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eyewish 13-11-2011 01:28 AM

jaw movement
Hey, I get jaw movement when i meditate and the scary thing is know one else I speak to about it besides one person has even understood what I mean.

Il write more later I got other threads as well , im new and well I get some mad jaw movement when I meditate and it hurts, i dotn mind the pain but because Ive recently had my nose broken I do worry about it.

I use to meditate last year to the point where after my jaw went up and down and in my tongue went down my throat, can some one explain this to me please? here or pm?

When I do let go I feel a feeling of bliss and I can normally see my chakra better when I do, my eye.

Kristine 13-11-2011 01:35 AM

I don’t meditate well, but the times I have tried I haven’t experienced my jaw moving. Someone else may be along soon that has experienced that.

eyewish 13-11-2011 02:01 AM

Yeh thanks, Its seems like its only me, but one thing I do know the more movement I get and to the point where my tongue goes down my throat the chakra seems more defined and energized.

I got my nose broken a few times this year and it makes em hold back, as my nose etc hurts I get worried my nose is gona pop and fly off!

eyewish 18-11-2011 12:38 AM


IsleWalker 18-11-2011 12:49 AM

Maybe this is some kind of alignment procedure? By guides or maybe just by the chakra energy flow itself?

Ya got me!


eyewish 18-11-2011 01:12 AM

Have you heard of throat friction? Where you use that energy from the throat to intensify the third eye? Well I think that is what ive doen somehow, i havnt a clue how as I only found out about the jaw movement this year, as in I heard people say they neevr heard of it I didnt believe them as I did get foward with the meditation this way last year, but this yera specially afte rmy nose being broken and as I get so much energu going threw me when it happens and I shake my head and soemtiems body vigorously I feel unsafe. I believe this is why it might started to hurt again, Im just not able ot do it like others yet.

I duno how to stop the throat chakra, its basically bother chakras working together.

I recite mantras and the jaw just moves and energises the third eye at the same time.

Yamah 18-11-2011 05:55 AM

I have never heard of such a thing... I know that in Tai Chi it is recommended that you curl your tongue and touch the tip to the roof of your mouth in order to solidify the jaw and improve the energy flow through that area. Perhaps it will help?

eyewish 18-11-2011 03:12 PM

Ill try it but I cant see it making a difference, even if I keep my fingers in my mouth the jaw will cluntch untill the fingers are crushed, lol.

OutWest 30-11-2011 10:10 AM

Hi, I am not very familiar with chakras so I can't give you much advice from there...but, I am a little bit familiar with human anatomy, especially my own :tongue:. I tend to have a lot of sensations in my jaw during meditation as well, but so far, no movement. I also get a tightness and, almost electric, tingle in my jaw and throat, like right at the joint, when I experience energy changes around me or within me.

I have attributed these feelings to my physical make-up. I am fit and am active, but how often do I use all of those forgotten muscles I have? I think that when my jaw begins to feel strange that it's more because some of the larger muscles that make up my face, neck and head are becoming relaxed. This allows the opposing and/or supporting muscles to behave differently than normal. They may spasm or become overused and because they're not the muscles that we are commonly aware of, feel or use in a conscious way- the spasm or stretching may not feel like what we would expect.

Your jaw may be moving due to the underlying muscles that are doing a whole lot of extra work. I was also diagnosed with severe sleep-apnea several years ago because when I sleep (lots of interesting things happen-whole other thread), the muscles througout my throat, neck and mouth relax and contract to the point that my airway gets blocked- a lot. I have surprised many a doc when they look at my studies- I just don't fit the typical criteria for that disorder and the data doesn't really match what they're used to seeing.

As I enter various states of consciousness, my body becomes like a runaway train with no driver, haha. You may have something similar. Please don't think I am trying to suggest that you have a neurological problem :smile: Every human body is full of electricity and that's how our muscles do what they do. Who's to say that if you're channeling your energy during meditation that it's impossible to basically divert some of that electricity from the less important parts of your body? Like the small, no-longer-really-needed muscles strewn around your head...just a thought ??

I re-focus and try to control the entire area, to try and feel each and every movement and it usually dissipates. Have you noticed if your jaw continues to move after you've turned your attention to it? Does your jaw feel fatigued afterward?

eyewish 02-12-2011 11:41 PM

Its hard to explain. I get different types of movements depending on where im looking, how im sitting, how my head is etc.

I would rather pay some one to kill me in my sleep than carry on with this now, ive nearly had enough.

God has always punished me more than others, Ive always been sad, unhappy, a failure, wont ever change.

I got people trying to stop me progress etc, cant do much can I?

The movement happened from day one, just didint know what it was then, I dont do it intentionally and it is so uncomfortable, specially after my nose breaking. I cannot even meidtate now without it hurting

Abundancia 18-12-2011 07:08 PM


Possibly there is something attempting to distract you during your meditation. Perhaps changing from a stationary meditation to an active one such as walking a labyrinth or through the woods might fulfill the 'need' for movement.

Another possibility is, perhaps physically, your meridians have been damaged and the jaw/tongue movements are the body's way of re-aligning them. I would recommend visiting a acupuncturist to assist you with this matter.

I would recommend also to meditate on this subject. Keep an open mind and heart and acknowledge thoughts and sensations as they come but do not dwell on them. Ask for answers before you begin.

What about holding something in your mouth while you meditate? Not between your teeth, but rather under your tongue and against the roof of your mouth, large enough that it holds your jaws open slightly (and is not small enough to choke on). Perhaps a gem stone relating to the throat chakra.

By my strongest feeling is perhaps there is something deep within your psyche that is too traumatic to be found at this time, and thus the distractions come when you near it. Ask for assistance in revealing only that which you can handle per session, and for help assimilating it into your consciousness as needed for your spiritual growth.

Best wishes to you.


eyewish 23-12-2011 03:41 AM


I found that when i repeat i have no fears it makes it more intense but in a less intense way? Theres a certain way it happens and this way it always hurts as it starts but then in the right place its ok.

I am getting use to it now, and its not hurting as much as it did before but with all the noises and crackling its still scary.

I have had confirmations thats it is normal and this has helped me a lot.

I also believe theres a blockage in my eye and this is why the movements are more intense than before.

eyewish 28-12-2011 02:18 AM

Thanks to all that tried helping me etc, I havnt resolved the problem but to those who might have the same problems, I have realised and been told actually that its fairly normal, least for me.

Those movements occur whilst energy is passing threw blocked pathways, passageways etc that havnt been used before, thanks to all thsoe who helped.


Usako 03-01-2012 03:02 AM


Originally Posted by eyewish
Thanks to all that tried helping me etc, I havnt resolved the problem but to those who might have the same problems, I have realised and been told actually that its fairly normal, least for me.

Those movements occur whilst energy is passing threw blocked pathways, passageways etc that havnt been used before, thanks to all thsoe who helped.


I had a similar experience while meditating with a rose quartz, I don't think my jaw moves, but if felt like it was being pulled down...Also I had this pressure on my right eyeball, like if someone was pushing down on it...

Does the eyeball count as a blocked pathway? Here's the link to my experience, in case you want to read about it, or better yet have something to add!:wink:


eyewish 04-01-2012 05:04 PM

ok thanks, lol love your avtar, n pigs mite fly, haha.

in progress 04-01-2012 05:07 PM

Don't worry about the jaw movement. Some people will experience spontaneous movement of various body parts during meditation. I've had that experience myself but not the jaw. It will vary among individuals.

Check this out: http://kundalini-teacher.com/symptoms/kriyas.php

eyewish 05-01-2012 01:02 AM

Thanks you progress, I thought it was a nice touch, seeing a reply and in progress lol.

Im not worried about it in that way like what isit it etc my friend, im worried about the fact that it might cause damage if I totally let go. Before I got my nose broken and last year I didnt have to worry about it, but now my nose is kinda different and still a bit weak, sensative so its hard to tell whats going on half the time. feels like a big bone and muscle moving up and down my nose. If I had soem one realy enlightened come tell me that it wasnt going to cause me no harm and I knew it was true I would go for it 100%.

Its just I know I can only take so many set backs now.

in progress 05-01-2012 08:29 AM

You're welcome. I'm glad it helped.

I was going to say that in reply to your pm but your inbox is full. Just wanted to let you know in case you're wondering why no one seems to be replying to your pm's!

eyewish 06-01-2012 12:56 AM

Lol, funny how I came to this thread and though hmmleme see if messages are sent or if it tells others cannot send mailbox is full, so I didnt scroll down and posted a thread on forum help, *****. Back here and got my answer, thanks.

Thats site is very interesting read for me, im not sure how much its connected to me but, ............... posted and signed at their forum as well, thanks mate.

take care


Usako 09-01-2012 02:35 AM


Originally Posted by eyewish
ok thanks, lol love your avtar, n pigs mite fly, haha.

Well I love pigs and I thought the wings made it look "spiritual", appropiate for these forums!:laughing7:

eyewish 09-01-2012 05:09 PM

Does anyoen know what inside and under the nose? I tried looking it up cant find much help.

were you brought up on a farm or something Suikagirl. Spiritual pig, lol thats funny.

Usako 10-01-2012 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by eyewish
were you brought up on a farm or something Suikagirl. Spiritual pig, lol thats funny.

I wasn't brought up in a farm, but I visited my uncle's (he didn't live there) every weekend.:tongue: Why you ask? Is a love for pigs that weird? If it is then I can say it suits me!:wink:
But also according to the Chinese Horoscope my sign is the Water Pig (Boar), guess I should find a pig wearing a snorkel for when I decide to update my avatar!:D


eyewish 11-01-2012 02:47 AM

Well put it this way, If I saw an angel and she looked liek miss piggy do you know miss piggy? from seseame street? if thats hwo you spell it.

So why did you go to the farm then? to visit the ????? lol


Then again, is talking to plants and calling them sugar weird? lol. What about calling my baby and giving her kisses? lol, Then leaving her?

Usako 14-01-2012 02:50 AM

A pig angel would be hilarious!

He raised pigs, he lived in the city so he had his relatives (which also "owned" the farm) work on it between Monday and Friday, and then on Saturday we went to "work" there, bring food, help with everything needed, also collect fruits from threes, it had everything there! Thanks to that I had a close relationship with nature growing up.

Well I used to hug trees, last time I did it I was drunk and felt the need to hug this huuuuuge three, haha

By the way, being "crazy" is way better than being "normal" in my opinion!:D

eyewish 14-01-2012 07:55 PM

Lol, thanks,

Well its good you got to see alot of things others didnt then. i would thought mostly farmers etc would be more into horses, wasnt you? But god made pigs for a reason after all. lol. I guess its different seeing it on tv and different being there and laughing your head off with so much fun.

Your uncles very lucky, his got best of both worlds.

I dont remember last time hugging a tree, lol I do remember a fairy tale a disney kind of cartoon ages ao where theres a lumber jack and a fairy or something alike, then she shows him how every thing has life in it etc. I never imagined half this stuff was true.


Usako 16-01-2012 02:00 AM


Originally Posted by eyewish
Lol, thanks,

Well its good you got to see alot of things others didnt then. i would thought mostly farmers etc would be more into horses, wasnt you? But god made pigs for a reason after all. lol. I guess its different seeing it on tv and different being there and laughing your head off with so much fun.

Your uncles very lucky, his got best of both worlds.

I dont remember last time hugging a tree, lol I do remember a fairy tale a disney kind of cartoon ages ao where theres a lumber jack and a fairy or something alike, then she shows him how every thing has life in it etc. I never imagined half this stuff was true.


No horses, too expensive. I've only had the chance to ride horses twice in my life, first time I almost fell (I was 9) but I really enjoyed my second time, it was a female, white and fat horse in England.

He was very lucky, he did have best of both worlds, until he had to endure the worst of suffering for five years, and then a death nobody deserves. Sorry, I hope I didn't bum you out, just be glad I didn't share details...

Well I also learned about souls in living beings like trees growing up, although my aunt made me believe the plants cried when I took leaves from them, when I was a baby to make me stop!:D

I am so sorry, it seems I really derailed your thread!!!

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