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jennifer_maan 21-05-2021 07:37 AM

Angelic communication
How would someone communicate with angels? Is it possible?

BigJohn 21-05-2021 07:45 AM

Some people communicate with Arch Angel Michael. All they do is address him and begin speaking. The communication does not have to be audible.

The hardest part is 'hearing' what the Angel says.

Native spirit 21-05-2021 10:08 AM

Angels are all around us all you have to do is to Ask them for their help
you can do this in your thoughts they will hear you.
you have to ask the angels for help. they cant interfere in our lives.


True Angel 06-08-2021 05:37 PM

This is an interesting topic.

Since my 20s I have been seeking spiritual truths. I read a lot about spiritual communication with our Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels. But in my life, I can't say I had much belief that we could talk to them in any way, but I knew about prayer from a young age. And I pretty much thought it was a one-way thing with me talking and wondering if anyone was actually listening, since I never seemed to receive a response.

Then one day in my early to mid 40s, I woke to find my lower back (the tail bone area) in great pain.

Long story short, I asked Archangel Michael if he would please allow Archangel Raphael to heal me because I really needed to attend an important appt. in a couple days.

That night, I went to bed, lying on my stomach. At about 3 am, where the pain was located, I felt a single pop sensation and cool air. Instantly, the pain was gone. I could not believe it! I had communicated with the Angels and they had responded.

A similar scenario occurred some two years later. That time, I had to request the healing twice. The healing arrived at about 5 am, again, with a cool air pop.

For decades, I've been interested in Angels, especially Archangel Michael. I even have a little book where I write brief notes to him. One night, about 5 years ago I had a realistic dream that I was standing in my dark livingroom, calling out (as if looking for him), "Archangel Michael! Archangel Michael! Archangel Michael!" I kept calling. Then under my window, a male voice says, patiently, "Yes?"

Then (as if a portion of the dream was cut out) I am excited and as I walk away from the corner of the livingroom near that window, I repeat a pronunciation of Archangel Michael's name (I later found out it is the Hebrew pronunciation).

After a week or so, I realize I have forgotten the correct pronunciation. So I silently pray to Archangel Michael that I have messed up the pronunciation he gave me, and would he give it to me again. Within a minute, the correct pronunciation popped into my head. I thanked him and promptly wrote it down phonetically, so I could keep it straight in my head. Btw, in that dream I knew that he had given me the pronunciation. The actual conversation is blanked out. I cannot remember any of the conversation, not even what he looked like. IF it was, indeed, him. I often wonder just who responded, but in the dream I appeared certain it was Michael.

A last experience I had was mid to late 2013. I was very depressed, downright miserable. I needed guidance and I wasn't getting any. In one of many such prayerful conversations with God, I lamented that I didn't think anyone was listening--that He wasn't listening--and that I was tired of asking Him for help. I then said that I felt He had forgotten me.

To that comment, I heard a physical male voice respond, "I did not forget you." The voice was deep, authoritative and spoke with a matter-of-fact tone. The words were spoken in a moderate pace. I heard the voice clear as a bell within 18 inches of where I sat. I did not (to this day) think that God spoke to me directly. I felt that he sent an Angel to convey the message, because I was out of patience. Some 6 months later, I took the entrepreneurial plunge. I haven't made much money, but I've been way happier. Nope, He hadn't forgotten me.

What I have concluded since those events, is that it may be that the Powers That Be, might only communicate with some of us when a situation is dire or has reached a breaking point.

Now, when I feel uncertain, I remember the message and know that even if I don't receive a response, God and His Angels are listening. We may not hear a voice, but we may hear sounds (musical notes, tones, our name called, etc) or when we are crying or feel sad, we may feel that sadness suddenly go away. That calm feeling is likely our Guardian Angels or Spirit Guides giving us a much-needed hug and an assurance that all will be well. Thus, spiritual communication is ongoing; we just don't always recognize it nor experience it the way others will.


Miss Hepburn 06-08-2021 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by Native spirit
you have to ask the angels for help. they cant interfere in our lives.

Really? They 'interfere' with mine all the time!:tongue:
Lil things like, saving my life...or just telling me to turn left when I'm
so lost and the directions say turn right...or you forgot, ''You have an appt in 15 minutes!" Huh?
And the Holy Spirit! ---well, that's a whole other story!!
I often am saying, "OK, already!!!!" - "I'll go up to that stranger and say or do..."- what ever the thing is!
Geeze! :biggrin: But I do have a blanket agreement that I can be used like that....
so, ya know, there's that. Lol.

Welcome here True Angel and jennifer. :smile:

Hologram8 06-08-2021 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn

there are lots of different views about angels ~ I read a lot of different books and watch a lot of different youtube channels about the subject~

I said I've never seen one but as soon as I said that I saw one during a guided meditation on youtube ~ they have strange ways of communicating sometimes ~ sometimes not so strange

Traveler 07-08-2021 12:09 AM

My daughter has called on him and she said his energy is too big and it's uncomfortable for her. But he will come if called.

Rah nam 07-08-2021 02:32 AM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
Really? They 'interfere' with mine all the time!

The agreement doesn't have to come from you as the person.

Rah nam 07-08-2021 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by Traveler
My daughter has called on him and she said his energy is too big and it's uncomfortable for her. But he will come if called.

She can ask him or her to scale the energy down a bit.

True Angel 07-08-2021 04:45 AM


Welcome here True Angel and jennifer.

Okay, so I have always been confused about the roles and reality of Guardian Angels vs Spirit Guides.

How do we tell them apart? How do we know if, for instance, it's our GA or SG helping us?

Eons ago, one early morning I was awakened by a heavy jab in my upper arm. There was a fire in the building as I slept. I am certain THAT was my Angel helping me. But some people think their Guides have saved them.

To confuse things even more, some people seem to have Archangels as Guardian Angels. Why?

Annnd some people have said that ET hybrids have (additionally?) Guardian Angels of ET origin.

I find it all fascinating, but what to believe?

Hologram8 07-08-2021 01:41 PM


Miss Hepburn 07-08-2021 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by True Angel
:D Okay, so I have always been confused about the roles and reality of Guardian Angels vs Spirit Guides.
How do we tell them apart? How do we know if, for instance, it's our GA or SG helping us?
I find it all fascinating, but what to believe?

I dunno, exactly.
Except I would say this: My one spirit guide I met in a lucid dream...(now that was a trip!)...is like dry, detached,
used to me not listening or taking her advice -
so, ya naturally would get pretty detached with eyerolls...."Take an umbrella today."
Me: ''I'll be fine'', (Sure if it was sprinkling ---but then I get myself in a deluge with shopping bags.)
Another eyeroll from her, with a yawn, see?

However, if I need spiritual upliftment and inner direction or guidance,
inspiration, encouragement, say, after the death of a loved one - that's when my 'need' gets pushed 'upstairs' and a sweet,
wise, loving, compassionate angel takes over. (Actually a host of them. ..you can feel it's more than one!)
They have the ability to 'infuse' you with, what I call, 'stardust from the spiritual realms', ( some would call Heaven);
filling your being with love and comfort along with clarity of mind.

However, wherever the guidance comes from, I still know and acknowledge
with gratitude and reverence, that its coming from the Big Guy, my Holy Father God and Best Friend extraordinaire.
Angels and guides are just His helpers serving Him and they know it!
(It's all about 'Him', Who has no gender...for me.)

That's my little input on the topic, not being an expert.

Rah nam 08-08-2021 03:29 AM

In my understanding, a so called guardian angel is an aspect of our higher self.
So unless one is angelic the guardian angel is not an angel. And once we understand soul, spirit, higher self are all one, than we know, protect ourselves.

Guides very seldom have the ability to interfere in this way

True Angel 09-08-2021 08:09 AM

Thank you for the responses


My one spirit guide I met in a lucid dream...(now that was a trip!)
Do tell! What happened?


Another eyeroll from her, with a yawn, see?
Hee hee hee. Yeah, we should listen more often.

I joke that my GA (or SG) must be exhausted with me. I don't always follow through on the "heads up" warnings. For example, for months prior to an unknown "I event" I will get periodic stray thoughts to tidy up my apt. I acknowledge the thought is a warning coming from a spiritual being, but I'm a procrastinator. So, 3 or more months down the road, the landlord issues a last minute memo about an apt inspection, or a need to access the apt for some reason. If I hadn't acted upon the warning, I have to rush rush rush. . . Fortunately, I've learned to heed the warnings. :smile:


They have the ability to 'infuse' you with, what I call, 'stardust from the spiritual realms', ( some would call Heaven); filling your being with love and comfort along with clarity of mind.

Miss Hepburn, is this "stardust" a feeling or sensation?

Sometimes when I'm really sad, mentally exhausted and just downright sick of how my life is going, I really just want to cry because I hate my stupid life. And as I am on the verge of crying, this subtle feeling of calm moves in like someone flicks a switch and that sadness and need to cry simply vanishes.

This calming effect seems to come from my right side. When it happens, it is sometimes feels like a faint change in the air close to my body. It's pretty cool when it happens because someone is clearly interceding. It is like someone is saying that it is alright, things will get better, you will get through this.


That's my little input on the topic, not being an expert.

Input that I appreciate. Besides, people don't need to be experts to contribute to others' learning. Many people learn much from the experiences people have. In fact, I think personal experiences and viewpoints derived from personal experiences are more valid and informative, because we can say, "I had a similar thing happen to me". We can then get an idea of what our experience was or meant, etc by comparing it to those of others and what they have concluded about their experience.

When I am on forums and am doing my dream blog thing, I share my experiences, because there is usually someone searching for a similar experience they, themselves, experienced or dreamed.

When we share, we teach. . . I think that we sometimes have certain things happen to us just because the Powers That Be know we can reach different segments of people and share our experiences.


In my understanding, a so called guardian angel is an aspect of our higher self.

I've heard that before. . . . I read that the Higher Self is our Soul. I can imagine that the soul might project itself as an angel or spirit guide in order to save its physical vehicle from prematurely exiting the current incarnation. So maybe the Spiritual Guide or Guardian Angel is the Soul's (Higher Self's) way of stepping in to do damage control.


So unless one is angelic the guardian angel is not an angel.

I read and heard from different sources that the Archangels created Humanity and that we have the potential to become Angels, then Archangels, but none of us have become either except for Elijah (Sandalphon) and Enoch (Metatron) as archangels (a special circumstance, I reckon).


Rah nam 09-08-2021 08:59 AM


I read and heard from different sources that the Archangels created Humanity and that we have the potential to become Angels, then Archangels, but none of us have become either except for Elijah (Sandalphon) and Enoch (Metatron) as archangels (a special circumstance, I reckon).

The Archangels would have not the ability to create a race line humans, this would have to come out of the planetary consciousness stream.
One could make an argument that Metatron had a hand in it, if one stretches the truth a little. First he is not angelic, far from it, he is the galactic Logos and with that, he would oversee everything that happens in this galaxy.
Not every Archangel is angelic, out of the seven, three are angelic.

Everyone can become an angel?
This depends on ones definition of the angelic.
The angelic come into existence through the angelic realms and always return to their own realm, when ever they can. __________________

Rah nam 09-08-2021 09:11 AM


I've heard that before. . . . I read that the Higher Self is our Soul. I can imagine that the soul might project itself as an angel or spirit guide in order to save its physical vehicle from prematurely exiting the current incarnation. So maybe the Spiritual Guide or Guardian Angel is the Soul's (Higher Self's) way of stepping in to do damage control.
The soul can be the higher self in most cases it is not.
Not sure why it would needs to project as an angel, all it has to do is prevent something that is not in line with the personalities development.
This happens more often than most could imagine. Only, we see only those interventions that are a bit more severe.

FairyCrystal 09-08-2021 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by True Angel
How do we tell them apart? How do we know if, for instance, it's our GA or SG helping us?

Eons ago, one early morning I was awakened by a heavy jab in my upper arm. There was a fire in the building as I slept. I am certain THAT was my Angel helping me. But some people think their Guides have saved them.

How do you tell the difference... It feels different. I think both GA & SG are from entirely different planes.
GA have not incarnated but he/she is with you your entire life. As you said, they even prevent you from having an accident when it isn't your time yet.
They hold the blueprint for your life.
A SG doesn't.
To me a SG feels different in the sense they're almost tangible. And I'm not sure, but I think they're easier for people to see a glimpse of with their physical eyes as well. Again because they're almost tangible, from a different plane, closer to us in a way.
Like my mom has seen her father, and a while later my dad & her ex husband that came to look in on her :)
She's never seen an angel or guardian angel.

I have been nudged and once poked in the lower back. The latter making me jump as it was quite hard. I'm almost certain the nudges were angels or my GA as I was at that time asking for a sign.
The poke, however... I was on my PC and totally oblivious, not focusing on sensing anything, nor calling on anyone. I was not amused.
Now I don't think that was a SG but a some spirit nonetheless.

As for ET... only SG have been in a physical body on Earth at some point in time. Meaning anything else could be called extra-terrestrial.
The other day I did a Zoom by Tim Whild on Anubis and if you wanted you could get a Sentinel from Anubis. And then this Sentinel is indeed like an extra. It can get a bit crowded, hahaha. But doesn't matter as you can also have plural SG.

No one has an AA but can work with an AA. AA do not work with only just any 1 person. They have major tasks to fulfil, part may be helping humans, but they also have tasks to help raise the energy on the planet, or animals (AA Fhelyai), Universal tasks etc. etc. They are NEVER anyone's own personal guide although some claim this to be the case. They're wrong.
Many AAs have legions of angels and dragons and often when you for instance call on AA Michael his angels come to help you.

Sometimes I'm not sure either, but generally speaking I call on either SG or my GA. I think the choice is intuitive.

Miss Hepburn 09-08-2021 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by True Angel
..Miss Hepburn, is this "stardust" a feeling or sensation?
This calming effect seems to come from my right side. When it happens, it is sometimes feels like a faint change in the air close to my body.

Ha, the air changes...I'll say! For me, it can precede the event...the barometric pressure in the room changes and
there is, (can be), an 'electricity' in the air, a charge. I'm familiar with it now. :)
Yes! The right side, yup.
This stardust, ha, is actually visual (!), too --like a beam from the spiritual realms (the ceiling disappears, sounds crazy, I know).
For me I received what I needed, I guess - Love that just filled every space in my body,
each inhale was love in my lungs! (So, a 'feeling'!)
Cry your heart out - cuz it changes the chemistry of your body and brain ...it allowing so much to 'happen'; we become so open.
Somewhere I heard it is 'like waxing a slide' in a playground, for the angels. :)

True Angel 11-08-2021 02:04 AM

Oh, wow. . . Thanks guys! Good stuff.


I have been nudged and once poked in the lower back. The latter making me jump as it was quite hard.
OMG, I can totally relate to that. When I was 18, I ended up homeless for 6 months in the dead of winter. Temps back then fell well below 20 degrees at night. I found a safe spot to sleep on the high platform of City Hall. It had metal guardrails at one end, so one night I crouched down, my back against the rails, and covered my head and body with a blanket and managed to drift into a dreamless sleep. Next thing I was aware of was a vicious (hard but dull) whack on the back of my head. I awoke straight away, pulled the blanket off and looked behind me to see who had hit me, but I saw noone. Nor did I hear any footsteps on the ground below. I was puzzled as to how somebody could climb up some 7 feet then get away so quickly. Annnd, I was ****ed that I was even awakened, given my circumstance.

I figured it out (years?) down the road, that my Guardian Angel woke me because my body temperature had fallen too low and I would've been a corpse. He saved me but I didn't appreciate being rescued.

But, man, my GA sure is heavy-handed! That was some strong energy. I believe the same being poked me hard in my arm that night of the fire. Good to know he's on the job.


No one has an AA but can work with an AA. AA do not work with only just any 1 person. They have major tasks to fulfil, part may be helping humans . . .
Yes, I agree. That rings true for me. I believe they are assigned to work with some humans, though I wonder why. Perhaps it is because the person needs extra protection due to the nature of their life goals.


I read and heard from different sources that the Archangels created Humanity

The Archangels would have not the ability to create a race line humans,

Oops! While I had read that AAs created humanity, the material I was referring to actually said that the higher majority of Angels (Jehovah and others under Him) created Humanity. But anyway, same difference.

Respectfully, I'm not aware of the whole consciousness train of thought beyond, un, sub and super consciousness where dreams are concerned.

Since my 20s, I have found the idea that Angels (or even the Archangels) created Humanity, highly plausible. I also believe that the Elohim in the bible, refers to angels of some kind. Or ETs.

Ha, the air changes...I'll say! For me, it can precede the event...the barometric pressure in the room changes and
there is, (can be), an 'electricity' in the air, a charge. I'm familiar with it now. :)
Yes! The right side, yup.
Yesss, the change in pressure! I have felt that a few times in years past. It's kind of audible. I can hear it like, IDK, a pop. . . Can't explain the sound, but I hear and feel the difference in the room. For me, I don't remember offhand if I've ever felt a change in temperature, but I sense something is different. Sometimes, the room will appear to be a little brighter.

Cry your heart out - cuz it changes the chemistry of your body and brain ...it allowing so much to 'happen'; we become so open.
Sometimes I feel better after a good whine and whimper. LOL. But my SG or GA seems to be blocking me from crying. So I move on, feeling calmer. :biggrin:

. . . .

Rah nam 11-08-2021 03:23 AM

It is the Elohim, (I call them the Master builders ) who create all that is physical and the angelic to some degree work with them and so does Rah nam
Be well

True Angel 11-08-2021 03:38 AM


Originally Posted by Rah nam
It is the Elohim, (I call them the Master builders ) who create all that is physical and the angelic to some degree work with them and so does Rah nam
Be well

Ok. :smile:

Do you know what the Elohim look like?

. . . .

Rah nam 11-08-2021 04:23 AM

What does an Elohim look like?
The simple answer to that would be, anything they like, as large or as small, if they choose to show any form.
There are three lines of service within creation, and I see them as the center pillar and the angelic and the Fae on either side of it.
The greatest difference between the angelic, Fae, and the Elohim is, the angelic and the Fae evolve from an basic energy form out of their respective realm and evolving to higher forms, the Elohim come fully evolved out of Source and move through all densities at will.
S, she is the one who oversees my incarnation, just tried to show me how their consciousness can form,reform, stretch, in order to accomplish this.
In comparison with other higher evolved entities or being who have a solid unit of consciousness. For them wanting to serve in lower densities, the processes are very different.
And we all can incarnate, or creating an incarnation. I's like having a foot on the ground, seeing and feeling what is going on.
I feel, I went a bit further than, what do Elohim look like?
I think S wanted me to write this, for what ever reason.

True Angel 12-08-2021 12:01 AM

Thank you, Rah nam. I think you should always write what you feel inspired or guided to write.


Native spirit 12-08-2021 10:04 AM

I would agree with Rah nam


FairyCrystal 12-08-2021 11:15 AM

The Elohim are very high vibrational angels and are Rainbow angels. So I would assume they're rainbow coloured. At least that's how I see them.
I don't see them having a default angelic shape, if there is such a thing. More like a sense of a being with a trail of rainbow light behind it. So not like a human being with huge wings like most (arch)angels.

Legrand 12-08-2021 12:42 PM

An image among others of angel wings


CosmicWonder 12-08-2021 01:23 PM

Very nice discussion…

I’m trying to develop the “wing” attribute to my spiritual body. It’s very hard to do, as there is no one to help me out with how it should be done or what it is about.

Am surely sensing that I was a more simple creature than a human first. Only second time human now. However where I’m from I was able to develop parts of myself other people here won’t develop quickly. There’s no books on what I call my outer mind or mind rings. Nor is there to the pinboard attribute of that part, which makes it so special.

Would like to become a far higher creature/being. But takes a lot. Goes far beyond what I know now.

Much kindness, Cosmic Wonder

CosmicWonder 12-08-2021 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by jennifer_maan
How would someone communicate with angels? Is it possible?

It occurred to me when it happened that they were talking in a way below my human understanding. More like a computing kind of way I was used to in the past. It was telepathic

Legrand 12-08-2021 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by CosmicWonder
I’m trying to develop the “wing” attribute to my spiritual body. It’s very hard to do, as there is no one to help me out with how it should be done or what it is about.

Hello Cosmic Wonder,

Simply need to focus behind you back at heart level, you should feel there two portals that open into an open Space. It's yours wings that give you access to the Absolute without having to pass by your crown Chakra.

Hope it helps


CosmicWonder 12-08-2021 04:25 PM

Thanks Antoine!

winter light 12-08-2021 05:16 PM

Hello Cosmic Wonder,
From my understanding Gabriel is the archangel of Purity and Resurrection. Sounds like what you are looking for. I agree with what Antoine said about the heart. And focusing on the back interesting because it symbolizes focusing awareness on our unconscious patterns to bring them light. Which is exactly what is required to purify the heart. A sure way to get your wings.

You may also consider asking Mother Mary who sponsors the Sacred Heart to help. Our elder brothers and sisters are ready to assist and the wisdom they can offer is well beyond what is understood from earthly knowledge. They can show you the way. Just ask and receive. Could try both Gabriel and Mary at the same time.

CosmicWonder 12-08-2021 05:36 PM

Hii winter light,

Thanks for the feedback! Will look what I can do with these info’s..

Much kindness,

Cosmic Wonder

OldChap 27-08-2021 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by jennifer_maan
How would someone communicate with angels? Is it possible?

It is so refreshing to read that you ask about angels and not archangels.

In the spiritual realm on the other side of the veil of forgetfulness there is a confluence of multi-dimensional energy of unconditional love, compassion, and joy.

That means there is no rank, hierarchy, or superiority there. Those are human attributes and they do not exist there because of the all around knowingness from being all connected, intermingled, and entangled.

And it is also humans that portray angels to have wings or God to be a man with long hair and beard. It is understandable, because we could only explain the unknown with what we know.

That said, the spiritual realm is not somewhere else from here. We are immersed in the spiritual realm. The higher our consciousness, the more of the vast grand whole spiritual realm we could perceive.

At our low state of consciousness, chosen on purpose, we can not perceive much. But take solace in the fact that every action and every thought we have is known in the spiritual realm.

When you reach out to an "angel" for guidance, the spiritual realm will notice and will assist you. But have some patience, because sometimes other things need to be in place first before your request could happen. And don't dwell too much on how or what steps you must follow to communicate with an "angel". You have always been in communication, your whole body is an energy receiver and transmitter.

And who is it in the spiritual realm helping you here? It is the eternal infinitely vast other part of you on the other side of the veil of forgetfulness helping you here in this low consciousness part of reality. Shocking to some that parts of our body are multi-dimensional, meaning we could exist everywhere at the same time.

We are the aware, a part of which came to this very low consciousness part of reality we call Earth to be in the human body interface and being temporary unaware on purpose, all for an amazing adventure to attempt to grow up from spiritual immaturity to greater awareness. Finding ourselves.

An adventure that was made more fun and extremely challenging with us being blessed with free will and an ego mind that some call the survival mind or the mind of lack.

An adventure that spans many lifetimes returning here on a path to gain greater wisdom and maturity, to be more able to uncover and become closer to our true divine nature that is unconditional love, compassion, and joy.

The grand and beautiful process of expanding love and light, only if we choose to do so through free will.

All the best!

Miss Hepburn 29-09-2021 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by OldChap
...And who is it in the spiritual realm helping you here? It is the eternal infinitely vast other part of you on the other side of the veil of forgetfulness helping you here in this low consciousness part of reality.

We are the aware, a part of which came to this very low consciousness part of reality we call Earth to be in the human body interface and being temporary unaware on purpose, all for an amazing adventure to attempt to grow up from spiritual immaturity to greater awareness.!

Wow, that was some informative post...Hard to find only 3 sentences to quote!!!
Just above this one.

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