that God cannot? ‘I don’t see you ... please reveal yourself!’ Ha! What a scare; got you there! :smile:


Unseeking Seeker 28-12-2018 09:31 AM

Within form our consciousness does adorn, we may engage across all frequency bandwidths as of our endowed enableability as long as we form no patterns & grooves that bind, anchor, enmesh and thereby suppress our expansion and what it means is that free of addiction to images in the ephemeral external, we are, as we are, complete. Senses & thought are instruments we begot so use them & release, as we please but let not the tail wag the dog.


Unseeking Seeker 28-12-2018 09:32 AM

Thought origin is not virgin being merely a resonation drawn in from the Universe correspondent to our chosen vibration, which in turn is determined by our orientation.


Unseeking Seeker 28-12-2018 02:14 PM

Conditioned to analyse & measure, being in the domain of linear time and energy precipitated as matter, we hem in ourselves within this narrow realm awhile, until we mirrorlessly acquire spherical vision that envisions Oneness of the all, cognising & transcending all limitations.


Unseeking Seeker 28-12-2018 02:16 PM

All is, as is, optimal for soul evolution. It if it is inconvenient for the ego, we do apologise even though he was never invited to the party.


Unseeking Seeker 28-12-2018 02:18 PM

The slow down mode being our preferred abode, we assimilate our learning, through life’s churning and with this as a given, to awaken chakras seven, it is up to us to be either joyful or sorrowful about our voluntary decision to immerse without chance to rehearse within seeming duality offering experiences emphatic, voice of conscience often stifled by the egos disorienting static.


Unseeking Seeker 28-12-2018 02:22 PM

Anticipation & expectations are self imposed limitations leading inevitably to contractions of consciousness, yet memory linked perceptions, though often cause of deception, can neither be dismissed nor trusted unless thoughts are rested, so the key seems to be to be humbly & nonchalantly unexpectant carefree about outcomes, knowing that what we know is only peripheral. Or in a word, cheerfully acceptant with ego decadent.


Unseeking Seeker 28-12-2018 04:03 PM

If good looks have us hooked while despondent expressions trigger an involuntary shudder of repulsion, it takes no high IQ to deduce that in the ascension queue, we are way behind, with an unconscious mind.


Unseeking Seeker 28-12-2018 04:27 PM

now is the time to sound the chime, making some noise with or without poise, for at this station, with uninhibited elation, sing your song, taking all along! :smile:


Unseeking Seeker 28-12-2018 04:28 PM

If I search, I search for what and if I search, who is the ‘I’ that searches? Both unknowns ... former dream-illusion, latter ego-delusion.


Unseeking Seeker 28-12-2018 04:41 PM

Pause the cause of thought, if for no other reason, for fun! Come undone. Then just be to mirrorlessly see. Entirety.


Unseeking Seeker 29-12-2018 02:31 AM

Observer observing observed, both us makes the observed conscious and therefore when unobserved the erstwhile observed now unobserved acts as of our reflex response, which in turn is determined by habit and the position of the fulcrum of our being while in form. Therefore consciousness correction alone is the path to deflection of our energy feral, to inhale the fragrance of the love divine in the domain ethereal. If we take but one transformative step in lived reality, the Universe leaps forward eagerly to bridge the chasm between It & us ... the chasm which never was.


Unseeking Seeker 29-12-2018 02:35 AM

There is no effort in meditation, being the attentive resonation to be to become with the That Oneness one for the sake of love alone and where love is there is no calculation, no computation, no hesitation. There is no way, our voluntary choiceless choice of being to become love to merge with love absolute as Oneness is itself the way.


Unseeking Seeker 29-12-2018 04:01 AM

Where the doer is ‘doing meditation’ there is an application of effort arising from thought which is a step behind the present moment which is the continuum wherein the connection with the Universe is feasible without bisection. Reversing polarity, with the doer rested in clarity, thought rested, ego bested, that consciousness which remains is non-self sane, attentively & choicelessly present, not ‘doing meditation’ for there is no doer but ‘being in meditation’ for there is a seer, the void within purified, automatically magnetised, draws in the subtle energy, in a synergy enabling unified self & non-self as one to merge in the ocean of Oneness supreme, which is the All.


Unseeking Seeker 29-12-2018 04:40 AM

Sharing & caring makes for connected pairing, love enabling for which, without hesitation or expectation of any recognition or reciprocation, energy sublimation of love embrace has that vibration that shakes off all gross contaminations from our being to imbibe the exalted divine love essence etched within us in permanence.


Unseeking Seeker 29-12-2018 05:24 AM

How egolessly anonymous is our altruistic anonymity if we secretly gloat at this illusionary ability as a part of our narrow personality?


Unseeking Seeker 29-12-2018 07:48 AM

Stillness within linear movement external giving way to divine-entwined spherical movement within stillness internal, transcends default body consciousness to ascend as pure awareness, One with the That Oneness.


Unseeking Seeker 29-12-2018 08:24 AM

That continuum of time within which lust or rage did us define, later makes us look at our consciousness askance for if we would advance, childlike asking so automatically graciously receiving the divine gift, we are blessed and so enabled to adopt a fulcrum shift, that our reflex response to shifting tides of chance or by ordained design, we now react & sign from the helm of a higher realm, a blossoming flower on the upper stem.


Unseeking Seeker 29-12-2018 08:28 AM

This open thread is short & crisp. Where are you then, will-o’-the-wisp? :smile:


Unseeking Seeker 29-12-2018 08:51 AM

As we be, we are. Are we are, we become. We be to become. With the That Oneness, One.


Unseeking Seeker 29-12-2018 01:32 PM

Tree observing dust on its leaves brusquely asked the dust to leave without even saying please. Before leaving the dust demurely said, ‘my love, take a peek at me in the ground beneath your feet. Should I take it along with me too, my sweet?’

Ah! Why do I get this discomforting feeling of sarcasm?


Unseeking Seeker 30-12-2018 03:12 AM

Watching a movie, poignant or funny, identifying with the actors on stage, we yet know that the image is an image, not real, even though we feel for the illusion by temporary identification delusion. We wisen to reality when we pause ... the cause. Employing this empirical law, from the movie we saw, if we be still ... and without resistance allow ... the divine ignition within will automatically follow.

That’s it. Using free will ... to be still.


Unseeking Seeker 30-12-2018 03:15 AM

Thought before the heart is akin to a horse behind the cart


Unseeking Seeker 30-12-2018 04:06 AM

When the seeming impossible becomes possible we begin to use the word plausible. Even the slightest crack of openness in our erstwhile closed consciousness admits the healing light of Oneness in meditational stillness.


Unseeking Seeker 30-12-2018 05:15 AM

Attachment & i-dentification of our consciousness are the anchors & fetters which curb the possibility of frequency surge to sync & link our presence with the divine omnipresence, doable if so choose to desirelessly be, in childlike innocence.


Unseeking Seeker 30-12-2018 06:29 AM

Within this domain of uncertainty, seeking surety & security, an impossibility by design and while we could with the divine align, we instead resigned and sought paradise, a Shangri-La, a Shambhala and so it was as we did wish, giving earth life a miss but the free lunch on offer, did slow down & defer, ascension without pretension, our role a receptor, being incapable to act as a divine love transmitter but yet being love enabled and finding ourselves thus disabled, we voluntarily descended again to the earth domain.


Unseeking Seeker 30-12-2018 06:42 AM

She approaches and though contracting repression reproaches, heart all a flutter, there remains no thought chatter, self disappears and mindless of leers, the embrace is held, love beheld, in the continuum of time, imbibing ecstasy of love sublime, as of our measure, which the moment we wish to preserve & treasure, the unthinking ineffable magic becomes egoic fear tragic for as long as in ephemeral attachment bound, true love is never found.


Unseeking Seeker 30-12-2018 07:28 AM

As pure awareness gently attempts to percolate awakening consciousness through osmosis, free will may choose its reception or rejection, the former allowing divine nectar precipitation & soul elevation while the latter, with consciousness in repose, case closed ... paused, until the next inhalation, when again we may choose to either connect or reject.


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