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Spirit Guide Sparrow 17-10-2010 12:35 PM

Common Questions About Life

Salutations of love and light.

In counterpart to my alternate thread, entitled Common Questions About The Afterlife, I present this thread, Common Questions About Life, in which I propose to provoke further thought.

Rather than present the following words as ultimate truth, or inflexible perspective, I leave them open to individual interpretation as stepping stones into deeper realms of awareness. The answers I offer for your consideration emerge from no other source but through me. The understanding and perceptions I paint are to be shared and received as expressions of intellectual and inter-perceptual art and whispers of the soul. You are not expected to agree or resonate with what is relayed, but it is with confidence I know you will, if anything, view life from eyes beyond your own.

As always, in all that I aspire to reveal in writing, I endeavour to transmute fears, alleviate pain and suffering, strengthen faith and confidence, empower you with knowledge and positive momentum, change attitudes and illuminate potential paths of transformation.

From the wisdom of my council, for the reflection and discernment of yours.

Common Questions About The Afterlife: http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=3848

Spirit Guide Sparrow 17-10-2010 12:44 PM

Why am I here? What is the general meaning of life?

This can be answered using Sparrow’s Star of life. A simplified 5 sided representation of the foundation for life, and the journey of the soul. Each five points of the star representing aspects of purpose, each interconnecting and influencing each other.

In the heart and nucleus we have the source, life itself in all its expanding magnificence. Within the expanse of life we observe the interweaving pathways that connect directly to our soul structure, as indicated by the blue arrow. The spirit, represented by the red arrow, is that which is closest to the void. The spirit can be seen to have no direct attachments to either the soul or its many pathways. This is because the spirit remains pure and unchanged by the activities within the souls journey. It is the closest to that which is infinite.

To understand the purpose of life, one must understand the purpose of the soul.
The soul is essentially an instrument of consciousness. It is a vehicle of consciousness.
Life itself is consciousness in motion. As the soul moves through the many currents of consciousness it collects and constructs its identity through the process and pathways of life. In general the soul operates upon five main pathways:

Each main pathway forms additional subsequent pathways within the arena of life. Each additional pathway creating new links and connections, spawning individuality and unique character. Let us look at these in more detail.

This is the element of free will. This is the vehicle the soul uses to produce desires and aspirations for its Self. It is the nature of thought, identity and movement. It is often said, everything starts with choice.

This is the element of awareness. This is the vehicle the soul uses to produce realization. It is also the vehicle with which to connect, which makes awareness and realization possible.

This is the element of growth. This is the vehicle the soul uses to produce transformation. It is where potentials are unlocked and energy is moved forward. It is also what is known as ascension.

This is the element of manifestation. This is the vehicle the soul uses to produce experience. It is also the vehicle with which expression and action is sought. Through the play of creation that which is Self is given forthwith.

This is the element of joy. This is the vehicle the soul uses to produce love. Through the joy of love everything is shared by all, and received by all. Love and joy fulfils the soul.

Each one of the aforementioned can be granted as meaning of life. However, unless they are all working in harmony and balance life itself will not be fully understood or appreciated for what it is. When each pathway runs smooth and straight, forging a strong connection with every other aspect, the soul is formed into a beautiful radiant star. The purpose of life therefore, is the birth, growth and fulfilment of your unique, free willed journey of awareness, through this creation called life. You may express and experience this in whatever way you so choose.

Please feel free to share your own perspectives and observations of life. It is not merely about one singular perspective.
Please be respectful of the views and experiences of others, whether they resonate with you or not.


Spirit Guide Sparrow 06-11-2010 02:35 PM

Why do multiple people claim to have once been X Y Z?

It has come to my attention that individuals are confused as to how multiple people claim to be the reincarnations of the same famous or distinguished characters of history. This information, as I understand, comes from past-life regression practices which delve into the abyss of the subconscious and beyond. Here I would like to offer others an opportunity for clarity.

Firstly, there is a tremendous amount of information contained within the DNA structure of human biology. It is possible to access your DNA code through pathways of consciousness and unearth envelopes of information, or ‘memories’, which have been merged within your biology. Your DNA are actually tiny receivers of information, as well as wave energy broadcast biotechnology. Your DNA has the capacity to receive information on a multi-dimensional, multi-time and multi-wave spectrum. Depending on other aspects of your biological health and energy vibrational state, you may, or may not be able to ‘sense’ these envelopes of information. It is similarly also within your capacity to enable types of communications between yourself and former ancestors of your physical biology. This is because within your DNA are energy conduits which are already attuned to your sisters, brothers, mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers and so on.

To further address the question, we now need to draw our focus to the spirit world.
How is it multiple souls can be the same identity? Well, in the spirit world your consciousness is something which cocoons your ancient spirit. This consciousness identity, which you may have created within a physical lifetime can actually be removed, much the same as you would a shirt or blouse. This is because the consciousness which surrounds your spirit is not a rigid permanent form. This is why it is possible to alter your appearance in the spirit world.
Now, often times those spirits of whom either have never had a physical life experience, or those who in fact may have had, have the ability to ‘lend’ aspects of their consciousness to other beings. This means, two spirits in the spirit world can swap their physical consciousness identities, or coats of consciousness, and temporarily cocoon their own spirit with it. This is to say that it is a common occurrence in the spirit world for beings to share their life experience as certain characters with other beings for the purpose of awareness, learning and enjoyment. To feel how they once felt, to look how they once looked, and to act how they once acted is one way in which other spirits come to understand another being and develop compassion and love for them. They walk in their shoes, so to speak.
When this is done, all the memories contained within that consciousness swap are thereby shared on a very intimate and personal level. Those experiences and memories, sensations and sense of fulfilment become your own, and become part of you as a being. Many spirits who wish to send their soul aspect into physical state often exchange consciousness with other beings who once walked the Earth in order to better prepare themselves for what they may experience.

When a human being then, tells you that he was, or she was this person or that person in a past life, often times they are remembering experiences as I have just described prior to their incarnation. Because the melding of consciousness is done on such an intimate level, it is remembered as your own experience. In a sense you could say it indeed was you, because that identity is now a part of your own. It all feels very real to them and rightfully so.

If I return to my former words of clarity. Individuals will often have flashes of imagery, or memory type sensations which are brought through their DNA, often because such a person is doing some kind of energy work, or aligning themselves more with their ancient spirit.

Spiritlite 06-11-2010 03:51 PM

Loving this thankyou

Spiritlite 06-11-2010 05:49 PM

Lately I've been reading about our DNA and the 'junk' DNA that isn't really junk but is supposed to aide us in our spiritual development. How many here has actually worked with that aspect? I believe it but personally I don't know how to work with that?
Any thoughts?

Spirit Guide Sparrow 12-11-2010 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by Spiritlite
Lately I've been reading about our DNA and the 'junk' DNA that isn't really junk but is supposed to aide us in our spiritual development. How many here has actually worked with that aspect? I believe it but personally I don't know how to work with that?
Any thoughts?

How do you personally think, or rather, feel, you would work with that?

Spirit Guide Sparrow 19-11-2010 11:49 AM

What is the Soul Group?

The soul group is a specific energy family within which a spirit has chosen to commit itself to. The spirit will form its roots deep within this soul group over millions of years in human understanding. Each spirit within the same soul group will have a distinct direction of purpose, of aspiration and intention that mirrors one another, which enables a bond like no other. The bond in fact is so deep and intimate that the love felt for each other has no limits as to what they would do for one another.
When we speak of soul mates and twin flames what we are really identifying is another spirit which has origins within our own soul group. The love felt almost immediately between one another, often called love at first sight, is actually your energy signature which is being recognised. The fact that you seem to get on so well with one another, mirroring each others likes and dislikes, having an intuitive sense of connection and destiny, this is merely the bond you have with each and every one of those from your soul group. It merely appears that this one person is your destined partner because there may not even be another soul from your group anywhere within 1000 miles, or even on the same planet.
This is not then to say that you may not have a very specific spirit to whom you spend most of your time in the spirit world with, for often this can be the case for those who share a great many lifetimes with you.

Those within your soul group will often splinter out into many corridors of the multi-verse, accessing a wide variety of potentials and opportunities for that group to grow and achieve objectives. If it is a group that focuses on the accumulation of information and knowledge, and subsequently the translation and distribution of such, then each soul within that group will aspire to do that in their own way. They will often go to great extents, and great journeys to facilitate and gather further knowledge.
Similarly, for example, a group that focuses on healing modalities and breathing life into lifeless situations will have souls that pursue routes to put this intention into play and experiential form. In this respect they will go to great extents, and great journeys to facilitate and heal many different situations within the vast multi-verse.

People often wonder why it is that personalities clash, minds think so differently, moral codes and ethics vary and different people seem to have such different gifts. This is because, despite familiar human appearances, behind the curtain sits quite different energy characteristics and consciousness. Because the soul journey of each individual has led such a different path up till this point, this becomes evident in the way each person thinks and feels, as well as what motivates them on a deeper level.
Often it is that such differences are aggravated by and from the immediate physical upbringing of the person, particularly the environment the person was exposed to during their early years of growth into adulthood. So instead of differences being seen and accepted as a wonderful diversity of divine expression, they are often times delivered into the minds of many as something which creates separation, intolerance and violence.

Within a more positive view, it is these differences in energy signature and vibration which triggers within you intuitive alarm bells. But in this instance the alarm is of a positive sense in that it invokes feelings of destiny, connectivity and positive direction. For example, someone who is suffering some sort of illness or imbalance may encounter a person who hails from a healing modality soul group, and intuitively this person will know this and be drawn to them, yet they will not know why. It will be simply felt that whenever you are near this other person you seem to feel better.
Another example would be someone you are perhaps drawn to because of their inspirational imagination or teaching capacity. If these characteristics are something you are in need of at some point in your life then you will be intuitively drawn to beings from the soul groups that specialize with these qualities. Again, it may not immediately be apparent why you are drawn to a specific person, but eventually you will work it out.


Cal 20-11-2010 04:45 PM

Hello Sparrow. :smile:

Once again thanks for sharing more interesting information. My follow up questions are how can we best go about learning about our own soul groups and what they are called, and what their (our?) speciality is? What can we do to re-member all this and how to best serve the common good of the group or better understand our purpose for being here?


Spirit Guide Sparrow 25-11-2010 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by Cal
Hello Sparrow. :smile:

Once again thanks for sharing more interesting information. My follow up questions are how can we best go about learning about our own soul groups and what they are called, and what their (our?) speciality is? What can we do to re-member all this and how to best serve the common good of the group or better understand our purpose for being here?


May the divine light of love illuminate your path friend.

What your soul group is called will mean little to nothing from the perspective of the human mind. It may have nothing whatsoever to do with human culture, language or origin.
It would be more practical to focus your intention on illuminating the qualities you represent from within such a group. The names can come later.
You can do this by deep reflection and honest clear self-observation. Look back from your childhood and all the time between then and now, what was it that you possessed that made you stand out?
How do you feel towards certain species of animals, certain forms of work? What gives you passion and fills you with a deep sense of fulfilment and inspiration? What brings out the best in you? What comes natural to you which perhaps others struggle with in their lives?
Ask yourself these questions and begin to picture a group with all these qualities and gifts.
Meditate on it.

To serve the good of the group is a matter of putting into practice those gifts you possess. Representing your family of light by bringing their love and energy to the world. Stand out not for the qualities you lack or the flaws which illuminate division, but by those qualities you compliment others lives with and the strengths which forge bridges between people.

Stormweaver 28-11-2010 11:36 PM

Hi Sparrow

Thanks for directing me to ask you this question on this thread.
gonna cut and paste.

Just out of curiosity, about what year would humans become extinct from planet earth ?
Or when would earth blow up / become unlivable , which will force humans to live on the outskirts of space in shuttles and so forth ?

And if humans are to become extinct in the far future, what changes of the humanoid body would the new generation of consciousness takes life in? Would it be a crossbreed of humans and something else like an alien life form? Or something extraordinarily new ?

Cheers _/\_ :smile:

Cal 30-11-2010 05:10 AM


Originally Posted by Cal
Hello Sparrow. :smile:

Once again thanks for sharing more interesting information. My follow up questions are how can we best go about learning about our own soul groups and what they are called, and what their (our?) speciality is? What can we do to re-member all this and how to best serve the common good of the group or better understand our purpose for being here?


May the divine light of love illuminate your path friend.

What your soul group is called will mean little to nothing from the perspective of the human mind. It may have nothing whatsoever to do with human culture, language or origin.
It would be more practical to focus your intention on illuminating the qualities you represent from within such a group. The names can come later.
You can do this by deep reflection and honest clear self-observation. Look back from your childhood and all the time between then and now, what was it that you possessed that made you stand out?
How do you feel towards certain species of animals, certain forms of work? What gives you passion and fills you with a deep sense of fulfilment and inspiration? What brings out the best in you? What comes natural to you which perhaps others struggle with in their lives?
Ask yourself these questions and begin to picture a group with all these qualities and gifts.
Meditate on it.

To serve the good of the group is a matter of putting into practice those gifts you possess. Representing your family of light by bringing their love and energy to the world. Stand out not for the qualities you lack or the flaws which illuminate division, but by those qualities you compliment others lives with and the strengths which forge bridges between people.

As always your response and comforting guidance is greatly appreciated. It seems to make perfect sense. My imagination is already working.....I will meditate on this.

Thanks again,

Spirit Guide Sparrow 30-11-2010 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Stormweaver
Hi Sparrow

Thanks for directing me to ask you this question on this thread.
gonna cut and paste.

Just out of curiosity, about what year would humans become extinct from planet earth ?
Or when would earth blow up / become unlivable , which will force humans to live on the outskirts of space in shuttles and so forth ?

And if humans are to become extinct in the far future, what changes of the humanoid body would the new generation of consciousness takes life in? Would it be a crossbreed of humans and something else like an alien life form? Or something extraordinarily new ?

Cheers _/\_ :smile:

From what has been illuminated to me the fate of the planet, as well as the species of mankind lies primarily in the hands of those who exercise the will to act. Whether actions produced from selfish gain or material control and dominance, or actions produced from united awareness, wisdom and love, it will reflect significantly on the end result.
God allows all things. Destruction as well as life.
Intellectual civilizations elsewhere in the cosmos have fallen, planets stripped bare of natural resources and nutritional elements for life. Species who have become dependant of neighbouring species who have waited till such circumstances arose to manipulate whole races into servitude in exchange for food, water and technology. Portraying themselves as saviours yet with just the same discrete motives for control as has existed for billions of years. So too are much the same eyes being cast upon Earth and its inhabitants.
If humanity does not step up to the responsibility of nurturing planet Earth back to health and stop annihilating its rich resources then others from elsewhere will take it from you by orchestrated persuasion. In which case humanity will forfeit its future placement of becoming a respected leader in the cosmic trade circuit. Humanity will simply become a worker hybrid race harvesting for more advanced and established settlers and traders. Such traders, who hold planet Earth in such great esteem will not stand idly by and allow humanity to destroy something which has taken so long to be created. So the likely forthcoming future is either one of sub-racial servitude, or one of great change in human consciousness, where humanity fulfils its promise and potential to unite in love, wisdom and reinforced action.

The Earth itself will continue to exist, in its current state for millions of more years. During that time it will go through many different cycles and shifts which will change the surface landscape, oxygen composition and water displacement. Sea levels will continue to rise and fall. Some land masses which are now populated will fall into the ocean and other land masses will rise again. Weather will continue to undergo different cycles and display mutating conditions. Many species of fish, animal and bird will become extinct causing a chain reaction across the globe. Remaining life will be forced to adapt to new diets and environmental changes, which will alter states of behaviourisms and instincts. Inter-species mating will increase. New species will spawn.

Planet Earth is not the only planet that is home to human beings. In comparison, Earth is relatively young to other habitats where other human exist.
As humans on Earth evolve, their biological features will adapt to the changing environments which have come about due to their own actions. So cells will mutate to accommodate changes in air, water and diet. As well as changes in surface temperature. It will also develop new cell structures that have greater capacity to send and receive information on more levels, or frequencies, than they currently do.

Stormweaver 01-12-2010 01:08 PM

Thanks Sparrow !

Earth is a lovely planet to look at from space. Blue and white with colours of land.

I wonder if us humans will one day be able to meet other humans from other planets. Time will tell I guess.


Cal 01-12-2010 02:34 PM

Thank you Sparrow for sharing your perspective on the question about mankind and earths future.


Humanity will simply become a worker hybrid race harvesting for more advanced and established settlers and traders.

About the above quote, wouldn't this just be history repeating itself?

Are you suggesting that it is your understanding that we are already we a hybrid race, and if so from who and/or what – that have a choice to change or remain in servitude? Or, are you saying that extraterrestrial species (more advanced and established settlers and traders) will step in and hybridize us to be place into a new subservient role if we don’t have a significant change in human consciousness soon?

After studying the history of monotheistic religions and other ancient religions, then re-examining Genesis and related apocryphal and Sumerian texts from a 'new' perspective it seems possible that has already happened - created/intended to serve advanced species. The question seems to be weather the ancient ‘Gods’ really ever left and whether we are still in servitude in some form or fashion, and currently getting technologies in exchange for something. Do you have any insight on that?

One other question. You said, “God allows all things. Destruction as well as life.” But does God go beyond just allowing destruction to directly and indirectly initiating wars and destroying cities and races like indicated in the bible? I’ve always wondered about that.

It seems at least to me but hopefully someone else as well that these are common questions about life that may help us better understand who we are and why we need to change.


Spirit Guide Sparrow 01-12-2010 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by Stormweaver
Thanks Sparrow !

Earth is a lovely planet to look at from space. Blue and white with colours of land.

I wonder if us humans will one day be able to meet other humans from other planets. Time will tell I guess.


Yes, Earth is a very beautiful planet, from any perspective. People simply need to acknowledge this beauty and allow it to become part of their lives. People need to reconnect with the spirit of the planet and rediscover what is most important in physical life. To awaken the awareness within their cellular memory of the deeper sentient connection between man and nature. To look beyond their mundane miniscule self orientated lifestyles and invest their hearts and souls into harmonious conscious living. People need to wake up from their deep sleep and start living the life they aspired to create for themselves all so long ago. Then, and only then, will the brothers and sisters of humankind extend their will and love to planet Earth.

Spirit Guide Sparrow 01-12-2010 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by Cal
Thank you Sparrow for sharing your perspective on the question about mankind and earths future.

About the above quote, wouldn't this just be history repeating itself?

Are you suggesting that it is your understanding that we are already we a hybrid race, and if so from who and/or what – that have a choice to change or remain in servitude? Or, are you saying that extraterrestrial species (more advanced and established settlers and traders) will step in and hybridize us to be place into a new subservient role if we don’t have a significant change in human consciousness soon?

After studying the history of monotheistic religions and other ancient religions, then re-examining Genesis and related apocryphal and Sumerian texts from a 'new' perspective it seems possible that has already happened - created/intended to serve advanced species. The question seems to be weather the ancient ‘Gods’ really ever left and whether we are still in servitude in some form or fashion, and currently getting technologies in exchange for something. Do you have any insight on that?

One other question. You said, “God allows all things. Destruction as well as life.” But does God go beyond just allowing destruction to directly and indirectly initiating wars and destroying cities and races like indicated in the bible? I’ve always wondered about that.

It seems at least to me but hopefully someone else as well that these are common questions about life that may help us better understand who we are and why we need to change.


Hello :smile:

Both humankind, and outside races have had a hand in the orchestration of human DNA. Once the ‘Gods’ from above did so to safeguard their status of power and control. To limit the amount of energy spectrum receptivity the biological organism could process, preventing humanity from developing higher spiritual functionality and multi-dimensional capacity. Yet developing it in other areas to allow development of the biological brain and other functions which would allow it to adapt to and dominate the surface environment. Yet more docile and less aggressive.
Once the Gods had left, in a manner of speaking, certain groups of humankind took it upon themselves to attempt to replicate genetic modification. Horrific mutations occurred and hybrid creatures were born to live but short lives.
There are, as we speak, beings of alien origin upon and below the surface of the Earth. There are beings who exist deep below the ocean surface in various locations around the globe. There are beings who exist underground in various continents. There are beings who exist right under your nose, yet are able to bend light in such a way as to appear invisible. They are not, as such, all conspiring and plotting against humanity, but rather acting independently from one another within their own intentions and factions.
Whether or not humanity still walks in servitude for another race is purely dependant of perspective and perception. Some facts draw some convincing evidence for one side and some for the other. There is simply so much information and so much which is taking place. So much which changes from one potential to another. The question which must be asked on an individual mind, is what is it ‘I’ choose to believe? What is it I choose to accept? What do I choose my own destiny to be?

There are many different races which are both observing as well as interacting upon planet Earth. While there are those who remain hidden, and who observe the spiritual awakening from a passive position, most of the others are races seeking to expand their trading routes and resource stockpiles. These have little interest in human beings themselves, despite what some people think, and their intentions are focused upon the resources which Earth has in abundance. These are water, elements , botanical and biological resources and energy. Rather than see these resources destroyed by human beings, these beings will do just about anything to protect the potential these resources pose. This will either come about through unseen intervention or cooperation and planetary trade. Human beings will never see interstellar war upon the planet from an invading race since such races understand that much would be lost through such a course of action. It is within their capacity and with little resistance they can still get whatever it is they want working behind the scenes.
This is not to say then that humanity is fated to some servitude relationship for some interstellar race. That line of thinking does nothing in your favour. If it is that humanity can demonstrate their ability to act on their responsibility to coordinate themselves in a harmonic peaceful way to benefit all life, in all forms, and harvest their own world in a way which is both respectful and self-replenishing, then other races will be persuaded to adopt less clandestine activity for an up-front interstellar trading agreement. Humanity should seek wise council to this effect for entering into such trade agreements has, in the past, led to subservient situations between other races elsewhere. Humanity needs to quickly enforce and impose their own rights of will and governance of Earths resources as a singular race, instead of fractured nations, and forge a self-governing system that makes you become independent and free from corruption and dependency. If humanity becomes dependant on outside assistance then there will soon follow loss of much liberties and diplomatic leverage.

As to your reference of God, and what God can and cannot do, that would depend on your interpretation of what God is to you, and how God is experienced in your reality.
If, as I have said, that which God is allows destruction as well as life, then there would be no intention of intervention on the part of God to initiate either. To suggest that God would choose one thing over another implies that God has an ego similar to man, therefore is prone to flaw, similar to man. This philosophical view of God is then flawed. It is the process of certain universal laws, which animate the current universe which produces life, and thus takes it. Do not limit that which God is to the mere foundations of law of a singular universe. Should it be that one planet, or one race be extinguished in physical state, then this is a result of universal law in motion, not the result of a personified God figure choosing one thing over another. This is why humanity must accept full responsibility for its fate.

Well presented questions my friend. I am happy to hear your own direction of thought on this matter, as well as many others that resonate with you.


ROM 02-12-2010 01:18 AM

Hello Sparrow,

You spoke of universal laws which govern us. Can you illuminate on this? What are the laws?

Thank you.

Cal 02-12-2010 05:01 AM

Sparrow, thanks so much for a wonderfully detailed and insightful response to my questions. I am in awe with the information provided. *** bowing in appreciation and gratitude***

I certainly need to digest it all this more but I have a some follow up comments and questions that came up as I carefully read through and absorbed it.

It seems as though power, control and greed are traits that extend well beyond humanity. It’s all beginning to make more and more sense now. The God I believe in does not have an ego and does not take sides or punish, which is why I gave up on trying to find the correct/true religion long ago. Also, it’s why I now more fervently suspect that the major world religions are based on races/beings that came from heaven to earth – not actually God, although some may have had good intentions and some not. It also enhances my previous suspicion that the bible and other religious/myths are partly recorded history and partly twisted fact and fiction, designed for the purpose for power and control which carries on through today.

All ancient texts/tablets, etc. have numerous examples of their God(s) having what is generally considered ill human-like characteristics as described above, as well as clearly choosing sides and creating illusions of fear and horrible fate for the unfaithful . Human religious history is wrought with wars and genocide and punishment, all in the name of their version of God(s) or religion. I have been called un-American or un-patriotic, even heretic or possessed by demons when I’ve spoke of such things in the past. That said, there was a time when I truly believed that the religion I belong to was the only true one so I can’t really fault others that believe that. Also, there are many, many good spiritual teachings that can be found in the bible and other equivalent sources, such as; do unto others as you would do unto yourself, love thy neighbor as thyself, let he who is without sin cast the first stone, the only way to heaven is through me, I am the way and the light. However, as ones perception of reality changes so does the meaning or interpretation of such sayings and lessons. ‘My’ God would never say an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth…..I actually think there are many people that are starting to awaken but many are held back because of fear of separation and loss of peer acceptance.

Regarding what you said about the process of certain universal laws, do you mean things such as law of attraction and cause and effect, and perhaps laws that bind us to the physical plane or govern our biological processes? Like rom2014 I was wondering if you could possibly expand on this topic a bit as well.

Lastly, I had a profound vision recently that there will be a day when all human kind will slowly but surely (at least the majority) begin to wake up and mature spiritually or energetically – start viewing all forms of life and the Earth as sacred and equal, and will stand united. I truly believe it is possible. However, we may have a long way to go based on the current state of affairs and collective consciousness.

The recent wiki leaks are an eye opening example of the deep level of corruption and deception going on right now, and probably has gone on for as long as modern/current man has been around. Somehow all this makes it easier to understand the need for major change, which needs to start with within each one of us – an opportunity for honest self review for starters. Makes the insights provided very profound, timely and relative. As painful as all these new insights are ….maybe in the end some good can actually come out of this new information. Maybe it could be the impetus needed to help many people around the world wake up and understand that significant change is needed, and quickly. I’m not saying I’m there, therefore I’ll continue to pray, intend and imagine the best possible outcome.

Thanks so much, once again, for taking the time to address my question with such passion, clarity and detail!:hug2:


Spirit Guide Sparrow 02-12-2010 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by rom2014
Hello Sparrow,

You spoke of universal laws which govern us. Can you illuminate on this? What are the laws?

Thank you.

There are many names for these laws, in many languages and cultures. Some say there are 7, some say there are 12, others perhaps more. The real number is around 52 in essence, which are revealed through the process of awareness. They correspond to one another and work in harmony with each other.
Here are 10 of them which you will relate yourself to in some way.
The law of attraction. The law of vibration. The law of connectivity (or Oneness). The law of manifestation (expression). The law of cause and effect. The law of equilibrium. The law of free will. The law of polarity. The law of change (motion). The law of proximity.
There are subsequently sub-laws which extend from these, such as the law of sequence which is experienced via the law of change. Such laws are experienced differently depending on relative awareness within those laws and your ability to bend yourself around them. Yes, some may say you cannot bend universal laws. Yet such laws operate differently depending on what frequency you exist within. Currently humanity is significantly influenced by these laws because of the frequency they occupy. -Sparrow

Spirit Guide Sparrow 02-12-2010 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by Cal
Sparrow, thanks so much for a wonderfully detailed and insightful response to my questions. I am in awe with the information provided. *** bowing in appreciation and gratitude***

I certainly need to digest it all this more but I have a some follow up comments and questions that came up as I carefully read through and absorbed it.

It seems as though power, control and greed are traits that extend well beyond humanity. It’s all beginning to make more and more sense now. The God I believe in does not have an ego and does not take sides or punish, which is why I gave up on trying to find the correct/true religion long ago. Also, it’s why I now more fervently suspect that the major world religions are based on races/beings that came from heaven to earth – not actually God, although some may have had good intentions and some not. It also enhances my previous suspicion that the bible and other religious/myths are partly recorded history and partly twisted fact and fiction, designed for the purpose for power and control which carries on through today.

All ancient texts/tablets, etc. have numerous examples of their God(s) having what is generally considered ill human-like characteristics as described above, as well as clearly choosing sides and creating illusions of fear and horrible fate for the unfaithful . Human religious history is wrought with wars and genocide and punishment, all in the name of their version of God(s) or religion. I have been called un-American or un-patriotic, even heretic or possessed by demons when I’ve spoke of such things in the past. That said, there was a time when I truly believed that the religion I belong to was the only true one so I can’t really fault others that believe that. Also, there are many, many good spiritual teachings that can be found in the bible and other equivalent sources, such as; do unto others as you would do unto yourself, love thy neighbor as thyself, let he who is without sin cast the first stone, the only way to heaven is through me, I am the way and the light. However, as ones perception of reality changes so does the meaning or interpretation of such sayings and lessons. ‘My’ God would never say an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth…..I actually think there are many people that are starting to awaken but many are held back because of fear of separation and loss of peer acceptance.

Regarding what you said about the process of certain universal laws, do you mean things such as law of attraction and cause and effect, and perhaps laws that bind us to the physical plane or govern our biological processes? Like rom2014 I was wondering if you could possibly expand on this topic a bit as well.

Lastly, I had a profound vision recently that there will be a day when all human kind will slowly but surely (at least the majority) begin to wake up and mature spiritually or energetically – start viewing all forms of life and the Earth as sacred and equal, and will stand united. I truly believe it is possible. However, we may have a long way to go based on the current state of affairs and collective consciousness.

The recent wiki leaks are an eye opening example of the deep level of corruption and deception going on right now, and probably has gone on for as long as modern/current man has been around. Somehow all this makes it easier to understand the need for major change, which needs to start with within each one of us – an opportunity for honest self review for starters. Makes the insights provided very profound, timely and relative. As painful as all these new insights are ….maybe in the end some good can actually come out of this new information. Maybe it could be the impetus needed to help many people around the world wake up and understand that significant change is needed, and quickly. I’m not saying I’m there, therefore I’ll continue to pray, intend and imagine the best possible outcome.

Thanks so much, once again, for taking the time to address my question with such passion, clarity and detail!:hug2:


Yes, completely true. Power, control and greed flourish far beyond this solar system. Where there is a shortage of something and an abundance of it, there will always be manipulation involved. This stems from survival and preservation instincts of biological organisms on many planets, and amplified by fear, belief and self-importance. Because such instincts are commonly produced in life forms it is common sense to conclude other races experience the same disharmonious behaviours in their societies, and subsequently have both ‘good’ eggs and ‘bad’ eggs, or as the case apparently is, fractured groups.

The universal laws have often been interpreted as ‘Gods will’ by tribes all over the world. What they really saw was a force in effect which was greater than their own ability to create themselves. Yet this is not the will of God in effect, but merely the energy matrix program functioning by itself as it was set up to do. Humanity can either bow and become subservient to the laws of the known universe, or they can ascend their frequency state and learn to bend themselves in such a way as to manipulate such laws to their own whim.

I warm to your expressed vision of the future of humanity. Let us hope and pray that you are right. Better still, let us act together in becoming the hope and prayers of those who continue to do nothing. Prayers will not save the world, but hard work will. -Sparrow

Cal 03-12-2010 06:16 AM

Yes, indeed, let us be the prayers and hopes and the intention that will help co-create something beautiful.
Thanks for sharing some additional insight on the universal laws.

Thanks again and have a super blessed day!


Adrienne 03-12-2010 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by Cal
Yes, indeed, let us be the prayers and hopes and the intention that will help co-create something beautiful.

very nice, Cal :smile:

Dream Angel xx

Spirit Guide Sparrow 03-12-2010 12:26 PM

I will do my very utmost do have a super blessed day, thank you. :hug3:

ROM 03-12-2010 01:11 PM

Thanks for the insight Sparrow.

Have you always had a natural psychic ability? And what are your thoughts on people who develop said senses as opposed to those who possess them naturally? I would think that people who have the natural ability have it for a reason and that developing them might not be such a good idea or doesn't it really matter? I'm not sure.


Spirit Guide Sparrow 03-12-2010 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by rom2014
Thanks for the insight Sparrow.

Have you always had a natural psychic ability? And what are your thoughts on people who develop said senses as opposed to those who possess them naturally? I would think that people who have the natural ability have it for a reason and that developing them might not be such a good idea or doesn't it really matter? I'm not sure.


Buenos Dias. Gracias.

Often when human beings speak of someone with a psychic ability they immediately attach a supernatural connotation to it. Yet it is only perceived to be supernatural because humanity has neglected this form of language in modern times, whereas other species on the planet continue to embrace it.

What is to be understood here is an inherent form of vibrational language. So inherent that it is commonplace within the realms of spirit. It matters not what species you belong or what planet you are from, the language of vibration binds and bonds us all in the kingdom of the spirit. Such language has an intuitive ability to unfold itself into the correct frequency to imprint just the right thoughts in your mind in order for species to communicate with one another. It is a marvellous phenomenon, in the true sense of the word, in the realms of the spirit.
In physical state, particularly with human beings, vibrational language is most often distorted and filtered by the individuals internal environment. The thoughts that produce beliefs, which in turn create walls and barriers. Feelings that produce emotional strain, which in turn closes down receptive doors of energy. Your chakras.

For those that are psychically inclined are so due to the nature of their biology and energy facilitation which is enabled through a specific connection to their consciousness. Those who are psychic have specific cell frequencies activated within their biology which enables a certain type of receptivity and connectivity to limited bands of consciousness, or vibration. Often it will be the spirit guides of the person who will identify this potential in them from an overlooking energy view they have, and then work to bring about this ability within you. Most people have no idea their spirit guides are helping to facilitate this ability through aligning your energy configuration with your cellular biology makeup. Those who are naturally gifted in this way through genetic family are often already attuned on a cellular level for this facilitation of language to take place. Those that have ancestors who demonstrated no such attunement may still give birth to an offspring who, by chance, has just the ideal genetic configuration, mixed with their individual energy vibration to bring about psychic ability.
Those then that learn to become psychic are consciously attempting to reconfigure their own vibrational energy with their genetic configuration to achieve similar results. Though this latter route is often more difficult.

When you are released from physical state, your vibration is no longer restrained by physical barriers and communication through telepathic means becomes fluid and instantaneous, not only between the tribes of man, but the tribes of all animals, plants, birds, fish and beings of other worlds. Though in the case of the latter here, without memory reference within your consciousness, communication will be a gradual process which you will adjust to, as you adjust to their energy configuration. It all may sound difficult, but it is not. Some soul groups have practiced bringing about psychic gifts through physical state, so that too is another avenue of thought.

With this understanding, one can learn to speak to any life form while still in physical state. It is not really a spiritual journey, merely a journey of connectivity. -Sparrow

flutterangel 05-12-2010 03:03 AM

Hi Sparrow,
Could you please touch on the law of manifestation a bit more? I am curious and posted about this elsewhere, also. I fear I am not explaining my question clearly enough, though. Does it often happen where someone connected to you may be unintentionally manifesting the opposite of your own intentions/desires? Or could it be that some people just have "plain bad luck?" I'm of the belief that we usually create our own "luck." But I realize others' free will comes into play and can affect us also. How can we help for a positive outcome for all?
Thank you, as always, for your thoughts...


Amethyst 05-12-2010 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by Spirit Guide Sparrow
Yes, Earth is a very beautiful planet, from any perspective. People simply need to acknowledge this beauty and allow it to become part of their lives. People need to reconnect with the spirit of the planet and rediscover what is most important in physical life. To awaken the awareness within their cellular memory of the deeper sentient connection between man and nature. To look beyond their mundane miniscule self orientated lifestyles and invest their hearts and souls into harmonious conscious living. People need to wake up from their deep sleep and start living the life they aspired to create for themselves all so long ago. Then, and only then, will the brothers and sisters of humankind extend their will and love to planet Earth.

Spirit Guide Sparrow, you so often express in words things I feel in my heart and I love following your posts filled with love and wisdom.

With much love from a Sparrow Groupie!

Amethyst x

Spirit Guide Sparrow 09-12-2010 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by flutterangel
Hi Sparrow,
Could you please touch on the law of manifestation a bit more? I am curious and posted about this elsewhere, also. I fear I am not explaining my question clearly enough, though. Does it often happen where someone connected to you may be unintentionally manifesting the opposite of your own intentions/desires? Or could it be that some people just have "plain bad luck?" I'm of the belief that we usually create our own "luck." But I realize others' free will comes into play and can affect us also. How can we help for a positive outcome for all?
Thank you, as always, for your thoughts...


Thoughts attract. The more you think about something the closer you bring it to you, and the easier it becomes to manifest. Even if you do not want it to manifest, your attraction to the thought of it is what gravitates you into the experience of it.
It is of course common sense that not only you, but others act on free will. Even if another person does not speak of their own intentions or thoughts, does not mean to say they are not harbouring thoughts of a negative nature. These can of course infiltrate your own energy state and influence your own frequency. This is why it is important to facilitate a harmonious environment externally as well as internally.
You can begin to remedy this problem by learning to recognise negative vibrations in a practical physical way. Learn to read body language, tone and the thought processes of other beings. Learn to become observant and sensitive to the apparent intentions of others in your energy space. If they behave in a way which suffocates or restricts your energy flow then ask them to keep their distance, or simply change your environment.
If your own intentions do not appear to manifest fruitful successes then perhaps you are not aligning yourself fully to one direction. For example, perhaps it is you pray or do some ceremonial ritual to bring about a new relationship in your life, yet within the same breath you hide yourself away from the world, or you act in such a picky way that others identify this in you and then keep their distance. Or perhaps you are thinking long and hard about raising your vibrations and achieving successful states of meditation. Yet prior to, and following such practices you then revert to bickering with loved ones, performing uncharacteristic routines and lifestyles and adopting the same old mindsets you have always had.
Both your thoughts and actions must be in complete alignment with your focal intention from the moment you wake to the moment you sleep. You cannot simply dedicate one hour of your day to manifest something profound and wonderful, you need to form the foundation within you to house the energy requirements to facilitate manifestation in a way which creates change. If there is not enough focused energy then change will not occur. You need momentum.

If enough people unite with a singular intention, and live this intention from and within every breath, every words, every thought and every action then there is no force which can prevent its creation.

Spirit Guide Sparrow 09-12-2010 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by Amethyst
Spirit Guide Sparrow, you so often express in words things I feel in my heart and I love following your posts filled with love and wisdom.

With much love from a Sparrow Groupie!

Amethyst x

Thank you for making me smile even more so. :smile: :hug3:

flutterangel 11-12-2010 05:31 PM

Thank you, Sparrow.

"If enough people unite with a singular intention, and live this intention from and within every breath, every words, every thought and every action then there is no force which can prevent its creation."

I find, so many that need to know this do not. And others that do, often need reminders. :) I do feel that this is starting to change, though.
I appreciate what you do here for us, at SF.

Have a wonderful day, Sparrow!

Truth_Seeker 13-12-2010 11:19 AM

Sparrow I hope all is well with you, I have suprise suprise some questions for you.

Ive experienced a few strange unexplainable things that I hope you would take the time to shed some light on as you may be able to tell from reading Ive been in a few unsavoury situations but these experiences are still very odd to me.

About 5 years ago I was friends with someone who was quite normal most of the time with a heart capable of love, however he had a very violent side to his personality that I rarely saw but came out often and he enjoyed the reputation it gave him. I do believe on some level he was being affected by another entity, one night I was walking outside with him and I saw this orb of light that I first thought was a torch but it grew very bright and flashed near us it was orange he told me he didnt remember and seemed to "switch off" when it happened and he stopped being his normal self, I just dont know what could have caused it.

At another time when I was living with someone who again had a good heart but was corrupted by a serious drug problem smoking pot, his girlfriend was very torn up by it and couldnt handle being around him when he was high because her father died from drugs. So one time she was crying I was sitting in another room and all of a sudden there was this buzzing sound like a power tool being used coming from the kitchen, there was nothing in there that could have caused it, strange thing is 6 months or so later that sound was exactly the same and in the same place as a coffee grinder he used to chop up his pot almost like time lines were interweaving or something I still think this is very odd.

And lastly when I was meditating unsuccessfully I became aware of a very strong sensation on my third eye of something pressing on it, it literally felt as though someone had there finger pressed onto my forehead I then saw in meditation a ufo with an entity underneath it and a drill going into my third eye stealing energy out of it, sometimes I still get the sensation on my forehead even when not meditating and worry this same thing is happening again from what im told these being are "gray aliens" I dont like feeling victim to unseen forces I can understand how vulnerable us humans could be to more advanced beings.

I know your being asked many questions of different types of importance but these things to me are important to understand im not just asking for the sake of it I do have respect for you and the fact that you never fail to respond to peoples posts I think is admirable Sparrow, I would not however take advantage of that, just wanted to establish that :smile:

ROM 18-12-2010 05:46 AM

Hi Sparrow, I know this might seem out of context, but I have recently become curious about the whole crop circle phenomena. Could you shed some light on the subject on how they are made, if by forces of nature, or by man?

Thanks in advance!

glenos 18-12-2010 07:56 AM

Yes, I'd love to know that too!

Truth_Seeker 18-12-2010 08:27 AM

same here I was thinking about asking that as well! They seem to be trying to communicate Im sure they government would know what the symbols mean but would never let the masses know!

Spirit Guide Sparrow 19-12-2010 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by Truth_Seeker
Sparrow I hope all is well with you, I have suprise suprise some questions for you.

Ive experienced a few strange unexplainable things that I hope you would take the time to shed some light on as you may be able to tell from reading Ive been in a few unsavoury situations but these experiences are still very odd to me.

About 5 years ago I was friends with someone who was quite normal most of the time with a heart capable of love, however he had a very violent side to his personality that I rarely saw but came out often and he enjoyed the reputation it gave him. I do believe on some level he was being affected by another entity, one night I was walking outside with him and I saw this orb of light that I first thought was a torch but it grew very bright and flashed near us it was orange he told me he didnt remember and seemed to "switch off" when it happened and he stopped being his normal self, I just dont know what could have caused it.

At another time when I was living with someone who again had a good heart but was corrupted by a serious drug problem smoking pot, his girlfriend was very torn up by it and couldnt handle being around him when he was high because her father died from drugs. So one time she was crying I was sitting in another room and all of a sudden there was this buzzing sound like a power tool being used coming from the kitchen, there was nothing in there that could have caused it, strange thing is 6 months or so later that sound was exactly the same and in the same place as a coffee grinder he used to chop up his pot almost like time lines were interweaving or something I still think this is very odd.

And lastly when I was meditating unsuccessfully I became aware of a very strong sensation on my third eye of something pressing on it, it literally felt as though someone had there finger pressed onto my forehead I then saw in meditation a ufo with an entity underneath it and a drill going into my third eye stealing energy out of it, sometimes I still get the sensation on my forehead even when not meditating and worry this same thing is happening again from what im told these being are "gray aliens" I dont like feeling victim to unseen forces I can understand how vulnerable us humans could be to more advanced beings.

I know your being asked many questions of different types of importance but these things to me are important to understand im not just asking for the sake of it I do have respect for you and the fact that you never fail to respond to peoples posts I think is admirable Sparrow, I would not however take advantage of that, just wanted to establish that :smile:

Blessings upon your journey, Truth Seeker.

As such questions are directed towards me I shall endeavour to add my thoughts to them.

Well first of all, the fact that you are able to observe energy plasma (orbs) with your physical retina and receive various sound wave frequencies indicates you are somewhat fortunate in this respect. The orbs that you see are either energy plasma created by the actual environment in which it took place (for many places exist upon high frequency energy grids which discharge such phenomenon) or are the presence of interdimensional plasmic intelligence. The first is really a physical/visual reaction to molecules/gases and electrostatic emanations being charged in the atmosphere from colliding energy forces.
The latter tends to be the result from a type of energy projection from an entity occupying a different frequency state. Because it is much easier for some types of beings to manifest themselves in this atmosphere, and this frequency, in an interactive way through a plasmic state, it does not have to create tremendous energy required to form physical structured form, like a biological body. Which is actually very difficult. Such entity emanations tend to interact with physical state, and human beings, on a different level using a different language than humans are used to. This is because they do not see and interpret you as physical objects of reference but as emanations of sound, light and electrochemical signals. They see what your cells are producing and your energy waves, not the outside physical appearance you see in the mirror. This is why they may not recognise or understand your moral application and what is considered right and wrong, in your perspective. Human beings seem to assume every other living entity shares the exact duplicate moral development as them, and so interpret life in such ignorance, or label such things as inherently ‘evil’ because they are different.
Those in the spirit world also manifest in this way, if they aspire to be seen. It may be that some being from the spirit world is trying to communicate with an individual, and in doing so subsequently causes some degree of mischief or emotional/energy/character imbalance. In which case it is beneficial that they are not left alone and surrounded by as many balanced individuals as possible as to shield them from vulnerability.

Occasionally there are overlays of dimensions which cross one another. Dimensional boundaries, as it were, do not simply stay static, they are constantly fluctuating. From time to time you may experience some phenomenon when two realities merge, if but for a few seconds, and echoes of one manifest into another. This is because reality is not a solid static foundation, it is very much like a living evolving organism which sometimes behaves irregularly. Though it would only be seen as irregular to a human because they have not encountered such things before within their short life span and perceptual awareness.

I would not feed the thought that some ‘grey’ or other alien is stealing energy from this eye or that eye. Such mindset will come to work to your disadvantage. If it gives you peace meditate upon this idea and visualize yourself a permanent defence against it and imagine communicating to this being that you are aware of what it is doing, and that you no longer permit it to continue. After this do not give it a second thought and walk within a mindset which does not place you within any state of victimhood.
In future activities be cautious of what energies you are reaching out to an inviting into your energy space. For if you fully open yourself to anything which simply vibrates higher than you, you are simply placing yourself in harms way. Be cautious who is listening to those intentions and heartfelt invitations you send out into the universe. Your invitations should be sent within you, through your protective silver cord, to your loving spirit state, not randomly out to whosoever is within your energy proximity. Your etheric cord is your direct connection with your spirit, go there for all that you need and aspire to attain.


Spirit Guide Sparrow 19-12-2010 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by rom2014
Hi Sparrow, I know this might seem out of context, but I have recently become curious about the whole crop circle phenomena. Could you shed some light on the subject on how they are made, if by forces of nature, or by man?

Thanks in advance!

Yes friend.

Crop circles, that is, the majority which are not man-made, are primarily created by plasma energy. The plasma energy, or orbs, are creations of those from the spirit world who wish to communicate in a specific way. Plasma energy is more or less a way for those in the spirit world to manipulate physical forces of energy in an efficient way in order to create indentations and other manifestations which are by far more easier to do than others. They utilize energy already present in the atmosphere of the Earth to their advantage and implement it to create forms of communication you see as crop circles.
There are also other foundations of intelligence at work, who are more a part of a completely different structure of life, in a sense that, as human beings see their little galaxy as a huge place of exploration, these beings view the whole universe as one of their current projects. What you are seeing is a means of communication which is being taught to you to align you with new ways of thinking and connecting information together. You will find many of these crop circles illuminate information about the movement, alignment and cycles of planetary, galactic and universal truths. They will also reveal information about energy application, DNA structure and molecular code.

ROM 20-12-2010 01:20 AM

Wow, that's very interesting, thank you so much! So I guess we should start trying to see the meaning behind crop circles and not see them purely as hoaxes made by man.

Truth_Seeker 20-12-2010 08:04 AM

This link goes into many interesting subjects including crop circles and as you say sparrow David shows some crop circles that clearly show DNA evolving. Another interesting subject of this video is the earths energy being a life force in itself, apparently a experiment was done with sand that had been heated up until white hot then cooled down put in a sterilised test tube in a sealed container and under a microscope it showed that bacteria had grown on it...Amazing this video goes into 2012 as well I recommend it to everybody curious about what 2012 is really all about.

Truth_Seeker 20-12-2010 08:05 AM

Heres the link I had to get to 15 posts before i could put it up


Truth_Seeker 20-12-2010 08:11 AM

Thanks for your reply as well Sparrow Ive never encountered anyone like you before I am curious about you and where your from it cant be easy knowing so much and being on earth surrounded by us humans! Seriously it would frustrate the hell out me but hey we appreciate it.

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