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bartholomew 02-06-2021 01:06 AM

Adventures With the First Angel
Part 1 The Meeting

She appeared to us one day as we relaxed on a lawn near a lake. We were resting now in preparation for our return trip. We were visiting our animal friends and noted that some of these were of types which are no longer extant on the physical Earth. A land of wonders we thought it. It was, truly.

In a small stone circle, within a burst of brilliance, magical fire perhaps but not ordinary light, she stood. Without speaking we all knew her name. The Lady (in the Light). Telepathy between all of us and her. The various animals took note as well… Perhaps they had seen her before. Without speaking in the ordinary way she bid us travel with her, for a while, to see a land that is usually hidden to those on Earth.

We had been visiting this land, using a magical carpet as our conveyance. It seemed the thing to do especially since it was our animal friend, Lady Pumpkin (an Indian elephant) who had shaped it for us into a howdah which afforded room for us all, in comfort, on her back. And there were others as well. Then, with Rudolph from the land of the Sami people guiding us… off we went.

We were not on Earth at the time. Our physical selves were of course but in our astral bodies we all met in our healing room garden as we often did. Where is this place? In about the mid range of the Earth’s astral plane, above many others but still far below the highest, the land of the golden light. Here there is found solace from the burdens of the Earth, for a while.

We were in our garden when, one day, we heard a call, a summons. Following this we found ourselves on a long journey to the other side of the astral plane, to a distant land which is seldom open to we humans. It was the land set aside for animal souls who, like us, rest between incarnations. Here in this particular area were domestic animals and others which lived with humans in their lives just past. And we? We would have the opportunity to visit the souls of our dear little friends who had earlier brought us so much joy. Now, the visiting finished, we rested on the lawn waiting to return when the Lady appeared.

To be continued...

BigJohn 02-06-2021 08:28 PM

Wonderful article James.

Can't wait to see more.

Miss Hepburn 03-06-2021 12:12 AM

Stories like the first post have been given the 'go-ahead' by Lynn, btw.:smile:

Legrand 03-06-2021 12:24 AM

I'm there...

bartholomew 03-06-2021 12:53 AM


Originally Posted by BigJohn
Wonderful article James.
Can't wait to see more.

After this the original story merges . And... after the retelling and return to the garden, and after a suitable period of rest, a new sequence will be revealed. It's going to be quite profound.

bartholomew 03-06-2021 12:59 AM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
Stories like the first post have been given the 'go-ahead' by Lynn, btw.:smile:

I still wish we had a specific place for stories. I was considering "Most Anything". Probably there aren't many on the forum who write stories. So we have to adapt.

Who is to say that matters of the spiritual life may only be revealed in certain ways?

bartholomew 03-06-2021 01:00 AM

Thanks Legrand

bartholomew 03-06-2021 05:10 PM

Part 2 A Visit to a Far Place

I think the year was 1949. I had just turned seven. I was enrolled at our local Catholic school in San Diego, CA. As I remember my class was being instructed in preparation for our first communion. This was the time when I began to think about aspects of life that were spiritual and not just physical. Did we really have souls? What were they like? I remember wondering that, if I should try hard enough, could I rise up and float away in my sleep. Exploring heaven and meeting God would be fun.

Yes there really are heavens associated with the Earth. This is one aspect of the afterlife that is not discussed by any religion that I know of. They will teach about heaven but never examine it closely or connect it in a relational way with the Earth. But the Earth does have spiritual as well as physical realms. Further all of us are connected to the various subtle (spiritual) planes and sub planes while yet living. This is the function of the chakras that we all have. So few know that the Earth has chakras too. Ours are connected to hers. This is the reason, the mechanism that allows us to claim we are “of the Earth”. And these subtle connections give us the ability to experience what we call psychic events. The various planes are the conduits through which intuitive glimpses travel, one person to another, your chakra to the corresponding Earth’s chakra then to me via my chakra which was “tuned in”. This phenomena is exactly what meditation is all about. If neither the Earth nor us had chakras psychic sensitivity would be impossible. No need to believe in magic. Everything is knowable in rational terms. I always emphasize the above because it is seldom fully understood, even by mediums.

Here in the Healing Room we are somewhere near the mid point of the concentric shell which is the astral plane. In physical terms this would put us approximately thirteen thousand miles distant from the center of the Earth. Of course we can’t see it with our physical eyes or sense it using scientific instruments. Hints of it’s existence are not understood therefore brushed aside. It is there nonetheless. We interact with it all the time via our chakras.

We have come to understand what we can and cannot do here in the Room. We’ve had some good times. Today we will take a look at another aspect, one which is seldom spoken of but one that will find familiar acceptance in all of us. We are going on a journey of discovery to the part of heaven which is reserved for our animal friends. We can do this so long as we don’t stay too long and as long as we observe and interact with respect. It will be an area of different vibrations.

Our hostess and guide today will be our dear friend Lady Pumpkin. She is very proud of being of the order pacydermata. She wears this distinction with a genuine sense of contentment in her service to us and we to her. We find ourselves understanding better the sometimes unknown paths in creation. Lady stands ready for departure just outside the entrance to the Room. Big John directs the magical carpet to the ground at her left side. We all climb aboard. As we are seated we note that the carpet, being magical, increases its size to accommodate everyone. Elfin is seated right in front. A huge smile on her face. Others are here. Anala hops aboard carrying a basket filled with freshly baked scones. She has some butter and honey too in the other hand. In a basket are fresh strawberries, and clotted cream. My goodness who will eat all of this? Now Bartholomew steps aboard and finds a spot. For once he has little to say. Just Tim watches, hesitates but then steps onto a corner of the carpet. Anyone else? Miss Hepburn is up front where she can help to navigate. Legrand and Gemma are here too. Lastly there are three others. They’ve been following the thread but never joined in. We don’t know their names but we sense their nearness. They are welcome.

Big John has loaded so much food that we begin to wonder if the carpet is able to stretch itself to the required dimensions and, if so, will it be able to lift off. Sure it’s magic but just the same we wonder. Sausages, hot pasta, pastries, steak cutlets for Elfin, a couple bales of alfalfa and a dozen or so pumpkins for Lady to munch on. Two barrels of homemade beer courtesy of… well it’s a secret but Lady found out about it and put “dibs” on one of them. One large Thermos filled with G and T in case anyone has a “scratchy throat” Last are two bags of special treats. Ready? All aboard... At the last moment the most amazing thing happens. The carpet, loaded as it is, floats gently off the ground then ascends to the level of Lady’s back. It moves sideways. It’s over her. Now it descends and transforms. It’s not a carpet anymore. Now it’s a genuine Indian style howdah. Amazing. Are we ready? Lady lifts her trunk in salute and sounds a call to any and all animals who might be listening. She is also bidding farewell to Goodness and High Bette who dutifully stay behind to mind the Room in our absence. They nod in return. Lady takes a step forward, looks up into the sky. What? Is it really? Here come the reindeer all the way from the north land of the Sami people. And in front is Rudolph. It’s their off season after all. They’re happy to help. They arrange themselves in the lead and, hang on tight, off we go.

To be continued...

Legrand 03-06-2021 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by bartholomew

Yes there really are heavens associated with the Earth. This is one aspect of the afterlife that is not discussed by any religion that I know of. They will teach about heaven but never examine it closely or connect it in a relational way with the Earth.

In this sense, I do like the work of Dante with is Divine Comedy and the huge poetic work of Sri Aurobindo in his book Savitri.


Just Tim 03-06-2021 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by bartholomew
After this the original story merges . And... after the retelling and return to the garden, and after a suitable period of rest, a new sequence will be revealed. It's going to be quite profound.

Oooh, new sequence you say ! :D

bartholomew 03-06-2021 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by Just Tim
Oooh, new sequence you say ! :D

Believe me I try to keep the "me" out of what goes on in the Healing Room. :rolleyes:

Unseeking Seeker 04-06-2021 05:30 AM

Another ethereal tale I’m reading these days is ‘The Soma Tantra’ by anonymous.

bartholomew 04-06-2021 05:35 AM


Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker
Another ethereal tale I’m reading these days is ‘The Soma Tantra’ by anonymous.

Some say that stories, like graphic arts, are reflections of places that a mind will go when unleashed.

I'll take a look at Soma Tantra....



Legrand 04-06-2021 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker
Another ethereal tale I’m reading these days is ‘The Soma Tantra’ by anonymous.

There seems to be a plot from people of SF, to get me to read books again :D
I found it in free pdf format on the net.

Unseeking Seeker 04-06-2021 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by Legrand
There seems to be a plot from people of SF, to get me to read books again :D
I found it in free pdf format on the net.


:biggrin: :hug3:


bartholomew 04-06-2021 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by Legrand
There seems to be a plot from people of SF, to get me to read books again :D
I found it in free pdf format on the net.

I have a Kindle for reading in bed or on airplanes. I've found that PDF formatted books load in easily and work well. I, too, look for free books.

bartholomew 04-06-2021 06:19 PM

Part Three The Journey

We've been traveling for some time now. in Earth reckoning about three days. To us, here, a few hours. And our speed? Not too great in celestial terms but fast. As we watch there is no relative breeze flowing as there would be below on the planet. And as we send our gaze hither we see the horizon, almost. There is no feeling of caution. Instead we seem to be semi awake. Things seems to curve in the distance. The sky is the most interesting thing. It appears more like luminescent cotton candy, sort of puffy but less so the nearer we get. Pastels that seem to shimmer. Are those vibrations? Is something hidden inside of them? Too late. We've passed that spot up and are moving even faster now. Absolute silence. Well almost. It seems like harp music that changes pitch with our velocity. And Lady Pumpkin? She is relaxed, eyes closed. Ears relaxed, trunk curled, tucked in while we move. Some of us are watching the ever changing scenes with wonder. Others are asleep. We continue. On and on..…

Let’s rest and enjoy the ride.

We've been traveling on the carpet that adapted itself in Indian fashion so that we all could travel together with Lady Pumpkin. It was very difficult to measure time as we flew, how many miles in Earth reckoning we cannot imagine. Here in the heavens we know we are close to the physical universe but exactly how close? This is so plainly a land of wonders.

Now we are approaching our destination...

We are not aware of anything familiar such as a new landmass or planet. It's more like everything is together in a single place and we? We can see what is presented or that which is imagined. So let's continue.

We slow now and begin to turn to our left. Slower still. All is quiet. We wait, anticipating what wonders will be revealed. Now in the distance there seems to be trees and foliage. Just a greenish area with hints of details. But for some reason we are reminded of a forested landscape. We wait, drawing nearer. Oh. It is trees, and grasslands, and lakes and rivers and in the distance, what appears to be snow too. The colors are so very brilliant but at the same time subdued.

We slow more and turn in a tighter circle. Slower. Lower to the "ground". Almost to a stop now the reindeer and Lady Pumpkin all touch down at the same instant. How did they manage that?

After a moment or two we see what appears to be something flying in the distance. Whatever it is it's coming our way. It's getting nearer. It descends to just a hundred meters or so and circles above us. Hard to believe but how can we deny our eyes. It is a flying horse. A horse with wings. It's a Pegasus. We watch, awe struck, as it circles nearer, lower.

Almost at a stop it lands nearby and walks our way as it's wings fold at it's sides. For a time it, or he, we think, ignores us and goes directly to our deer and elephant to exchange greetings. It is a marvel to behold. We wait... in silence.

We will shortly find out where we are and why.…

To be continued...

gemma 04-06-2021 07:56 PM

Can't wait...

bartholomew 04-06-2021 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by gemma
Can't wait...

...........Me Neither.............

bartholomew 06-06-2021 11:39 PM

Part Four Many Meetings

Now that we’ve arrived on what seems another world it’s time for a change of guides. The Pegasus has met us in order to help us to continue on to the next stop. For convenience of thought let’s call him Armand. The name is taken from a long distant lifetime back on Earth, in France, In the hill country. In the Roussillon district he and his kin lived and worked. Rudy and the others have finished with their greetings and now gladly defer to Armand who takes the lead. All set? Off we go.

Remember that we thought we saw snow in the distance? Well it wasn’t… not really. We are now flying in that direction. As we near the whiteness changes texture just a bit and we see that it is more like a cloud. We slow just a bit and enter. Our ability to see is now limited kind of like a foggy day on Earth. There is no discomfort though. A moment later we are in the clear again. How very wonderful!!!

A hidden valley! Below us is a river valley complete with all the kinds of habitats we might expect for animals on Earth. There are high peaks where the soaring birds find seclusion. There are grasslands for those who love to run. A river and lake system that is home to various fresh water aquatic species. And there is an ocean too. A salt water one. This attracts our attention because it is so unexpected. We find that, yes, just like in our familiar heaven, we can move about just by thinking about it. We hesitate and then, fearlessly, trusting, we “think” ourselves into the sea. Down and down we go. Beams of light illuminate our way no matter the depth. Funny the way we seem to stay dry. But the colors of the water change with depth. At about one mile below the surface we encounter a Sperm Whale. He pauses and comes to greet us. He knows what humans are but curiously he listens to us, waiting for our song, to determine why we are there. We link arms and approach. Just a moment of greeting… then he leaves. We ascend again.

On the shore we notice that while we were away representatives of all the lands have come to greet us. It is kind of like back on Earth but we find that we have no trouble at all conversing with these, our familiar planet mates. At no other time has it been so clear to us that the world is not complete unless all of us are a part of it.

A lesson in creation for us all. Even if we think we are alone, we are not. Other creatures are a part of our world. Or are we a part of theirs? Now assembled near us on this grassy slope are all of the familiar Earth species plus some that we’ve never seen before. A peculiar thing about being in the heavens is that we know others not just because of the visuals but also because we can see their energies. Their stories are told by the lights that flash around them in all the colors of a rainbow. We are likewise visible to them. We are all here now including Lady Pumpkin and all the reindeer who have made friends with the locals but shall we remember this is a part of the Earth’s heavens. Here we have access to all who have lived, recently, on the Earth. And thanks to some other magic there are a few from distant worlds. We find out later that the presence of these is explicitly due to the efforts of a handful of master souls whose business it is to insure a kind of galactic continuity.

We are in that part of the Earth’s heavens that is set aside for the animals. But why are we here? Is it just an adventure? Is there something else?

We who frequent the Healing Room do so not simply because we have found it and like what it has to offer. No. The Room and the landscape, it’s part in the heavens, exists for some other explicit purpose. We are to learn now those things that will carry us forward into the next phase of the human experience. But lectures are dry and so often tedious. Let’s have some refreshments before we begin.

Big John unloads the barrels of beer and all the food from Lady Pumpkin. For being so gracious she happily receives half a bale of alfalfa and two pumpkins. Each of the reindeer partakes likewise. Rudy’s nose seems brighter or is it my imagination? We pass it all around and then? Let’s not forget the gathering. Remember those two sacks of treats? Anala has them now. She quickly passes among the throng passing our the most delectable of foods. They are well received. This continues. As the beer is consumed several us begin with the story telling and laughing. Gemma is aware of something though, that the rest of us are not. Time to listen again. We all are seated again. Quietly we wait…

Before us is a clear space an opening. Let’s call it a circle. Funny the way we are reminded of stone circles found on Earth. Into this steps a woman of great age and bearing. She doesn’t need to speak because in her eyes is the story of the whole of creation; everything understood at last… no mysteries. But how… so fast. And have we changed so that all of a sudden we are in some enhanced state of consciousness? Where, exactly, are we and who is this.

At her unspoken bidding we recline and are silent. Somehow, someway, we know that we are to prepare ourselves for a life changing experience.

More to come

BigJohn 07-06-2021 12:02 AM


Anala 07-06-2021 04:28 AM

Beautiful and curious, thank you. :smile:

lomax 07-06-2021 05:45 PM

Very interesting.
Thanks uncle James.

bartholomew 08-06-2021 10:41 PM

Part five Dreams of Long Ago...

Once, so long ago that even the measure provided us since the creation is inadequate, there existed a single, great, primordial soul. It was as yet undivided. The plan for expression of deity still in the formative stage. No mere numbers can point to these times. They existed yet they did not. Our universe both spiritual and physical was yet to come.

Before the creation of the lower heavens which would serve to sustain their reflection, the physical universe, an idea, a directed thought was formed. This, in the mind of the soul. And the basis of what would be spiritual and physical life was given the shapes and dimensions according to the then existing Divine source.

A very long time later when the physical was ready this great soul made it’s appearance first in a galactic center then, correspondingly, in the star centers which would, later, give live to systems. Later it was in planetary systems that the focus was moved. Now as spiritual livingness was known in the higher of the Earth, her subtle planes came to be. Then… the ethereal/astral was made suitable and “life” appeared on Earth.

Now we are speaking of our journey again and we talk a little about the broader scope of biological life. This is done so that we can gain perspective. We are all truly one. We, all of us, and the post incarnation great ones too, are still “of” that great primordial soul. This is a principal immutable. Here is another mystery. After the Earth and other worlds have served their purpose what of it? It will be transmuted find ascension and return to the source. Beyond this we cannot yet discern. Trust though that nothing is ever lost.

We learn about the agreements made In heaven between the souls of animals and the souls of men… The story of companionship and the way it insures the fulfillment of Creative purpose.

The next part tells us of the special and unique relationship between all lifeforms on Earth. In particular we are instructed in the ways that the lives of all are interwoven. This with particular emphasis on the domestic animals.

We see it in the science of genetics. Relationships, kinship… everywhere. But have we looked closely at the non physical realms or just in the physical? It is truly stated, “as above, so below”. Can we agree then that in the ethereal and astral planes life, in all it’s forms, exists and that, below on the Earth are the less perfect copies of those above.

The Lady did not speak but all of the above came into our minds in an instant of time. How did this happen? Can it be that we were shown an infinite story in so short a time? The Lady smiles.

We are all sitting on a grassy field, not quite level and waiting for the lady again to speak. Then we realize that she has been communicating with us via telepathy. We’ve all been thinking the same thing not realizing the source. Interesting. And we think of the way we can so easily dispose of the many languages… so easy and eloquent.

We are resting now. Look at the ground. Look closely at a patch of grass. From beneath an insect crawls forth. It climbs a blade of grass and stops. Looking up at us we discern it’s thoughts. Wait… do insects really think? No. Not in the same way that we do. They share a group, lower correspondence to mind. This and chemical and mechanical (movements) are the ways that they communicate. But what we are hearing now is the voice of the insect family group guide. Remember the little folk that serve the Earth? They are here too in the same capacity. It is here that these lesser known forms are given the attributes that they will need when they next return to a changing Earth, that which is below. And down there? Science will see the results of this vital work in the form of genetic patterns. This is a part of the essence of what we call evolution.

We rest. The Lady seems to fade into stillness. Time for us to see to ourselves for awhile First we eat and then glorious sleep… Gemma sits apart, watching. Lady Pumpkin nods in her direction. Yes. I know.

To be continued...

bartholomew 11-06-2021 06:48 PM

I want to note here that it is nearly impossible to speak of, indeed even to think of, the great primordial soul, the Creator, the One. This is because we are designed for the world we live in. We think in terms of time, before and after. In a timeless existence there can be no sequence of events. In this story though there does seem to be. This disparity is what I refer to. There is one more thought. We are all sharing an adventure in this narrative while away from the physical. This means that, although there still is the flow of time, it is slower. Remember that as we ascend in the heavens of the Earth time slows because the matter through which we travel "thins" when compared to the physical. And since time is a result of density this must be true. Remember too that when we arrive at the source we are, finally, at the apex... timelessness or as we call it, eternity. Now there is no time at all but how can we speak of it outside our familiar frame of reference. This is what I refer to.

As the story progresses this will become more apparent.


Legrand 11-06-2021 07:26 PM

Each "word" we formulate at this apex becomes a new world.

bartholomew 11-06-2021 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by Legrand
Each "word" we formulate at this apex becomes a new world.

Quite so.... "And the Word became....." Sound familiar?

Creation of something, on any plane, always begins with visualization. The next step is application of will directed towards matter. We direct our will towards physical matter. The creator directs will towards spiritual matter. We do this every day. The Great Creator does exactly the same thing but from a different, higher, plane. The law of correspondences applies.

Legrand 11-06-2021 08:45 PM


I love you James :smile:

Must say I miss your Elfin avatar... :hug:

bartholomew 11-06-2021 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by Legrand

I love you James :smile:

Must say I miss your Elfin avatar... :hug:

Je me souviens d'un petit français d'une vie antérieure dans les collines centrales de la France révolutionnaire. Ma femme et moi étions propriétaires terriens. Nous avons amené nos pupilles dans notre grande maison et avons veillé à leur bien-être pendant les moments difficiles. C'est une longue histoire mais j'ai de solides racines en Gaule.

The Elfin avatar was meant to dedicate a series of posts to her for three days only. I certainly agree she is better looking than I.

Legrand 12-06-2021 01:35 PM

I did not know you wrote in French, you are a man of many talents.

I can see you in this past life, it must of been beautiful.

If I was a woman in this life I would say you are better looking than Elfin is :smile:


bartholomew 12-06-2021 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by Legrand
I did not know you wrote in French, you are a man of many talents.

I can see you in this past life, it must of been beautiful.

If I was a woman in this life I would say you are better looking than Elfin is :smile:


I'm sorry. I thought since I was referring to a past life in France it would be appropriate. I'll stick to English.

"I remember a little French boy from a previous life in the central hills of revolutionary France. My wife and I were landowners. We brought our wards to our big house and looked after their well-being during difficult times. It's a long story, but I have strong roots in Gaul."

Legrand 12-06-2021 06:06 PM

I had a post erased because it was all in French greeting this person from France. It is why I stick to English here.

bartholomew 12-06-2021 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by Legrand
I had a post erased because it was all in French greeting this person from France. It is why I stick to English here.

I've always had a great interest in languages. Can't really explain why. There was a time, several hundreds of years, when French was the socially accepted language of kings and emperors throughout Europe. Russian high society at one time prided themselves with this ability. Maybe I should have been an anthropologist instead of a comm tech???

I correspond via another site with a lady in Peru who speaks Spanish and one Indian dialect. In find it interesting that they also use the term Indians (Indios) when referring to indigenous folk. I wonder what people in India think of all that? She is a health care professional who is also an astrologer. It's a great opportunity to learn Spanish. Sometimes I use a translator. Sometimes not. But as with French, I always use a dictionary.

Well in my next lifetime I'm going to be a planetary biologist born and living on Mars. The focus then, in about one hundred years from now, will be the importation of various fresh water species to introduce into the deep aquifers (500 to 1500 meters) which will be found in the temperate latitude highlands. They remain to be found but right now they host only microbiological life. They are remnants only, in decline. We will be developing them so that we will be less reliant on off planet supply transports and locally produced synthetic foods. I wonder how long it will take for Mars English to move away from Earth English. I find these things to be most interesting.

I'm looking forward to those times of adventure. I wonder what form personal computers will take then? Probably we'll all have one implanted in our brains shortly after birth and then an education will simply be downloaded. Sounds boring. :tongue:

OK I'll return to the topic of this thread....

Just Tim 12-06-2021 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by bartholomew
The Elfin avatar was meant to dedicate a series of posts to her for three days only. I certainly agree she is better looking than I.

She had a lesson for each of us, and when I let go of all the earthly feelings I got to understand that. All I wish is for her to have learned from us too.

Originally Posted by bartholomew
I've always had a great interest in languages. Can't really explain why. There was a time, several hundreds of years, when French was the socially accepted language of kings and emperors throughout Europe. Russian high society at one time prided themselves with this ability. Maybe I should have been an anthropologist instead of a comm tech???

Wow ! That explains why we felt like we were similar once. You know, if you want, I could "remember" you the language. Not a trouble at all, I enjoy sharing.

bartholomew 12-06-2021 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by Just Tim
She had a lesson for each of us, and when I let go of all the earthly feelings I got to understand that. All I wish is for her to have learned from us too.

Wow ! That explains why we felt like we were similar once. You know, if you want, I could "remember" you the language. Not a trouble at all, I enjoy sharing.

An interesting choice of words but yes "remember" is not far off the mark. I've heard of people under hypnosis speaking a tongue they didn't know. past life tidbit? Could be. I keep a second home in Ukraine and am working to learn a bit of Russian which is the dominant language in the eastern regions/districts of the country. I'm getting pretty good at reading signs because they use a lot of Latin letters and occasional whole words in English. Usually the context will be pop culture. Technical terms such as "internet" are always transliterated so once one can learn enough to pronounce the letters of the alphabet they are easily understood Even so when I go over there I speak English most of the time. One very old world thing that I like about that part of the world is the Orthodox church influence. Christianity over there is very different from Christianity in America. It's like time warping back to the first few centuries AD.

Maybe we should stick to English here though. I sometimes feel that a idea, especially a romantic or poetic one, is better expressed in French. But I was being unfair to others. Go ahead. Remember me some Franco lingo, telepathically if you care to.

Just Tim 12-06-2021 09:42 PM

Yes, remember, because the teacher, when one endorses the role of it, also remembering that we are also students at the same time, should always go with a basic principle which is as follows :

Your student already knows the answer. Show them the path, don't do the work for them !

Yes, on the forum, we will stick to English. But outside of it, if you want, you can always come ask. For your personnal enrichment, if you will ! Instead of using a book, use me, is what I offer. I will keep my mind open to (telepathically, not tonight though.)

Also, no need to be a woman to see that you're a beautiful man. In all friendship of course !

Edit : and Christianity in Western Europe is not the same either.

bartholomew 12-06-2021 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by Just Tim
Yes, remember, because the teacher, when one endorses the role of it, also remembering that we are also students at the same time, should always go with a basic principle which is as follows :

Your student already knows the answer. Show them the path, don't do the work for them !

Yes, on the forum, we will stick to English. But outside of it, if you want, you can always come ask. For your personnal enrichment, if you will ! Instead of using a book, use me, is what I offer. I will keep my mind open to (telepathically, not tonight though.)

Also, no need to be a woman to see that you're a beautiful man. In all friendship of course !

Edit : and Christianity in Western Europe is not the same either.

Speaking of cultural enrichment. Sometimes I dress sixties fashion and roll my Harley Davidson out of the garage, check it's vitals, crank it up and go touring about the city for an hour or so. But then I park it again, disconnect the battery, put it on a trickle solar panel charge to keep it alive, throw a blanket over the machine.... change back to leisure pants and compute on SF again. From spiritualist to biker to spiritualist again, all in the same day. Whew!!! Quite a ride.... :cool:

Just Tim 12-06-2021 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by bartholomew
Sometimes I dress sixties fashion and roll my Harley Davidson out of the garage, check it's vitals, crank it up and go touring about the city:cool:

I always knew it was the explanation for the beard and the serious looks :D

bartholomew 12-06-2021 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by Just Tim
I always knew it was the explanation for the beard and the serious looks :D

The happy motorcyclist will usually have bugs in his teeth. To avoid this either install a windscreen or don't smile when riding. I don't like windscreens on bikes and have enough trouble picking bugs out of my beard. Ha ha.... i have to say in all honesty if we can't have some fun life is a major drag. :D :cool:

Just Tim 12-06-2021 10:48 PM

Yes definitely. Life is enjoyable, one way or another ! Which leeds me to.. being sorry I dragged my silly sorrow to the Healing Room last time. I apologize. :hug3:

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