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zinnat 18-04-2021 05:34 AM

Meditation, some answers
As i am on the net since long and seen that there is lot of confusion about meditation. People neither know what exactly it is nor aware of its methodologies. They are also unaware of its physical and mental impacts. Besides that, i also found that these so called formal meditation centers/sites also do not offer anything substantial or really helpful.

As i am personally involved in this, and quite seriously too, since last 30 years and counting, thus thought that perhaps my experience in this field may provide some help to those who are also engaged in it in one way or other, or want to engage in it. And, those, who are not engaged, may be able to get the clearer picture of what actually it is, and what happens in it and why too.

Before i say anything, please realize that i am not trying to promote anything, especially any particular faith/religion. That is not my intention at all. My one and only purpose is to explain meditation, as a pure mental exercise, nothing else whatsoever. And, no religion/faith has any copyright on meditation either. Having said that, i may be forced to use some religious terminology while explaining some details, because of the non-availability any other alternative regarding that phenomenon.

It would be slow thread. I want to go in the details as far as possible and as far as i know, but slowly, step by step, otherwise it would not serve much purpose. I do not want it to be a monologue either. Posters are welcome to inquire further, question and even criticize. I do not know all, but certainly know enough to provide help, especially in the initial phases.

Next post will follow shortly.

with love,

Miss Hepburn 18-04-2021 12:10 PM

Very nice, sanjay. :smile:
Have you read anything yet that is already here in this section?
Always helps to know what has been talked about, that's all.

Welcome here!!! :)

Unseeking Seeker 18-04-2021 05:15 PM


My one and only purpose is to explain meditation, as a pure mental exercise

Hello zinnat!

and here we are, in thought rested stillness ... no mind.

please don’t let my post distract you, even though offered in sincerity!

happy to meet you and look forward to your further posts!

zinnat 19-04-2021 04:09 AM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
Very nice, sanjay. :smile:
Have you read anything yet that is already here in this section?
Always helps to know what has been talked about, that's all.

Welcome here!!! :)

Yes Hepburn, I have read quite a lot of threads posted in this section. And, what i have in the mind is going to be quite different and detailed too.

with love,

zinnat 19-04-2021 04:11 AM


Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker
Hello zinnat! happy to meet you and look forward to your further posts!

Thanks, seeker.

with love,

zinnat 19-04-2021 04:25 AM

This particular post is not about meditation per se but some sort of conditioning or getting prepared for meditation. And, believe me, it helps a lot especially to those who are new to the meditation. Not only that, this process will help practitioners in all aspects of their lives.

Before anything else, the first thing to learn is to establish direct two way connection between conscious and subconscious mind. Here is very simple method of it and this will help in many other ways too.

All one needs is 20 min in 24 hours for this.

When going to the bed in the night, do not sleep at once. Devote roughly half an hour to yourself daily. When one is going to sleep, after finishing all your work, he/she just has to down calmly for some seconds there on the bed and close your eyes. Let some breaths go in and out smoothly then try to remember what you did during the whole day from waking up till going to the bed. Start from the event one, whether important or not. Then try to remember and judge your state of mind while doing different actions, like whether you had a fight with your boss or employees, love or quarrel with you spouse, etc. Go in the details as much as possible and try to see the motives behind your actions, examine your frame of mind doing a particular action, and, also try to judge whether your actions and intentions were right or not, and then sleep.

That is all one has to do.

But, please understand that though it looks very simple, but it is not. It would be somewhat thrilling for some initial days, but, sooner or later, that moment would come when your mind would refuse to stick to it and tells you quietly that let us bunk it today. And, if you fall in the trap, it would argue more profoundly next day for avoiding it by telling you that you have some more important things to think about, so why engage in this useless exercise. And, if you make a gap of some days, then you have to start all over again.

Just remember one thing.

Never keep your eyes open doing so otherwise that system would not be activated and eat slightly less at dinner to avoid falling asleep immediately.

with love,

Gem 19-04-2021 07:44 AM

Sounds good.

Ciona 20-04-2021 12:09 AM

Looking forward to reading here.

zinnat 20-04-2021 02:38 AM


Originally Posted by Gem
Sounds good.


With love,

zinnat 20-04-2021 02:39 AM


Originally Posted by Ciona
Looking forward to reading here.

Of course, you are most welcome.

With love,

zinnat 20-04-2021 04:00 AM

As i said in my opening post, i am going to discuss not only what but why too so after reading my suggestion of doing of above mentioned practice each night, the first question that must have been crossed to everybody's mind, is why do all this, in the first place? What is its purpose, why it is necessary, or how it can be helpful in any way? What it has to do with the meditation? Is it meditation, and if not, what else is meditation?

Let me address these questions to the best of my abilities: what i experienced in person, what i derived via those and what i learned through other sources. But, let me make one thing very clear here that, though my explanations may have some borrowed portions, but my experiences are absolutely not.

The first thing that is required while discussing anything is its definition. One cannot know for what exactly one is looking after unless one has its that much clear definition, which is enough to recognize that particular thing.

Thus, first of all, we have to define meditation, but, the problem is that the meditation neither can be defined nor understood without understanding our mind, thus, we have to go though those details of the mind which are necessary to understand meditation.

As most of the intellectuals agree that mind is basically works in two ways: consciously and subconsciously, or we can say that our mind is divided into two basic parts: conscious and subconscious. Conscious part/working or the mind is that phenomenon, with which we mostly determine as ourselves. We have direct and total control over it. On the other hand, we consider that our subconscious mind is not in total control of ours. It rather learn/experience though conscious mind, derive conclusions autonomously, and impose those on the conscious mind. This theory is by and large true.

But, there are some more details, which are very pertinent here to understand both of the working of the mind and meditation as well.

The fact of the matter is that our subconscious is even more dominant over its counterpart that we assume. It is subconscious that takes most of our decisions, though mostly indirectly. The act of thinking/learning is mostly done by the subconscious mind only. Being in the direct control of the body, conscious merely implement the decisions of the subconscious. What we consider as habits, are nothing but the default/permanent decisions of the subconscious, and that is precisely what forms what we use to term as will. And, for whatever reasons, whenever conscious goes against those default/permanent decisions of the subconscious, we call it will power. And, that is precisely why it is called free will. It is called free only because it is still within the capacity of the conscious, but this does not mean that it very easy to implement, though the term free gives somewhat impression. Free merely means it is available, nothing else.

And, meditation is all about this will power. In simple terms, meditation is nothing but breaking that default dominance of the subconscious and making it listen to the conscious.

One more important thing to understand here is that though conscious and subconscious use to interact constantly, but it is mostly one way traffic: from subconscious to conscious. The duty of the conscious is mostly limited to inform the subconscious, what conscious has experienced through the body. Or rather, the system works in such a way that being in a kind of witness/spectator position, subconscious is automatically aware of the experiences of the conscious. Conscious cannot hide anything from the subconscious, but on the other hand, the majority of the working of the subconscious remains hidden from the conscious.

Again, meditation is all about removing this one sided veil and allowing conscious not only witness but also interfere in the working of the subconscious by converting this one way traffic into two way.

I think that is enough for one post.

One thing i want to say the readers. I do not want this thread to become a monologue. All questions and criticisms are welcome and i will try to address those to the best of my abilities.

with love,

Unseeking Seeker 20-04-2021 07:35 AM

A continuum of mindfulness, wherein our softened attention remains within reach of our active awareness, with continued practice, as a way of life, possibly blurs boundaries between layers of consciousness.

Reworded, taking the subconscious to be latent impressions and conscious to be our prioritised cognitions, once we deselect accordance of mind body (ego) related preference, we get nearer to a continuum of unbroken awareness, on an as is, where is basis.

Someone recently was asking about difference between waking, dreaming and deep sleep. Now, if we be relatively, in as much as able, impressionless, simply present, we may witness mind body slipping into sleep, whilst awareness is held still, effortlessly. On ‘waking up’, the mind body awakens whereas we always were awake. Just citing this as an illustration.

Likening subconscious to tamas, conscious to Rajas and meditation to sattva Guna of state of being, our affinity as of hearts desire births manifestations.

But what determines hearts desire? How may it be brought closer to Gods love vibration? These are matters for contemplation in aloneness.

zinnat 21-04-2021 03:27 AM


Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker
A continuum of mindfulness, wherein our softened attention remains within reach of our active awareness, with continued practice, as a way of life, possibly blurs boundaries between layers of consciousness.

Reworded, taking the subconscious to be latent impressions and conscious to be our prioritised cognitions, once we deselect accordance of mind body (ego) related preference, we get nearer to a continuum of unbroken awareness, on an as is, where is basis.


i am sorry to say that i cannot wrap my head around your post. I simply fail to understand what you exactly mean by all that thus unable to comment anything.

Please avoid highly metamorphic language as more often than not it becomes vague. Secondly, as english is not my first language so it troubles me more. I would appreciate simple, plain, clear and to the point conversation.

with love,

Unseeking Seeker 21-04-2021 03:45 AM

@ zinat ... please ignore my post and continue! :)

zinnat 21-04-2021 03:47 AM

Let us continue with the main issue of the thread.

After reading what i said about daily introspection practice at night and the relation and working of conscious and subconscious minds, one is entitled to ask a question how all that fits in the context. So, first of all i must make it clear what is purpose of all that.

If we take a closer look at the mind, we would find that mind mostly remember things via references or markers. That is a quite natural phenomenon. As it stores a lot of memory, many times more that we assume, thus, it cannot be put in any unorganized manner scattered all over the place. There has to be some kind of order otherwise it would be very difficult to recall any old memory when it is required immediately. This arrangement is quite similar to that of a big library, where books can be placed either alphabetically or according to the time frame, but there has to be some order to enable the locator to find the required book in real tine. in the same way, the mind uses a small reference or marker to remember a long event. It is its default mechanism and cannot be overruled in any case.

To explain this phenomenon further, i would like to put forth an old folklore from Hinduism.

Once there was a very learned and famous sage, and people used to come to him for learning and help in issues from all over. He also had a son, who was stupid and lazy but wanted to get the benefits from the knowledge of his father. So, one day he asked his father to teach him the mantras for immorality. The sage refused by saying that there are no such mantras, but the son kept on insisting. And, when his father continued to ignore him, the son gave up eating and said he would die fasting if his father did not grant his wish. Seeing no other option, the sage lastly agreed to teach those mantras to his son. The son became very pleased to hear that and also asked his father to teach mantras immediately. But, the sage calmed him down and said that he would teach the mantras tomorrow early morning just after taking the bath.

Next day, as asked by the father, the son took the bath in river and came to the sage eagerly. Then, the sage said that though he (sage) is telling the mantras to him (son), but also warned that there is still a small but necessary condition remains to be fulfilled. The son asked what it is, and the sage told that it is necessary that the remembrance of the monkeys should not come in one's mind at all while reciting those mantras, otherwise immortality could never be achieved.

Hearing this, the son laughed saying that as the thoughts regarding the monkeys never come to his mind, so it is a non issue for him. The sage told the mantras, asked his son to repeat 100 times, warned his son again regarding the monkeys, and left.

Now, as soon as the son started reciting the mantras, the first thing popped up in his mind, was a monkey. He became surprised and thought it is just a chance, but monkeys refused to vacate his mind. He kept trying to forget them, but the more he tried to forget them, the more they continued to haunt him. Years passed, but neither monkeys left the son nor he became immortal.

Obviously, the story is not true but fabricated only, but its moral is absolutely true. That happens in reality because that is how our mind works. And, my suggested mental exercise is based precisely on the moral of above mentioned folklore.

We use to come across to many different circumstances daily, and quite obviously, we have to somehow deal with those too. But, our way of dealing does not always happen to be in such a way what it ought to be, even according to ourselves. And, for meditation, that intent is the first thing to have. It is not the issue here what is right or wrong according to one's thinking. That is still to be known by one, but one must be committed to follow honestly what he considers right. My focus is on the intent of being right, not much on the right deduction of being right. If the intent of being right will be there, being right will follow sooner or later. And realize, that this what it ought to be is not regarding only societal issues, but all verticals of the life like business, profession, job etc.

But, in the loud noise of ambiance, and also because of that much fast pace life we live today for whatever reasons, we never get the chance to reevaluate what we have been done, thus lose the opportunity to correct it too. This mental exercise will certainly help in that regard.

But, the question, how it can help, is still unanswered.

When we would start reevaluating our every day's actions and our frame mind while doing those also, that would slowly but surely start creating a reference/mark in our mind about our intents and actions. Of course, we will judge (or came to know later through experience) some of our intent/actions right and some wrong, but every such reevaluation would darker the reference in our subconscious mind by one notch. And, if one keep doing it for long enough and continuously too, that will create a default warning system in the subconscious mind, and whenever that very situation arises again, it would tell conscious mind immediately how to handle that situation.

It is something like what we have safety software in our phones and computers. Whenever that software finds any bug, or we try to do anything such which may harm the device in any way, safety software immediately warn about the danger, and we correct the course too. The same this mental exercise can do for our mind. Though, our mind still uses this mechanism, but only sparingly, not always.

With this, i think have covered all questions that may arise pertaining to what i have been said till now, thus I will move to the basics of the meditation methodologies/exercises from the next post.

with love,

zinnat 21-04-2021 04:17 AM

One more thing.

I have gone through many threads posted in this forum and found many pertinent questions put up by posters like various experiences during meditation and importance of stillness during meditation etc. I will try to cover all that in this thread as much as possible.

Having said that, posters can also put their questions/queries directly here in case i miss anything.

with love,

lomax 21-04-2021 01:32 PM

Nice thread zinnat.

Still_Waters 21-04-2021 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by zinnat
I have gone through many threads posted in this forum and found many pertinent questions put up by posters like various experiences during meditation and importance of stillness during meditation etc. I will try to cover all that in this thread as much as possible.

I am looking forward to your insights on the "various experiences during meditation and the importance of stillness during meditation etc."

zinnat 22-04-2021 03:15 AM


Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker
@ zinat ... please ignore my post and continue! :)

Ignoring you or anyone else is not intention. My only point is that conversation in such issues is that much clear so no one gets confused. All issues, irrespective of how complex they are, can be narrated in plain and simple language. There is no need of any kind of intellectual contraption.

Secondly, seeing Delhi as your location, i am assuming that you are also an Indian like me. I live at Jhansi (U.P) which is around 400 km south from Delhi.

with love,

zinnat 22-04-2021 03:16 AM


Originally Posted by lomax
Nice thread zinnat.


with love,

zinnat 22-04-2021 03:19 AM


Originally Posted by Still_Waters
I am looking forward to your insights on the "various experiences during meditation
and the importance of stillness during meditation etc."

Yes, Of course.

I have gone through your thread and that is precisely why i mentioned your point here above.
I will take up your point very soon here in this thread. Please keep reading.

with love,

zinnat 22-04-2021 03:56 AM

Let me resume from my basic premise about meditation-

It is all about reversing the default process of information/ knowledge flowing from conscious to subconscious.

In a single line, that all what the meditation is. So, the first question comes to mind, how can one do that!

Before understanding that, we have to remember that subconscious mind is many time more stronger than the conscious one. So, the most obvious way to reverse this process is to make conscious mind stronger.

Now, how can we do that!

Mind works in the same way as the physical body does. when we want to make any part of the body stronger, we try to use that body part more and more, and over the time, the muscles of that part becomes developed and stronger. We all see that with body builders. We have to do the same in the case of conscious mind too.

The very simple and perhaps the only way to do this is to focus the conscious mind on one thing continuously. That thing can be anything, a mantra, A picture, a thought, a sound, light or any thing else. The object of concentration does not matter much. From my personal experience i can say that without any hesitation.


It is the same as one is doing cardio exercise. As we know that there are many types of cardio exercises like jogging, running, skipping, running stairs, burpees etc. They all are different types of exercises but their impact on the body is the same. They all burn fat and makes our heart stronger. The same is with the concentration. Irrespective of the focused object, all kinds on concentration give the same result. The differences comes only after certain stages, and we will discuss that later to avoid any confusion.

Technically speaking, the focused object may be anything, but for practical reasons, it is easier and more fruitful not to choose anything as an object which is being seen by the eyes. Again, the reason for that is our default mechanism of us being conscious. For a normal person, all the time he/she is awake, conscious mind pays the most attention to what we see with the eyes. The experiences of all other organs comes later. This is a natural phenomenon. During all awaken times, the consciousness resides in the eyes all the time, unless it is required to pay attention to other organs because of some important reasons. So, if we keep our eyes remain open during mediation/concentration, it would not help much because in that case it would be very difficult to concentrate the conscious mind on anything other than what is being seen with through the eyes . Mind will again and again come back to what we are seeing with the eyes. So, the only remedy is to keep the eyes closed and find something else to focus upon.

Many of us may themselves have experienced in their lives or seen others closing their eyes while thinking seriously on anything. That is quite natural. And, reason is precisely what i stated above, the default process of the conscious mind is paying attention to the eyes all the time. When we think seriously on anything, we force our conscious mind to focus exclusively on that thing. And, in order to do that it has to withdraw its focus from eyes and thus they close.

To understand this, i would like to put this into computer terminology. Think that the conscious mind has A certain RAM( Random access memory), Say 3 GB and, 2 GB from this is deployed all the time to eyes and rest 1 GB takes care of the rest of the body. But, when we force it to concentrate intensely and exclusively on one thing, that 1 GB spread all over the body becomes insufficient and that forces mind to withdraw permanent deployed 2GB Ram on eyes and use it to that issue. And, the only way for the mind to withdraw its focus from the eyes is to close them because as long as they remain open, the mind would have no choice but to focus on what is seen by the eyes.

I think that that would be enough for one post.

with love,

Unseeking Seeker 22-04-2021 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by zinnat
Ignoring you or anyone else is not intention. My only point is that conversation in such issues is that much clear so no one gets confused. All issues, irrespective of how complex they are, can be narrated in plain and simple language. There is no need of any kind of intellectual contraption.

Secondly, seeing Delhi as your location, i am assuming that you are also an Indian like me. I live at Jhansi (U.P) which is around 400 km south from Delhi.

with love,

Ah! What I meant was that perhaps my post could sidetrack the flow of your sequential presentation, therefore ignore!

I’m also all for simple presentation but maybe I use metaphors since I’m a poet at heart. Actually, what I had said is straightforward, in as to my mind. Drop thought, retain awareness, exit doership, surrender and imbibe bliss, without memory imagery or anticipation and keep vaporising until lower and higher minds align with love in our heart. Anyway, please do go on and we can save all this for the Q&A at the end!

I’ve visited Jhansi many times on business. Not any longer. Quaint army Cantonment. Close to Khajuraho and other tourist spots.

Gem 22-04-2021 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by zinnat
It is all about reversing the default process of information/ knowledge flowing from conscious to subconscious.
In a single line, that all what the meditation is. So, the first question comes to mind, how can one do that!

Before understanding that, we have to remember that subconscious mind is many time more stronger than the conscious one. So, the most obvious way to reverse this process is to make conscious mind stronger.

I'm pretty much on track with what you're saying. Recalling your day each night is good to reflect on and helps you be more conscious. Being compelled by what happens in unconsciousness is a problem and becoming more conscious is beneficial.

I suggest that the object of concentration makes a difference, as some objects arouse passions, appeal to obsessions, are emotionally charged, and generally incite aversions and cravings, which is counterproductive to the purpose. Another issue that matters is if the object is already occurring, such as breath, or if the meditator generates the object, such as mantra. That makes a difference in the sense that the former is non-volitional (just observe), and the latter volitional (make it happen).

A human Being 22-04-2021 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by Gem
Another issue that matters is if the object is already occurring, such as breath, or if the meditator generates the object, such as mantra. That makes a difference in the sense that the former is non-volitional (just observe), and the latter volitional (make it happen).

I'm thinking it boils down to temperament and personal preference as much as anything, I don't think one method is necessarily inherently better than the other (I've personally tried mantra meditation but wasn't really feeling it, I prefer to just observe the breath instead because it feels less contrived to me - but that's not to say that mantra meditation can't be effective for others).

Unseeking Seeker 23-04-2021 03:10 AM

@ a human being ... the optimal mantra, as needed by us may be directly known, in stillness, directly from the universe. when we release our self, unshackling consciousness from past conditioning, we should, in my view, let go of memorised mantras and techniques as well, as they all are rooted in lower mind.

as we too disappear, metaphorically speaking, mantras that are needed to hold our attention through our varying states of oscillation through waking and sleeping, are automatically cognised unmistakably. ultimately, the mantra melds with the inner sound current, which is subtly at play in an unbroken continuum within.

all techniques appear useful to balance and focus to start of with, like a tripod on a bicycle, until we simply flow automatically, without aids. it is our burning yearning to rekindle our own divinity within, on a moment to moment basis, all moments entwined, that enables God cognition in both void and all manifestation, without limited doership. as long as there is a seeker seeking, identity (ego) is manifest as a blockage.

it is not easy to wave away conditioning. yet, we may witness it with nonchalance. for example, what is ohm (ॐ) mantra to a Hindu, may be Amen to a Christian or Ala to a Muslim. yet, we are none of these structured man made identities.

zinnat 23-04-2021 03:44 AM


Originally Posted by Gem
I'm pretty much on track with what you're saying. Recalling your day each night is good to reflect on and helps you be more conscious. Being compelled by what happens in unconsciousness is a problem and becoming more conscious is beneficial.

I suggest that the object of concentration makes a difference, as some objects arouse passions, appeal to obsessions, are emotionally charged, and generally incite aversions and cravings, which is counterproductive to the purpose. Another issue that matters is if the object is already occurring, such as breath, or if the meditator generates the object, such as mantra. That makes a difference in the sense that the former is non-volitional (just observe), and the latter volitional (make it happen).

As you have noticed, i already mentioned that the object of concentration makes a difference but not in initial stages.
What one needs in initial stages?
Practice and forming a habit of concentration. As it is new thing for starters thus it becomes somewhat easy for the practitioner to concentrate on such a subject which is familiar to him/her, instead of totally new thing. So, it helps to some extent initially. One can always change the object after learning how to create and maintain concentration.

with love,

zinnat 23-04-2021 03:51 AM


Originally Posted by A human Being
I'm thinking it boils down to temperament and personal preference as much as anything, I don't think one method is necessarily inherently better than the other (I've personally tried mantra meditation but wasn't really feeling it, I prefer to just observe the breath instead because it feels less contrived to me - but that's not to say that mantra meditation can't be effective for others).

Yes, you are right. As we all are different to some extent thus it is quite possible that what method is working of one may not work of others. But, if one keeps trying, sooner or he/she automatically finds the way how to finetune the things.

The only thing which is required is intention to carry on. If one does have that, everything else falls in place almost by default.

with love,

zinnat 23-04-2021 04:47 AM

As i have said in my OP, there is too much confusion around about meditation and related issues like mind, consciousness and soul etc. What exactly are these things, how are they related to each other and how they work. The problem is we cannot understand meditation without understanding these pertinent things in the first place. We have to get the basics right in order to manifest clear understanding. So, i am going into the details of all that before touching the methodology of meditation.

Contrary to what is generally believed, humans are not a singular entity but a three fold one. The innermost ingredient is consciousness, then it is wrapped by soul and then by physical body. Thus we are three folded entity. The soul is not consciousness. All of our three folds are made of different matter. Or, in other words we can say these three correspond to three different dimensions.

The consciousness is eternal and unchangeable. It does not do anything but just witness or feel whatever is happening to outer two bodies. As it is eternal thus it knows all, right from the its origin till now But it cannot do anything about it. The next layer is soul which is just like outermost human body but made of different matter which is subtler than our matter. Not only body but it also has its own mind. What we call subconscious is nothing but soul's mind. Then comes the outermost layer which is human body, made of most crude form of matter which has its own mind too- conscious mind.

The important thing to understand here is that the soul is not eternal. Though it is made of different and subtler matter thus improved version of human body, but still not eternal. It takes birth and dies just like human body but its life span is very large in comparison to ours, so large that for all practical purposes, we may call it eternal but not truly eternal in its strict sense. It feels pain and pleasure just like us. What we consider gods(Not the God) or higher supernatural entities, as mentioned in almost all major religions, are nothing but souls freed or not wrapped from human wrap. In other words, we can say that a god resides in each and every human.

Then comes consciousness. As i said above it is eternal and unchangeable but not a doing entity. It does not do anything, not even thinking but just feels. It does not have any mind on its own but permanently connected to soul and human minds. To be more precise, mind is that part or rather anomaly caused in consciousness though separated thus it is also eternal like consciousness but unlike it, mind is a doing entity and does all the thinking. Because of being eternal, and also having its default nature of thinking, it never stops thinking, no matter how hard we try. Its this very nature cannot be undone by any effort or means. The only thing we can do to tame it, is to keep it engaged in something.

And, that is precisely what meditation is.

The details are still not complete but the post is getting too long to be comfortable for the viewers so i will complete pending details tomorrow.

with love,

Unseeking Seeker 23-04-2021 08:46 AM

Great stuff Sanjay! Waiting for the meaty part ... :)

Still_Waters 23-04-2021 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by zinnat
The very simple and perhaps the only way to do this is to focus the conscious mind on one thing continuously. That thing can be anything, a mantra, A picture, a thought, a sound, light or any thing else. The object of concentration does not matter much. From my personal experience i can say that without any hesitation. Even the image of one's girlfriend or boyfriend or even *DELETED* would fetch the same result.

I agree completely. I believe that it was either Ramana Maharshi or Ramakrishna who told a farmer disciple to concentrate on what he loved most ..... and it was the bull with which he spent so much time tending to his fields.
From the one thing, one can proceed to the stillness.
Your point is excellent.

Still_Waters 23-04-2021 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by zinnat
Contrary to what is generally believed, humans are not a singular entity but a three fold one. The innermost ingredient is consciousness, then it is wrapped by soul and then by physical body. Thus we are three folded entity. The soul is not consciousness. All of our three folds are made of different matter. Or, in other words we can say these three correspond to three different dimensions.

Hazrat Inayat Khan described the soul as "energy loaded with consciousness".
There are so many descriptions for the entity, including the pancha kosha (the five bodies of man) in Hindu literature.
In any case, I understand your point as it is very clear thus far.

zinnat 24-04-2021 03:43 AM


Originally Posted by Still_Waters
QUOTE 31 EXCERPT:In any case, I understand your point as it is very clear thus far.

Thanks.I am trying to explain as much details as possible and in the simplest terms too. Having said that, it is not possible for me cover every detail. So, readers are welcome to question further.

with love,

zinnat 24-04-2021 04:16 AM

Let us continue with the thread, the remaining details.

In order to understand meditation clearly, We have to understand mind and consciousness, their default working characters, and their relation to each other. Meditation cannot be understood without this. This is precisely the reason why it looks weird or useless to some people. let me state this as i found and understood.

Many intellectuals will object to this and claim that i am stepping into religious zone but i am not. As i mentioned above that as i found and understood., means what my personal experiences told me, Not any religious book. That is altogether a different thing that one may find something like that in some religious books also but i cannot help it.

Like most of the modern intellectual populace believes that mind and consciousness are the same thing but they are not. They are entirely two different entities but work closely with each other. Not only that, they cannot work without each other. Mind is a doing entity while consciousness is a feeling entity. Mind collects all the data from the physical organs and think over it. Consciousness neither does anything in this process nor interfere. But, consciousness has the data of all the past experiences. Means, our memory in not stored in the mind but consciousness only. However, both these entities are that much entangled with each other that for all practical purposes, they act as one not two. So, Mind think over whatever data it gets from the body, compare it likewise experiences which are stored in the consciousness as it(Mind) has full access to that memory.

Meanwhile, consciousness does nothing but remains a mere spectator in all this process but as mind goes through the analysis of present and past experiences, Consciousness feels/rewinds all those instances and thus cased present and past feelings. Now, lastly, mind takes action according to those feelings and directs body to act accordingly. And, this process goes on and on throughout our life. It looks a lengthy process but it happens instantly in reality.

To understand this working and relationship of the mind and consciousness, I would like to put an analogy forth. If we think in the terms of a computer, body is hardware, Mind is software while consciousness is like a spectator/Operator, who is looking at the screen.

One more issue is related and pertinent here, though somewhat outside the scope of the thread, But i would like to take that up right here.

As i said above that both of mind and consciousness exist and work in a very much amalgamated form and mind has access to what is stored in the consciousness. That is true for all practical reasons but not entirely. The fact of the matter is that the mind does not have access to all what is in the consciousness but only a limited portion of it, though that limited access is enough for routine working but still incomplete.

If anyhow mind is able to get the full access of the consciousness, That is enlightenment, Nirvana or whatever one wants to name it. Believe me or not, it is as simple as that. There is nothing else to know or attain whatsoever. All information/Knowledge that the mankind wants to have, is right there, inside everyone. All we have to do is to get access to that. There is no need to go to Kaaba or Himalayas. And, every quest will be over, right from big bang up to the God. Both of science and philosophy will be done.

And, that is precisely what the mediation is meant and designed for. Mediation enables mind to realize that consciousness is different from it and also gives access to that extent which is not possible normally.

with love,

zinnat 24-04-2021 05:40 AM

Before readers get curious or suspicious about me and my source of knowledge, i think that it is right time to share some details about myself and how i learned all this.

I am an Indian, lives in India and a Hindu both by birth and religion. i got involved into meditation in my late twenties, though accidently. I basically belong to an upper middle class business family but because of some bad decisions, my family lost all when i was around 25-26. Those were very desperate times which forced me look for out of the box situations.
During that struggle, i came close to a muslim religious person, who again introduced me to one of his relative.
Quite naturally, this other fellow was also a muslim. He was some sort of small Guru kind of person. And, surprisingly, even being a muslim, he was a devotee of goddess Durga (a hindu diety).
This Guru gave me a mantra to worship Goddess Durga and asked to meditate on that. I took his advice very seriously and started meditating. As i was very desperate and somehow i believed that all my hardships would end by meditation, thus my intensity was very high. Within some months, i got some breakthroughs and keep inquiring to that guru about further course of action. But, very soon he became short of answers. So i understood that i had crossed his limitations and he cannot help me anymore.

Then, my first Muslim friend, who introduced to me this guru, asked me to meditate on Kalma and Ya Allah.
I started doing so and to my surprise, the results were exactly the same when was meditating on Hindu mantras.
Then i realized that mantras or which religion are those belong do not matter at all. The only thing that matter is the intensity/concentration of the meditation, nothing else whatsoever.

This phase of my life went on for almost 3 years. And, in those three years, i did nothing but eating, sleeping and meditating. I broke many barriers during that time but nothing changed in real life. Then, some one offered me to become a working partner in his construction company. I accepted it worked with him for 15 years. Then, when my both children became employed, i quit the work and came back to home city.

But, that habit of meditation, which i developed in those initial three years, never left me and still intact. In those first three years, i experienced many things but did know what all that was and what to do with that.
But, when i left my city for work, i got access to the internet for the first time. Then, i started looking for explanations of my experiences and realized what i experienced was nothing new or unique but people are aware of these things since ages.

This is how i got my understanding. Contrary to the general people, my journey has been upside down. Generally people read about things first then get involved in person but in my case i experienced things first then read about those. Perhaps, because of that first hand experience, i am aware of the practical details more than traditional scholars, who learned through books only.

So, that is all about me, in a nutshell, if that helps in any way.

with love,

Unseeking Seeker 24-04-2021 08:06 AM

Thanks for sharing, Sanjay.

Each life journey is unique, with trials & tribulations, until we voluntarily choose to internalise our attention, in thought rested awareness or meditation. Ego or identity cannot exist, unless fuelled by thought. Then that that remains is our unified lower and higher minds, aligned with universal consciousness. All one, suffused with love of the pure, unconditional type.

The manner of our knowing, is ultimately for us alone. The mental analysis of directly imbibed knowing is futile. All paths are valid, as long as we get to the roots, said Buddha! (Check out Q&A with Gautama Buddha under the channelling section).

The key question in our present limited form, is this: what do we need to do, to shift, that we see God, face to face? Nothing less will suffice. All manifestations, experiences, powers even, leave us feeling incomplete and shortchanged.

Gem 24-04-2021 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker
Each life journey is unique, with trials & tribulations, until we voluntarily choose to internalise our attention, in thought rested awareness or meditation. Ego or identity cannot exist, unless fuelled by thought. Then that that remains is our unified lower and higher minds, aligned with universal consciousness. All one, suffused with love of the pure, unconditional type.

I think a forum claimed channeling of Gotama has a low probability of veracity. It is also peculiar to say 'all paths are valid' when it really implies 'only paths get to the roots...'. I guess that's just an aside though when the main point is actually about appealing to Buddha as the authority. I'm a big Buddha fan, but like you say, 'knowing' is firsthand - not second hand news. It's still great to hear the explanations, though it could lead one truly, or be misleading, so totally yeah, it's really up to us alone. :thumbsup:

The key question in our present limited form, is this: what do we need to do, to shift, that we see God, face to face? Nothing less will suffice. All manifestations, experiences, powers even, leave us feeling incomplete and shortchanged.

Unseeking Seeker 24-04-2021 01:04 PM

let each time be like the first time
imbibing elixir of the divine sublime
flowing like the breeze, with ease
in an aspect of embrace and release

Miss Hepburn 24-04-2021 02:01 PM

I believe this needs to be repeated - :hug3:

All information/Knowledge that mankind wants to have,
is right there, inside everyone.
All we have to do is to get access to that.
There is no need to go to Kaaba or the Himalayas.
And, that is precisely what meditation is meant and designed for.

Still_Waters 24-04-2021 05:38 PM



Originally Posted by zinnat

Contrary to the general people, my journey has been upside down. Generally people read about things first then get involved in person but in my case i experienced things first then read about those.

My journey has been similarly "upside down". My primary teacher was a Hindu mahamandeleshwara who directed me to PRACTICE and hence I too experienced things first before reading about them. It was very frustrating at first but, in retrospect, it was the best way for me personally. :thumbsup:

I relate well to what you are writing. :smile: :hug3:

P.S. Interestingly enough, like yourself, my Hindu teacher was a devotee of Durga (and Shiva as well) and my first mantras were related to Durga (and Shiva). When there were difficult periods (due primarily to problems related to my ego), I would spend time with the Mulsim Sufi Pir Vilayat Khan and chant "la ilaha Illallah". Aspects of our paths in the formative stages are very similar. I am looking forward to hearing more.

With love,
Maarkandeya :smile:

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