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LightKeeper 16-08-2016 02:34 PM

Is time travel real?
I mean people in this forum seem to believe that it is. That means reality is changing every second right?

Boson 16-08-2016 06:53 PM

Hello Light Keeper,

I may be the exception here, but I dont think physical time travel is possible, or at least not back in time to a point in time before the time-travelling device was constructed.


LightKeeper 17-08-2016 01:55 AM

Okay thank you for your opinion. :)

TarunP 17-08-2016 06:43 AM

Imho, a better question is - is time real?

My personal experience says there is always now. My brain simply adds time tags to its experiences. Experiences happen in no time (and no space), the time stamp gets added to them. Memory of experiences creates the illusion of past, and expectation of event creates an illusion of future.

Experiences don't happen in time, time happens in experiences. Anyhow, others may have different view. :)

sea-dove 18-08-2016 11:56 PM

I dont know if its physically possible or not, its not something I have any experience with.

What I do know if that it is possible astrally.

I once ended up mind linked (I think she initiated this as she was a shaman) with one of my past lives. We both them shared the same moment in time, looking out of the eyes of each others body... her seeing out of me her future body with me looking out of her eyes in my past life body. Our minds in both times but also merged to this one point of time of us meeting together and becoming like one.

This was proof to me that time doesnt even exist.

InSearchOfAnswers247 20-08-2016 02:07 AM

I have always wondered about this. Time itself is is a mystery to me. It seems to be a man made construct to measure change. At any rate, I would like think it is possible.

Howla Dark 20-08-2016 07:49 AM

Time travel might be real. Some think that OOPARTS (Out of place objects and artifacts) blamed on time travellers going back millions of years leaving stuff.

Kerubiel 20-08-2016 08:46 AM

Its a common thought to believe that time isnt real. It happens when we experience a different experience of time that proves to us that how we thought of time previously has changed and so you assume that time is not real as we once thought it was. However just because your perception, you experience shifts to a different state doesnt mean tie is not real. It just means time and your perception of it can change.

intj123 23-08-2016 03:09 AM

We can manipulate time.

There are two ways, to increase mass, which slows down time. Like orbiting a black hole (theoretically) in a space ship would slow down time so that if you orbit it for maybe 1 year then when you leave and come back to earth then 50 years on earth have passed. It's sort of a trick to travel into the future by slowing time in your own space. If you stand next to the pyramids in Egypt, it could possibly slow down time for you in a micro amount due to it's large mass.

Also as you reach speeds up to the speed of light, supposedly time stops at the speed of light. So if you were to somehow accelerate yourself to extremely fast speeds then it would be similar to orbiting the black hole where time slows or stops for you while other "time zones" go at the regular speeds of time.

It's interesting that both of these are kind of at play in our current state on earth, we are on a big ball of mass, but it's also accelerating and spinning on it's axis at some pretty fast speeds, I just googled it and it's 1,040mph. Just by sitting where you are now on the computer, you are still traveling through space at over 1,000mph if you are near the equator. Come to think of it, we are also orbiting the sun at pretty fast speeds, and our entire galaxy is moving in space as well, We are going through motions we are hardly aware of.

Time is not evenly distributed in the universe according to science....there are different "time zones" depending on mass and speed factors.

Even air planes and space satellites, and astronauts themselves experience different "time zones" when they are further away from the mass of mother earth(time should pass ever slightly faster for them and slow for us on earth), the clocks on air planes and space equipment has to be recalibrated, or they have to use an atomic cesium clock to make sure everything is correct.

Rozie 27-08-2016 07:59 AM

Yes it is possible in a way. I think changes go on with the timeline all the time but we aren't aware of the changes because we are in our present reality.

Have you heard about the Mandela effect. That is a very strange phenomenon and nobody knows the cause. I don't know, and some things can be misremembered or memories can be manipulated. I know this is true. It makes more sense for that to be the explanation, but it could have something to do with time and space. We don't know what goes on behind the scenes. I have been shown some things and I use the concept of time manipulation, though I don't know if it is effective. It is just a tool.

I thought that quantum physics had proven that time travel was possible. It was only a fraction of a millisecond but if it is possible to time travel a fraction of a millisecond, then it is possible to time travel for any amount of time theoretically.

I know I totally have the details wrong but I did read something about that and I am paraphrasing and jumping to conclusions but the logic is good enough for me.

I did have an incident once, where disaster was avoided but it felt like I had lived through disaster, and rewound the moment to redo it and save a life.

That was just a feeling about that moment and I think there are other critical moments where people feel that way. It is just a feeling, not a true experience but it seems as if there was some intervention during that moment.

Not to sound lame, but I time travel all the time. I can know the future by looking through the eyes of my past self. If you want to travel into the future, you just wait. That has always worked for me.

Linda 28-08-2016 12:28 PM

You said "Is time travel real?" I think all thinks are real but not to all people.

Khalli 29-08-2016 08:28 PM

This article has some interesting views on this subject:

Here is the math behind this and a description of the experiment:

LightKeeper 13-09-2016 11:48 PM

Thanks Khall! :)

intj123 14-09-2016 05:46 AM


Originally Posted by khallianen
This article has some interesting views on this subject:

Here is the math behind this and a description of the experiment:

Well, my math skills are too horrible to understand that.

It's all just theory though, more of a thought experiment than an actual experiment that proves something. When they actually do something with it, then I'll be impressed.

I mean how do we realistically travel back in time? You might have to reverse the motions of the planets and universe. If you wanted to travel back 1/2 a year, then that's when the earth was on the other side of the sun, and all the rest of the universe in that moment of time. You would have to reverse the age of the universe itself.

When we stereotypically think of traveling back in time, we imagine everything else except ourselves reversing back in time, but I don't think that's a realistic thought. Achieving this is far more complicated than doing some math.

However, the time manipulation I talked about is real and provable with real life experiments. It's practical and achievable realistically. Sorry I believe the correct terminology is time dilation, if you want to research it.

The only thing I can think of as for reversing time, is to probably jump into a black hole and return to the singularity lol. Because time stops at C, the speed of light, but not even light can escape the massive gravitational pull of a black hole up to the event horizon, so you might be traveling at greater velocity than the speed of light once you jump into that black hole. But you wouldn't survive, you would just become part of the singularity. That would also violate what we know though, that mass can't be accelerated past 99.999%(not sure how many 9's there really are) the speed of light. Basically here on earth, we can't even make time stop for us or anything with mass, let alone reverse time.

We time travel everyday, when you sit down you experience slower time than when you stand up. When you walk or run you experience slower time, when you drive your car you experience slower time. Time is all relative to gravity and velocity. Speed and velocity is artificial gravity.

Jared.L 14-09-2016 08:10 AM

I think it is...but only with our minds for now. For example some people can foresee future. Isn't that time travelling? There are some stories about people who were lost in the woods, for example and found some kind of portal to another time. So they were missing for a few years and then returned and talked about life in future....

cdoliveira 15-09-2016 01:39 AM

For me, it is absolutely possible, even more for other dimension beings way more developed than us.

Human brain is not ready yet to find out about those sort of events though, and that is why they try to "cover" events like the Mandela effect associating it with bad memory etc. But yes, it is completely possible. We live in parallel realities, time is relative and beings from other planets know how to manipulate it.

FallingLeaves 18-11-2016 12:56 AM

my thought is that time as we know it is just a fourth spatial dimension, and to travel forwards or backwards or sideways or up or down or whatever is likely to be possible (some people claim to have 'entered' it for example with meditations like the merkaba). *however* for most of us, we are artificially constrained in the way we travel through it, probably in an attempt to teach us something about measuring change when while satisfying our urge to limit ourselves endlessly.

Burntfruit 26-11-2016 06:05 PM

I was thinking when you watch an old movie, that is a form of time travel. You are watching the past. It is captured light and sound. Thats all it is.

Völvawitch 27-11-2016 03:09 PM

No one knows yet if time travel is real.

The closest thing you can get is to travel through a black hole which makes time stop.

Brucely 21-01-2017 06:08 AM

Yea its possible. Everyday scientists are discovering more, and only a fraction of that is released publicly. Why havnt we heard of any particle accelerator news lately? Not long ago i heard something about creating a device that makes an object inside decay microseconds quicker

Also, the spiral in Norway some years ago was supposedly a threat to Obama because he was planning to reveal something at his nobel peace prize... The tv show "the event" was entirely based on the conspiracy

IndigoViolet 21-01-2017 07:22 AM

What I knew is that in an everchanging universe time travelling is utterly impossible. However, a portion of our past can be both revealed or experienced, over over and over again as if they are real and happening. You can halt your progress or go backwards to the same "time" as you wish, but have no way to halt others nor the Universe (eg changing universal events). And if you want you can even change the ending. It might be the deja vu that triggers the sensation of us being able to travel back in time, but in reality the face is all messed up itself

Diksheeta 23-01-2017 01:00 AM

Time travel and teleportation are the same things, think about it... when you time travel you skip parts in between, with teleportation you skip places between... those are the same, time and space

IndigoViolet 24-01-2017 01:30 AM

Wow interesting. Though when I dream of teleport, I always see a kind of a dimension in between. They partly in a way contain our memories and everything that happens or happened no matter we remember them or not. So nobody will nor can stay there long before getting devoured and never be able to go back again.

thewanderer21 27-01-2017 05:09 PM

It should be real .

bartholomew 28-01-2017 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by LightKeeper
I mean people in this forum seem to believe that it is. That means reality is changing every second right?

Yes. Time travel is real. Every time we move from one place to another we also move in time. We have GPS satellites arranged in a great ring around the Earth. They do not work by mere geographical triangulation. When they determine our location they do so using the differential in time between them. The signals from our devices arrive at many satellites at slightly different times. It is only necessary then to do some math and our present location is revealed. In this calculation location and velocity are constant while time is the variable. It only seems like we are seeing a moving dot on our GPS screens but this is because the calculation is repeated over and over again in quick succession. Each physical location on Earth has a different time. Distance is equal to the time it would take at a given velocity to navigate from one point to another. Time itself is the result, the effect of our physical universe. With GPS we merely use it as a quick means of determining distance and location. The time differential between two of the navigational satellites is in the order of tens of millionths of seconds. This is enough to be measured by a computer. This is a part of the relativity which Einstein described long ago.

Time also varies with consciousness. When we are awake and sitting still time seems to drag. If we go to sleep in the same location time passes faster. Yes. This is because our consciousness has temporarily changed. As our consciousness is raised time slows. As our consciousness is lessened, such as in sleep, time passes faster. But time in these two instances does not only seem to be faster or slower, it actually is. Our clocks may belie this but remember they are only unconscious static devices.

We travel in time "all the time" but do not notice because we are so accustomed to it and because the changes are so small. It has been determined that astronauts who return to Earth are younger than those they left behind. This is because their velocity was different from that of the people left on Earth. The difference in their ages though is so very small that no one notices.

An astronaut in Newtonian space is limited to the speed of light. If the same astronaut is able to shift up to a higher dimension though almost any speed is possible. This is precisely what UFO's do when they suddenly disappear from our view. Travel between galaxies in just a few minutes is already possible for those beings who have learned the art of dimensional shifting. This is the key thing. In a higher dimension there will still be a speed limit but it won't be the speed of light because that is the third dimension limit only. There are always limits but they differ according to the dimension which we are moving in.

When the average person speaks of time travel he thinks of willfully going back or forward to other times. This is a journey, not of tens of millionths of seconds, but of perhaps hundreds of years. The velocity/distance required for such a journey is presently beyond us so we have to be content with our present livingingness.

But.... we can send out consciousness to another time much more easily. This is, in fact, what remote viewers do when they examine history. It is easier because we send our minds out of three dimensions and into higher realms where time is different. The higher we go in the spiritual realms the slower time passes. Then it is merely a matter of picking a time to look at. This process still takes physical time but not too much.

The most effective way to travel in time is to shift up to higher dimensions. This is what our friends in UFO's are doing when they suddenly appear and disappear. We see them going suddenly at great speeds but inside their craft they are moving much slower. They don't notice the sudden angular course changes. The differences in observation are due to dimensional shift, not physical Newtonian forces.

In the distant future when we want to travel great distances through space it will be necessary for us to include time in our navigational equations. If we want to go on a journey, a very long one, and return to our homes finding our families still alive then we will have to make arrangements to return not only to the same place but to the same time. This is a strange idea only because we have never had to consider it before. The math for this sort of thing is beyond me but the concept is not.

Those who travel, willfully, through time will have to use a math which includes relative time differentials, velocity differentials, and distance differentials. And what are these differentials? They are variations in consciousness which coincide with moving through the dimensions which do exist. Until we can do this we have to be content with the small variations in time that result from ordinary moving through our familiar spaces.

Except for the examples and illustrations given above we are not presently capable of serious time travel.

Kine Lea 29-01-2017 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by bartholomew
Yes. Time travel is real.

The most effective way to travel in time is to shift up to higher dimensions. This is what our friends in UFO's are doing when they suddenly appear and disappear. We see them going suddenly at great speeds but inside their craft they are moving much slower. They don't notice the sudden angular course changes. The differences in observation are due to dimensional shift, not physical Newtonian forces.

Of course when you think about it, us humans are speeding through time at a phenomenal rate when compared to a hill a tree or a riverbed. Time is a human concept used to explain the aging process, for example. An ocean wave has more time contained within its reality than a human lifetime, or for that matter, the life span of a mountain range. It's just a question of perspective, how each reality soaks up time ...

Time travel has to be real because mountain ranges and hills and trees and riverbeds are real,
all moving through space on a different clock.

vella12 07-02-2017 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by Rozie
Yes it is possible in a way. I think changes go on with the timeline all the time but we aren't aware of the changes because we are in our present reality.

Have you heard about the Mandela effect. That is a very strange phenomenon and nobody knows the cause. I don't know, and some things can be misremembered or memories can be manipulated. I know this is true. It makes more sense for that to be the explanation, but it could have something to do with time and space. We don't know what goes on behind the scenes. I have been shown some things and I use the concept of time manipulation, though I don't know if it is effective. It is just a tool.

I thought that quantum physics had proven that time travel was possible. It was only a fraction of a millisecond but if it is possible to time travel a fraction of a millisecond, then it is possible to time travel for any amount of time theoretically.

I know I totally have the details wrong but I did read something about that and I am paraphrasing and jumping to conclusions but the logic is good enough for me.

I did have an incident once, where disaster was avoided but it felt like I had lived through disaster, and rewound the moment to redo it and save a life.

That was just a feeling about that moment and I think there are other critical moments where people feel that way. It is just a feeling, not a true experience but it seems as if there was some intervention during that moment.

Not to sound lame, but I time travel all the time. I can know the future by looking through the eyes of my past self. If you want to travel into the future, you just wait. That has always worked for me.

Hey Rozie,
I don't thinks its possible.

Burntfruit 07-02-2017 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by bartholomew
Yes. Time travel is real. Every time we move from one place to another we also move in time. We have GPS satellites arranged in a great ring around the Earth. They do not work by mere geographical triangulation. When they determine our location they do so using the differential in time between them. The signals from our devices arrive at many satellites at slightly different times. It is only necessary then to do some math and our present location is revealed. In this calculation location and velocity are constant while time is the variable. It only seems like we are seeing a moving dot on our GPS screens but this is because the calculation is repeated over and over again in quick succession. Each physical location on Earth has a different time. Distance is equal to the time it would take at a given velocity to navigate from one point to another. Time itself is the result, the effect of our physical universe. With GPS we merely use it as a quick means of determining distance and location. The time differential between two of the navigational satellites is in the order of tens of millionths of seconds. This is enough to be measured by a computer. This is a part of the relativity which Einstein described long ago.

Time also varies with consciousness. When we are awake and sitting still time seems to drag. If we go to sleep in the same location time passes faster. Yes. This is because our consciousness has temporarily changed. As our consciousness is raised time slows. As our consciousness is lessened, such as in sleep, time passes faster. But time in these two instances does not only seem to be faster or slower, it actually is. Our clocks may belie this but remember they are only unconscious static devices.

We travel in time "all the time" but do not notice because we are so accustomed to it and because the changes are so small. It has been determined that astronauts who return to Earth are younger than those they left behind. This is because their velocity was different from that of the people left on Earth. The difference in their ages though is so very small that no one notices.

An astronaut in Newtonian space is limited to the speed of light. If the same astronaut is able to shift up to a higher dimension though almost any speed is possible. This is precisely what UFO's do when they suddenly disappear from our view. Travel between galaxies in just a few minutes is already possible for those beings who have learned the art of dimensional shifting. This is the key thing. In a higher dimension there will still be a speed limit but it won't be the speed of light because that is the third dimension limit only. There are always limits but they differ according to the dimension which we are moving in.

When the average person speaks of time travel he thinks of willfully going back or forward to other times. This is a journey, not of tens of millionths of seconds, but of perhaps hundreds of years. The velocity/distance required for such a journey is presently beyond us so we have to be content with our present livingingness.

But.... we can send out consciousness to another time much more easily. This is, in fact, what remote viewers do when they examine history. It is easier because we send our minds out of three dimensions and into higher realms where time is different. The higher we go in the spiritual realms the slower time passes. Then it is merely a matter of picking a time to look at. This process still takes physical time but not too much.

The most effective way to travel in time is to shift up to higher dimensions. This is what our friends in UFO's are doing when they suddenly appear and disappear. We see them going suddenly at great speeds but inside their craft they are moving much slower. They don't notice the sudden angular course changes. The differences in observation are due to dimensional shift, not physical Newtonian forces.

In the distant future when we want to travel great distances through space it will be necessary for us to include time in our navigational equations. If we want to go on a journey, a very long one, and return to our homes finding our families still alive then we will have to make arrangements to return not only to the same place but to the same time. This is a strange idea only because we have never had to consider it before. The math for this sort of thing is beyond me but the concept is not.

Those who travel, willfully, through time will have to use a math which includes relative time differentials, velocity differentials, and distance differentials. And what are these differentials? They are variations in consciousness which coincide with moving through the dimensions which do exist. Until we can do this we have to be content with the small variations in time that result from ordinary moving through our familiar spaces.

Except for the examples and illustrations given above we are not presently capable of serious time travel.

That is one of the best posts I have read in ages.

I think you are spot on B.

When I saw footage of Alien ufo travelling from zero to ultra high speed, I thought that the only way to do it was transcend dimensions as you describe.

It does not make sense in 3 dimensions, but if they transcend to higher dimensions like you say, it is possible.

Good post. :smile:

Krystaline Shifter 12-02-2017 11:45 AM

Of course it is ive even time traveled a noticable amount already. Kinda ****ed up i cant even talk to my own family about this. Time is a illusion i hear in higher dimensions you move back and forward as much as you want. Id think that'd get really confusing if you bring in paralell realites and stuff cause like 2017 could be the equivalent of thousands of years ago on earth in different realities. So maybe its just somewhat how u want to see it i guess. Cause you know how you view your reality determines how you experiance it more and more.

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