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Native spirit 20-10-2023 08:08 PM

Weather getting worse
This weather IS getting worse I am in the UK .Wales and the Rain we have had is bad,
Bad for me as I hate Rain give me snow rather than rain
Scotland have had floods which so far have killed two people.
My Daughter works in a school they had to send pupils home because of flooding.

Where i live is on a hill so we don't get flooding but the places in the lower parts do,
What is wrong with this weather and how has it been where you live?


Miss Hepburn 20-10-2023 08:41 PM

Oh no, this sounds terrible...nice being higher!

Traveler 21-10-2023 03:46 AM

I live on the East Coast of the US. We are getting more rain too. We've even had a couple of hurricanes hit my city and I live 100 miles from the coast. The last one was Hurricane Matthew in 2016. Totaled my car when one of our 60+ year-old oak trees toppled on it.

Dude111 21-10-2023 12:00 PM

I hope it gets better NS!!!

BigJohn 22-10-2023 03:11 PM

Where I live, it is sunny and nice (100F/37C.

We use to have some really bad storms but I haven't seen one in years.

Dude111 25-10-2023 03:57 AM

37 now on 22 October John??

You must be down south!!

Sir Neil 19-12-2023 10:20 AM

I don’t think it’s getting worse. Nature has to send all types of weather, and this is the bum-kick of the baking hot summer of 2022. It’s nature balancing everything out and replenishing our water tables.

AngelBlue 19-12-2023 10:41 AM

I think it's getting worse.
Know what you're saying Neil , but since when did we have summers in the 40's ? That in itself was something we have never experienced before.
I know the heatwave of '76 was followed by torrential rain and floods but the modern day floods in UK are an almost everyday occurrence .
I understand what you mean with the "ebb and flow " effect of nature, but I feel it's more than that.

Native spirit 19-12-2023 08:32 PM

I remember when I was a youngster people saying that Russia was going to do something to the weather so we would have more rain, that is for all of the uk not just where i live.
Its something that I have never forgotten.


Native spirit 29-12-2023 09:26 PM

The weather here is really getting bad Scotland have had 2 earthquakes
Manchester has had a mini Tornado
We don't normally see this kind of weather here
Rain has been really bad I cant say we even had a Summer Last year it was so bad.


Anala 29-12-2023 09:58 PM

You can always come here! :hug3:

AngelBlue 30-12-2023 07:48 AM

Oh and this latest storm in UK has been dreadful...
This is the seventh storm we have had since September.
The destruction and loss of life has been terrible. I know how terrifying a tornado is . On a bright sunny day , upstairs changing the beds and it suddenly went dark. I went to the window to look out and I could actually see it approaching. It was like something out of a film as I backed away in fear and knew I had to get away from the windows and find a place of relative safety in the house.
That was quite a lot of years ago. But scary.
So I dread to think how frightening for the residents in Manchester ( I think it was Manchester) .
Last night was the first night that I wasn't kept awake with it. But there's a lot more to come yet by all accounts .

Native spirit 30-12-2023 01:47 PM

Well people trying to go for a holiday cant go because the rain has poured through roofs of train stations everywhere is flooded# you would think they would come up with something this is like a third world country


Miss Hepburn 30-12-2023 02:49 PM

40 foot waves today on the coast of California, USA.
That is as high as a 4 story building...right at the beach going way inland flooding places, ruining cars with salt water.

Native spirit 30-12-2023 09:27 PM

We have had a weather warning here for strong winds heavy rain and a
Tornado watch
With heavy rain strong winds fork Lightning this will be in place until sunday

I remember when my husband had an office right on the sea front he was on the top floor.
we had so much rain that the waves on the sea were so high the wave went straight over the building.


dream jo 30-12-2023 09:49 PM

So true I live in the UK and we have had wet weather non-stop constantly non-stop I keep an asking how much rain do we need kill the water kill the keeled a water is overflowing so is durbined by so it's durbined so it's durbined Reservoir they are of a free all the valves all the reservoirs in the UK is overflowing Kielder and so is durvent all of a flowing
The storms we have heard in the UK is a vendors the wind and high winds and storms is so strong you can't even fight it
At least the snow I can cope with but I don't know it's my autism on me I don't know
But I remember when as a child we used to go talked about the ozone layer at school use o's own layer friendly hairspray head body spray one thing I will not use anything it has been tested on animals anyway because I think animal lover but this weather we have had in the UK is out of a hole for him out of the horror movie or something like sci-fi
I've never known a year to see so much rain and so much storm damage I keep one thing in if you keep naming storms they are going to go psychotic
It is raining heavy now in the UK and I'm in the north east part of the UK
I know Kielder was a war Reservoir and durbaned water reservoir lives near me well quite a few miles from me but they are flooded because of the storms we are having
People even having plants in their guttering because of this tarantulential whether I am praying to God to send it a country who needed more than
I think next year we put it snow every day next Year Without Rain all this year so much snow olive next year snow all next year deficiency which bones and mental wellbeing and speech can cause a lot of harm through this weather

Sir Neil 03-01-2024 04:17 PM

Rest assured everyone, from a UK perspective this kind of winter isn’t anything out of the ordinary. I remember the winter of 1994/95 being mild and rainy just like this one; and the summer which followed was glorious. Hot and sunny for around 10 weeks on end (and we were probably moaning about THAT then as well). Moreover, the winter of 2012-13 was pretty grotty too, with a cold snap in January, and then depressed temperatures in March which continued right into April. But there was then a glorious sustained heatwave which went from July right into August. So things can change and improve.

AngelBlue 04-01-2024 08:17 AM

Been watching numerous news reports from farmers in my area who have all said , without exception this is the worst they have know it for flooding.
Mind you, I didn't need to listen to them as I witnessed myself yesterday while being driven toy son's , through miles and miles of countryside , all the evidence of all the rain.
You could no longer see the different fields and boundaries .
It was was all just one great big muddy mess of brown water .
All I can say is Peppa pig would have a field day jumping around in it all.
My husband was talking to a local landscaper and this bloke was also saying he had never seen the flooding so bad.
And of course we have had the loss of life yet again with the gale's after trees falling onto motorists who very sadly are always in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Neil, I applaud your optimism.
You are the kind of person that during the blitz , in the shelters , would have been the one to keep everyone going, getting them to sing songs and help them all through it.

Midrich 04-01-2024 02:33 PM

I live in the Northern Rocky Mountains of the USA and snowfall is crucial for municipal water supplies . No snow in the mountains means no water in the rivers come spring . More people are moving to this area because it is sparsely populated and it isn’t ruined yet . Those more people use more of the scant water here and it is not snowing this winter . Spring 2024 will not be good . Historically winter snowfall has been unreliable and hit or miss here and the small population dealt with it but people from elsewhere without that experience waste water on grass lawns and car washes . Nothing more short sighted than humans .

Hemera 04-01-2024 03:19 PM

I'm on the fence with this. I remember lots of bittery cold snowy winters in the 1990s when I was walking to high school (UK). Snow seems to be the exception rather than the norm here now.

dream jo 19-04-2024 08:01 PM

Will the rain in the UK ever end
I don't know that post this but in UK will this but heavy to ventral rain ever end in the UK because for a whole year we have vein constant non-stop vein vein non-stop rainy days non-stop
Everywhere is getting flooded because it don't clean the drains out in the UK like the used to
Parks and some of today's I like swamps I mean especially in a graveyard they should not let the drains go in there but they do because whether it's sort of endless in the ok uk it is shovel
And are some countries get no rain but the ok you k are some of the other countries have this adventure rain non-stop
Plus a lot of people like myself don't like paint fastened in the house every day nonstop sense of lockdown because it's done aloha as well but all this rain and rain non-stop in the UK is unbelievable it's everyday and with even got plants growing in the guttering and we can't live because if no window you've already in case window breaks because of their vein damaged is done
My friends from the funeral home they are sick of getting wet every day because they've flowers out in the creatorium now hopefully get a help in one day but I can't because of the rain and the rain and the rain
I think next year Alisha on a hundred years time the year at reigned in the UK non-stopy

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