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Ewwerrin 26-08-2022 12:52 AM

Is pain absence of light or resistance to the light?
How can we tell, if it is really particularly the resistance itself (resistance to the light) that is the source of pain, or the absence of light (caused by the resistance to it) that is the source of pain?

asearcher 26-08-2022 04:39 AM

I think this: as long as we need to spiritually grow there will be absence of light, there will be darkness. The darkness will lead us through the pain to chose the light. So in a strange way of looking at it darkness is good too, in the end. One just have to be careful not to get stuck in the process (guilty as charge). In one way one has to embrace the darkness not run away from it, be scared of it (again...guilty as charge on that one), but not get stuck and not become it yourself, each motion is important and to go through but while in it can create damage to yourself and others so you got to keep on marching, but they are all steps to get you released, to get you to the light again. Lots of people get stuck, and if so there is help to get and you got to help yourself too.

I know now anyways that I have 99% chance of it having had it be depression that has come at different sets of periods in my life (not anymore) and back then not so serious that it was even detected for what it really was. Too if you keep on being pushed down the whole time and you do not get enough air in your lungs to get you out of a situation you keep on trying to just keep yourself floating basically and eventually you get too tired to do that, and you start to sink instead. Well, that was uplifting...anyways, nothing stays the same, we got to go through all emotions in life I think, to find what truly remains.

But of course one problem with the darkness is that it wants to survive, naturally, and do not want to change, so fighting it. That is so far my thoughts on the matter, don't claim I know everything now, just some conclusions I have made so far.

Unseeking Seeker 26-08-2022 06:02 AM

In my view, the pain that comes our way, as also joy, a contrast, oscillating, it’s a play that’s already manifest (has already happened) and merely experienced by us on earth, as of soul agreement. As such, if we recognise this, there’s no question of resistance because we flow through the continuum, holding this awareness steady, in nonchalance.

Delving further, in my experience, I’ve found a correspondence between the life experience requiring contrast to be reconciled and the energy flow within through chakras or nodes. I’m not saying it’s the same for all but by being aware, mindful, we may see the pattern.

The ‘trick’, as I see it, is to good-humouredly accept what comes our way, distilling each ‘reaction’ impulsed by ego (identity) in the heart (love) centre.

Joe Mc 26-08-2022 11:21 AM

I think Duality serves as some kinda check or stop much as a capacitor or resistor is used to modify amplify etc. a circuit of electricity.
To experience 'Reality' or the 'Light' or Non Duality in one fowl swoop could prove to be fatal lol. There is talk in all traditions particularly Zen
of gradual or One off Awakening or Awakenings. I also think there are energetic shifts ,and sometimes quite literally, as in the case of the Christian
Monk Cupertino who is said to have levitated above the spires of churches etc. and also with others who would levitate or enter into an intense altered state upon hearing the names of God.

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Rah nam 26-08-2022 11:35 AM


Geeta 26-08-2022 02:13 PM

Pain could stem from not being aware of the light

HITESH SHAH 26-08-2022 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by Ewwerrin
How can we tell, if it is really particularly the resistance itself (resistance to the light) that is the source of pain, or the absence of light (caused by the resistance to it) that is the source of pain?

It depends on the person . The pain (physical or mental) can be an opportunity for light or it can be resistance to/absence of light . Examples are there on either side . It requires ability, faith and willingness to look / work beyond pain to see the light . And person not able to do so may experience resistance to light.

FairyCrystal 26-08-2022 06:39 PM

Pain is a signal from the body that something isn't right. Whatever isn't right can be a physical cause, but often when chronic ailment it's an energetic cause.

As for absence or resistance, I think it could be either. To find out which one is the case for you takes a little self-insight and research. Figure out why, what's behind it. Then you'll know if there's fear, which is resistance, or something else like an emotional hurt/sorrow/sadness which would likely mean absence because of that hurt.

amirali 20-11-2022 05:51 AM

hi, interesting question! :hug3:

physically, pain is the result of nociceptor activation in the peripheral nervous system, as far as I understand it.

mentally, i'm unsure but identification with certain thoughts can trigger an emotional response that mimics the physiological fight or flight response

of course, pain is part of the dream. no more important, nor less valuable than anything else in the dream. Apparently, it's a necessary evolutionary phenomenon for the survival of all species (plant life included).

again, it's also not real :icon_eek: :D

Joe Mc 20-11-2022 06:48 AM

Let's not forget the idea made famous by the Buddha of the Arrow. The arrow is shot and is now causing pain. Our priority is to remove the arrow and remove the pain, not
dwell on who it is who has shot the arrow, why the arrow was shot, how the arrow was shot etc. etc. Just thought I'd remember that idea in this debate although
I'm not trying to squish the metaphysical question of light and darkness nor diss the medical science concerning modalities of healing and pathology so rock on people, please rock on lol !!!

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