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JoshuaR 20-02-2012 05:01 PM

Looking for others with life path 33
Thanks for coming in, i guess i got your attention.

As you see i am looking for people with life path 33.
But why? well i am looking for personal growth,
I am young, and i want to learn from people "just like me".

Are you not a 33? feel free to jump in the conversation,
all questions and comments are welcome.

Do not think i am looking for recognition, for my ego.
I'm just trying to prepare for what i might be,
for i want to be what i can be.

I have been alone on my quest for a long time,
and i am now looking asking anybody who can help for help.

Below i will list a few key-questions, which i am asking myself:

- I do not work, i do not go to school. * This is a trap for me, if i get financial problems i will end up being to busy trying to survive rather then be able to do what i would like to.

- I have applied for the freemasons, and they had put me in a special procedure. (Some say they never seen this happen before). I am looking for self improvement, but is that the right place for me? (No flaming please i have seen my fair share of conpsiracy stuff on them)

- All the numerology predictions on the life path 33 are correct when i compare them to my life. Now i want to keep them possitve, and try to get the vibration in full force. Any tips on that?

- I must put personal ambition aside? Why?

First experience when i discovered my life path:
This was intense, very intense.
I felt a weird energy going through me,
some might call it a divine energy of entering,
unlocking who i am, understand what i am.
This energy would go on for minutes, and it felt AMAZING.

Activity at the crown of the head: Tingling, itching, prickly, crawling sensations along the scalp and/or down the spine (source: I will put a link here once i hit 15 post count)

Now, is there anybody who shares something like this?
(I still feel small bursts of energy sometimes, mostly when i am feeding my knowledge on my life path or while i am wrighting this.)

And for the final, my experiences in life:
I am not going to tell you these, for it is the past.
I have been in a lot of different sub-cultures (in The Netherlands)
experiencing how others experience life.

I have seen nice things, but mostly bad things in this world,
which makes me actually frown upon the ways of current society.
It is full of sinning (don't get me wrong, i also sometimes sin, but i believe sinning makes you immoral)

Thanks for reading, i might add more, or remove some.
And just repeating it; Feel free to ask me anything.


WhiteWarrior 20-02-2012 05:04 PM

Hello, and welcome.

Question. How did you come to this number, and what it entails?

JoshuaR 20-02-2012 05:09 PM

Thanks for your quick reply,
didn't expect that. :)

From my birthdate.

03/08/1993 (3 august)

You can add them up from left to right which makes 33,

or do it the proper way by making the 3 cycles and adding them up.

Here are the cycles:
(3) (8) (22)

3 + 8 + 22 = 33

I will put a few copys of other sites to explain what it entails:

A birth date that reduces down to 33 is very rare. When it does happen you may be looking at a great and significant spiritual leader along the lines of the Dalai Lama (Life Path 22) or Gandhi (Life Path 9). Remember that a 33 is also a 6 life path, a very nurturing and responsible number.

33 is the Master Teacher. This individual's focus is on reaching the world and uplifting the loving energy of mankind. They are not concerned with personal ambition, and have great devotion to cause.

Life Path number 33 is signified by the word altruistic. This number has a high energy and is concerned with doing good in the world.

Those with Life Path number 33 want to use their life to raise the consciousness of as many people as possible. Their concern is the earth and all the people who live here. It's really a beautiful life path number. As you may have guessed few have it. Below are some key points you might want to take into consideration to help you on your path …

The 33/6 life path will call you to leadership and responsibility. This may not always please you, but you'll have to make your peace with it.

The 33 individuals usually achieve fame through acts of kindness, tenderness and compassion that lead to the transformation of the world's consciousness. The details may vary. We could be talking about the Pope, we could be talking about a wonderful first-grade teacher.

If you are like the majority with life path 6, you will always be the best person to take charge of things. Your other choice is to sit back and criticize, so make your peace and just do it.

You have a good chance of being a great cook. You have the vision to dream it, and the organizational skills to do it right. It's a great way to relax. Besides, you love to eat!

You are always coming up with ideas that other people think are a bit "out there." Follow your instincts, and others will follow you. We'll end up with a kinder, gentler world.

And another:

33: The Herald Of Things To Come

Life Path 33 spirits are designed to 'celebrate' and preserve the value of HERALDING THE FUTURE TODAY. Almost everyone has 'hunches' about where History is going (and we are all often right in our hunches;) but those born with the 33 Life Path Number are already LIVING tomorrow's civilization right now. The only problem with that is that many of them may not even know WHY they do not 'fit' in current trends.. only that they do NOT. Far from being 'trendy' or 'avant-garde' the 33 Life Path Native is no more swayed by current ideas ABOUT the future than they are by current lifestyle 'fads;' they simply happen to have arrived on earth already dressed in Tomorrow's 'average' cloth.
LIVING IN TUNE WITH DESTINY is the central issue in the life of all 33-Path Natives; they are only 'comfortable' when they know that they are on the same 'track' as History's NEXT Phase of evolution. Like evolutionary 'samples' sent ahead of the facts to prepare us for what is to come, these Heralds Of Things To Come are not 'trying' to be 'futuristic;' all they are trying to do is SOMEHOW get-by in a world which considers them a bit TOO MUCH. Whether it is their lifestyle, career goals, personality or even their preferred diet, the 33-Path soul CONFRONTS THE PAST with it's own need to CHANGE.. and the Past seldom likes what it sees! The result is that these Future Samples give the world Future Shock; by merely being themselves, they challenge the rest of society to GROW UP and grow PAST the traces of prior civilization that will not make it into the next generations.

Naturally drawn to everything FREE and NATURAL, the 33-Path individual tends to associate with the arts, theatre, musical and other creative 'crowds' simply because they LIKE individuality and the freedom to be oneself.. though they are NOT AMUSED by any tinsel-strewn pretenses they may meet in that flashy environment. But, since they tend to be called 'eccentric' and 'odd' by the more 'straight-laced' segments of society, they would rather mingle with the 'silly' than the STUCK. Sure, sometimes this makes them sad!, but we all have our crosses to bear (only their own happens to be LIFELONG and indispensable to their very nature.) Look for these "living Prophecies" anywhere; you will have no problem seeing them, for they stand-out like Space Brothers at a Sunday Social.

Learning to recognize them as a valuable clue to future progress is society's lesson: the 33-Path Native already knows that they are simply What They Are. By living the Future calmly but consistently, these Heralds of Change actually CAUSE the very changes society needs.. for their one great skill of BEING AN EXAMPLE OF REALITY for others to compare themselves to, inspires us all (eventually!,) to follow-suit. A Soul "ahead of it's times," or a Stranger In A Strange Land, the 33-Path Native has at least ONE lasting consolation: all OTHER Future-Samples they meet recognize them for what they are.. THE SEEDS OF CHANGE.


WhiteWarrior 20-02-2012 05:30 PM

I see. Numerology. Well, I am 19/04/1968 which becomes 38 so that means I am not 33. Good luck on your hunt for others.

JoshuaR 20-02-2012 05:32 PM

Your an eleven. 38 = 3 + 8 = 11

11 22 AND 33 are master numbers,

the other numbers are 1-9

(if you get 25 for example, it is not a double digit (upto 33) so you break it down to 7)

eleven is a very nice number to have, in my opinion.

but that's the way if you do it from right or left,
Some numerologist say you should do it with cycles,
But it adds up to the same that way:

19 - 04 - 1968
1 + 4 + 6 = 11

WhiteWarrior 20-02-2012 05:52 PM

Ah. My mistake. Got a link to where this can be looked up?

JoshuaR 20-02-2012 08:24 PM

I can't post links, yet. (need 15 posts)

But try to google lifepath 11, there is plenty of websites providing information. :)

ravenstar 20-02-2012 11:55 PM

Hello Joshua, I'm a 33/6 :smile:

imabeliever 21-02-2012 06:27 AM


Originally Posted by WhiteWarrior
Ah. My mistake. Got a link to where this can be looked up?

WhiteWarrior i am an 11 as well.


Solace733 21-02-2012 06:57 AM

I am just a 7. However, i consider my spiritual number 33 as i always see it when life presents little moments of magic, hence the 733 in my screenname.:smile: Anyway, welcome!

WhiteWarrior 21-02-2012 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by imabeliever

...now that was odd. I think I can sign under for 90% of that text and will have trouble arguing against the rest. The massive energy, the depressive side, enjoying music and poetry, the intuition - it all resonates.

imabeliever 22-02-2012 01:48 AM


Originally Posted by WhiteWarrior
...now that was odd. I think I can sign under for 90% of that text and will have trouble arguing against the rest. The massive energy, the depressive side, enjoying music and poetry, the intuition - it all resonates.

It does for me as well. My tf is also an 11. You should google some more on it, it is quite interesting:hug3:

JoshuaR 22-02-2012 08:59 AM

Yes.. it is very interesting how spot on it all is.
That is why i am asking for help on my path.

(i have had some great help since asking for it on the internet)

@Ravenstar Do you share any of the things i listed?

surreal 22-02-2012 12:00 PM

My birthday is 20/07/1977 = 33/6

Another "33 life pather" here! I'm starting to think that this rare master number isn't so rare in this current era anymore! :smile:

DeePatty 22-04-2012 02:44 PM

Also a 33
Hi Joshua,
I am also a 33, and you're description of what you felt was exactly like mine. I would love to compare notes on this. It would be amazing to talk to someone else who really is like me. I'm also young (30). Also, my daughter is a lifepath 22 and so is my best friend, interestingly enough. Hope to hear from you soon.

JoshuaR 22-04-2012 03:00 PM

Surreal, yeah.. it probadly isn't that rare. still rare enoufgh though :)

DeePatty, i'd love to change notes, interesting your daughter and your best friend are also lifepath 33.

Where are you located?

Squatchit 22-04-2012 03:01 PM

Another 33 here...although I always thought I was a 6. Never knew those double numbers went up to 33. :smile:

DeePatty 22-04-2012 04:55 PM

I'm in Wyoming, but am from NJ. I literally learned about life paths last night and was so amazed that something finally fit me that I have been reading everything I can about it.

DeePatty 22-04-2012 05:09 PM

I also don't work or go to school, even though I could be anything and I love learning. I Everything you said in your first post is so much what I am experiencing and I am in exactly the same place. And when you talked about the head tingle I couldn't believe it! I know how you feel exactly. I'd love to hear more about your experiences Oh and my daughter and bf are 22's, I'm the only 33 ;)

Aquatic_Dragon 22-04-2012 07:32 PM

Im a number 11, the description is spot on for me :D

Thanks for sharing the info JoshuaR :smile:

John 33 24-04-2012 01:57 AM

I also am a 33...imagine if all of us connected together to support eachothers ideas and help all of us grow we could become a very strong force and i believe that if all the 33s got together and focused purely on the greater good of mankind and mother earth we will serve greatness to not only the world but the universe

JoshuaR 24-04-2012 11:35 AM

Amazing, i think making this topic has been one of the betters things i've done.

Have you guys found this topic with google?

Deepatty, what a strange coincidence it is that we share the same past isn't it?
Can you tell me something about trusting other people?
I happen to loose trust in people for the rest of my life time once somebody damages my trust, doesn't matter how less the damage is.

JoshuaR 24-04-2012 11:38 AM

John, that would be amazing, we should try to get alot of 33's connected.
I'm thinking of dedicating a website to this, what are your thoughts on this?

DeePatty 24-04-2012 07:00 PM

Hi John,
This is great! Regarding your issues on trust. Actually one of my biggest gifts if you want to call it is an ability to almost read people's thoughts or something, so I am rarely surprised at something someone does, and I don't really ever have the unfortunate experience of trusting people who betray me. Not to say people don't do stupid things that I wish they wouldn't or follow down a road that I can see clearly is wrong. I have reached a point in my life where the actions of other people don't disappoint me or really have any effect on me. I can see how your trust would be damaged by being a 33and constantly tryting to help people and being disappointed. It's hard to be the only one enlightened I guess you could say, for lack of better phrasing. To be alone in your ability to see the right way and to be called to give constantly. Finally, I often say to myself, that I trust that my life is unfolding exactly as it is supposed to. I may not in this body in this present moment understand why something is happening, good or bad, and my peace in my life has come from not trying to. What kinds of trust issues have you had to deal with?

DeePatty 24-04-2012 07:01 PM

there's a facebook page for 33's. I haven't checked it out yet but I came across it.

JoshuaR 24-04-2012 11:13 PM

Yeah, i have that. I share that gift.
The downside of it is, that people are bad by nature.
People lie to you, and while they are lieing you know they are.

It scars my level of trust in people, badly.

This gift of knowing what people are thinking (intiuition),
is even worse when it comes to romantic/love relationships.
I can know what the other is thinking, or at least play 10 scenarios of it in my mind. Downside of it is: knowing while the other won't admit.
I don't really mind not having such a relationship,
but once i do want one, when i meet somebody, it makes me emotionally very unstable.

I also believe my life will bring me to a place it eventually has to reach.
But, i also believe you should make it as enjoyable as possible on the way getting there.
Or at least gaining a lot of wisdom and knowledge in the process.

Do you mean this page: Numerology Master Number 33 (can't post link)


I already follow that page. :)

globalist.diplomat 25-04-2012 02:07 AM

07 04 1984

(7) (4) (22) = 33


Monaheart 25-04-2012 02:49 AM

I'm 02/04/1993 but i doubt i'm 33.

This is an interesting post! :)

JoshuaR 25-04-2012 08:58 PM

Hi Globalist, good to know :) anything to share with us?

Monaheart, you are an:

(2) (4) (22) = 28 = 10 = 1

globalist.diplomat 26-04-2012 12:16 AM


Originally Posted by JoshuaR
Hi Globalist, good to know :) anything to share with us?

Monaheart, you are an:

(2) (4) (22) = 28 = 10 = 1

I do not know what I would share.

I am just an out of place creature who should have been born 50 plus years later than I was.

CosmicFox 26-04-2012 01:43 PM

Very interesting info, thanks for sharing :)

John 33 26-04-2012 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by globalist.diplomat
I do not know what I would share.

I am just an out of place creature who should have been born 50 plus years later than I was.

apparently our core soul chooses when it is brought into this life and it chooses its life path and family. purely because it knows that with these things in place it can learn from them and grow

LadyLilac 17-05-2012 06:58 PM

I've never heard of 33 before, always thought I was a 6 so thanks for the information about it. :smile:

I'm 7 20, 1986
7+2+1+9+8+6= 33

Andromeda27 05-06-2012 08:07 PM

I don't know what my life path number is, however 33 has always resonated with me.

I was born on 3/3, 3rd day of the week, 6:36am. There are 303 days remaining to the year, and on a leap year, this is the 63rd day of the year. The number comes up a lot for me.

nailspiritseeker 05-06-2012 11:53 PM

Is your life path number the same as your karmic life path number? There's so many variations of "life path numbers" it gets quite overwhelming.

Gofa 07-06-2012 05:39 AM

The bit of paper I have trouble copying and pasting says as follows

The number of your Original Soul Print is *33 EMV
This is an Earth Master Vibration in other words there is a major vibratory power around you.

That's the credentials out of the way

So listen up Alice the rabbit hole is open and the Mad Hatter is talking questions

What do you want to know and just as important what would you rather not know

trappedinabody 07-06-2012 06:13 AM

wow never knew this, thank you!


bluelove23 07-06-2012 06:29 AM

My birthday is 3/3/88, and I always saw that number everywhere too..for awhile I thought I was an indigo kid but just found out I'm a blue ray, look up the characteristics, def explains why you have only had bad experiences cuz your def one too

Gofa 07-06-2012 10:34 AM

PS. Your not calculating the number the right way but dont let these facts get in the way of your excellent theories

Google Calculate Your Soul Number! What Number Are You?

Nothing to do with you birth date and year Sorry

trappedinabody 07-06-2012 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by Gofa
PS. Your not calculating the number the right way but dont let these facts get in the way of your excellent theories

Google Calculate Your Soul Number! What Number Are You?

Nothing to do with you birth date and year Sorry


well in that case i am 11!

Number 11 is a master soul number. The prime directive of these individuals is to transform the world through the use of spiritual knowledge, talents or tools. More than anything these individuals often desire to be as close to God or enlightenment as is possible in this world. They often accomplish this by deliberately choosing to be born into bad situations that punish them for incorrect actions in other lives. This eventually leads them to an incarnation as a "wounded healer" later in life that enables them to enlighten others.

this would explain a lot

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