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-   -   Why do souls of chickens keep incarnating? (https://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=95954)

Burntfruit 09-01-2016 11:06 AM

Why do souls of chickens keep incarnating?
It is a life of pain and hell for them.

A lot of them are killed at birth.

There is no compassion shown, they are just commodities.

Why would a chicken soul wish to incarnate again on the Earth plane?

knightofalbion 09-01-2016 01:58 PM

Pain and suffering are part of the cycle of growth a soul must go through.

All life is evolving and animals are no different to humans in that respect.
They are on their own evolutionary path and seeking the Divine Light as we all are.

They have their own world of experience, they learn lessons and take these back to 'nourish' and enlighten the group soul.

As you say, it is difficult to contemplate the majority of them learning anything other than that humans are cruel and predatory.
That being said, many people keep chickens and show them kindness. So not all is a dark experience.

Of course in the realms of soul evolution, the order of the day is helping others up the spiritual ladder as we in turn are helped up ourselves. Because at the end of the day, we are all here to help each other along.
So the best thing we can do for chickens and our fellow humans is to set an example of kindness and compassion.

Burntfruit 10-01-2016 07:47 AM

Surely they will become advanced very quickly given the suffering they are under.

Maybe they will become spirit masters!! A meat eaters worst nightmare :)

Rah nam 10-01-2016 08:51 AM

First, chickens in the same way as all other second density animals and plants don't have an individual soul, they are part of an oversoul.
Compare it with sticking a finger into the ocean to test the water, what it feels like the temperature wetness, only an oversoul has millions and millions of fingers in the ocean of life. What happens in those processes are just experiences.

Burntfruit 10-01-2016 09:08 AM

Generally it is a hard life to be a chicken - even the chicken oversoul.
It requires an enlightened planet for chickens to live peacefully.
Perhaps there are advanced intelligent chickens who evolved from the farmyard chicken on other planets.
It is a messy business.

knightofalbion 10-01-2016 10:08 AM

Oversoul, yes, but remember ... animals acquire individualisation through positive association with humans i.e. receiving love & kindness, companionship, being given a name .....

So 'we' can greatly impact upon the spiritual evolution of an animal by our actions, which is what we should be doing - helping others along.

7luminaries 10-01-2016 03:39 PM

This is a difficult topic for me, or has been for many years. The suffering of the chickens in mass production is cruel. Likewise with beef or other meat that is not pastured and well-treated.

The whole topic of meat...or higher-quality protein generally...has always been an issue for me.
Which encompasses eggs, dairy, meat, and fish.
I was for many years a very strict vegetarian...eggs only kept me from being vegan. But I had low-level depression for years before I listened to my body.

I craved protein and fat all those years. I mean daily. I constantly tasted the craving (I can't explain it...it was like iron) in my mouth, and the protein pit in my chest was always empty, never satisfied. I remember one summer, I would break down whilst swimming daily and eat tuna along with my beans, corn, and rice or my egg and tofu scramble. Generally, I allowed myself fish a few times a year, regularly, when out with others.

I have often thought that, whilst most women have no idea what I mean by craving protein and filling the protein pit in the chest, many men probably do...and likewise it is probably extremely difficult for many men to do without some eggs, dairy, fish, or meat in their diet, as well, depending on the person. Sometimes you cannot do the dairy and so you may need to balance the eggs with something else, like fish or meat.

After nearly 20 yrs (from 10 to 30) of being a vegetarian went back to being gluten-free...but half the protein in my diet was gone without wheat gluten, which was literally killing me. I reluctantly accepted the situation and substituted real wild-caught fish and organic chicken from our local co-op (I buy all of them periodically in bulk from a local supplier and freeze them, for savings). Almost immediately, the depression lifted and most of my physical ailments (from the gluten) went away.

Due to being gluten intolerant and cow's dairy intolerant, and plus having allergies and just my own body's needs...I have a very high need for high-quality protein and good fats, and I always have. I eventually made peace with the fact that, whilst I would like to live without animal protein (eggs, fish, or flesh), I cannot. I would prefer to live on fish alone, but that too is unsustainable. We cannot all do that. So I buy the cruelty-free chicken -- supposedly, that is, it is cruelty-free.

Out of everything...dairy is the least appealing. Although I don't generally consume sheep's or goat's dairy products, I could do so, since they appear to be fine for me and don't cause problems like raw cow's dairy milk products (butter & cream ok though).

But instead, I do buy them for my son (11), since it seems that good dairy (organic, pastured) and good organic butter are very good for men's development and men's health.

I think the thing to do is to be as thoughtful as possible, and make the best choices we can, minimising the cruelty and suffering, given the limitations or requirements of the body.

Peace & blessings,

Burntfruit 10-01-2016 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by 7luminaries
This is a difficult topic for me, or has been for many years. The suffering of the chickens in mass production is cruel. Likewise with beef or other meat that is not pastured and well-treated.

The whole topic of meat...or higher-quality protein generally...has always been an issue for me.
Which encompasses eggs, dairy, meat, and fish.
I was for many years a very strict vegetarian...eggs only kept me from being vegan. But I had low-level depression for years before I listened to my body.

I craved protein and fat all those years. I mean daily. I constantly tasted the craving (I can't explain it...it was like iron) in my mouth, and the protein pit in my chest was always empty, never satisfied. I remember one summer, I would break down whilst swimming daily and eat tuna along with my beans, corn, and rice or my egg and tofu scramble. Generally, I allowed myself fish a few times a year, regularly, when out with others.

I have often thought that, whilst most women have no idea what I mean by craving protein and filling the protein pit in the chest, many men probably do...and likewise it is probably extremely difficult for many men to do without some eggs, dairy, fish, or meat in their diet, as well, depending on the person. Sometimes you cannot do the dairy and so you may need to balance the eggs with something else, like fish or meat.

After nearly 20 yrs (from 10 to 30) of being a vegetarian went back to being gluten-free...but half the protein in my diet was gone without wheat gluten, which was literally killing me. I reluctantly accepted the situation and substituted real wild-caught fish and organic chicken from our local co-op (I buy all of them periodically in bulk from a local supplier and freeze them, for savings). Almost immediately, the depression lifted and most of my physical ailments (from the gluten) went away.

Due to being gluten intolerant and cow's dairy intolerant, and plus having allergies and just my own body's needs...I have a very high need for high-quality protein and good fats, and I always have. I eventually made peace with the fact that, whilst I would like to live without animal protein (eggs, fish, or flesh), I cannot. I would prefer to live on fish alone, but that too is unsustainable. We cannot all do that. So I buy the cruelty-free chicken -- supposedly, that is, it is cruelty-free.

Out of everything...dairy is the least appealing. Although I don't generally consume sheep's or goat's dairy products, I could do so, since they appear to be fine for me and don't cause problems like raw cow's dairy milk products (butter & cream ok though).

But instead, I do buy them for my son (11), since it seems that good dairy (organic, pastured) and good organic butter are very good for men's development and men's health.

I think the thing to do is to be as thoughtful as possible, and make the best choices we can, minimising the cruelty and suffering, given the limitations or requirements of the body.

Peace & blessings,

I think you make good important points.

I have never considered organic products before. It is worth thinking about.

I struggled as a vegan in the past - sometimes I would just go and buy some chicken - eventually the diet fell apart.

But focusing on organic produce now and then - could be a good solution.


innerlight 10-01-2016 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by Burntfruit
It is a life of pain and hell for them.

A lot of them are killed at birth.

There is no compassion shown, they are just commodities.

Why would a chicken soul wish to incarnate again on the Earth plane?

What if the chicken is a highly compassionate soul, that has willingly offered it's life up as sustenance for others on the planet?

Burntfruit 10-01-2016 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by innerlight
What if the chicken is a highly compassionate soul, that has willingly offered it's life up as sustenance for others on the planet?

I don't believe any life form would wish to live such as a life as portrayed in factory farms.

I can't understand it.

I guess humans are 'higher souls' but we still have a responsibility.

We are in the age of transition.

In the future things will change.

innerlight 10-01-2016 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by Burntfruit
I don't believe any life form would wish to live such as a life as portrayed in factory farms.

I can't understand it.

I guess humans are 'higher souls' but we still have a responsibility.

We are in the age of transition.

In the future things will change.

In a perfect world, things would be different, and they would be in more humane places.. But this not a perfect world. It's not meant to be. It's a school house designed to learn and grow. It takes many pieces of a puzzle to achieve what it does. Some of those pieces are willing to make the sacrifices that are needed to accomplish the end game. In this case, an animal was compassionate enough to offer it's life to sustain another. Not many of those "higher soul" humans would be willing to give up their life for another. There is much we can learn from the smallest create to the largest.

Not everyone can be a vegan and some environments can not support it. So without the love and compassion of animals willing to allow themselves to be consumed, some people would not be able make it... But we can take such lessons and apply it to the future, where they are raised and houses in places of love and compassion. Returning the same things that they give to us.

knightofalbion 10-01-2016 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by innerlight
Some of those pieces are willing to make the sacrifices that are needed to accomplish the end game. In this case, an animal was compassionate enough to offer it's life to sustain another.

It did not 'offer' though did it. It had no choice.

Leave the factory farm doors open, leave the slaughterhouse gates open, and let us see how 'willing' to have their throats slit they are.

I suspect we would learn that life is equally dear to all. Though surely that much is already self-evident.

innerlight 10-01-2016 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by knightofalbion
It did not 'offer' though did it. It had no choice.

Leave the factory farm doors open, leave the slaughterhouse gates open, and let us see how 'willing' to have their throats slit they are.

I suspect we would learn that life is equally dear to all. Though surely that much is already self-evident.

We're speaking about the soul itself. So who is to say the soul of the chicken did not make the choice long before it came to the body of the chicken? Who's to say the chicken and any animal knew what it was getting into coming to earth. Does the Zebra not come to earth because a lion would eat it in the wild? No. It's all part of the natural cycle of life.

knightofalbion 10-01-2016 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by innerlight
We're speaking about the soul itself. So who is to say the soul of the chicken did not make the choice long before it came to the body of the chicken? Who's to say the chicken and any animal knew what it was getting into coming to earth. Does the Zebra not come to earth because a lion would eat it in the wild? No. It's all part of the natural cycle of life.

"Who is to say". Can you 'say'?

The natural cycle of life is that we live for a season then return to spirit, but bloodshed and cruelty are not pre-ordained, any more than war is.

I don't think 'you' can make a valid correlation. An animal is slave to its nature, or at least a carnivorous animal is. Herbivores don't kill or resort to savagery.

Humans should know better. 'We' certainly have the option of choice.
And as the whole purpose of earthly incarnation is to grow in wisdom, love and understanding, to continue in practices from Neanderthal times and before ....

innerlight 10-01-2016 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by knightofalbion
"Who is to say". Can you 'say'?

The natural cycle of life is that we live for a season then return to spirit, but bloodshed and cruelty are not pre-ordained, any more than war is.

I don't think 'you' can make a valid correlation. An animal is slave to its nature, or at least a carnivorous animal is. Herbivores don't kill or resort to savagery.

Humans should know better. 'We' certainly have the option of choice.
And as the whole purpose of earthly incarnation is to grow in wisdom, love and understanding, to continue in practices from Neanderthal times and before ....

Except it's only from a place of "arrogance" can one assume that one is not growing in wisdom and love because they consume a meat product. One can be very loving and compassionate and very in tune with life and the earth and consume meat. Only when we assume we know them and how they live their life can we reach such judgements.

You say herbivores don't resort to savagery.. But one could also say they they viciously pluck the leaves from the ground to make themselves a salad. Savagery and violence can be seen anywhere, and perhaps if that plant could walk away, it also would walk out the door, and not be made into food, much in the same way that chicken you used as an example earlier.

Bloodshed is a part of life. Our earliest ancestors had to adapt their diets to consume what they needed to to survive. There was an article just recently about the real life king kong, who dies out because of refusal to adapt its diet. Not everyone can eat just plants and fruits. That does not make them any less of a person than someone who doesn't.

knightofalbion 11-01-2016 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by innerlight
Except it's only from a place of "arrogance" can one assume that one is not growing in wisdom and love because they consume a meat product. One can be very loving and compassionate and very in tune with life and the earth and consume meat. Only when we assume we know them and how they live their life can we reach such judgements.

You say herbivores don't resort to savagery.. But one could also say they they viciously pluck the leaves from the ground to make themselves a salad. Savagery and violence can be seen anywhere, and perhaps if that plant could walk away, it also would walk out the door, and not be made into food, much in the same way that chicken you used as an example earlier.

Bloodshed is a part of life. Our earliest ancestors had to adapt their diets to consume what they needed to to survive. There was an article just recently about the real life king kong, who dies out because of refusal to adapt its diet. Not everyone can eat just plants and fruits. That does not make them any less of a person than someone who doesn't.

You're in the 'Vegetarian and Vegan' section remember ...

I think we'll leave it there.

7luminaries 11-01-2016 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by Burntfruit
I think you make good important points.

I have never considered organic products before. It is worth thinking about.

I struggled as a vegan in the past - sometimes I would just go and buy some chicken - eventually the diet fell apart.

But focusing on organic produce now and then - could be a good solution.


No problem Burntfruit & glad this could offer some options for you.
It gives me some earnest peace of mind, since I trust the operations and local suppliers.

Peace & blessings,

Tobi 12-01-2016 12:54 AM


Originally Posted by knightofalbion
Pain and suffering are part of the cycle of growth a soul must go through.

All life is evolving and animals are no different to humans in that respect.
They are on their own evolutionary path and seeking the Divine Light as we all are.

They have their own world of experience, they learn lessons and take these back to 'nourish' and enlighten the group soul.

As you say, it is difficult to contemplate the majority of them learning anything other than that humans are cruel and predatory.
That being said, many people keep chickens and show them kindness. So not all is a dark experience.

Of course in the realms of soul evolution, the order of the day is helping others up the spiritual ladder as we in turn are helped up ourselves. Because at the end of the day, we are all here to help each other along.
So the best thing we can do for chickens and our fellow humans is to set an example of kindness and compassion.

That is a most beautiful post dear Knight.

phoenix13 13-01-2016 01:04 AM


Interesting question. I think something you could ask yourself is, "Why do humans keep incarnating?" Isn't the life of a human also filled with similar hardship and suffering? Many people have worse lives than chickens, by far. On the other hand, many people have better lives than chickens. There is no simple answer to this question. I believe that we all have a lesson to learn. If you believe in karma, you may see the suffering of a chicken as penance for the suffering that soul caused in another life. It all depends on how you look at it. Thanks for sharing.


Myoho 19-01-2016 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by knightofalbion
"Who is to say". Can you 'say'?

The natural cycle of life is that we live for a season then return to spirit, but bloodshed and cruelty are not pre-ordained, any more than war is.

I don't think 'you' can make a valid correlation. An animal is slave to its nature, or at least a carnivorous animal is. Herbivores don't kill or resort to savagery.

Humans should know better. 'We' certainly have the option of choice.
And as the whole purpose of earthly incarnation is to grow in wisdom, love and understanding, to continue in practices from Neanderthal times and before ....

Well said :hug2:

Lightwaves 19-01-2016 11:06 PM

Chickens incarnate. It's about where things need to go. When a being is developed it draws in a soul. What is needed is what is needed. Choice though is the matter of the question. Choice exists but I see the point. Yes, it is unfortunate. I want to consider my actions more deeply now. Thank you.

Tobi 20-01-2016 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by phoenix13

Interesting question. I think something you could ask yourself is, "Why do humans keep incarnating?" Isn't the life of a human also filled with similar hardship and suffering? Many people have worse lives than chickens, by far. On the other hand, many people have better lives than chickens. There is no simple answer to this question. I believe that we all have a lesson to learn. If you believe in karma, you may see the suffering of a chicken as penance for the suffering that soul caused in another life. It all depends on how you look at it. Thanks for sharing.


I do not know all there is to know, but don't instinctively feel that the sufferings a Being experiences in physical manifestation, is always necessarily to do with a form of 'penance' for what was done, or not done in another life.....

Sometimes a Being's suffering can inspire others to behave differently. Can expand their consciousness.
Sometimes (particularly with Humans) it is only at the point of surrendering the Ego, that some clearer vision of the Soul can take place. Pain, difficulty and hardship can negate or transcend the Ego at least temporarily.

Sometimes I honestly wonder if some animals are forerunners...or a part of an incoming 'swarm' dedicated to the awakening of consciousness in others. Remember Spirit does not make such 'species barriers' as we do here.
In Spirit of course, they are fully sentient and intelligent Souls. Not merely "dumb animals" (or birds)
If that is the case, then we should be truly moved by them, and respond accordingly with love, honour and compassion. That is a truly loving thing they do.

TroyMartin 14-03-2016 07:11 AM

Animals don't have souls.

mogenblue 14-03-2016 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by TroyMartin
Animals don't have souls.

That is such a cold hearted thing to say.

knightofalbion 14-03-2016 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by TroyMartin
Animals don't have souls.

It's the same Spirit of God that created, animates and sustains both human and animal life.

Animals have souls, as we do, and are on their own evolutionary path.

St Francis of Assisi reminded us of our Sacred Duty: "Not to hurt our humble brethren (animals) is our first duty to them, but to stop there is not enough. We have a higher mission - to be of Service to them wherever they require it"

Burntfruit 14-03-2016 02:21 PM

All living being arise from spirit. It is the way of nature.

TroyMartin 15-03-2016 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by mogenblue
That is such a cold hearted thing to say.

I don't see how speaking truth is 'cold hearted'. I just feel the question comes from an assumption that isn't based in fact. If you feel that I condone animal cruelty then you are mistaken as I never said any such thing. Perhaps it may be wiser to ask questions than to make assumptions based on no fact or evidence. If I said "yeah, kill chickens!" then perhaps I could see where you would feel that is cold hearted.

I'm a newbie here. Is it common practice to be judged here if people don't like what you're saying? :confused1:

starlight11 19-03-2016 06:33 PM

"God" reading comments about "God" arguing with "God" about the reasons why it decided to come to Earth as a chicken. And every part of "God" says they're "right". Marvellous! xD
And through you im trying to understand myself :hug:

starlight11 19-03-2016 06:42 PM

Burntfruit i love your post btw!
Love the curious questions!

mogenblue 24-03-2016 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by TroyMartin
I don't see how speaking truth is 'cold hearted'. I just feel the question comes from an assumption that isn't based in fact. If you feel that I condone animal cruelty then you are mistaken as I never said any such thing. Perhaps it may be wiser to ask questions than to make assumptions based on no fact or evidence. If I said "yeah, kill chickens!" then perhaps I could see where you would feel that is cold hearted.

I'm a newbie here. Is it common practice to be judged here if people don't like what you're saying? :confused1:

The unimaginable didn't need human science to become a fact.
The unborn life doesn't need human science to come into reality.
The apple doesn't need human science to fall from the tree.
The earth doesn't need human science to spin around the sun.
The universe doesn't need human science to expand in every direction.

Why are you so focused on facts?

UncleManifestor 25-03-2016 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by Burntfruit
I don't believe any life form would wish to live such as a life as portrayed in factory farms.

I can't understand it.

I guess humans are 'higher souls' but we still have a responsibility.

We are in the age of transition.

In the future things will change.

My grandfather (Polish) was a prisoner in Auschwitz during the war, which in many ways is comparable to the chicken in the factory farm.
He said that it was the happiest time of his life.
Now, that may say more about living with my Grandma than it does about the prison camp, but despite the terrible conditions he was able to gain something good from it.

So, chickens may well be experiencing good things despite their outwardly dreadful situation.

Another poster stated about chickens possibly understanding that they are giving their life for the needs of others, which I can understand. There was a news story of a young boy, a child genius, gifted in many ways. He ended up committing suicide (at 14yrs old I think), the theory is that due to being affected by the plight of those in need, he wanted to die in order to allows others to live (through organ donation).

joyfirst 27-03-2016 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by TroyMartin
Animals don't have souls.

Soul is energy and everything, including stones have it. We all are in this together, we are swimming in infinite ocean of energy or we all are that energy.:hug3:

joyfirst 27-03-2016 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by UncleManifestor
. There was a news story of a young boy, a child genius, gifted in many ways. He ended up committing suicide (at 14yrs old I think), the theory is that due to being affected by the plight of those in need, he wanted to die in order to allows others to live (through organ donation).

I have to say, that reading this made me sick in my stomach. :confused:
It is a clear example of how far people can go with a belief, that we are powerless. Everybody has amazing power inside (those in need also, no exceptions)that can move mountains and yet we try to solve our and other's problems with trivial actions instead of doing that really works - changing subconscious beliefs and plugging into our power and inspiring others to do the same.
Healing comes from within, it doesn't come through sacrifice of any sort. When we win, we all win. People who need their organs renewed, would renew them by plugging in into powerful energy inside of them. Wouldn't it be great, if gifted children would do it themselves and inspire others to do it too?

UncleManifestor 27-03-2016 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by joyfirst
I have to say, that reading this made me sick in my stomach. :confused:
It is a clear example of how far people can go with a belief, that we are powerless. Everybody has amazing power inside (those in need also, no exceptions)that can move mountains and yet we try to solve our and other's problems with trivial actions instead of doing that really works - changing subconscious beliefs and plugging into our power and inspiring others to do the same.
Healing comes from within, it doesn't come through sacrifice of any sort. When we win, we all win. People who need their organs renewed, would renew them by plugging in into powerful energy inside of them. Wouldn't it be great, if gifted children would do it themselves and inspire others to do it too?

Yes, it was heartbreaking to read about his story. I totally agree with you about the power from within and needing to educate others about it rather than needing to provide a sacrifice for them.

I do believe that things are slowly changing with regard to spirituality, with all the information at our fingertips it is becoming more accessible, allowing us to break free from the shackles created by men with an interest in keeping us in the dark. obviously you can't force anyone to embrace (and tap into) the abundant energy of source, but yeah, as you say, the best way is to teach by example, to show them how awesome things can be.

Miss Hepburn 27-03-2016 09:58 PM

There is a book that answers many questions for those people
that wonder about these things:

An Ascension Handbook ...channeled by Tony Stubbs.

Imzadi 28-03-2016 06:52 PM

I think it's easy to project our own limited human experience of suffering onto what a SOUL may experience or choose to experience. Perhaps the ETERNAL SOUL perceives suffering differently? I'll try to work up a crude analogy so please bear with me:

Imagine the Eternal Chicken Soul to be like a person who wants to get fit and strong and goes to the gym. Let's pretend that going to the gym for the Chicken Soul is like being incarnated on Earth. And the Chicken Soul does all it's cardio, and TRX, and Crossfits etc. etc. and learn from different experiences by different exercises (soul lessons). So working out can be viewed as suffering (from a smaller perspective), but to the SOUL it's a path to wholeness, strength, and growth. :)

Another example I want to make is this. For me personally, this lifetime has been filled with overwhelming and painful challenges. My personality and ego doesn't understand why... but as I begin to unravel the SOUL within me and to operate more as the SOUL as oppose to the ego personality, I understand that I, (as the SOUL) has chosen these lessons specifically and had designed them specifically to optimize the highest good and the highest growth, not only for my personal journey, but for the Journey of ALL That Is. And once I had awaken to this, I no longer need to suffer. And I imagine that's what all of us are doing here. :)

joyfirst 28-03-2016 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by UncleManifestor
Yes, it was heartbreaking to read about his story. I totally agree with you about the power from within and needing to educate others about it rather than needing to provide a sacrifice for them.

I do believe that things are slowly changing with regard to spirituality, with all the information at our fingertips it is becoming more accessible, allowing us to break free from the shackles created by men with an interest in keeping us in the dark. obviously you can't force anyone to embrace (and tap into) the abundant energy of source, but yeah, as you say, the best way is to teach by example, to show them how awesome things can be.

Well, I did some EFT/EMDR on it and my stomach feels good again.

Miss Hepburn 28-03-2016 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by Imzadi
... but as I begin... to operate more as the SOUL
as oppose to the ego personality,
I understand that I, (as the SOUL) have chosen these lessons specifically and have
designed them specifically to optimize the highest good and the highest growth,
not only for my personal journey, but for the Journey of ALL That Is.
And once I had awaken to this,
I no longer need to suffer.

Well, aren't you the wise one!!!
:hug3: :hug2:

Meher Baba: "...the Lover knows... that all the impossible situations that
he overcame were obstacles which he himself had placed in the path to himself.

I honor that in you that got this! :notworthy:

LibbyScorp 30-03-2016 06:08 AM

poor chickadees :(

Nature Grows 30-03-2016 12:43 PM

Why does a soul incarnate as a chicken? maybe it wants to serve humanity... what an absolutely beautiful soul... incarnating as a chicken just so it can become someones meal, God bless all chickens and animals who incarnate and give there lives for those who wish to eat them.

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