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Ordnael 07-01-2020 10:10 AM

Meeting a fairy
Don't know how the dream started... was at what looked like a bus station waiting for my bus to get home. It was raining outside, and even the chairs inside were drenched, so I went looking for a place to sit elsewhere. Found an area without people with some chairs and sat there with my stuff. I was carrying plastic bags with groceries and a backpack.

A vehicle arrived and I didn't know if it was mine, had to go outside in the rain to see, but when I was out there I found that it wasn't a bus. I was very concerned that I would miss it, for some reason the dream made it seem like it would be a disaster if it happened.

Was going to head back inside when I gained some lucidity. Started floating a few inches off the ground and tried to return to the station flying. It took me some time to get stable, but then I began flying really fast. I thought "Wait, flying this fast I could just fly back home, no use for a bus.", however, I knew my house was far away. Had an idea "Maybe if I teleported, it would be much easier.", but didn't feel confident enough to do it.

Got some more lucidity and realized "I don't really need to go anywhere, this is a dream.". Still, kinda worried, I dropped my bags and everything I was carrying to the ground, looked at the sky and said "You guys tricking me again...".

Decided to explore my surroundings, walking. Had an eye out for those mystical creatures that I like to interact with, those who are always in disguise. Passed by a couple in the street, then, when I saw another couple up ahead I went to interrogate them. "Hi, there are some beings who appear in dreams using different forms, like elves, fairies, gnomes, are you guys one of them?".

The girl was all cheerful and friendly, she said she was a fairy. The guy didn't reply. I asked him if he was an elf or something, but he didn't say a word to me. I have met fairies in 2015, and recently wrote about it here, only this couple was very different from the one I knew. I asked her if she knew the fairy who lived on my shelf. She then turned to her boyfriend and said "Oh, you told me about someone who...". Maybe she heard stories but didn't know that fairy in particular, I couldn't get everything she was saying.

I suspect her boyfriend was a dem.., he was wearing a cap and refused to speak with me. The male fairy I knew was very friendly, sort of like this female one, and didn't wear a cap. Again, these two appeared to me like young adults.

Well, I was frustrated because I wasted so much time in a ridiculous bus station worrying about getting back home and protecting the things I was carrying. When I finally had the chance to have an interesting interaction with other beings it was already at the end of the dream.

I'm definitely going to do something not to let worldly concerns interfere with my experiences.

Ordnael 10-01-2020 12:24 AM

A few thoughts about this experience...

It's cool to be able to recognize the same things appearing in new forms in different dreams, for example, I would say that the bus I was waiting for is like the ship that I saw in the 'weird dream'. Once more, I was unable to recognize it because I was expecting to see a bus, and the vehicle that arrived wasn't one.

I ignored it but it didn't ignore me, it brought me lucidity and special abilities in the dream. It didn't want me to return to that station, but to progress.

The fairy was like one of the whales, a friendly being, and the guy was one of the wolves, who didn't interact with me at all.

I didn't know fairies would enjoy the company of those beings, so I made some research. What I saw is what people would call a 'nymph', but she said with her own mouth and I heard it clearly "I am a fairy".

Nymphs are known to have Satyrs as mates, and that's what I think he was. Therefore, I'm glad he didn't reveal himself to me, I probably wouldn't shake hands and say "Nice to meet you", it would corrupt the pleasant mood that the fairy was generating with her friendliness.

Just some info I thought one might like.

Ordnael 14-01-2020 03:28 PM

Was still wondering today, why such an amazing, intelligent and powerful creature would be with a satyr? No I'm not jealous, and I'll have to split this text in two parts because I had come up with my own explanation, but then I gave her a name, and everything was shown to me from her perspective.

Satyrs are bad. They are not the friendly, cuddly, horned fellas with horse legs who help little children, like cartoons and movies show. They are evil rapists who enjoy violating people, specially women but I guess not exclusively.

Myths don't explain that association, there are countless images, sculptures and drawings from very distant times showing nymphs and satyrs together, sometimes in a consensual relationship, and sometimes they are chasing the frightened women.

The answer I came up with, based on my little understanding and experience with fairies, is that they pacify the satyrs. They're so much better than them that it makes no sense to think otherwise. Like in the Epic of Gilgamesh, when the wild and destructive Enkidu encounters the Priestess Shamhat. He spends some time with her, and, after their affair he is no longer an aggressive beast, he's been civilized by her charms and affection.

Now from her perspective, she is doing nature a favor. After I gave her a name she sent me a few humorous dreams, in one of them I was dancing, in another one we were taking pictures together, and in the last one she introduced me to her friends of the fairy realm.

She is doing the satyr and nature a favor because those beasts have no control over their appetite, they could possess a man and rape women in the human world.

When we were taking pictures together our friends asked me, the same way I asked her when we met, what I was. I had to reveal to them my secret identity, 'Boring, a boring man'. It was a funny little dream. I told her about my discipline, and that good friends is the best thing we can be, she told me not to worry.

And the faun, he is just another friend of hers. I wouldn't judge her, she's not human, she's a whale, and I'm a man in a boat.

Ordnael 15-01-2020 06:48 PM

Every man has a satyr, which he must tame or kill, or else he is destroyed by him.

Enkidu is Gilgamesh's satyr.

This is amazing:


Those who have eyes to see and ears to hear...

Ordnael 18-01-2020 06:16 PM

This dream wasn't lucid. Keep in mind that I'm a hermit with no social life, these things are happening only in the astral plane.

I was with our friends playing games and singing, showing off my voice to impress them. Suddenly, three girls arrive with what looked like a bum with ragged clothes, he appears to be mentally deficient.

These girls greet us but the guy goes to a bar to drink and ignores us. One of the girls who is now my fairy friend puts her arms around me as I'm sitting on top of a table. Recognizing her, I put my arms around her as well, and this way we remain till the end of the dream. I ask her "Poor guy, he must be feeling isolated. Shouldn't one go talk to him?". She answers "No, don't go over there, he doesn't give a damn about us."

It's curious that she combines words together in a strange way to form sentences, however, in my mind I can understand perfectly what she is saying.

She then proceeds to tell me about her feelings, which made me concerned, as I have told her before about my discipline. Reason > emotions.
It reminds me of why every being should be among those of the same kind. It's not that we can't like each other, but because we know what we want and what is best for us there has to be certain rules.

We both have great self-control, but she has this extra pack of emotions that I lack, or got rid of. What I feel for her is a brotherly love instead of a romantic love, which I'm incapable of, therefore, I can't relate to what she is saying and ask her to refrain from speaking that.

What use is it for a man to have desires? He will be frustrated. A young woman can play with these things and have fun, but a man would end up a miserable wretch.

No one knows the God of truth except solely the man who will forsake all of the things of the world, having renounced the whole place, (and) having grasped the fringe of his garment. He has set himself up as a power; he has subdued desire in every way within himself. -- Testimony of Truth

FoxTracks 19-01-2020 08:41 AM


Often these beings come to us with a purpose. To teach us something.

Fairies are very good beings. It's obvious that the fairies you have met are full of the divine feminine.

Is it possible they are trying to show you something about yourself?

In rejecting your heart, your feelings, your body, and believing only in guidance of the mind, you are denying a part of yourself. In all things, balance.

Perhaps it is a part of the journey to have forsaken life, but would God have created us only to forsake all the beauty he made? I think he made it for us to learn, and grow, but also to enjoy.

I love the fairies! They were the first nature spirits I contacted (except for one stone elemental but that's by and by.)

I hope you don't mind that I've posted here, Ordnael. I have enjoyed reading your thread and much of it is the truth.

Ordnael 20-01-2020 07:52 PM

FoxTracks, thanks for reading and commenting.

Indeed, she has taught me that thing about the satyrs. Had I figured out exactly what her partner was during the first experience, I would have misjudged her and painted them all as 'evil', it would have been a major blunder. As the saying goes for people 'Tell me who you walk with...', it may be a good rule of thumb, can't judge everyone like that though.

She knew I would eventually arrive at the truth, so maybe she disguised him and told him not to talk to me when they saw me approaching them.

It's extremely uncommon to try to interact with a dream character in front of you and get no response, can't remember if it ever happened before. She knew I would be bugged about it.

I must consider, for my own good, that she's always at least one step ahead of me.

Is she testing my rectitude or just being playful? She may want to know how serious I am about my beliefs and goals, thus, I have to prove that I'm steadfast.

The way I saw it, she was revealing a weakness. Being protective of her, I asked her to reprove those feelings. But yes, I can concede that I repressed her, and perhaps, prevented myself from learning something. On the other hand, it was a proof of love to demonstrate that I value her in a way no satyr is capable of.

Likewise, I think they're awesome, good to hear that you're familiar with them. The same way that Enkidu admits at the end of his life, I'm starting to think it would better if the whole world praised these beings as well.

FoxTracks 20-01-2020 08:19 PM

I think it's wise, and something I practice when dealing with spiritual beings of nature, to assume that they always know more than you. That they likely know more about you than you do.

This is my experience.

Satyrs and the god pan have a history of tales where they raped. I do not particularly appreciate them oftentimes. It's important to know that they exist for a purpose, however. The gift the fairy is giving by being with the satyr is a very sacred thing.

Ordnael 21-01-2020 03:48 PM

You're right, FoxTracks, they do know a lot more. I don't take lightly the fact that she lives in the invisible realms while I've been in the flesh for almost 4 decades. Fortunately, parts of us live with them in their realms, so we intuitively understand how things work over there.

In the past, when I was doing things far more important than I am now, I had the opportunity and great privilege of meeting beings that are very powerful and very high in the higher planes. They have shown and taught me wonderful things that I don't think are fitting to be talked about, but which I keep in my heart as treasures, spiritual medals and trophies reminding me of what I once achieved.

I guess it's time I retribute the fairy's favor, and introduce her to those friends of mine. Otherwise, there's no point for me to be around them, resisting to fit in and not providing them with a plausible explanation for my attitude.

She showed the right thing to do, taking me by the hand and making me part of her crew. I'll have to do the same for her, let's see how it goes. Hopefully they won't mind me sharing these visions here for others to read.


This is what I had in mind when I went to sleep last night. Now I had many dreams. I'll try to cut them short to explain basically what is happening. Never had I intended for this thread to be like a tale for people to read and enjoy, it is simply an honest account of what I've been experiencing since I had that dream with the fairy, and subsequently made friends with her and got to know her better.

In this dream I was with the whole crew trying to pass through some areas and get them out of that place. At some points the fairies were affected by some spell, or what I thought was a spell, but in later dreams found out what was really going on. They became dormant and wouldn't move. Their eyes got dark like the demons, only they didn't get aggressive.

With some effort we all got to the end of this 'facility', for lack of a better term, where we had to face a gatekeeper or stage boss. I cast a spell and 3 dogs appeared to attack the boss, who would come to battle us at any moment. I kept chanting and clapping hands, compelling the dogs to run around and find the boss, who we thought was invisible. When he appeared, he came as another dog, with glowing eyes. That frustrated the spell, because he sort of became their master. I threw the dogs over him for them to attack, but they were too afraid. We were unable to pass through him.

In the other dream I was flying around the house where I once lived many years ago. I went to the east, where the sun rises, and passed through unknown regions until I somehow got to the the area where I found my friends.

This one was an inquisitory dream. First I was among the satyrs asking many questions. They weren't friendly to me. Those who have encountered demons in their experiences will know what I'm talking about. If you start calling too much attention to yourself, they first will be gathering around. Then they will come closer and surround you. Finally, when you least expect it one of them will catch you from behind. Shameful, embarrassing for a man to talk about, fortunately that didn't happen.

They were getting too close and I told them to keep a distance. One of them approached and touched my chest with his finger, either because he has no manners or trying to intimidate me. I was trying to recall a spell or two to use against them before I had to resort to physical action. Both things would have ended the dream, so I was doing my best to be gentle and not confrontational, in order to be able to go as far as I could in my investigation.

He then called a friend of his, a tall guy who was in a different area. He was taller than all the others, but it was clearly because he had more authority there.

I forgot to mention that during this altercation some of them had revealed their true appearance to me, so I could see their strange faces. I thought it was funny, not at all scary but weird, specially their moustache, very burlesque.

When that guy appeared to talk to me he knew I was causing a stir among the satyrs, but he was more sensible than them. At this point the dream was failing to present both human and mystical realities in a comprehensible way, they were getting mixed together in a confusing fashion. That tall guy was attached to another entity, who served as a tether that connected him to his deity some place above. That's as best as I can explain it.

Then I went to meet the fairies. They revealed to me that they have both a demon and an angel nature. They showed me their two faces, it was kinda creepy to see them change like that. When they showed me their angel nature we hugged. I asked them which one they preferred, the demon or the angel aspect, but they said they use both as needed and don't favor one over the other.

One of the last things I saw was two male fairies singing. One was singing and the other one playing the guitar. It was very beautiful. I knew the song so I started to sing with them, making the second, higher voice. Though I'm a singer and gave voice lessons, I totally screwed up the song. I began singing out of tune and out of harmony with them, and in the end felt so ashamed of it that I apologized.

They didn't mind it and were very nice to me. I hugged them once more and then woke up.

FoxTracks 21-01-2020 08:02 PM

It's interesting you mention that they also have a demonic nature.

Nature spirits are powerful and wise, but like us, they live on this earth. They are closer to us than those beings that you know and want to introduce them too, I would guess, not knowing what sort of beings they are.

I suppose you could say nature spirits have not crossed over.

I believe all things have a shadow. Living on this plane, like us humans, requires one to be, to act and behave a certain way, as we are not surrounded by enlightened beings and are constrained by natural law.


Ordnael 23-01-2020 02:01 PM


Exactly, because of that shadow they are kept in this region, between 'earth and heaven'. Like the heroes of old, those who wish to pass are required to battle their monsters and overcome their nature.

The dog gatekeeper, very curious, an obvious allusion to cerberus. He took control of the other dogs, in a way assimilating them into one. Or, perhaps the one with glowing eyes was Hades. If it was, I need to say I got no problem with him or his dog, but he didn't allow me to leave with the fairies.

The guy who appeared connected to a higher plane, initially I was unsure if he was friendly or not, might have been my higher self. Didn't recognize him at all though, no surprise there anymore.

What really puzzled me is how the fairies could have a double nature of extreme opposites. As far as I knew, when the divine light mixed with the evil darkness, it corrupted the light and made it dim. It wasn't the case with them, their angel form was untainted, and their demonic form was creepy, they were completely unmixed.

Glad for your input.


FoxTracks 23-01-2020 05:07 PM

I am considering making a yourspace thread where I discuss my experiences with the different types of nature spirit, although I will only reveal as much as is appropriate and with their consent. If you would like to stop by sometime, feel free :)

(Faeries are spirits of nature although different than other sorts. I'll keep up with your posts but remain quiet from now, I think!)

Ordnael 24-01-2020 04:25 PM

Nice, found it, I'm gonna like to read it :)

Ok, comment anytime, no worries.

That dream with the supposed dog of Hades gave me a key or clue.

The similarity between the artistic theme 'The Rape of Proserpina' and the 'Nymph Abducted by a Faun' is astonishing! Not gonna post links here because the images may be inappropriate.

Proserpina, also known as Persephone and Kore, was a major nature goddess associated with the seasons and agriculture. Daughter of Zeus and Demeter, she became the wife of Hades after he kidnapped her when she was collecting flowers with the nymphs.

In the painting 'The Rape of Persephone' made by Alessandro Allori in 1570, there are satyrs and nymphs in the background scene, while in the front Hades snatches the reluctant goddess and carries her away.

In the religions of the Orphics and the Platonists, Kore is described as the all-pervading goddess of nature who both produces and destroys everything...

Demeter was devastated when it became obvious that her daughter was missing, and she turned the nymphs into Sirens for failing to protect Persephone. The now winged nymphs were then tasked with looking for the missing goddess.

Demeter herself wandered the earth looking for Persephone but to no avail. As Demeter searched, so she neglected her own role, and so the world’s crops failed to grow as the land became infertile.

These fairies could be related to this story of Hades and Persephone, they go through much of the same things as the goddess did, and are in the mythical context her assistants in taking care of nature.

I'm doing my homework, let's see what else they can tell me.

Ordnael 25-01-2020 10:22 PM

Not a very lucid dream, it seemed like a reunion with old school friends. It may have been a confirmation that this group of fairies I met are indeed in Hades. Not saying all of the fairies are, of course, I'm aware there are tons of different nature spirits inhabiting the air, water, earth, etc.

Well, I'll just say it... apparently I saw Hades and Persephone walking together among a multitude of people, they were the most prominent couple there. Everyone was happy and well dressed, could have been a celebration party, or just an ordinary day for them. I was in a different area (from the royal couple) that looked like a hall, crowded with people. There I met my friends and greeted them. We chatted a bit and that was it.

To me those gods looked like a beautiful, jovial couple, they haven't aged at all.

Ordnael 28-01-2020 08:29 PM

Piecing things together...

In medieval and Renaissance literature, the king and queen of Fairyland are called Oberon and Titania. Their realm is usually described as a place underground, like Hades.

Pluto and Proserpine, the Classical monarchs of the departed, were in early medieval times identified with the King and Queen of Faerie. In the early English poem of "Orfeo and Heurodys", which localizes the story of the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice in England, Hades is called "Faerie".

King Finvarra, also called Finvara, Finn Bheara, Finbeara or Fionnbharr, is the High King of the Daoine Sidhe in Irish folklore. In some legends, he is also the King of the Dead. Finvarra is a benevolent figure who ensures good harvests, a master at chess, strong horses, and great riches to those who will assist him. However, he also frequently kidnaps human women.

I confess I never imagined Hades as a king of fairies, hehe, that surely lends an air of tenderness to his persona. And concerning Persephone, hope my words are not misinterpreted, but I can understand why she was chosen among all the nymphs.

Ordnael 29-01-2020 02:34 AM

I'm posting this because I wanna keep track of everything that has been happening, and also because I think the lesson I got from this experience is important.

When I fell asleep I was curious about who was stronger, me or a fairy. What if I got in trouble with them, would I be able to defend myself?

In the dream we were on a bus and I got in a contest with some kid in the back. There was nothing going on, no problem between us, we both just wanted to know who was stronger.

We started struggling, testing our strength but not to hurt one another. It felt like fighting against a bigger, older brother. He defeated me all the time. It was like a bjj competition fight, he submitted me and I had to give up, acknowledging he was stronger.

He was nice and said he trained a lot and that he could teach me, but I was proud and didn't want his help to defeat him.

Then the bus stopped and I went outside to sit alone. I saw some people observing us from above, on a balcony. One of them looked straight at me, and suddenly I remembered to bring out the goodness in me.

When I did that, bringing out the perfect being in me, I floated in his direction to see if he would challenge me again, but he went away. And in this way I 'defeated' him without having to raise a finger. Through righteousness and peaceful goodness I was able to rise above a petty physical struggle, I was higher than that game, so there was no contest.

Bottom line, I'm still not stronger than him if we compared our 'physical' strength, the same way that I'm not better than many people at chess, or checkers, but when I brought out the perfect being in me, the one that cannot be opposed because he is far beyond petty struggles, I succeeded.

And, whenever I am brought back down again, worrying about competing for this little thing or for that big thing, there will always be someone stronger who can defeat me.

Ordnael 08-02-2020 02:08 PM

What if the fairy is my soulmate, and I must rescue her from Hades by marrying her?

The same story repeats itself everywhere: Adam and Eve, Orpheus and Eurydice, Dante and Beatrice, Hades and Persephone, Lord of Darkness and Princess Lily... ok, excuse the last one.

According to the doctrine, when Eve was sent from the Light to speak with Adam, who was on the ground, the authorities pursued her, the same way that the satyrs pursue the nymphs. She then turned herself into a tree and hid in it. She became a hamadryad, like Daphne when she fled from Apollo, or Syrinx when she fled from Pan.

After my Eve was separated from my soul, she remained in the invisible Earth while I came to be in the flesh. Therefore, I must rescue her from Hades, this way we can be together again and restore our original divine form.

This is what Zeus had intended for the androgynous creatures after they were split in half, that they should spend their lives looking for their other half. But the truth is that the other half is not in the visible reality, but in the invisible. For when Pandora opened the jar to punish mankind, all evils escaped and infested the material world, Hope remained hidden underneath, so that only a few can find it and become divine again.

Man has this instinct, of protecting and saving the maiden from danger, they call it the 'white knight syndrome'. It could be the unconscious ache of the human soul, knowing that its counterpart is out there somewhere, locked away, longing to be found and reunited.

Ordnael 23-02-2020 04:48 PM

Oh my
Back in school, skipping class and fooling around. Played some soccer with the kids, then when the bell rang I was going back to the classroom when I saw a commotion in the patio. Didn't know what was going on.

While everyone was paying attention to something in the patio, one girl had entered the boys restroom and washed her clothes in the sinks, so they were all flooded. No one called her out on it. I thought that since she could do that and mess our restroom, I would go and use their restroom instead.

I began flying fast through corridors, but then I realized it was a stupid idea. Suddenly I wasn't in a school anymore, but in a mall. I remembered my fairy friend and called her name. Had to wait for some time, staring at the people who were passing by to find her, until she arrived.

She looked like she had just left work after a busy day. I was very glad to see her. First had to make sure it was not a demon in disguise, so I exorcised her. It wasn't, we hugged and sat on a bench. I began telling her I was lost in the dream again, and that remembering her made me come to my senses. We talked for a bit, then a woman arrived to talk to her.

I wasn't expecting that interference, she seemed like she had authority over my friend, like a boss or teacher. She was a tall woman and was carrying a technological device on her left hand, it looked like a box. I thought it was interesting and asked my friend jokingly, "When will you tell me about the technologies of the fairies?". She wasn't happy about it, and I didn't understand what was happening.

The woman wanted her to return with her. She got up and I was like, "Wait, where are you going?". Suddenly a filthy old satyr appeared and grabbed her. Though he was disguised as a human I immediately recognized him as one. I told the woman and the satyr that she was my girlfriend, and they should leave her alone. Wish I could have told them she was my wife, but no, not yet, we're still just friends.

She didn't want to go with them. We hugged like the androgynous beings, I wanted her to be joined to my side but it didn't happen yet.

Now the woman, in the dream I didn't realize who she was, but when I woke up and thought about it it became obvious it was Pandora. She and that filthy satyr stood between me and my girl.

Now I must find out how to defeat them, if it is even possible. I don't want to think about what my fairy is having to endure in Hades while I'm on Earth.

FoxTracks 28-02-2020 04:29 AM

I am loving your journey of the archetypal :)

Ordnael 29-02-2020 09:49 PM

FoxTracks, nice to hear from you again. :)

This dream left me with more questions than answers. I tried to consider that maybe it was a good thing that the woman appeared, that she could have been protecting me, or even that she is my soulmate instead of the fairy, but no, my intuition ridiculed me for thinking that, she didn't even acknowledge me and spoke only to my friend, who, by the way, has been amazing all along.

Why she had so much authority? That's a tough one, assuming she is Pandora explains it, she serves Zeus, so there's nothing I can do about her. They are enacting these things in front of me to teach me something.

What I think is that she represents death, and her task is to prevent me from fulfilling my wish, in order to keep my hopes and dreams alive. I can't say that she's good or bad, she keeps me moving, looking for something that eludes me, but it is only because I have hope that one day I will succeed, so, in a way she is guiding me by sabotaging me.

For what reason? To answer that I have to remember the myth of Prometheus. He corrupted the world and made life unfair, giving power to both the wicked and the good people, so Zeus sent Pandora to make sure that his will would prevail in the end, to let mortals know that even when evil prospers and defeats justice, they are doomed and will perish.

I suspect he wanted Hope to be locked up in the box to be a reward for the righteous in the afterlife. The torments that escaped to the world are meant to make life tough, as a sign that the gods do not approve of what happened here, the good in life had to be balanced with injustice and bitterness so that we wouldn't forget the past, when we relied on the gods for everything and now we're on our own. It was the end of the Golden Age, now people had to struggle.

Ordnael 29-02-2020 11:59 PM

I'm not being ungrateful to Prometheus, I just don't think that he could see the bigger picture like Zeus did. To give a firearm to every person in the street, or an atomic bomb to every nation may be not such a good idea. No one should have that much destructive power.

Ordnael 09-03-2020 10:42 PM

What does she like to eat?

Being omnivorous, I never gave much thought about eating one type of food or another, as long as I'm preparing the meal myself I have no restrictions.

I was curious about what the fairy likes to eat, maybe it was something strange like toads and lizards, or disgusting compared to our customs, like corpses of animals and people. Reading online there's a sort of consensus that they like sweets, milk and honey. I was ready to be shown anything, but what she said made me wonder.

That which the earth gives for free and people don't have to steal from other creatures. In this case, fruits and vegetables, as opposed to the milk that people have to steal from cows, or honey that people steal from bees, or eggs that people steal from chickens.

Meat comes from living beings, which means that they should have a life and be free before they are captured and eaten. In other words, it's ok to eat animals that were hunted for that purpose, but it is cruel to keep them imprisoned in awful conditions to serve as food. That's the way the native indians did, probably because they understood better the will of the higher beings and how to treat nature.

She also said she likes that which grows secretly in the earth, which includes carrots, potatoes, garlic, onion, etc.

Ordnael 28-04-2020 06:42 AM

Keeping cool among the satyrs
Can't recall for sure how long this dream was, how it began or how it ended.

Was walking around on a nice afternoon when I heard the sound of a flute. It was a beautiful melody, I asked facetiously the people next to me, "Who is playing? Are there satyrs here?", not being fully aware that I was dreaming.

The melody was coming from a canteen. I entered the area and I saw the player, thought I recognized him. I went up to him and shook his hand, believing it was a person I know in real life. It clearly wasn't, but I couldn't tell and treated him as a friend.

"How are you doing, man?"

He was siting at a table talking to his friend. Then I remembered that one is not supposed to shake hands anymore.

"I'm so sorry, I totally forgot about the new rules of not touching while greeting."

He answered,

"Hey, why bother about it? Are you a chicken?"

His words kinda embarrassed me. I replied,

"No, but I'm responsible."


FoxTracks 01-05-2020 02:46 PM

Still reading. Lots of thoughts about what you've written since last time I posted.

Fairies living underground implies they might be connected to the underworld. I see that, in humans, in an archetypal way, as the deepest and more animalistic parts of us. It was surprising to me, based on my experiences with fairies, that this would be the case, but I could see how it could be as they are fairly sexual beings. I don't think this is bad, but they are often sources of higher wisdom as well, especially in that they are connected to flying, and in that way the air. They are often full of light, laughter, and also love. Many of them are.

Ordnael 01-05-2020 11:11 PM

When trying to define where these beings live some names come up in my research, Hades, Arcadia (of the god Pan), and recently I learned about another one, Himavanta forest of Buddhist and Hindu mythology.

Here's an excerpt from The Seven Sermons of The Dead, the words inside the parenthesis are my inclusions:

Man shall distinguish himself both from spirituality and from sexuality. He shall call spirituality Mother (fairy), and set her between heaven and earth. He shall call sexuality Phallos (satyr), and set him between himself and earth. For the Mother and the Phallos are super-human daemons which reveal the world of the gods. They are for us more effective than the gods, because they are closely akin to our own nature. Should ye not distinguish yourselves from sexuality and from spirituality, and not regard them as of a nature both above you and beyond, then are ye delivered over to them as qualities of the pleroma. Spirituality and sexuality are not your qualities, not things which ye possess and contain. But they possess and contain you; for they are powerful daemons, manifestations of the gods, and are, therefore, things which reach beyond you, existing in themselves. No man hath a spirituality unto himself, or a sexuality unto himself. But he standeth under the law of spirituality and of sexuality.

Ordnael 08-05-2020 06:23 PM

Definitely I've made peace with the race of satyrs, or at least some of them. Been arrogant here calling them names and thinking that I am superior. This probably displeased their god, so they humbled me by making me do something I said I wouldn't do, that is, to shake hands with one of them.

I can sense the divine humour in that experience, being attracted by the music and complimenting the flutist, then I felt embarrassed while they stared at me. Maybe it had something to do with the person sitting next to him, I didn't pay much attention. Thinking now, it could have been Dionysus, but he wasn't carrying a thyrsus, it would have been too obvious.

We're different, I still can't sympathize with what they do, but I better be respectful, you don't wanna annoy a god and have him teach you a lesson in humility.

Ordnael 12-05-2020 01:23 PM

My first memory of the dream was of a magician performing to a small public. One of his tricks was to hide small fluffy red balls inside his socks and make them appear elsewhere. I was standing close by and decided to check how his trick worked. What I saw was this billiard table, and the hole had a passage that conducted the objects to another place. Then there was a trick where he was shot by an arrow while lying on the floor. For some reason I sat beside him and hoped the arrow wouldn't hit me and ruin his presentation.

Later on I was talking with some friends who were not from the human realm. There was a disagreement between one of them and the others. I told him that he was important there and should not turn his back on us. The place was like a vacation camp, with pools, dormitories, leisure areas, etc.

In the leisure area we were talking and playing games on the early night. Then one girl passed naked, running around. I have mental filters to block nudity, so that was very strange. Anyway, I didn't know that I was again among the fairies, thought she was one of those girls who like to get high, drunk, and go out doing silly things. I yelled to make fun of her:

-Hey, you forgot your clothes!

She replied with irony:

-Yeah, that's sacred.

Then after a few moments another girl passed naked, and I said the same thing:

-You forgot your clothes!

Not sure that she replied. One of the guys said that she was his ex-girlfriend. Then after a few more minutes another girl passed, but this one only didn't have her shirt on. In the dream I didn't recognize her, but she was probably my fairy friend.

Suddenly a great commotion in the sky. A squadron of aeroplanes and helicopters were escorting a dark, evil cloud. I thought it was some kind of classified military activity, like those ufo cover-ups. Now I think those were divine beings conducting demons to another area. I also thought, while in the dream, that it may have had something to do with the virus.

That cloud had a very strong evil presence, it made the air heavy, it made me dizzy and gave me headache as it passed above in the sky. I almost couldn't stand it with my normal self, so I evoked my higher-self. It worked, it was no longer able to affect me, but the people who were with me were gone or just distant.

Then I saw a cat coming from behind a bush, a black and white one. I thought it was related to the cloud, an image that I could interact with to communicate with the cloud, but now I know that it wasn't. The cat turned into a tiger, green and white. Since I assumed he was the intelligence of the cloud (that was now gone and the planes had taken it somewhere else), and also assumed that the cloud was the virus, I tried to talk to him. I wanted to start by creating some affinity between us, so I said:

-I also agree that humans do everything wrong...

It seemed that he was about to say something, but I guess he just roared. He wasn't the cloud, he was just a creature of the Himavanta. When I was there I couldn't understand it.

I tried to pet his head, but he was a wild beast, he backed away and hissed. He wouldn't attack me, I was with divine power. The dream ended while I confusedly tried to speak with the creature.

Climax of the dream: squadron of aeroplanes conducting the demon cloud.

Best moments: sharing lovely moments with my friends and seeing the nymphs running around.

Tension: interacting with the exotic wild beast.

Ordnael 17-05-2020 04:27 PM

The last trick of the magician reminded me of the death of Krishna. It seems my experience is being enriched by exposing me to other entities, not only from Greek mythology, but also Buddhism and Hinduism. And we're all friends, since light associates with light, and darkness with darkness.

The guy who was in disagreement with the others, I don't know any of those people in real life, but he was a good friend, someone who would be missed. His attitude is like my own attitude, that's why I sympathized with him.

The first nymph that appeared walking around without clothes, there's a pattern here. She is the same girl that appeared in that school dream, flooding the sinks in the boys restroom. It always feels like I'm not supposed to be seeing her. She is a witty little spirit. I had the same impression from that other dream, that if it was a man doing something like that, they would call him out on it.

That's what I did, I told her she wasn't wearing clothes. Maybe her reply wasn't ironic, she could have been complimenting me for my attitude.

The dark cloud was very nasty, disturbing to look at. It had disgusting larva hanging from it. I was happy the squadron of aeroplanes and helicopters had it under control. They were my heroes, I wanted to be part of the team and do what they do.

My higher self turned my experience around, it was almost like a different dream, but I'm sure it wasn't. I wanted to have a chance to overpower that cloud too, which caused me to confuse the cat and the tiger with it.

The green tiger enriched my experience with elements from other mythologies.

Ordnael 20-05-2020 09:49 PM

Considering all these experiences so far, the moment I felt most vulnerable was when I flew to the East and landed among the satyrs.

I had a bad opinion about them, which probably caused me to have an unpleasant experience with them. Was about to give up on that dream when they started surrounding me. My mind was blocked and I couldn't remember any spell to use against them. Started mentally calling for help while thinking, "Do I fight until they overpower me or do I wake up right now?"

Then my higher self manifested, but I didn't know who he was, whether friendly or not. He saved me there.

I was asking them how to be able to tell when entities are in disguise. One of them touched my chest. Maybe he was my own satyr, maybe he meant I could tell in my heart, maybe he was checking me out...

The point is, I haven't confronted them. Didn't feel like I could just arrive at their realm and cast spells on them, that could get me in trouble with higher beings.

Now I try to see them as friendly creatures, and my reasoning is that I can't judge them based on morals that exist in the human world. I assume the supernatural realm is perfect, the human realm is imperfect, if I try to change them I mess up.

But what if one of them is causing trouble?

In the arts, cherubs and cupids are the ones who contend with the wicked satyrs:




The gods will also punish them when they get out of control. There's the story of Apollo that flayed Marsyas alive, after the latter challenged him for a musical battle. In a painting by Jacques Sébastien Le Clerc, Diana has a satyr punished in a trial. And there's also the myth of the nymph Amymone, who was almost caught by a satyr when she was searching for a spring, but ended up being rescued by Poseidon.

I'd say always have a plan for whatever you may encounter out there. In those first experiences I was lost and had no idea what to do.

Ordnael 17-06-2020 01:27 AM

To save an angel
We were on a bus at night. Me and another guy were singing during the ride, I was sitting in the back of the bus, on the left side, and he was sitting in the front, on the right side. This time I sang very well, not trying to sing over him, but only to sing nice. The song doesn't exist, though.

We sang alternating lines, some parts I vocalized while he sang the lyrics, and overall it sounded really good, the people in the bus were enjoying it.

When the bus arrived at our destination and before it stopped we could see people that we knew out there, very well dressed and with their mates, they were all couples. Again it felt like reuniting with old school friends, like that dream in which I supposedly saw Hades and Persephone. Only this time I wasn't one of the guests, I was merely a visitor.

One girl sitting beside me on the bus said "Oh, look, it's that person over there!". I recognized some of them, and was happy and a little tense to be seeing them again after such a long time. They were beautiful and bright.

When we got out of the bus I found my fairy friend. We walked around a bit. She had her right arm around my waist, I had my left arm around hers. I told her, "Look, it's that famous person over there!", wanting her to see this man who looked like an old actor that died over a decade ago, he was a celebrity there.

I was looking for my sister, or an entity that played her role, because I thought I wasn't dressed well enough for the celebration.

It seemed like mating season, they were all in couples, and perhaps this was a collective wedding or prom.

I found a friend of my sister, who in reality doesn't exist, and asked him to tell her to get me a better shirt. He went looking for her, and when we found her she was socializing with a man, who in reality doesn't exist, and seemed a bit inebriated. She didn't even pay attention to me. I turned my back on her and left with the fairy.

There was this great hall where people were going into, like in that other dream, but this time I hadn't entered yet. We got close to the entrance and there were some people standing there, maybe waiting for their mates, and others with their company about to enter.

I told her I wasn't comfortable with my t-shirt, so I wouldn't enter. She said "I am going inside anyway to save an angel.", and went running inside. For a moment I thought about following her, but hesitated and stood at the entrance just watching.

I'd say they get people from many different realms in that place for that celebration, it was clear there were beings from different levels all around, some higher than others, they stood out more and were more admired.

Ordnael 11-07-2020 09:09 PM

No friendship
My experiences with these beings are not sensual, and my fairy friend respects that, but there are beings who don't respect it and don't care if I'm just their friend.

Maybe some people have been expecting to read this, well, I got into a fight with the satyrs. So much for our peace treaty.

Yesterday I had a dream that I was dancing and met a couple of nymphs and other beings, they surely gave me that dream, I don't dance at all, we even greeted each other with a kiss on the cheek at the end of it, meaning that I respect them as spiritual beings. I wished that I could see them again, and this is what happened.

I was with these 3 very beautiful ladies, we were going to a musical concert by car. It was early afternoon. One of them was driving. When we arrived at the place and before we even parked the vehicle we could see the musician already performing. It was a handsome and talented lad.

Now, when I woke up I thought about it, was it Orpheus? No. Was it Apollo?!
Well, my intuition says it was him, he was a star in that dream, so I'll say it was Apollo. He was singing and playing what I thought was a piano, though. lol

We got out of the car, and while walking to the concert area they asked me why I decided to come, since I had told them before I wasn't going to this concert. I answered I changed my mind about it and was very eager to watch that musician.

Then along the way we found some tough dudes who started harassing us. Not only they started annoying the girls, but they were also attacking and mocking me, speaking loudly to me to be funny among themselves, about 7 muscular guys.

I immediately yelled "Satyrs!"

Once again I found myself in that situation of being surrounded by them, and one of them came too close behind me, without touching, but he pretended to be doing you know what. I had promised myself that if one of them ever attempted to do that I would conjure up a sword and cut off his head! Unfortunately, I wasn't that powerful this time.

We started fighting. Looking back now, the fighting was hilarious. I grabbed on of them by the ankles and started spinning him around, knocking down all the others with the body of that one. Then they came 2 by 2, and for a moment I was able to fight them well, but then one of them knocked me down and started stomping me while I was on the ground. Though I could still defend myself, I couldn't get up. It seemed someone was helping me fight them, just one guy who came out of nowhere, but it wasn't enough, they've ruined my dream.

Couldn't remember to use magic, it would have helped me a lot. Wonder what lesson am I to learn from this. Maybe to never be the only man around pretty girls, because if a fight breaks out I'll be the target. Wanted to make a complaint about them to Dionysus, but there's no point, the gods love these nymphs, the angels love them, the satyrs love them, humans love them, too much competition for me.

And who was that ******* stomping me? It was certainly an unrighteous one, I didn't start that fight, I wasn't doing anything wrong and disrespected no one. Maybe it was Pan, he was stronger than all the others.

I was very, very annoyed and woke up with a frown. On the other hand, it makes me happy to think that I saw Apollo performing from afar, spent some time with the nymphs, and was knocked down by Pan.

Ordnael 15-07-2020 01:23 AM

It takes some time to overcome the disappointment of being beaten, but I understand it, accept it, and finally like it, it was a good thing. Many thoughts arose from this experience.

One of them is that all gods teach, some more kindly than others.

Another pattern, the encounter with a gatekeeper while trying to pass from one region to another with the fairies. Instead of the dog with glowing eyes, this time I found the troublesome guys.

Instead of magic I used aggression, and payed for it. My higher self allowed it, the nymphs set me up to it, I needed it.

Why? Because this is the part of me that should and will die, along with the perishable body. It's what keeps me bound to the material world, the aspect of me that struggles and is rebellious. Pan defeated him, he was stronger, and that's how it is supposed to be.

I had to face my fears and enemies and be defeated by them, so that what is left of me and survives is only what is worthy and divine, reasonable and peaceful. Like the phoenix that is killed, burns up and dissolves, and from the ashes that result from the disturbance, a divinized form arises.

It is a process of purification and filtering, inevitable like Icarus having his wings of wax burnt for attempting to to rise too high with an inadequate equipment.

It is the story of our lives, in which we fight many battles, defeat adversities and achieve things, but in the end are defeated by death, who crushes us and turns us into dust. However, if there's something good inside of us, that part will rise up from the ashes. One cannot expect to pass to higher regions without first going through this destruction and revolution of the soul.

The human mind, unlike the higher self, no matter how much it educates and perfects itself, can never achieve absolute perfection, because it exists in deficiency. To be righteous it demands learning and patience, since because of its smallness it will never know all that is just, nor understand all that is unjust.

Ordnael 31-07-2020 03:56 PM

Was in a room of an apartment watching tv and crying my eyes out, wanting to be released from this life so that I could ascend. Was watching a fantasy movie with wizards conjuring dragons to battle each other on top of hills. I was in my teenage years.

Then all my family members were angry and treating me poorly, so I imagined that I was one of those wizards conjuring dragons to attack them. Though no dragon appeared, the idea made me laugh.

I went in front of a window and left the building flying. Imagined there was an eagle beneath me helping me fly, but I didn't see it. It was afternoon. As I kept on flying over the city it became night. Tried to connect with my Higher Self while I flew, conjuring a magical object in my hand, but it didn't work. Didn't see the heavenly rope that I hold in some experiences either.

Was looking for beings and places I'm familiar with, like angels or gods. Usually I find interesting things on the upper levels of buildings, but this time I flew until I landed on the streets.

Saw a multitude of different beings, they looked like they were out of the Alice in Wonderland movie, or maybe like a scene from Spirited Away, when Chihiro is crossing the bridge with Haku and sees all those uncanny nature spirits. Only they did not have animal forms but strange humanoid forms.

I didn't wish to interact with them, so I walked around looking for someone I could identify as an angel. Then my fairy friend found me and called me. I wouldn't have noticed her, I said "Hey, good to see you again." She said "What are you looking for?" I answered "I want to connect with my Higher Self and ascend with you."

We walked around holding each other like we use to, then she took me to a temple where her relatives were sitting on chairs. They were adults and we were kids, two women, I think one was her mother.

She arranged a chair for me to sit between her and her relatives, but it was uncomfortable to pass in front of them, because the row of chairs in front of them was too close, I would literally have to walk over them, so I decided to sit on a chair in the row behind them.

The fairy grabbed her purse, pulled an Ipod Nano with earbuds attached and gave it to me. She said she protected it from the storm. It had interesting colours, I was about to check it out when I woke up.

I'm wondering if she connected me with my Higher Self by giving me that object, it is not the object I was trying to materialize during the flight, but my Higher Self usually does that to me, appearing in unexpected ways that I'm unable to recognize.

Ordnael 13-08-2020 04:47 AM

It was a fall indeed, I was not only knocked down in that experience, I was kicked out of that place, at least temporarily.

When I exited through the window in the more recent experience I continued falling, though it felt like flying. It took some time to reach the ground. I was hopelessly trying to connect with my Higher Self again with no success. He didn't agree with me.

It was an awful plan, I recognize it, out of so many things I could have done, my idea was to kill a satyr. I don't even want to talk about them anymore, wish they didn't exist. In certain games there are NPCs that can't be killed, it would ruin the missions and the purpose of the game, so the player must interact with them carefully, not to make them attack you because if you have to fight you won't win. Gotta be clever and outsmart them instead of wrestle them.

And it was also a mistake not to obey the fairy, the first one I met. Didn't think I was doing anything wrong, hanging out with others, but I should have realized the danger. I've been seeing couples there all the time, then I go and walk around with 3 females, it's like I was asking for trouble in their view.

She's my guide, the best one I found. I hesitate to follow her sometimes and I don't know why. Been acting like a child wanting to explore and do things on my own, but it's unwise, it is much better to use their help.

Inside the temple, it was awesome, I really enjoyed finding those beings there and sitting next to them, just wish I could have taken the seat she prepared for me.

Ordnael 20-08-2020 09:26 AM

Ok, I finally get it. I'm sitting next to the Bodhi tree and Mara is attacking me! Awesome, perfect, I can do this.

Early Buddhists, as well as later Buddhists, acknowledged both a literal and "psychological" interpretation of Mara. Mara can be interpreted either as a real external demon or as internal vices that one faces on the pathway to enlightenment. From the psychological perspective, Mara is a manifestation of one's own mind. No external demon exists since it emerges from our own deluded thoughts. Those who see Mara as a personification of our human ego interpret the stories associated with him in a symbolic way. Mara becomes a representation for internal vices. His attack on the Buddha represents internal impulses towards violence and rage that can be overcome by following the Buddha's teachings of cultivating compassion, detachment and gentleness. The daughters of Mara represent lust and desire, which the Buddha overcame by recognizing their true nature as emptiness. Mara's own attack on the Buddha's pride was defeated by the Buddha's denial of the self since there was no "I" (ego) left to feel pride. Thus, the story of Mara's temptation can be interpreted symbolically, whereby the Buddha's own emotions, desires, and sense of self were represented by demons.

I can't be seduced, but I can fall into anger, not so much in real life, but in dreams they push me to the limits. I work diligently on it, sometimes I do well, sometimes I don't. This time I didn't and fell from my position.

This is so funny: http://mesosyn.com/myth2-x3.jpg

Aren't the satyrs touching him? That's so annoying. I have good plans now, but according to Buddhism I must do nothing. Just stand there and let them do whatever they want to me doesn't sound good. I'd say Buddha only appears to be doing nothing, in his mind he is actively defeating the demons with knowledge and virtues. He is actually fighting them, but not visibly.

Ordnael 22-03-2021 06:54 PM

Looking for the soul of my uncle
Had this dream today, though it was not in my list of quests to go looking for my deceased uncle. He died of cancer in 1994, when I was 12 years old.

I found myself in a building in the city, though I live in a house in the countryside. Strangely I flew off from the apartment balcony holding one of my underwears, but I was fully clothed. Initially I had no idea in mind, but as soon as a landed on the street I started looking for my deceased uncle.

There was a guy walking there and I went to talk to him. I'm assuming he was a friendly instructor being, like Hermes, the one with wings on his foot, because of how we interacted.

I told him a bit about my uncle, said that he taught me how to pray when I was little, but he was trying to open my eyes and make me understand that in truth it was something unreliable. Basically I was doing my best to give him a good impression of who he was, but he was showing me how people are imperfect, his standards were high, so I couldn't convince him.

-You don't know where he is then?
-No, but there's someone who might be able to help you.
-Call the Guide.

As we stood there in the street I called a guide, and this man arrived. He was driving a convertible car with two steering wheels. I jumped in the front seat, then I realized the fairy was with me, because she jumped in the back. She said:


I don't know how to drive, I only ride a bicycle, and to say the truth I don't even like cars, so I told her:

-He is the one who drives.

Now I'm a bit upset about it because I've seen what happens when I don't follow her instructions, but I just couldn't do it. I thought it wasn't necessary and I didn't feel competent enough to hold the steering wheel, what if I caused an accident?

Anyway, I wanted the dream to be efficient, I wasn't too thrilled about going for a ride, even in a convertible car with two steering wheels, so I asked him:

-Is there really no one here on the Astral Plane that can tell me where his soul is?
-No, we would have to go to another realm to find out.

As soon as he started driving I woke up.

I'm sure he was my Higher Self, because I didn't recognize him, and because just yesterday I made a drawing of us three together, the fairy, my Higher Self and me, but not in a car.

Ordnael 30-06-2022 08:04 PM

I'm outside observing the sunset. It appears to be the neighborhood where I lived when I was a teenager, but I was my current self, with my current knowledge. There are night clouds partially covering the Sun, but there's a patch of blue that I concentrate upon and start to pray.

The world is very noisy, there are people speaking loudly in some places and it is annoying, I can't connect well with heaven. Then I recognize the Sun as my Higher Self and pray that he blesses me. I finally remember what I really want, Ascension, so I stretch out the index finger of my right hand and point towards the sun, so that I can be lifted up.

I feel a bit of cold and start moving, very, very slowly, rising, just a tiny bit. It doesn't seem to be working well, with all the noise and the sky getting darker, but suddenly it seems like the Sun is rising again and the clouds start dissipating. Still, I think I'm getting nowhere, so I ask Him to send my fairy to rescue me.

It worked. I see about fifty heavenly beings coming down from the sky, with bows and arrows on their backs. They are not close to each other, they resemble skydivers who jump off a plane and keep a distance apart, but they are descending erect (instead of with their bellies down). She comes to me on the ground, grabs me and takes me up above. I don't know where the other beings go or why there are so many of them, I think they are protecting the mission.

My voice sounds much older than in reality, like an old man. I keep crying intensely and kissing her, but her face is serious and peaceful. Then we arrived there, that great place that I don't want to try to describe.

Ordnael 04-10-2022 06:19 PM

Someplace above
We were on a large mattress on the floor in a room, she was under the blankets, and I was studying or working on something, a dark object with colorful designs, something I can't recognize now. She rested her head on my back, but I gently asked her for a moment so that I could finish what I was doing.

Then I left the room and found an oriental temple outside. I entered it saying 'Good afternoon' to everyone there, as we do in the city where I'm living. No one replied, though, which is unusual, since humans do reply. They were all higher beings, as I found out.

There was an incredible, powerful sound. The whole place started trembling, furniture shaking, it was a heavenly, Tuvan throat singer! I was terrified, I ran away to hide from him. I went down some stairs, but it was like he was after me. His voice wouldn't stop, his breath wouldn't end. He was walking slowly as if performing a ritual, and I could see him approaching. That place had many rooms, it was nice, beautifully decorated with plants, furniture, statues and trinkets. It was a peaceful environment, but the singing made me scared, I knew I was out of place there.

I decided to face him, even though I was insecure. I thought that if I displayed peaceful goodness, as I mentioned here before, he would have no reason to do me any harm. And thinking now, my fear was completely irrational, why should I be afraid of a person singing, I'm a singer too, except that my voice doesn't sound like the engine of an airplane.

He came down the stairs and found me there, flabbergasted. I humbly greeted him. He smiled and greeted me too. He was from the dragon race, he had horns like a deer! And he was tall, but gentle. He sang there, in front of me, then I saw his companions, about 2 other older men and three young women. They were all gods/daemons and dressed/appeared as such. I asked how long he could sustain a note for. The lady was holding a digital chronometer and showed me.

In the dream the time measurements made perfect sense, but I'm unsure about it now, so I'll be vague. She told me he could hold a note like that without having to breathe for ... . I said to them no human could possibly do that. She answered, "Indeed, only a god can do it.". "This is certainly one of the most amazing things I've ever seen in a dream!", I answered them. They all laughed.

Then we started talking about secret, sacred things, part of my research that I prefer not to disclose, but I can't simply omit this part since it leads to the next part, so I'll be vague again.

I replied, "Oh, by the way, I know that the (...) on Earth comes from the (...) in the sky, and not from (...) as people believe today." They all stared, paying attention to what I was saying, perhaps feeling surprised. "Could you guys possibly show me them and where they are?"

The lady with the clock talked to her friends, looked back at me and nodded. We went outside, and she pointed to me where they stood, at the beach, on the shore. We went running, she held my right hand, which means she is a being of a divine order, a heavenly lady. I was in a hurry because I thought I would wake up before arriving there, but no, everything went well, for a moment.

I saw a series of (...) on the shallow water, all facing the sea like the statues on Easter Island. I was happy and went to walk on the water to see them closely, but when I did that the goddess left me and ran away. Then everything went awry.

The beach turned into streets, and a mob of angry people started cursing at me. One guy with a cap and a belly in particular, he was the one inciting everyone against me. If I understood correctly, they were accusing me of not having a job. I wasn't the least bit afraid of them, though it was a multitude of nasty people. I could see their dark, demon eyes, they were all wicked demons indeed, and they were getting angrier and angrier, even though I didn't say a word back to them, didn't feel like I should even bother replying.

Then they started screaming "Lynch him! Lynch him! Lynch him!" I made a magical gesture that I use for protection, not sure it had any effect, except give me a confidence boost, then I went to the middle of them, unafraid and peaceful, the same strategy I used with the singer, but this time I was attacked.

They surrounded me and started hitting me from all sides. Was it in real life, I would be on the ground bleeding in the first few seconds, over there, I could stand them all unscathed. They wouldn't stop beating me. I remembered something I read once, about a paraglider who flew inside a cloud, and felt his body being struck from all sides by hands and fingers. That's exactly how I felt, uncomfortable, not painful, and there was a smell, I'd say of sulfur, because of the evil of all those demons. I was in their environment, their cloud, and they hated me so much.

Since the dream was going nowhere, I decided to wake up, but part of me wanted to go through this till the end, so I only closed my right eye, and kept the left one open. Fortunately or unfortunately, I woke up not long after that.
I think this attack is possibly related to what I endured in the city where I lived before I moved here. Been living here for 5 months now, and things, are way, way better.

Ordnael 15-11-2022 03:37 AM

Handing over a satyr to the authorities
Don't remember how the dream started or what happened before this, but I was preaching to 3 guys who resembled classmates from high school. They only listened to part of the things I had to say concerning Salvation, the other important things didn't interest them and they didn't let me finish. They started making noises, laughing and joking around. I concluded that it was the Deity who didn't want them to know, that's why they were acting foolishly. I gave up trying to talk to them and turned my attention to another part of the room.

A female demon then appeared and tried to stab my right arm (I think this may have to do with the fact that I wasn't vaccinated). I cast a spell to restrict her movements, and challenged her to stab me. She tried hard but was unable to do it. Then a satyr appeared behind me and started harassing me. I grabbed him by the arm and evoked the Lord of the Forces (Lord of Hosts), the one who commands the archangels, asking him to send me an angel to arrest that demon. This is not the first time I've done something like that, and it's always interesting.

I escorted the demon outside that room through a corridor and then to a door where a big fellow was waiting to arrest him. Big is an understatement, he was apparently 10 feet tall and slim. He took him away to deal with him. Meanwhile, I spoke to a generic dream-friend. He wasn't any friend that I could recognize, but in the dream he was like a pupil or apprentice of mine. I told him, "See those angels there?" there were a few of them outside, "The kings of that great, glorious and powerful nation that once ruled the Earth in the past were like them."

There was a large crowd where we were, all trying to get out to where those angels were, but they weren't allowing people to leave, they had isolated the area. I raised my hand and asked one of the guards if I could leave, whether he recognized me as someone who had permission to go about through the realms. He consented, so I climbed over the crowd and left that place.

Outside was all in ruins, and I cried intensely. It is disturbing how much I cry in these dreams, I don't cry like that in real life. I was lamenting to the heavens how there was nothing left of the ancient glories in the world, and shedding bitter tears. My nymph was there with me holding my hand as we walked through the rubble, but I couldn't see her clearly.

To end this on a lighter note, previously I had a dream where she was singing the song 'Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious' and dancing. I admired her dancing. We were singing together but I couldn't dance like her.

Ordnael 17-11-2022 01:26 PM

That dream was eerily similar to this absurd story, I assume they are related:


Just have to find out if the guard who took him out was 10 feet tall.

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