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Stellarnova 25-06-2016 07:51 AM

which chakra corresponds to mental illness?
I am brand new and know next to nothing about chakras. I don't have a mentor or anyone to explain this to me.

For most of my life I have suffered from severe depression and anxiety. I was diagnosed with Bipolar II, however some therapists say I do not meet the criteria. I'm not interested in the label, as I believe its all on the same spectrum.

I'm tired of having to take medication and seeing no results, tired of going to therapy, and tired of feeling this way.

Ive come to the conclusion that I must have an energy blockage that is causing me to be this way. Does anyone have an idea of which it could be?

Thank you.

lighter 25-06-2016 09:41 AM

It could be any chakra to be honest depending on how it is tangled with other emotions and thoughts.

I am by no means a master in spiritual topics, perhaps a veteran on here could provide a more useful insight into your case.

You could read more on spiritual bodies. You could read more on here : http://www.energyreality.com/index.htm#tour

I wish I could be more helpful however that is all I can do for you for now.

You could also look on "awakening symptons". Have a read here. http://in5d.com/signs-and-symptoms-o...ual-awakening/

At times I believed I was bipolar too and other things due to hearing voices and other things. Instead , it appears I am undergoing a descending awakening, which basically means the director upstairs pulls the strings when it is the right time.

John32241 25-06-2016 12:28 PM


I know we create a great deal of energy through our thought patterns. I was under the impression that therapists will help a person with these things.

Best Wishes,

MaryMagdaQueenofQueens 25-06-2016 05:13 PM

I spent my fair share of time in hospitals and therapists offices and the like. Medication, Bi polar, schizophrenia, and every thing in between.
The chakras play a big part in mental illness. That is if they aren't balanced.
Mine aren't balanced now all the way, but i am way more balanced then i was back then.
Major imbalances show in the mind and attitude in my experience.
I become irrational and over emotional. I go through manic stages and very low depression ruts. But this has been becoming less and less frequent over time. Its all about your mind and the way you treat it. Anxiety is a product of the mind, depression, anger, these are products of the mind. We work ourselves up to it. and then dwell in it. Or i did. I started changing my though patterns along with meditations for my chakras and things cleared up I havent taken meds in 3 years or gone to therapy or any doctor for three years and i continue to gain more control over myself. The medication makes it harder to gain control over for me.
Don't do anything crazy, slow convert. Change who you are into who you want to be. You can do it, I am doing it... SO many are taking their lives back through love and self love.

straygod 25-06-2016 08:36 PM

They all impact on one another; if any part is out of balance then the system is out of balance. That goes for all aspects of your life - diet and lifestyle and spirituality and physical health and socialisation; you need a holistic approach to address mental health issues. I'm a recovering addict, and it's emphasised in rehabilitation that you always need to maintain a healthy balance in all of these areas in order to remain sober. This applies to your spiritual body. Your chakras can be over or under-active, which can be influenced by your environment, which creates a cycle of behaviour and energy and keeps you stuck in patterns, much like an addiction. Blockages occur when you become locked into these patterns and can be created by past traumas.

With so little information it's next to impossible to tell you which area if any you need to work on. Depression and anxiety can stem from so many issues.

Rozie 26-06-2016 04:50 AM

The lower chakras would be about mental illness...I actually use a different system but it is similar. Anxiety and disurbing thoughts come from being in a low place. You have to try to raise your vibration and you can do that by visualizing climbing a ladder to get up.

Serrao 26-06-2016 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by Stellarnova
I am brand new and know next to nothing about chakras. I don't have a mentor or anyone to explain this to me.

For most of my life I have suffered from severe depression and anxiety. I was diagnosed with Bipolar II, however some therapists say I do not meet the criteria. I'm not interested in the label, as I believe its all on the same spectrum.

I'm tired of having to take medication and seeing no results, tired of going to therapy, and tired of feeling this way.

Ive come to the conclusion that I must have an energy blockage that is causing me to be this way. Does anyone have an idea of which it could be?

Thank you.

Try to practice equanimity.
Equanimity can be developed through meditation.

Developed equanimity has an effect on the inner balance.
The inner balance is then more stable.

People with mental illnesses often show emotional and physical peaks (positive as well as negative), which is an indication of an inner which is out of balance.

Rakoontay 01-07-2016 07:36 PM

I also have Bipolar, and I often wondered if there was a blockage every time I go manic or depressed. I'm new to the concept of chakras, and wasn't sure if to heal myself I could just imagine the color wheel spinning and getting bigger (or smaller if too big), or if I also had to chant the frequencies, which I found to be distracting and difficult to remember (so I hope I don't have to do it).

I have an app that uses binaural beats and different tones to help you heal your chakra problems. When I listen to it (in headphones is the only way it can work) I imagine each chakra spinning, with its color, more and more and getting bigger and bigger. I really feel the energy and the light, and I think it helps. Does anyone know about binaural beats apps for chakras? I feel that it helps but I hope it is not just placebo.

Inika 02-07-2016 05:23 AM

The chakra that corresponds to mental illness is the crown chakra.

sea-dove 02-07-2016 06:00 AM

Depression lessens energy flow and many chakras are affected by this so healing via the energy body isnt all that easy to heal when it comes to psychological healing

Depression will affect your connection to your 3D being and this planet at the base chakra, it will affect your solar plexus chakra where negative emotions are stored, it will affect you around the navel where energy is stored .. it may also affect your connection to spirit - the crown chakra. It can affect the ability to feel love so affect the heart chakra.

Added to that, the lower energy of depression may of also attracted negative attachments to the person and the person may have many negative thoughtforms they themselves have created due to it in their energy.

A really good experienced energy healer working with you is the best if you are wanting to fix this.. (it can be very hard for a depressed person to heal themselves as their own state is like working against them). That's not to say one cant heal oneself but its just not at all easy to do.

Uma 03-07-2016 01:53 AM

Mental illness has nothing whatsoever to do with the chakras. It has to do with the physical brain.

Inika 03-07-2016 02:46 AM


Originally Posted by Uma
Mental illness has nothing whatsoever to do with the chakras. It has to do with the physical brain.

All chakras are connected to the physical body. Each chakra corresponds with the physical body. Ever heard the term Mind, body, soul? It's all connected for a purpose. You can't have one thing only and single it out from the rest of the system. They all work in tandem.

Rakoontay 03-07-2016 04:17 PM

That makes sense about depression but what about mania?

running 03-07-2016 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by Stellarnova
I am brand new and know next to nothing about chakras. I don't have a mentor or anyone to explain this to me.

For most of my life I have suffered from severe depression and anxiety. I was diagnosed with Bipolar II, however some therapists say I do not meet the criteria. I'm not interested in the label, as I believe its all on the same spectrum.

I'm tired of having to take medication and seeing no results, tired of going to therapy, and tired of feeling this way.

Ive come to the conclusion that I must have an energy blockage that is causing me to be this way. Does anyone have an idea of which it could be?

Thank you.

Probably stomach/solar plexus. Thats what seems to relate for me.

Rozie 03-07-2016 10:54 PM

I am pretty sure that mental illness is a spiritual problem.
The organic brain is a factor but not the underlying cause.

Uma 04-07-2016 03:51 AM


Originally Posted by FairyDawn
All chakras are connected to the physical body. Each chakra corresponds with the physical body. Ever heard the term Mind, body, soul? It's all connected for a purpose. You can't have one thing only and single it out from the rest of the system. They all work in tandem.

The chakras are never "ill"
They open to light and close to darkness period.
The one who is messed up is the ego when it identifies with loss or other survival experiences.
The ego controls the mind, even if on a subconscious level.
That manifests through the chakras - basically the ego is closing down the chakras when it is in depression or anxiety.
When there is a brain malfunction or nervous system malfunction this can also result in mental illness.
Trauma does leave its mark on the physical cells and the way the glands function and all of that (study your neurobiology)
In the case of physical malfunction the mind is not able to function normally in and through the physical body.
That's the difference.

Mind and body impact one another.
Soul is in a tug of war between purified ego and messed up ego.
Soul is also impacted by mind and body when it should be controlling both.
To control both is the purpose of enlightenment.

sea-dove 04-07-2016 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by Uma
The chakras are never "ill"
They open to light and close to darkness period.
The one who is messed up is the ego when it identifies with loss or other survival experiences.

I've once come across one who had like withered chakras like saltanas due to a demon possession (she was completely unresponsive except the demon). I wouldnt say her chakras with this were healthy, not only where they withered but they couldnt even respond right to the energy I projected at them. Like were jammed or something. They were a mess.

I've also come across chakras which dont spin right.. have a wobble to them. (maybe they had one sided blocks I dont know, I just could fell them wobbling).

Uma 04-07-2016 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by sea-dove
I've once come across one who had like withered chakras like saltanas due to a demon possession (she was completely unresponsive except the demon). I wouldnt say her chakras with this were healthy, not only where they withered but they couldnt even respond right to the energy I projected at them. Like were jammed or something. They were a mess.

I've also come across chakras which dont spin right.. have a wobble to them. (maybe they had one sided blocks I dont know, I just could fell them wobbling).

I can't comment about what you saw. It makes sense from that point of view. I'm just saying that it's the ego that controls the chakras and not the other way around. It's the ego that is the cause (even in allowing something demonic to enter) and it's the ego that can change things - together with grace and probably therapy and other treatments. In an instant one can choose to project love, one can choose to send prana to whatever chakra they want. These things help to open up the chakra. Awakened Kundalini is the power of the Universe helping to open them up from the inside. My "I" only needs to cooperate with that. For me it's so empowering to know that the deeper I go into my spiritual being, the more power I have over my mental and physical states.

My teacher has also made the analogy of a magnet. That the chakras need to be aligned with a Higher Power, or a Higher Self - the more Light one expresses, the more it helps in that alignment. The experience of being in alignment with the Divine is pure joy. The power of mind becomes very small, can't effect the ego anymore...and the chakras spin normally again.

faithy 04-07-2016 10:37 PM

This is a very interest and helpful thread :) I have had some mental illness that I have been able to better control with more understanding of them and more spirituality. Both combined has helped me through my rough days.

Inika 04-07-2016 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by Uma
The chakras are never "ill"
They open to light and close to darkness period.
The one who is messed up is the ego when it identifies with loss or other survival experiences.
The ego controls the mind, even if on a subconscious level.
That manifests through the chakras - basically the ego is closing down the chakras when it is in depression or anxiety.
When there is a brain malfunction or nervous system malfunction this can also result in mental illness.
Trauma does leave its mark on the physical cells and the way the glands function and all of that (study your neurobiology)
In the case of physical malfunction the mind is not able to function normally in and through the physical body.
That's the difference.

Mind and body impact one another.
Soul is in a tug of war between purified ego and messed up ego.
Soul is also impacted by mind and body when it should be controlling both.
To control both is the purpose of enlightenment.

No one said chakras are ill?
You'll find the crown chakra when unbalanced corresponds with depression which is termed as a mental illness. There are of course other symptoms when unbalanced. Not just depression.

The Op wanted to know which chakra corresponds with mental illness. Not chakras being ill.
Maybe you don't know this. But chakras can become unbalanced and even blocked due to traumas and distresses. Maybe you could do some reading up on it.

sea-dove 05-07-2016 12:47 AM


Originally Posted by Uma
I'm just saying that it's the ego that controls the chakras and not the other way around. It's the ego that is the cause

People affect their own chakras but their chakras also affect them.

Thou the thoughts and persons actions and even past lives have affected ones chakras and make them what they are today.. chakras themselves also affect the person too

eg say someone has a very big and energised sex chakra. In such a case even thou this person may be working on controlling his/her sexual thoughts but the fact this chakra is now big will have that chakra influencing now some this person and their thoughts by its stronger energy etc.

How energised our chakras are and the balance of them, also affect us back though we may of caused in the first place for that chakra to be how it is though others too can also affect our chakras with energy eg a healer can alter anothers chakra balance and hence then alter how that other acts, thinks and behaves some. A healer could do this without the person even knowing on the normal conscious ego level that his/her chakras have been altered by another.

Light Seeker 05-07-2016 01:01 AM

I thought all Chakras were interconnected through Meridians and that subsequently any Chakra , if under or over performing could impact on your equilibrium/psyche/mental health.

As ever, this is only what I have been given to understand.

Uma 05-07-2016 06:24 PM

There's a lot of misinformation out there about the chakras based on reading not experience. I have to say I've seen a lot of nonsense about chakras on internet and in books. The best information comes from direct experience from someone who lives in an enlightened space - because they have all chakras fully open - they're seeing clearly not through any filters. There is very little out there of value because the most important knowledge about them has been kept secret for so long.

As someone who studied to become a psychotherapist and has extensive training by an enlightened guru about the chakras, I can say there is tons and tons of confusion about what chakras are about and what the mind is about - and practically no understanding of what ego evolution is about. I have no interest in getting into a debate about what I've already verified for myself. Those who want to know what I have to share can read my posts.

Melahin 05-07-2016 08:26 PM

I think it is important to say that chakras cannot be open nor closed. They are 6 wheels up along the spine, and they are a tantric concept alongside the kundalini. The point of tantra is to unravel the web of existence, thus the rise of the kundalini makes the chakras dissolve into themselves leaving you open and receptive. In this space the 7 lotuses can start to truly blossom (open).

The body in itself are full of energy lines, energy centers (some lies on top of the chakras), and pleasure zones. Mental illness is a blocage in the energy flow. Bipolar is in general a lack of balance. Mani is a lack of grounding, where depression is a lack of space for growth.

sea-dove 07-07-2016 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by Melahin
I think it is important to say that chakras cannot be open nor closed. They are 6 wheels up along the spine, and they are a tantric concept alongside the kundalini.

There are a lot more chakras then 6, most only know the main chakra points.

Phoenix Rising 07-07-2016 04:11 PM

Stellarnova, The next time you visit your doctor, as them that since you don't "fit" into the Bipolar category, do you "fit in" the Borderline Personality Disorder group. I hate the use of fit in, which is why I put the quotes around that. Now if they get this, then ask them to get you into a DBT program. It has really been proven effective for most people suffering from one of the many mental issues. Which like some of the other posters have said, it very well could just be that you are spiritually aware and always have been. Only by chance of an enlightened doctor, did I find out my miseries were because I am a strong empath! So let's hope that they continue to enlighten doctors and social workers about these things.

The other suggestion I have on top of aligning the chakras is the use of crystals that are specific to your needs. If you want to pm me I can give the names of ones that are listed for Bipolar, but I do think that you should look into the Borderline first. I don't like the wording of this group either, as to me it is misleading. It makes one think of having a Multiple Personality Disorder which is something entirely different.

Melahin 07-07-2016 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by sea-dove
There are a lot more chakras then 6, most only know the main chakra points.

Depending on what teachings you follow. The question here is have you ever seen a chakra?

sea-dove 08-07-2016 02:18 AM


Originally Posted by Melahin
Depending on what teachings you follow. The question here is have you ever seen a chakra?

Yes I have, they are extremely beautiful and look like mandalas when seen in full colour and detail. I work on chakras when Im doing healing.

Melahin 08-07-2016 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by sea-dove
Yes I have, they are extremely beautiful and look like mandalas when seen in full colour and detail. I work on chakras when Im doing healing.

Interesting. In Tantra of The Blossoming Lotus that is what is called a lotus. A chakra is something very different. When I saw mine up along my spine they most of all reminded me of supermassive black holes. Yeah they were beautiful, but there is a reason why they need to be dissolved for the grand lotus to blossom into full bloom.

sea-dove 08-07-2016 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by Melahin
Interesting. In Tantra of The Blossoming Lotus that is what is called a lotus. A chakra is something very different. When I saw mine up along my spine they most of all reminded me of supermassive black holes. Yeah they were beautiful, but there is a reason why they need to be dissolved for the grand lotus to blossom into full bloom.

them reminding one of supermassive black holes makes sense too as I think of them also as being like vortexes too.

there is quite a few different ways a person could see them... depending i guess how deeply a person is looking.

Melahin 08-07-2016 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by sea-dove
them reminding one of supermassive black holes makes sense too as I think of them also as being like vortexes too.

there is quite a few different ways a person could see them... depending i guess how deeply a person is looking.

Agreed. It all really depends on perspective. For myself, I have removed my chakras yet I still have the lotuses. That is one of the reasons why I see them as different things.

Uma 08-07-2016 09:14 PM

omg one of these days I will have to write a book to dispel all this nonsense about chakras

Melahin 08-07-2016 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by Uma
omg one of these days I will have to write a book to dispel all this nonsense about chakras

Might be it is there to teach you something if you are open to its beauty?

Divine Consciousness 10-07-2016 08:59 AM

Its not chakras, you need to be hock eye. :D I mean meditation along with continuing your medication.
You just sit in calm place in ease. just watch how your breathe enter in your nostril and reach how deep and belly effected and the same from belly to nostril in breathe out.
Put entire focus on this and no thoughts shall pause your breathe. if your thoughts rise and pause no problem do it again in thoughtlessness. your eyes shall be locked forward in one line into horizon in one line of your eyes. (no movement in eyes and anything appear in front of your eyes you shall ignore it).
This will give you great balance of mind. do it 50 minutes and if you have more time there should be gap of 15 minutes in each two slot of 50 minutes.
This 15 minutes you can utilise in drinking water or go to washroom etc and physical warm up mainly.
If you are working person having any service or other occupation then you can do it 50 minutes least but daily. this surely will work within 3 months (90 days) bring you positive result.

Divine Consciousness 10-07-2016 09:04 AM

You best try to sit straight in very ease and comfort in meditation.

Rakoontay 12-07-2016 03:29 PM

Removed your chakras? Nonsense about chakras?

In my research so far, every modality of healing and a lot of different spiritual teachers from all types heal chakras or at least acknowledge that they exist -- are you saying you don't believe that they do?

Melahin 12-07-2016 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by Rakoontay
Removed your chakras? Nonsense about chakras?

In my research so far, every modality of healing and a lot of different spiritual teachers from all types heal chakras or at least acknowledge that they exist -- are you saying you don't believe that they do?

Are you asking me?

Rakoontay 20-07-2016 01:04 PM

Yes, you basically said chakras were nonsense. I was asking if that is your correct opinion, as I was not sure what you meant exactly.

Rakoontay 20-07-2016 01:05 PM

I meant Uma. I should've probably quoted.

Rakoontay 20-07-2016 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by Melahin
Agreed. It all really depends on perspective. For myself, I have removed my chakras yet I still have the lotuses. That is one of the reasons why I see them as different things.

Oh, ok I also had a question about THIS. So you removed your chakras? How, and why? Only curious. I've never heard of this before.

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