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-   -   Reincarnation believers that don't wanna come back, what r u doing about it? (https://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=140788)

Miss Hepburn 10-07-2021 10:10 AM

Reincarnation believers that don't wanna come back, what r u doing about it?
Just wondering. I've been actively doing something about it for quite awhile!
Forget the Christian idea about Heaven - what about not coming back,
that is, moving onto to bigger and better things than earth life?
Watcha doin'?
And thanks! :)

Note: changed the subject title to specify this is for believers in coming back here.
Debate on whether it exists can be talked about in another thread, thanks, guys. :smile:

bobjob 10-07-2021 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
Just wondering. I've been actively doing something about it for quite awhile!
Forget the Christian idea about Heaven - what about not coming back,
that is, moving onto to bigger and better things than earth life?
Watcha doin'?
And thanks! :)

me? Oh I'm just a regular dumbo and will consider coming here for another bash after I've reviewed my position once I've kicked my clogs - not too long now before that happens.

Whether comin' back here will be my choice, or whether I'll try elsewhere, I'll figure out then and not now. Bigger and better things than another earth life, you say..... Well I've been taught that life in this physical dimension is very much one that's greatly desired, one that greatly enhances our spiritual progress so first off I'll need to see how close to reality that suggestion is.

If it's as big a deal as has been suggested by spiritually advanced individuals, mebbes another life incarnate will be found more attractive than we might presently imagine.....

Native spirit 10-07-2021 12:53 PM

Well i wont be coming back here that is for sure as for going somewhere else i will decide on that when the time comes.


lostsoul13 10-07-2021 07:13 PM

I wish to create my own map - I've had only small luck before- looking for further luck... I also believe you create your own heaven and hell... We've all got a good set of keys to play with - with the performance

GlitterRose 10-07-2021 07:25 PM

Working on it.

That's what my entire spiritual practice is about.

Rah nam 10-07-2021 11:52 PM

The decision to come or not to come is not made on this level.
Having said this, most who are on the end on their path (3D path) will know to some degree. At this stage, the HS will take over the guidance.

Much more clarity, who and what we are.

What am I doing about it?
Not much, just following the guidance I am getting, do as little as possible.
Sit under my proverbial tree and let life do what life does.
Or stand behind the short wall.
Unwavering trust in creation and of cause into those who oversee my incarnation.
It's a proven method for me.

Nick96intent 11-07-2021 12:02 PM

Hi Miss Hepburn, there is one truth,

It say that noone can be in your shoes a 100 percent.

:hug3: :smile:

Miss Hepburn 11-07-2021 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by Nick96intent
Hi Miss Hepburn, there is one truth,
It say that noone can be in your shoes a 100 percent.

That's for sure...a wise understanding - thus,
eliminating judgment,
allowing for forgiveness,
giving an opening to compassion...
Good preps for not coming back here!
Yup. Thanks, Nick. :wink:

Thank you ALL so far. :) Too many to comment on, you know.
All are appreciated.

zastrakoza 11-07-2021 01:05 PM

I have every intention of coming back again and again. What could possibly be better? The variety and opportunities for personal challenge are more than sufficient for me. Having an avatar on planet earth provides no limitation on exploring other worlds, and interfacing with the highest vibrational entities.

Ultimately, it doesn't matter where you are. It matters who you are.

Miss Hepburn 11-07-2021 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by zastrakoza
Having an avatar on planet earth provides no limitation on exploring other worlds,
and interfacing with the highest vibrational entities.

Hey, can I ask you something ? You are now the 2nd person here using the
word avatar as, I think, for your body here. Where did that come from?


Ultimately, it doesn't matter where you are.
I just realized that big in the last few years!
(Me? I realized what David did, ref Ps 139.
Where ever I go there You are!
Where can I go from Your Spirit?
Where can I flee from Your Presence?

So, here/ there, I don't care anymore so much! Yay!)

Kate Matthews 11-07-2021 04:21 PM

Ms. Hepburn...good question. I'm driven to clean up my act lol. Forgive others. Do things differently. Let things go when I make a mistake.

Paying attention.

Join with my Higher Self as I can.

Miss Hepburn 11-07-2021 05:09 PM

Now could I be wrong...YES~!
I thought, learned, was taught, read when we have gotten to a certain 'place'
we don't need earth anymore so we 'move on' to like a 'College' now,
(earth being a Public School in the Bronx, NY, LOL ...don't get mad at me,
the Bronx can be nice ---I have friends raised there! I've been to their apartments.
They did happen to leave as soon as they could!)

BUT, there are a couple books talking about a Spirit Guide that was here only one time!
She was killed as a Native by Spaniards invading Central or South America 100s of years ago.
And now here she is a Spirit Guide....so what do I now??! :tongue:

bobjob 11-07-2021 05:24 PM

The way I understand what I've learned about this stuff is that how we behaved in this dimension is what WE'LL judge ourselves on. How well we tried - not necessarily succeeded - to meet the goals WE set for ourselves before we incarnated this last time or - if you're not persuaded that reincarnation is a fact - then the only time you have incarnated here.

I would need persuasion that someone in recent times knows with authority the details you've mentioned BUT even if they are exactly right so what? Every individual is at a personal level of spiritual progress and their path will be different from others' paths.

One thing I am confident about is that when I kick my clogs and look back at my life or lives I'll have a wider view than I have now. And, I expect, I may see things very differently from the way I see 'em now.

lostsoul13 11-07-2021 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
Hey, can I ask you something ? You are now the 2nd person here using the
word avatar as, I think, for your body here. Where did that come from?

It's quite well used here- I've seen it around a few times...it's a well known word for third person referring to their body or human ... It's much tidy than human, or exchanges or body's...

bobjob 11-07-2021 06:04 PM

It looks to me like it's been brought in from the world of gaming, a way for an individual to represent themselves in a virtual fantasy world.

I'm not persuaded there's any connection between that and this website that is, after all, based on spiritual conversations and considerations.

iamthat 11-07-2021 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by Rah nam
The decision to come or not to come is not made on this level. Having said this, most who are on the end on their path (3D path) will know to some degree. At this stage, the HS will take over the guidance. ...
Unwavering trust in creation and of cause into those who oversee my incarnation. It's a proven method for me.

Thanks Rah nam. Your words make a lot of sense.


Nick96intent 11-07-2021 08:00 PM

off topis but with good intent I disagree on (whether) who you are is of more importance than where you are.

Where you are is not who you are... no forget this.

Who you are is who you are where you are which is more important because .... lol (words) if you know who are, you somehow care about where you are ...

Where you are is who are someone can write in a stone .

(Feels out of alignment of the 'law of the one' or the divine law however it is said this post,this moment but I never was a fan of it... ...at least not in a collective mode, like the concept that 'we are all one mind... No I can't deal with that. )

Rah nam 12-07-2021 02:36 AM


Originally Posted by lostsoul13
It's quite well used here- I've seen it around a few times...it's a well known word for third person referring to their body or human ... It's much tidy than human, or exchanges or body's...

I prefer the term, body/mind complex, as it was used by the Ra group.
Where the personality is referred to as the body/mind/spirit complex.
Ra made it very clear, by using the term, complex, that the personality is made up of different parts, the body, which is part of the planetary consciousness stream, the mind, which is an artificial construct, spanning this planet, and the brain interfaces with, and we the spirit, having a symbiotic relationship with the body/mind.
The relationship between spirit and planet is very clear defined, the planet gives us, spirit, a platform to learn on this level, and we, spirit, help the planet to a higher level of consciousness.
Win/win the only way forward.

Nick96intent 13-07-2021 01:18 PM

Ram nam,

first we are energy beings; pure awareness

zastrakoza 13-07-2021 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
Hey, can I ask you something ? You are now the 2nd person here using the
word avatar as, I think, for your body here. Where did that come from?

I got it from the movie, Avatar. It is a simple movie about seeing and loving the being inside the organic matter.

zastrakoza 13-07-2021 03:18 PM

There seems to be a dominant thought that planet earth is a mess or some kind of initiation, or some kind of punishment. Some people even think it is hell in the worst kind of way.

I would like to convince everyone that earth is awesome and we are all amazing expressions of the Creator. Maya is a matter of our making and we can re-articulate it in any way we wish to experience it. It is a worthy creation. But first, we must stop denigrating it and ourselves.

Let's start taking responsibility for ourselves AND our creations! We got this!


Altair 13-07-2021 03:28 PM

There is the assumption here that you ''come back''. Who's to say we do?

The question is loaded.
Some people believe it, others don't. Some religions preach it, others don't.

Second part here is ''what are you doing about it [i.e. not coming back]''? This too carries an assumption, that you can do something about ''coming here'' and can somehow prevent it.

On a side note, I could zoom out and look at this supposed cycle (of reincarnation) and point out that something that is able to end (the supposed cycle of reincarnation) must have had a beginning, which is rarely acknowledged in religions that teach reincarnation.

bobjob 13-07-2021 03:58 PM


There is the assumption here that you ''come back''. Who's to say we do?

Th.........nning, which is rarely acknowledged in religions that teach reincarnation.

I don't make any assumption about our coming back - teachers and guides who many see as spiritually-advanced tell us that we do. The Devil is, as always, in the detail and it's details we are short of.

My understanding is that one earth incarnation might be enough but the impression I've gained is that more than one is the norm. I have doubts any religion has authoritative details but many may have an inkling about what happens.

It appears to be a common misunderstanding that we're sent back or somehow required to experience more than one life and that's perhaps a lot to do with mainstream religious teachings. You have to decide for yourself if such beliefs appeal to your reason.

If they do appeal, then go with them; if they don't alternatives are available. It's down to personal choice what to heed, just as it's down to personal choice whether to return for another bash in this physical dimension.....

Miss Hepburn 13-07-2021 06:06 PM

The assumption within the question was because it was aimed at those that do believe in reincarnation.

My bad ...I should start each question with, "For those that believe in...
(whatever the subject is...) "
In fact, I will change it now.

Nick96intent 13-07-2021 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
The assumption within the question was because it was aimed at those that do believe in reincarnation.

My bad ...I should start each question with, "For those that believe in...
(whatever the subject is...) "
In fact, I will change it now.

:D We probably have a little life to live still :D

No pun intended. :D

Just enjoying the night here... it seems more harmonious for me after the new moon.. but it is known that nothing "is" forever..."

Peace, enjoy your precious time :hug3:

iamthat 13-07-2021 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by Altair
On a side note, I could zoom out and look at this supposed cycle (of reincarnation) and point out that something that is able to end (the supposed cycle of reincarnation) must have had a beginning, which is rarely acknowledged in religions that teach reincarnation.

This is true. I don't know what such religions have to say about how and why humans began reincarnating on Earth. But the esoteric approach regards the human phase as just one step on the overall evolution of consciousness. Before entering the human kingdom consciousness expresses through lesser forms. After leaving the human kingdom consciousness expresses through higher forms. The human stage is a necessary part of this journey.


tracey10 13-07-2021 08:20 PM

I would like to be reincarnated to do better in life so that I may have the confidence to help others.
Blessed be

Altair 14-07-2021 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by iamthat
This is true. I don't know what such religions have to say about how and why humans began reincarnating on Earth.

We can't justify a path with a clear end when there's no explanation given as to how it started. How can we believe that we aren't coming back if we don't know how we got into the process to begin with?

ayar415 15-07-2021 01:43 AM


Originally Posted by tracey10
I would like to be reincarnated to do better in life so that I may have the confidence to help others.

You only get one shot, tracey. Forget helping others. If you can get out of this life without a scratch, you are lucky. Look at what happened to Jesus.

Nick96intent 15-07-2021 05:05 AM

You can also think about a desire for coming back on Earth, on life in terms of Karmic cycles...

Whether it is a parenthood you 'll have to begin learning from...


Many things on the list... some may seem tastefull but I don't think and believe you can escape the cycles thing.

Be at peace evreyone, I 'll take a probably final break... it's a good guess""

Busby 15-07-2021 09:28 AM

Depending upon and using religions to persuade ourselves that we will reincarnate in some form is a big mistake - at least in my experience.

You were not created by something in your mother's womb - you created yourself.

You don't know this but as a non-conscious being (as we understand it) you have an absolutely detailed view of the workings of the universe. Non-consciousness is that place where you go to - or withdraw to - when you nod off to sleep at night. There are only two conditions, one is nothingness and the other is somethingness. You move between them just as you step over the cracks in paving stones.

When you appeared on this planet at the time of your birth only then did the universe also appear. You came from an inside universe into an outside universe. This cycle will continue endlessly and has always been so.

This cycle isn't the cycle of karma but of evolution - the aim of consciousness is to add to the experience the universe desires.

Your consciousness is a part of one great mind and what you do within this gift is up to you. You will be constantly faced with the same challenge.

Miss Hepburn 15-07-2021 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by tracey10
I would like to be reincarnated to do better in life so that I may have the confidence to help others.

''You only get one shot, tracey. Forget helping others.
If you can get out of this life without a scratch, you are lucky.
Look at what happened to Jesus.''--ayar
I would like to add my comment. There isn't just one shot, but that's beside the point.
Please continue to want to help others, Tracey!
I would just say, hey, each day begins anew 'to do better' - start today! :thumbsup:
And if you don't do so well, so what!! *shrug*
Keep at it till you become that person you want to be!
(I did, I was a mess.)
As Abraham-Hicks says, and I second this -
"You can be and do and have anything you want. :hug3: Believe it.

Miss Hepburn 15-07-2021 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by Busby
. You will be constantly faced with the same challenge.

Yes, But, wouldn't you agree -'until you overcome that challenge'?
Ha, then we move onto the next one!!! Oh joy....

Busby 15-07-2021 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
Yes, But, wouldn't you agree -'until you overcome that challenge'?
Ha, then we move onto the next one!!! Oh joy....

I can only agree in part. The next universe (as the ones that have gone before) will be completely different than this one.
The 'challenge' of which I speak/spoke is one of fitting into the clothes given.

ayar415 15-07-2021 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
I would just say, hey, each day begins anew 'to do better' - start today! :thumbsup:
And if you don't do so well, so what!! *shrug*
Keep at it till you become that person you want to be!

Your positive attitude is great. It takes tremendous discipline and strength to forge ahead through thick and thin.

My grandma was a devout Catholic. She would attend mass every morning, made the sign of the cross for me whenever I visited her, and always be with her rosary. She was a good person and nothing like a nutjob perceived by Episcopalians and atheists. She liked to reminisce, as old people do, and I enjoyed walking down memory lane with her. One day, she asked me, "What if it is not true, all this about God and Jesus?" Anyway, she kept at it and became the person she wanted to be: a devout Catholic.

JoeColo 09-08-2021 09:38 AM

I don't want to come back, either, and I'm doing something about it. I'm being careful not to create any bad karma, which might cause me to have to come back. I'm not "walking on eggs," afraid of making mistakes, just being careful with what my intentions and conscious actions are. I truly believe this is working.

Not only am I going to another place as my same self as my Earth self, Joe, I'm going to design and create that other place, "my" other dimension, "my" other D! (Of course, it's not really "mine," but the design will be.)

Physical reality is to be very similar to Earth, but how things are chosen is to be radically different. Exploration of choice is it's thing. All choices shall be made in the physical, no exceptions. No one may override anyone else's choice. A conflict results in a stalemate of choice, in which neither one's choice may proceed. I've even imagined putting in a warning with the Star Trek computer's voice, Majel Barrett, "warning, a conflict of choice has occurred. This would-be choice has not been allowed to be chosen."

It's not only that I don't want to return to Earth, but I really don't want to incarnate again anywhere where I'd once again have to forget who I am. Forgetting in this way is abhorrent to me.


mistybelle 09-08-2021 11:11 AM

I've always asserted that I don't want to come back here, either, and even tried to convince myself that this might be my last time... but I don't believe this is my last time.

I actually have a memory, if you can call it that, of being extremely reluctant to come back at all after my last life. I was done, and really did not want to come back. I'd seen so much suffering and endured so much pain in my last life that coming back here was terrifying. I often feel that sentiment. But here I am regardless. I often question the quietness of this life I have currently, and see that really I'm healing the wounds of the last life. I feel I have to come back after this one to see if I've truly learnt the lessons of my last life, whether I like it or not. This life doesn't test me fully in that regard.

The thing about the future that excites me the most is the possibility of space travel and expansion. Also seeing the development of technology to make life easier, whilst retaining, or rediscovering a connection to the living organism that is our Earth. Maybe less war, more brotherhood of men is needed before that's achieved. We shall see if we manage it. Time will tell.

Ghaleon 10-08-2021 01:55 AM

Getting rid of attachments (material, family, friends, relatives, etc) raising your frequency & consciousness/awareness then when its the day that your physical body has expired "exit" this patrix!

I may have come back here many many times tens to even over one hundred times but this is the lifetime where i stop entering the tunnel with the white light at the end of it and focus on exiting this place. It is my understanding that the tunnel has a gravitational pull of sorts but that will only get you if you are focused on it. Our thoughts are very powerful and with intention, focus and imagination (through thought) im going to see myself on the other side to (x) destination (my destination out into the greater universe)

JoeColo 14-08-2021 03:59 AM

What's that about not going into the light? Some say not to do so? What happens if you do or do not?

JoeColo :)

Rah nam 14-08-2021 04:15 AM

the light is just a portal, regulated by the angelic.

perhaps you have heard of the gatekeepers? They control all portals like that one and between stars, suns, galaxies.....

you will end up in the astral real, from where you can incarnate again if you choose or not.

anyone who chooses to move to an other planet to incarnate or work, has to use one of those portals or gates.

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