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Ghaleon 08-08-2021 11:47 PM

The Nag Hammadi
The Nag Hammadi Library, a collection of thirteen ancient books (called \"codices\") containing over fifty texts, was discovered in upper Egypt in 1945.
source: gnosis.org

First thing to note is that Gnosticism is "not" a religion and is not a version of Christianity! Here in the Patrix almost, dare i say everything is an inversion. Gnosticism does not require one to worship, and no prayers, invocations and mantras are needed to be gnostic or to gain "gnosis" (Esoteric Knowledge of Spiritual Truth & Knowledge from the heart) They do not belong to a priest or priesthood class. Gnostics are merely just messengers of a divine message from Sophia & Christ.

Before i really started researching and looking into the nag hamaddi texts i already knew that En.ki/Lucifer took on numerous titles, names, alter egos, personae etc and that this being was GOD to humans on Earth and that he was/is the chief creator where here where we currently dwell in the physical universe (patrix) HE is God! He is the "Grand Master" of manipulation amongst other things. He has one name that i didn't know at the time and that is Yaldaboath. En.ki/Yaldaboath was created by Sophia the Aeon but because she chose to create without her consort the result became a being (androgynous) with a lions head, a snakes body and fiery lightning eyes. This came to be because she had created him out of ignorance. I will not go into the rest of the story but it is this being that wants to be King over the 100% creation as opposed to having rulership over 4-5% of it. This is the Battle of Armagedon spoken of in the Bible and other texts. This is when En.ki/Yaldaboath will storm the gates of Orion (Past the Saturn Stargate) and take his Minions there by riding human avatars to the gates and a bloody battle will ensue.. This will be the end of the Human Soul Group because he (Yaldaboath) will sacrifice us as a soul group so that he can hopefully (in his eyes) take over the inner sanctums of Orion and sit on the throne as The King of The Universe.

There are those that have put together the correlation that he is many but say that he is redeeming himself and we should give them that chance and there are others that say that GOD loves us and means well.. First off if En.ki was redeeming himself we would see indicators of that in the world but nothing has changed since after The Flood. He genetically engineered and manipulated us, lowered our lifespan even more (in antedilluivian times or the time before The Flood humans lived 930 years on average) made some improvements but made sure we were dummbed down enough to not wake up in any great capacity which could thwart his plans and they're (The ET Invader Forces) control over matter. Moreso over The Singularity is "his" idea although Marduk/Satan (The current Satan) has had his hand on the Singularity agenda as well. As far as the saying "God is good" & "God loves us" Yes its true, En.ki/Yaldaboath has good attributes to him just like he has and had experienced different emotions like we do however he is more evil than he is good. He is both and is thus the ultimate representation of duality. En.ki as GOD DOES NOT LOVE YOU OR ANY OF US! He can use us however which he has and continues to do to this very day.. He may be proud of the species he created (us) and has protected us at times but its usually because its in his best interest to do so. He is also not our original creator. Most humans on this planet don't even know where they come from outside of The Global Elite.

En.ki, Marduk & Ereshkigal get tremendous amounts of energy via they're worshippers and followers and these three beings have taken on the role of God (or Goddess in Ereshkigals case) Source or All That is to the people of Earth which is disturbing....

We are told that "GOD" created a Flood because mankind was inheritly evil and he could see no end to it so he repented. This is only a partial part of the story and deserves its own comment regarding it but i will stray away from that for now. There is truth here but not the whole story. Yaldaboath wanted to create a Flood because the "spirited" humans were waking up more and more and it troubled him, also he and his team of geneticist scientist created alot of strange monsters and creatures that they thought could be of use to them and alot of these genetic abominations and monsters were left to evolve on their own (After En.ki leaving the planet unattended at periods of time). He created centaurs, minotaurs, clyclops, chimeras and giants of various sizes. Some of the giants he used for warfare and this was a time when there was battle between monsters and men.

"And he (Yaldaboath) created a Flood and he destroyed your race, to take the light and to take away from the faith"

Nag Hammadi Texts

After The Deluge 13,000 years ago En.ki's redemption was up in the air as he could not be redeemed at that particular time. This was the Titanmonchy aka War Of The Titans and after this war Sophia bound him to Tauturus while The Titans (The Orions, Ninurta, The Vegans etc) fled through the Saturn stargate at the last moment in which it is heavily guarded on both sides to this day and from that day he lost most of his creative capabilities. The Authorities cannot create on their own and can only mimic and copy. They know the power humanity holds and this is what they fear the most. They fear us which is why they are trying to hurry the Singularity along, they know The Consummation Of The Age is near and they're time is running out

En.ki/Yaldaboath has a spell cast on humanity and also humanity suffers from stockholme syndrome due to this not everyone will see the trap for what it is so thus it is my conviction that every individual is responsible for "saving" themselves.

BigJohn 09-08-2021 12:02 AM



Ghaleon 10-08-2021 05:26 PM

It is very important to understand that En.*ki/Lucifer is the Grand Master of manipulation and his manipulation is not relegated to just us humans here on Earth.. It is my conviction that other 3-D worlds have been "conquered" in a very similar manner. These (interdimensionals) are a technologically advanced species from other dimensions and the way they take over a star race is to wipe them out utterly and make them direct slaves willing or unwilling or they introduce technology to the new species they had come upon enough for the conquered species to create they're own prison, a Machine Kingdom..

Just because we're not religious, don't think for a moment that you are not prone to his manipulation (On Earth what is being used is an extreme form of manipulation) He has even managed to manipulate the New Age/Spiritual movements with his Ascension theme/program so as we can see the "traps" are seemingly all around us. This very much includes atheists who don't believe in any of this stuff as well as those who will choose to become a whole new species of cyborgs in the up and coming Singularity.. In the astral we go where our beliefs take us (those that choose to enter or gravitate towards the tunnel) but our thoughts are extremely powerful and will take us to our destination OUTSIDE the Matrix and continue on with they're path.

Ghaleon 12-08-2021 04:03 PM

The way i see it, if En.ki/Yaldaboath really wanted or is redeeming himself we would see a big change in the world. He would have his Global Elite fall back so to speak ie stop keeping the general population (us) in fear and terror. They (The ET Invader Force who run the show here and they're Minions The Global Elite) know people have a fear of death which is a program so they purposely keep things from us regarding "death". They manipulating us by having certain things stick in the subconscious (Tunnel of Light references and metaphors) mind of humanity as well as manipulating us in the astral.

Ghaleon 23-08-2021 04:55 PM

Since i cannot post url's i will quote (with some very minor editing to make the interpretation clearer) from the Nag Hammadi texts on what i think are "key" things and or quotes of higher relevance that add to the overall picture. Because of this kind of information in the form of knowledge more dots can be connected to get (your) truth. Light is knowledge and darkness is ignorance.

" After the chief creator (and his team of scientist) created the first Adam he was not animated. The chief creator feared that the true (spirited) human would come into his fashioned body and rule over it so he left his fashioned body alone. After 40 days Zoe (Sophia) blew her breath into Adam who was still without a soul. He could move around the Earth but could not fully stand up. When the 7 Authorities of chaos saw him moving around they were very much disturbed and they descended and seized him, then the chief creator said to him " The breath within you..who are you and whence you came"? Adam answered them " I came through the power of the human for the destruction of your work"! When they heard this they glorified him because he gave them rest from their fear and concern, then they called that day the day of rest because they rested themselves from their troubles. They rejoiced and celebrated before returning to they're respective dimensions/heavens"

[On the Origins of the World]

BigJohn 23-08-2021 06:53 PM

Your account of the creation of Adam resonates very muchly with the Supernatural.

Ghaleon 23-08-2021 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by BigJohn
Your account of the creation of Adam resonates very muchly with the Supernatural.

I've accumulated 16 years of research and knowledge on different topics. I do not claim to know the whole truth as i use discernment and question everything i have come across. This spans off on metaphysics, spiritual topics, how mind control and manipulation works, what a ET (interdimensional) is, the source of AI and its purpose, and ultimately the true history and origins of humans and versions of Earth alike. I've read many parts of the Bible, The Quran, The Vedas , The New Age Movement/Spiritual Movement (funny enough based off the Vedas) different channeled material and channels (whom are mostly The Overlords), OBE and NDE accounts, genetic engineering and manipulation, reincarnation and incarnation vs recycling and more. I want to state that if im questioned myself by others i don't think ill of it because that's what people are suppose to do naturally, i'm "should" be questioned and not just have people take my word.

The difference between all the stories, versions of stories with parts of truths in them and ultimately inversions of these stories which would be the nag hammadi texts is that the gnostic story has more of a "spiritual" overone to it. Something that is lacking in '"all" the other texts. They may have the 3-D version of what has happened on this planets history but most of the time often than not they (the scholars) don't/didn't go far enough back in time and don't know who the key players are in this cosmic drama and war of the Gods. Also this "knowledge" by the gnostics is more "heartfelt" giving the message from the true Christ as well as Sophia. Once again im not gnostic but im working on myself to gain my own gnosis on my own journey.

The one, maybe only thing i disagree with the gnostics on is that The chief Creator whom they call Yaldaboath, Saklas, Samael and The Demiurge and whom i mostly call En.ki or Lucifer is that he is all evil. I do believe that En.ki is all evil because he has had good vibrational states and emotions but i say he is dualistic and is thus the ultimate representation of duality being good and evil. I do feel though that he is mostly evil and plays a role when he is being "good" I cant measure this though. He is the grandmaster of manipulation amongst other things and i do not judge En.ki but one of his true aliases in Loki The trickster God. Also the gnostics are calling the first Source (The Monad) the Father and i believe there is a reason for this that i wont get into fully here.

With all that said I know that as we wake up we also in turn wake En.ki up but this "wake up process is not enough to avoid The Singularity because he's seemingly still going in that direction and i don't think that he is trying to redeem himself. He has spirit in him but thinks very technologically and scientifically. I've said this many times before but it is my conviction that he and his son Marduk (the current Satan) are working together against humanity and are not opposed to eachother. They are playing a role to us humans on Earth. One is taking on the role as The Monad, Source All That Is, First Source etc and the other is Satan, the adversary. Marduk in this case is not opposed to "GOD" his father but is an adversary of humanity. The up and coming Singularity is the proof! Marduk utterly hates us humans and thus we as a race Homo sapiens sapiens (The Thinking Man)are about to become extinct (expired). Around or after The Singularity is fully implemented humanity will become a whole new species!

kundalinikid 23-08-2021 11:09 PM

What specific books do you cite your sources for this thread?

My readings from many of the books (not all) from the Nag Hammadi brought me to a place so far from what you are saying that I am wondering the source material.

Ghaleon 23-08-2021 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by kundalinikid
What specific books do you cite your sources for this thread?

My readings from many of the books (not all) from the Nag Hammadi brought me to a place so far from what you are saying that I am wondering the source material.

You can go to gnosis.org and look into it for yourself. For some odd reason i cant post url links otherwise i would have just posted the YT link from the Nag Hammadi texts "On the Origins of The World" which to me is the "true" creation story. It rings more true on a spiritual level to me.

Those that have put the connection together that he En.ki/Yaldaboath is many claim that he is redeeming himself and we should give him the chance to do so. I mentioned in the above reply post why i don't think En.ki is trying to redeem himself and there are other reasons as well that i didn't mention. Others claim that En.ki loves his creations (us) but i proved that En.ki does not genuinely love his genetically manipulated species (us before and after the Flood 13,000 years ago) however i argue that he "needs" and "uses" us. I also state that En.ki does not love us but he is "proud" of the species he created and this is why in different periods of Earths history in time he has protected us. He wants to become King of the entire creation as opposed to controlling 4-5% of it so the end all agenda is to go to war with Orion and invade the gates with The Demiurge riding human avatars through the gates!

The Orion Empire is vast and it is beyond our limited senses which is why we cant perceive it, so called dark matter and dark energy which is the spirit universe that we have been cut off from. The 7 Heavens is equivalent to the solar system with Saturn being the 7th Heaven and this is why souls cant "exit" The Matrix that way because of the problem and that problem is The Council which is The Council of Zendar (Saturn) whom are The Overlords. This is mentioned in the Emerald Tablets of Thoth. The 8th and 9th Heavens are Orion (The Empire) beyond the 9th Heaven where Sophia, Christ and Ninurta dwell is The Void aka The Spiritual Realm, the gnostics call it The Pleroma. There are physical worlds in Orion as well and it is hugely vast and i suspect it spans out into other universes within the multiverse however over time The Archons/Authorities have managed to conquered a number of star systems and asterisms so En.ki, Marduk and Ereshkigal have they're own domains respectively. Off the top of my head some of these domains in their control are The Pleiades (The entire Pleiades is En.ki's domain) Ursa Minor, Sirius, Alpha Centauri, Cygni and Alpha Draconis (Thuban) to name a few.

Ghaleon 24-08-2021 12:15 AM

In antediluvian times which is the time before the Flood in the Second Atlantis (The entire planet), humans lived 1000 years because it was fixated in the stars from the beginning but the Rulers wanted to shorten our lifespan but because of destiny couldn't cut it to more than 10 years per Overlord so the average lifetime was 930 years per human, and this was grief and turmoil and heavy distraction so this came to be until The Consummation Of The Age!

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