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Lynn 12-01-2021 04:00 AM

Reach Out - You are not Alone
Hello Members

I wanted to share some perspectives on what many of us are facing that walk that more spiritual path in life, that are called to do the "Light Work" we are going to be tested more than ever, have our very foundations of faith at times rocked to where it wants to crumble. We too will get pas this place in time. So many in the World right now feel lost, feel cut off, and feel that God (g) might will have abandoned us all. I do not feel that is the case more I feel that its a calling and a test rolled into one to see how we as a greater whole handle it all.

I have never personally been so drained as I was over the holiday season and never so happy to have it all over and done with. That is not me, even my tree never went up til the 20th of December and no lights went up outside I just did not have the energy in me to do it. I work retail and that energy so sucked the very life out of me as the frustrations there from the public was at times crushing. Gone was that joy turned into "I will sneak to have family in, I will sneak and travel" in other words I will "put others at risk and be selfish". Was the true reply from the Universe. Hearing so many say they were from a city on "Lock Down" made me want to lash out so much but I held that within.

That energy opened 2021 with a clearer outlook on the value of LIFE and how much we have to be grateful for at times of crisis. I feel more like me again, and I have a better handle on how to not lash out but to put Light out instead on those that do not seem to care about anyone but themselves, it is a Higher Power than any Light Worker to take on them and Karmic Debt will find them in time. We are here to help the World heal. Something that is easy to forget when times get darker around us.

It is easy to loose faith or that connection to a Divine at times like this, to want to just turtle in and say hang it all but that too does nothing. We are here chosen to be here at this time in the World for a reason we might never understand but here we are none the less.

You are not alone....I had my crisis of faith when Covid 19 first hit when I literally had to physically "Smack a wall" with my fist to be heard by someone to help with the physical pain I was in. To break the law to see me and others in need as a patient. I was so blessed. I do not know if I would honestly be here now if I had hit the wall so. I am on that road of healing again when I was told my leg would not heal. I have found that faith again in the Divine I honestly had lost for a time. I even got to the point where I told Heart (my husband here) on site to take me out to pasture and shoot me I was in that much pain. Happy to say that request was not followed up on.

My kids had never seen Mom so down and so low....but to knew I would find the Light to get past it all in time.

Reach out if your feeling lost. Do not suffer it alone I sure did....and that is wrong. We will see our way out of Covid 19 in its own time. Its going to honestly be a while yet. So we are in for a bit longer ride than maybe we expect to have. If one prepares for that possibility then we will ride the wave easier and land safely on the sandy beach.

SF Admin

BigJohn 12-01-2021 07:23 AM

     Thanks Lynn for that soul searching message.
             It is easy for us to get unattached
          but it is nice reading such a message
          from your heart that draws us closer
                   and helps others to see
        who we really are as we discover them.

                  Some might not believe,
                        but we truly are
                         one big family.

Happy Wanderer 12-01-2021 10:29 AM

Lynn, I feel your pain my dear, and that of so many despairing in this difficult period of the evolution of mankind.

I have prayed for strength throughout, and it has not been denied, and I am then able to pass that Light onto others, so I feel truly blessed in so many ways.

The one thing I am really struggling with is to avoid judgement and condemnation of others, as you say, selfish, and concerned only with their own situation, as they see it, curtailed. I have to keep reminding myself constantly that judgement is such a negative practice as it benefits nobody, certainly not ourselves!

What has added to my struggle for positivity is the attack on democracy in the USA, I will say no more about that.....

So yes, Light, Light and more Light! Every time I find myself thinking a dark thought I sing, shout and try to smother the darkness!

"Thy will be done,
on earth, as it is in heaven"

bobjob 12-01-2021 03:39 PM

I'm sorry to hear you've been going through the mill, Lynn. It's pointless me saying much except to say I hear you.

Sadly - very sadly - this pandemic and the other crises right now will get very much worse before we turn the corner. There are, and there will remain, many, many individuals who suffer from the virus and from its after-effects. Much will be lost by many and there's nothing to prevent it.

The more that people take responsibility for their actions, the more they try to do what's felt to be the best things, the more they support whomever they are able to support, the quicker this world will emerge from the gloom.

But we need to be realistic. The world we knew, for better and for worse, has gone. In its place we will find something familiar but very different and likely not a better world in general. Maybe this is the great shift mystics and psychics have been talking about without a single one having had a single detailed clue what they were 'picking up'?

"We're in it together" is what's often heard our side of the big pond but that's bull and not how reality is.

Native spirit 12-01-2021 11:09 PM

I am aware of the pain you have been in Lynn and christmas was difficult for many people all over. it has not been Easy and has tested us all.
Many lives have been lost.

Even now though we are into a new year. Lives are still being Lost. but there is a glimmer of Hope with the Vaccine we are all in it together.


PureDevotionGirl 16-01-2021 04:29 PM

I am sending you spirit hugs, Lynn. I know how you feel. I was pushed to my absolute limit in 2020, not because of the pandemic, but because of my own spiritual circumstances in which I almost lost my body to a paranormal threat. I honestly thought I was going to die. Some how I made it through.

For anyone stressed to the point of contemplating suicide, get some energy healing asap; see if that helps. It can be as simple as giving your spirit guides and guardian angels permission to heal you, but if your energy field is weak, I've learned so much harm comes to you. We need to take care of ourselves. If we do not care for ourselves, it is harder for us to care for others.

If you find yourself lost in life's chaos, retreat to your personal space and reconnect with your spirit. Do something that brings you joy. Surround yourself with things that make you happy. Fill yourself up with as much peace, joy, and comfort as possible so you are whole enough to stand and face the dangerous world outside.

If you need a hand, reach out. I'm here for you.

Starman 17-01-2021 07:11 AM

Its much harder when you have small kids to care for. Fortunately my son is and adult with his own family. But I too am experiencing pain on a daily basis. Severe arthritis in my hips, and excruciating back pain, left over from a covid infection. Walking short distances slowly with a cane these days. Its’ been close to a month now since the ravaging of my body. I have lost track of time, sleeping with heating pads, drinking lots of ant-inflammatory teas, like Turmeric tea, etc., using electric massages, and doing other stuff to keep the pain at bay. There have been times over the past month where I welcomed death, and not having small kids to raise, I have questioned why am I still here. Pain can do some incredible things to us, on top of the pandemic quarantine, etc. It is very important for me, especially now, to be aware of my mental and emotional location. May your trials bring you strength of faith for future journeys. :hug3:

Starman 17-01-2021 08:31 AM

Over the decades a lot of people would comment to me about how strong they thought I was, when actually it was not strength at all. I was the youngest of 6-children growing up in a single parent household, and my older siblings would often tell me not to bother mom with my problems, so I kept my problems to myself.

I went into the army at the age of seven-teen and they preached the false narrative of what it meant to be a man. This was back in the 1960’s when it was said “men are not suppose to cry,” and in Vietnam wounded and dying soldiers out in the field were often told to “eat their pain” and not show it. Which later lead to a lot of emotional problems.

My dearly departed wife taught me that it was okay to ask for help, and how being vulnerable is genuine and honest. Weird, because I worked in the helping profession for 42-years, helping lots of people, but did not know how to ask for help for myself. I became highly independent, and un-necessarily suffered at times when I did not have to.

Its only been in the last couple of decades that I have become comfortable asking for help and allowing others to help me. What others previously saw in me was not strength; it was more like stubbornness, and an ineptness at sharing my feelings. It took time for me to get to a place where I could be open to actual sharing. For so long, for me, sharing was one-sided. But I have learned we do not need to suffer in silence.

janielee 20-01-2021 12:48 AM

Wishing you well, Starman.

BigJohn 21-01-2021 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by Starman
Over the decades a lot of people would comment to me about how strong they thought I was, when actually it was not strength at all. I was the youngest of 6-children growing up in a single parent household, and my older siblings would often tell me not to bother mom with my problems, so I kept my problems to myself.

I went into the army at the age of seven-teen and they preached the false narrative of what it meant to be a man. This was back in the 1960’s when it was said “men are not suppose to cry,” and in Vietnam wounded and dying soldiers out in the field were often told to “eat their pain” and not show it. Which later lead to a lot of emotional problems.

My dearly departed wife taught me that it was okay to ask for help, and how being vulnerable is genuine and honest. Weird, because I worked in the helping profession for 42-years, helping lots of people, but did not know how to ask for help for myself. I became highly independent, and un-necessarily suffered at times when I did not have to.

Its only been in the last couple of decades that I have become comfortable asking for help and allowing others to help me. What others previously saw in me was not strength; it was more like stubbornness, and an ineptness at sharing my feelings. It took time for me to get to a place where I could be open to actual sharing. For so long, for me, sharing was one-sided. But I have learned we do not need to suffer in silence.

Vietnam war made men who survived the war but like you implied, it did not help them find themselves.

If you look around, you will find a lot of men in that same boat, spending a life without never getting out. At least you got out...... highly commendable.

Like usual, thanks for sharing.

astralsuzy 22-01-2021 09:23 PM

I am sorry to hear you were in a lot of pain Lynn. I hope you are a lot better now. I am sorry to hear of all the other people suffering.

Hopefully the vaccine will help the world to recover and we can live normal lives again.

Lynn 23-01-2021 03:36 AM


Like many that are getting older there will be issues that come and go. I am blessed to have a "pain management plan" in place. Off the pain meds do that is a start.

We are in hard times for a bit longer. I just heard that British Columbia Canada where I call home is doing OK with numbers while parts of Canada are on Lock Down. We learned today there will be no BC Day Long Weekend events, no Easter Gatherings, family from outside included in this mix. No visitors to your home. We go to work come home, one person from the house shops for food (once a week). That is life.

The Summer is a "write off" for travel and the boarder inter provincially might close. That is how our World is in our Bubble. Masks are reality for a long time yet as is social distancing and sanitizers. I am OK with that aspect.

We will in time get past this but a shot in the arm is not yet the end of it all its the start of the turn of the page is all in the Covid 19 book.

I will get past my issues....I am too stubborn to lay down.


bobjob 23-01-2021 04:40 PM

The pandemic restrictions situation in BC, Canada isn't much different from that in the UK.

What I've found curious is that our Canuck friends and neighbors - actually snowbirding right now in my winter home resort in Arizona the lucky people - were able to fly into AZ but were unable to cross the border by road. As far as I can ascertain there have been no special restrictions on their movements once they're in AZ.

There appears to be fewer restrictions in AZ than in their home provinces. I'm guessing they'll be able to fly back into Canada without landing restrictions when spring arrives in AZ and it gets too hot for most.

Some might stay in AZ longer, though, if there are tougher restrictions at home!

janielee 23-01-2021 05:10 PM

Thanks for the update, Lynn. Sending you love.

Lynn 23-01-2021 05:30 PM


Yes that is the crock of it all, you can fly in and out and "so called quarantine for 14 days" to most places in the World, yet your screened at the USA land boarder for entry. Yet many just say "Gong to Alaska" and over they came. Now to get on a plane you must pay for a private Covid Test and you are followed up on when you get home.

You still can drive from a Province on Lock Down to shop freely here and stay in a hotel, visit a ski resort or local hotel (cheep rates on now). We are free to go to any restaurant and eat out with friends. They are all social distanced yet cant have that same friend over to our home. There are so many gaps in it all but its how its set up.

I work retail and customers are NOT giving us our 6 foot space or respects and employees feel they are OK to stand right nest to each other as we have been "Temp Checked" at the door coming to work. So again flaws in the system.

We have a lot more freedoms than many in Canada as our numbers have been pretty good, and we have cluster traceable outbreaks. That is not to say we are in the clear. One of our Ski Hills has a outbreak.

In our last Lock Down Home Improvement stores were deemed "essential service so the lines there for Garden Season were unreal. I never went to any of them, I was house bound ill that whole time with severe Sciatica.

It makes no sense at all what is allowed and what is not allowed. I heard that in Manitoba that the police were monitoring streets at Christmas to see whom was going in and out of houses. That police choppers were in the air looking around.

We are looking at closing the road boarders in BC for the long weekend to come. Will see we rely on the tourist income so much here another season gone will be hard on many more.



Originally Posted by bobjob
The pandemic restrictions situation in BC, Canada isn't much different from that in the UK.

What I've found curious is that our Canuck friends and neighbors - actually snowbirding right now in my winter home resort in Arizona the lucky people - were able to fly into AZ but were unable to cross the border by road. As far as I can ascertain there have been no special restrictions on their movements once they're in AZ.

There appears to be fewer restrictions in AZ than in their home provinces. I'm guessing they'll be able to fly back into Canada without landing restrictions when spring arrives in AZ and it gets too hot for most.

Some might stay in AZ longer, though, if there are tougher restrictions at home!

bobjob 23-01-2021 05:47 PM

Some of what you've mentioned is much looser than in the UK.

Here all hospitality and non-essential shopping is all closed - no pubs or restaurants, no shops/stores open unless they sell food. Hotels can open for certain specific purposes connected to the pandemic or moving home. The mantra is "Stay at Home" apart from short exercise sessions, medical visits and food shopping.

There's now talk our government may tighten things further because the infection rates are still horrifyingly high, hospitals are overwhelmed by the numbers of Covid-19 patients, medical staff are physically and emotionally exhausted and it's expected there will be weeks more before any beneficial effect of mass vaccination is evident in hospital admissions.

I fear a lot of individuals still deny or underestimate the seriousness of our situation.

BigJohn 24-01-2021 06:34 AM


Originally Posted by Lynn

Yes that is the crock of it all, you can fly in and out and "so called quarantine for 14 days" to most places in the World, yet your screened at the USA land boarder for entry. Yet many just say "Gong to Alaska" and over they came. Now to get on a plane you must pay for a private Covid Test and you are followed up on when you get home.

You still can drive from a Province on Lock Down to shop freely here and stay in a hotel, visit a ski resort or local hotel (cheep rates on now). We are free to go to any restaurant and eat out with friends. They are all social distanced yet cant have that same friend over to our home. There are so many gaps in it all but its how its set up.

I work retail and customers are NOT giving us our 6 foot space or respects and employees feel they are OK to stand right nest to each other as we have been "Temp Checked" at the door coming to work. So again flaws in the system.

We have a lot more freedoms than many in Canada as our numbers have been pretty good, and we have cluster traceable outbreaks. That is not to say we are in the clear. One of our Ski Hills has a outbreak.

In our last Lock Down Home Improvement stores were deemed "essential service so the lines there for Garden Season were unreal. I never went to any of them, I was house bound ill that whole time with severe Sciatica.

It makes no sense at all what is allowed and what is not allowed. I heard that in Manitoba that the police were monitoring streets at Christmas to see whom was going in and out of houses. That police choppers were in the air looking around.

We are looking at closing the road boarders in BC for the long weekend to come. Will see we rely on the tourist income so much here another season gone will be hard on many more.


I work at a retail store.

Today, a homeless person came in to the store, smelling extremely bad. We had to open all of the doors. The person had no mask, no foot wear and I caught the person stealing a whole bunch of stuff.

In this person's case, there was nothing we could do. Police surely would not intervene and even if we took the stolen stuff away from the person, we would have to throw it away.

By the way...... the homeless person looked very much sick.

BigJohn 24-01-2021 06:38 AM


Originally Posted by bobjob
Some of what you've mentioned is much looser than in the UK.

Here all hospitality and non-essential shopping is all closed - no pubs or restaurants, no shops/stores open unless they sell food. Hotels can open for certain specific purposes connected to the pandemic or moving home. The mantra is "Stay at Home" apart from short exercise sessions, medical visits and food shopping.

There's now talk our government may tighten things further because the infection rates are still horrifyingly high, hospitals are overwhelmed by the numbers of Covid-19 patients, medical staff are physically and emotionally exhausted and it's expected there will be weeks more before any beneficial effect of mass vaccination is evident in hospital admissions.

I fear a lot of individuals still deny or underestimate the seriousness of our situation.

In your second home country, Arizona, some take advantage of the system. For example, the 'poor' are given free food which means that 'other' people show up for their food quota because their is no verification that they are in need.

As for restaurants, a few are at full capacity. I asked how they can do that. I was told, after the Health Department visits them, they can 'do whatever they want'.

bobjob 24-01-2021 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by BigJohn
I work at a retail store.

Today, a homeless person came in to the store, smelling extremely bad. We had to open all of the doors. The person had no mask, no foot wear and I caught the person stealing a whole bunch of stuff.

In this person's case, there was nothing we could do. Police surely would not intervene and even if we took the stolen stuff away from the person, we would have to throw it away.

By the way...... the homeless person looked very much sick.

That individual sounds desperate rather than just criminal. I wonder how many others are similarly desperate and in such a prosperous country? More than one might think.....

bobjob 24-01-2021 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by BigJohn
In your second home country, Arizona, some take advantage of the system. For example, the 'poor' are given free food which means that 'other' people show up for their food quota because their is no verification that they are in need.

As for restaurants, a few are at full capacity. I asked how they can do that. I was told, after the Health Department visits them, they can 'do whatever they want'.

There are always those who will take advantage of any system designed to help the genuinely needy. Here we have business support to try to keep businesses afloat while they have no income so they can function again if we ever escape this pandemic.

It's known there are thousands fraudulently claiming but there aren't the resources needed to authenticate claimants' true status. And even the comparatively few found to be fraudulent claims can't be taken to court as our courts have a huge backlog of cases, delays of up to four years to hear cases have been forecast.

As for restaurants those who sit in them are foolish if they're near capacity. Even at reduced capacity I'd be reluctant to eat in any of them, air-conditioning circulating any virus particles so lots of diners get exposed. Then there's the issue over cleaning and disinfecting shared areas, tables, rest-rooms etc. But everyone must surely be aware by now - mustn't they?

You can lead a horse to water.....

Ewwerrin 24-01-2021 03:53 PM

janielee 25-01-2021 10:55 PM

Beautiful, Ewwerrin

Simply Beautiful.

You are.


PureDevotionGirl 27-01-2021 02:06 AM


Originally Posted by Starman
Over the decades a lot of people would comment to me about how strong they thought I was, when actually it was not strength at all. I was the youngest of 6-children growing up in a single parent household, and my older siblings would often tell me not to bother mom with my problems, so I kept my problems to myself.

I went into the army at the age of seven-teen and they preached the false narrative of what it meant to be a man. This was back in the 1960’s when it was said “men are not suppose to cry,” and in Vietnam wounded and dying soldiers out in the field were often told to “eat their pain” and not show it. Which later lead to a lot of emotional problems.

My dearly departed wife taught me that it was okay to ask for help, and how being vulnerable is genuine and honest. Weird, because I worked in the helping profession for 42-years, helping lots of people, but did not know how to ask for help for myself. I became highly independent, and un-necessarily suffered at times when I did not have to.

Its only been in the last couple of decades that I have become comfortable asking for help and allowing others to help me. What others previously saw in me was not strength; it was more like stubbornness, and an ineptness at sharing my feelings. It took time for me to get to a place where I could be open to actual sharing. For so long, for me, sharing was one-sided. But I have learned we do not need to suffer in silence.

You've been through a lot... I believe there is strength in vulnerability. The issue is finding the place you can be vulnerable and honest without being judged or humiliated for it.

If we were all more sensitive to each other, the world could be a better place.

BigJohn 22-02-2021 01:45 PM

I agree with you.

Starman has set an example for all of us to follow..........

maryglo 08-09-2023 08:31 PM

i am really sorry to hear that... you need to be strong please

crystaladdict99 09-09-2023 05:41 AM

I'm sorry to hear that. Better days are on the horizon.

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