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Aknaton 22-05-2020 01:52 PM

The True Light Worker
1. What is a true Light Worker?
A true Light Worker is just that... One who works with Light (for the benefit of all). This stands on the premise that the Light Worker has access to Light. The light is not Imaginary but is tangible and has a place of existence from whence the Light Worker may draw upon. The Light Worker is a channel of Light.

2. What does it take to become a true Light Worker?
Before one becomes a Light Worker, there is a heck load of preparation. The Light Energy & Intelligence does not just come to properly dwell in a channel because "they want the Light" and have this love an attraction of the idea of being a Light Worker. The work of a Light Worker is more stressful than one ought to think, because as one dwells in bliss, they are quickly drawn into the sorrows of the people and places that they are assigned to help.
There is a preparation stage, there is a Contact stage, there is a breakthrough stage, there is a deployment stage, then there is a retirement stage and finally a Saint stage.

The preparation stage involves various life lessons. This is the second longest stage.

After the preparation stage, the student enters the Breakthrough stage, which involves contact with the SOURCE OF LIGHT. The Source of Light gives the student access to the storehouse of Light with which to help humanity and nature, and the SPECIFIC mission that the student is meant to execute on earth. In this stage, the spiritual world is opened up, or rather, the spiritual senses are opened and the student perceives the subtle world and new abilities are unlocked. At this stage, the student becomes a Light Worker who is in contact with the source of Light who is alive and Intelligent.

The deployment stage is when the Light Worker goes about his/her assignment here on earth in conjunction with the Source of Light who helps the Light Worker on who and how to help the world, teaching and guiding him/her to work this assignment to the optimum level. This is the longest stage.

After the Light Worker has completed they're assignment, he/she begins to "put they're house in order" as he/she prepares to leave this physical world and rejoin the Source of Light. He/she may also identify ideal persons that seek to serve the Source of Light and impart wisdom and specific keys that would enable one to know and work with Light. In the Christian tradition we see the laying on of hands, in Yoga we see shaktipat, so on and so forth. This Light is Power, and it can be shared. The Light Worker then signals to the Source of Light that they are ready to leave and lays down (or sits, or does they're preferred asana; it really doesn't matter) and then the emissaries of Light come and they leave and merge once again with the Source of Light.

Now that the Light Worker has died, they're memory lives on and truly, and they can help others here on earth as a projection of Light.

This is what it takes to be a true Light Worker, nothing is guessed and nothing is done haphazard. The one who says they are a Light Worker yet isn't in touch with the Source of Light is not a true Light Worker. The one that claims to have and work with the Light yet does not know nor converse with the Source of Light is a liar and does not hold the true Light but the illusory one.

As we seek to become true Light Workers, let's endeavor to work through our preparations as we seek contact with the Source of Light.

O Light, bring me into contact with you.

winter light 26-05-2020 12:51 PM

Perhaps the distortions you see from those who call themselves light workers are actually a symptom of the earth conditions. And the light workers are those who are those who are struggling to remember themselves and their purpose despite this. So implying that all efforts and expressions are meaningless is a way of shooting the messenger.

Once we transcend certainly what is left behind will no longer have hold over us. How that process unfolds is as important as the destination. Some things appear to be meaningless from time to time depending on the context of how they are perceived. As all is interrelated and moving through eternity as one.

Every thing or apparent division is a message describing both perspectives of love and beloved. Every message has meaning in that context. So nothing that exists is ever meaningless. Only love is real.

davidmartin 27-05-2020 09:18 AM

winter, the truth that 'only love is real' ... yes
but i think you have to be pretty bold to find where the starting point for conceptualising that truth is
to me that requires an absolute, perfect, beautiful being. the personification of love totally in all aspects. and everything flows from this one

to be able to see this being as separate and remote in a place, yet also containing all things including all materiality. i don't think this being controls everything that happens but supports the framework and is a participant within it like any other. God is a light worker as well as being the light

lomax 29-05-2020 04:26 PM

Médecins Sans Frontières are true lightworkers for me,yet they missing that 'light' some people claim to have.

GlitterRose 09-01-2021 04:31 AM


Originally Posted by winter light
Perhaps the distortions you see from those who call themselves light workers are actually a symptom of the earth conditions. And the light workers are those who are those who are struggling to remember themselves and their purpose despite this. So implying that all efforts and expressions are meaningless is a way of shooting the messenger.

Once we transcend certainly what is left behind will no longer have hold over us. How that process unfolds is as important as the destination. Some things appear to be meaningless from time to time depending on the context of how they are perceived. As all is interrelated and moving through eternity as one.

Every thing or apparent division is a message describing both perspectives of love and beloved. Every message has meaning in that context. So nothing that exists is ever meaningless. Only love is real.

That resonates as truth.

ameliorate 12-01-2021 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by lomax
Médecins Sans Frontières are true lightworkers for me,yet they missing that 'light' some people claim to have.

I agree. There must be so many various stages of this category, surely?

I would include anyone who is constantly (and naturally) drawn to those suffering to try and alleviate their pain and bring healing.

PureEvil760 16-01-2021 04:55 AM

Ascension should be your only goal if you wish to be a true 'lightworker' but the ascended are more like 'lightlivers'. There's actually a lot less work involved than being here.

ameliorate 16-01-2021 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by PureEvil760
Ascension should be your only goal if you wish to be a true 'lightworker' but the ascended are more like 'lightlivers'. There's actually a lot less work involved than being here.

Only goal? Not the alleviation of human suffering? Hmmm....that wouldn't make them altruistic would it? Where does your knowledge of 'lightlivers' come from?

PureEvil760 17-01-2021 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by ameliorate
Only goal? Not the alleviation of human suffering? Hmmm....that wouldn't make them altruistic would it? Where does your knowledge of 'lightlivers' come from?

Human suffering is self inflicted. The ascended masters are a well known theology. They are just humans who entered heaven before death. Like what Jesus and Elijah did in the bible.

Thats what people don't get, its here now and its a choice and death won't make that choice for you.

If you manage to do it while alive you will attain god-like power and be able to help humanity in ways that we cannot currently fathom. You will still have a physical body and therefore able to directly interact with earth from heaven.

My knowledge comes from experience, from starting and stopping the ascension process. It is automated when you make yourself 'worthy enough' it just happens. But will never happen in a billion years without your own effort and choice.

You can be you for eternity if you want, that is completely up to you. That is however an inevitable impossibility but you can sure as heck try.

I've found that unconditional forgiveness of everyone and everything for anything past present and future is the one of the main keys, the other is stillness. To observe rather than control. What you have control over is laughably small and

meaningless by comparison to the Truth of which you have no control. Either you submit to it or it will remain non-existant to you.

ameliorate 17-01-2021 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by PureEvil760
Human suffering is self inflicted. The ascended masters are a well known theology. They are just humans who entered heaven before death. Like what Jesus and Elijah did in the bible.

Thats what people don't get, its here now and its a choice and death won't make that choice for you.

If you manage to do it while alive you will attain god-like power and be able to help humanity in ways that we cannot currently fathom. You will still have a physical body and therefore able to directly interact with earth from heaven.

My knowledge comes from experience, from starting and stopping the ascension process. It is automated when you make yourself 'worthy enough' it just happens. But will never happen in a billion years without your own effort and choice.

You can be you for eternity if you want, that is completely up to you. That is however an inevitable impossibility but you can sure as heck try.

I've found that unconditional forgiveness of everyone and everything for anything past present and future is the one of the main keys, the other is stillness. To observe rather than control. What you have control over is laughably small and

meaningless by comparison to the Truth of which you have no control. Either you submit to it or it will remain non-existant to you.

Not all suffering is self inflicted, e.g. slaves, domestic abuse, accidents, war casualties....it's a long list!

Ascension is interesting and, whilst I believe great strides can be made to get closer to it in one's lifetime, I'm not so sure that you can bypass what would be the natural course of spiritual evolution (over sufficient lifetimes). Clearly you are motivated to try though! I assume then that you are working with light, i.e. helping those in need or is it just about furthering your own advancement (which I would take a dim view on altruistically)?

PureEvil760 18-01-2021 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by ameliorate
Not all suffering is self inflicted, e.g. slaves, domestic abuse, accidents, war casualties....it's a long list!

Ascension is interesting and, whilst I believe great strides can be made to get closer to it in one's lifetime, I'm not so sure that you can bypass what would be the natural course of spiritual evolution (over sufficient lifetimes). Clearly you are motivated to try though! I assume then that you are working with light, i.e. helping those in need or is it just about furthering your own advancement (which I would take a dim view on altruistically)?

All human suffering is self inflicted. It might be complex to try to figure out in our world, but from a spiritual standpoint it is the Truth. However, we are taught to be flawed by our parents and they were taught by theirs ect. So it's not exactly 'fair' but it is True.

Ascension does not take a lifetime, it takes genuine effort. I am not just working with light, in fact that phrase doesn't even make much sense to me. I am one of Jesus' inner circle. I was James The Just, in his time. The more people who 'try' the easier it becomes for everyone else who is trying. We are connected as a species. Convincing others to choose forgiveness over judgement even just once is a major victory.

You cannot control the light you can only make yourself worthy to receive it.

Just do not pretend to know anything until you do, for certain. That's the mistake most people make. Anything you hold onto, anything you believe in will stand as an idol in place of the Truth and remain there as long as you keep holding on.

God is real, our views are fabricated, our entire perception of physical existence is all a fabrication, an illusion, a stage act.

As Yoda once said 'Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.'

Miss Hepburn 18-01-2021 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by PureEvil760
God is real, our views are fabricated, our entire perception of physical existence is all a fabrication, an illusion, a stage act.

As Yoda once said 'Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.'

:smile: ....

FallingLeaves 23-01-2021 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by PureEvil760
All human suffering is self inflicted. It might be complex to try to figure out in our world, but from a spiritual standpoint it is the Truth. However, we are taught to be flawed by our parents and they were taught by theirs ect. So it's not exactly 'fair' but it is True.

and yet we have people like job or the suffering servant of isaiah, righteous in their own way and yet through no fault of their own put in gravely disliked situations and having to deal with the fallout.

Green.Heals 26-01-2021 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by Aknaton
1. What is a true Light Worker?
A true Light Worker is just that... One who works with Light (for the benefit of all). This stands on the premise that the Light Worker has access to Light. The light is not Imaginary but is tangible and has a place of existence from whence the Light Worker may draw upon. The Light Worker is a channel of Light.

2. What does it take to become a true Light Worker?
Before one becomes a Light Worker, there is a heck load of preparation. The Light Energy & Intelligence does not just come to properly dwell in a channel because "they want the Light" and have this love an attraction of the idea of being a Light Worker. The work of a Light Worker is more stressful than one ought to think, because as one dwells in bliss, they are quickly drawn into the sorrows of the people and places that they are assigned to help.
There is a preparation stage, there is a Contact stage, there is a breakthrough stage, there is a deployment stage, then there is a retirement stage and finally a Saint stage.

The preparation stage involves various life lessons. This is the second longest stage.

After the preparation stage, the student enters the Breakthrough stage, which involves contact with the SOURCE OF LIGHT. The Source of Light gives the student access to the storehouse of Light with which to help humanity and nature, and the SPECIFIC mission that the student is meant to execute on earth. In this stage, the spiritual world is opened up, or rather, the spiritual senses are opened and the student perceives the subtle world and new abilities are unlocked. At this stage, the student becomes a Light Worker who is in contact with the source of Light who is alive and Intelligent.

The deployment stage is when the Light Worker goes about his/her assignment here on earth in conjunction with the Source of Light who helps the Light Worker on who and how to help the world, teaching and guiding him/her to work this assignment to the optimum level. This is the longest stage.

After the Light Worker has completed they're assignment, he/she begins to "put they're house in order" as he/she prepares to leave this physical world and rejoin the Source of Light. He/she may also identify ideal persons that seek to serve the Source of Light and impart wisdom and specific keys that would enable one to know and work with Light. In the Christian tradition we see the laying on of hands, in Yoga we see shaktipat, so on and so forth. This Light is Power, and it can be shared. The Light Worker then signals to the Source of Light that they are ready to leave and lays down (or sits, or does they're preferred asana; it really doesn't matter) and then the emissaries of Light come and they leave and merge once again with the Source of Light.

Now that the Light Worker has died, they're memory lives on and truly, and they can help others here on earth as a projection of Light.

This is what it takes to be a true Light Worker, nothing is guessed and nothing is done haphazard. The one who says they are a Light Worker yet isn't in touch with the Source of Light is not a true Light Worker. The one that claims to have and work with the Light yet does not know nor converse with the Source of Light is a liar and does not hold the true Light but the illusory one.

As we seek to become true Light Workers, let's endeavor to work through our preparations as we seek contact with the Source of Light.

O Light, bring me into contact with you.

Thank you for sharing this.

ResoundingHarmonicaH 15-12-2021 10:37 AM

I have never read a more accurate description. thank you for this posting.
"The Light can be shared"
Very well.
Thank you.

PureEvil760 02-03-2022 07:44 AM


Originally Posted by FallingLeaves
and yet we have people like job or the suffering servant of isaiah, righteous in their own way and yet through no fault of their own put in gravely disliked situations and having to deal with the fallout.

It is always fault of their own. If you're in a room with no lights or windows and it is pitch black, refusing to open the door, refusing to even feel around and look for it.. whose fault is it that you can't see anything? You could perhaps blame the state of humanity for putting you in the room, but you have no one to blame for yourself for staying there.

DjoBlow 07-03-2022 09:48 AM

Each of us lives and dies by the choices that we make from each moment to the next. We literally get what we deserve by virtue of the consciousness we embody! This is what it is to be a sovereign being. Co-creator of one’s own reality. A star thou are! A Co-creator God Fire Being…no less!

There is no victimhood.

FoxTracks 15-09-2022 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by FallingLeaves
and yet we have people like job or the suffering servant of isaiah, righteous in their own way and yet through no fault of their own put in gravely disliked situations and having to deal with the fallout.


Originally Posted by PureEvil67
All human suffering is self inflicted. It might be complex to try to figure out in our world, but from a spiritual standpoint it is the Truth. However, we are taught to be flawed by our parents and they were taught by theirs ect. So it's not exactly 'fair' but it is True.

I think the important distinction here is the difference between pain and suffering. Pain in something all beings experience. From discomfort to slavery and whippings. In yogic traditions, suffering is the sibling of pain and far worse. It comes from your inability to let go, allow the pain to run its course, as a witness rather than with physical eyes. Overcoming suffering is to not cling to the pain, to see the pain from the perspective of a luminous being. There are similar teachings in Buddhism. I think this is a healthy medium to work off of when it comes to pain and suffering.

vortex 16-09-2022 06:07 PM

Mental pain and all suffering can be changed by the way you pensive it in an instance

Physical pain can be blocked but this takes a bit of mastery of your body

The natural light or energy workers what ever label you have for it will feel funny feelings in the pams of their hands and or souls or their feet and or top of their head this can be light or geuy or itchy feeling when they are working
Every ones different so it could be different for you
A lot of these people don't even know they are doing it

~Lioness~ 12-10-2022 08:44 PM

I just finished the preparation stage. I'm not gone lie THAT WAS SO EXHAUSTING!

I had a spiritual experience today that I cant deny. My spiritual eyes have been opened, my soul has a name, I have seen the soul of a friend and it brought me to tears, I faced a big fear of mine before this happened. I get it now. My higher self has been in the background for a long time, I've gotten ONE glimpse of her this whole time. Except for today, she was fully present with me.

I know her name. I am still integrating this experience so I dont have much more to say.

Thank you so much for the post! I really needed it!

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