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SmallVoice 23-04-2023 06:57 PM

Have you ever heard voices?
I heard one once several years ago. I was going through a bit of a spiritual crisis. My girlfriend at the time, who is now my wife, was getting out of the army and we were crossroads in our relationship; I had to decide if I was going to fully commit to her or not. While I loved her very much and wanted to be with her, I had grown up in a religious tradition that taught that our relationship was sinful and I felt like I had to choose between her and my religion. I prayed about it for several weeks, eventually falling into a depression and losing 15 lbs very rapidly. After a while, I got frustrated at not receiving an answer and literally googled the question: "How do you hear God's voice?" The first thing that came up was the beatitude "blessed are the pure of heart for they shall see God." This just made me even angrier because I didn't know what it meant to be pure of heart or how to "purify" it.

The next morning, I was coming out of a dream and in the twilight phase of sleep when all of the sudden, I heard a voice say, "Some hearts are purified by love." Right at that moment, I felt something brush my lips and opened my eyes to find my girlfriend kissing me awake. I asked her if she had just said something and she said no.

Years later, after we were married, I told her about this experience and it made her cry. I have only seen her cry only 4 or 5 times in the 12 years we've been together.

Tedmil 24-04-2023 12:57 AM

Yes, where I used to live I'd hear voices, coughing and snooring when no one else was present. Similar to your example, these seemed to happen when waking out of sleep.

JonnyDeep1995 24-04-2023 06:50 AM

If science hasn't found a way to overcome death by now I don't think it ever will or a least the answer won't be a scientific one.

Dude111 26-04-2023 06:12 AM

Yes I have heard my mom calling my name and saying various other stuff while trying to sleep....... It sounded like she was right there..... (She passed away last year)

Sir Neil 03-05-2023 08:21 AM

I have once or twice. Once when I was half asleep on the settee, I heard a voice saying my name, and felt something tickle my face. This fully woke me up, and then I realised that I had slept a bit longer than I wanted and needed to go out. I’m pretty sure that this was an angel speaking to me and making sure that I was awake.

AngelBlue 03-05-2023 03:04 PM

I think it is common to hear a voice calling our name in general, however , I feel this incident was different simply because you were having a lot to deal with. Being gay, it being frowned upon by certain religious bodies , losing all of that weight in such a short time span i can fully relate to .
I was In a similar situation years ago ( slightly different circumstances) but I still had to work and my work trousers kept falling down. I did not hear anyone calling my name on that occasion ( although I did on other occasions), but I heard angelic choirs and other singing voices when I was trying, but failing to sleep.
On reflection it's a comfort to know that we are being watched over and guided .

CosmicWonder 03-05-2023 03:45 PM

I’m in continuous contact with spirits and Gods and constantly feel their presence to the point I’m not alone anymore.

Kind regards,


AngelBlue 03-05-2023 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by CosmicWonder
I’m in continues contact with spirits and Gods and constantly feel their presence to the point I’m not alone anymore.

Kind regards,


That's lovely cosmic. It must be such a comfort.
Proof that we are never alone.

Miss Hepburn 03-05-2023 05:14 PM

Yes, I have, always with deeply, profound information....and way more happens - not just a message.
I only tell my high friends...they understand completely.
I've stopped telling people even here....it's too holy, too sacred to me.

Native spirit 03-05-2023 07:59 PM

I Hear voices all the time being a medium it is normal for me


TattieHowker 08-05-2023 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by Native spirit
I Hear voices all the time being a medium it is normal for me


It's actually quite normal for most people and beyond the stigma you'd probably be surprised by the number of people who hear them. Often there's a brick wall between the conscious and the unconscious but for some people there are holes, and that's where the voices come from. There are also a surprising number of people who have mediumistic abilities, albeit not full-blown take to a stage stuff.

Soniya87 29-05-2023 05:30 AM

Have you ever heard voices?
Hi Guys, Hearing voices is sometimes called an 'auditory hallucination'. Some people have other hallucinations, such as seeing, smelling, tasting or feeling things that don't exist outside their mind. Whatever your experience, you're not alone.:hug2:
Have you ever heard voices?

Dude111 29-05-2023 11:21 PM

One time I was just laying in my bed trying to sleep and I heard my dads voice say my name...... He was at my sisters house......

Fizwold 27-08-2023 01:45 AM

I am schizophrenic , I tend to hear things every so often and see things every so often. It`s not bad and makes things interesting and when I get a "Bad" one its pretty funny when I go back to thinking about it. Though the funny things are somewhat a rare thing so the bad ones are somewhat a rare thing. Normally the actual worst is merely annoying hearing people call me.

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