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Unseeking Seeker 01-07-2020 02:11 AM


Owing to past conditioning
We are a dead man walking
In a self imposed trance
Yet each moment a chance
To awake
If we shake
Ourselves from our stupor
Assuming role of an observer
In prayerful surrender
Cognisant of the bliss thunder
As bliss ignition
Without any hiatus
Awareness continuous

Poised in stillness
Cognised in aloneness


Unseeking Seeker 02-07-2020 02:33 AM


Looking within we alone may see
In our moment to moment entrée
Myriad of bliss hues in permanence
Beauteous bubbling effervescence
A searing yet benign magnetic pull
Ecstasy climax nothing can annul


Unseeking Seeker 03-07-2020 03:01 AM


Gently shifting attention
Into domains subtle
Quietude our orientation
Complex made simple

All nodes within entwined
A collective resonance
Deep truths instantly divined
In childlike innocence

Lower mind no longer sizes
Its mode receptive
Embracing bestowed surprises
Aspect meditative


Unseeking Seeker 04-07-2020 01:55 AM


Attention oscillation
Between quietude & turbidity
Impacts not our tranquil orientation
Rapturised by the bliss pulse in continuity

Vibrant stillness as in the eye of the storm
A nonchalant witness to the external
Imbibing bliss currents warm
Each pulse a miracle

Throbbing with power
Void of our heart magnetised
Elixirous in the divine bliss shower
Acceptant presence ecstatic & electrified


Unseeking Seeker 05-07-2020 02:46 AM


Growing compassion
As a colouration of loves hue
There shines no reflection
Until dawn reveals the dew

Presence stands alone
Identity long vaporised
Equal are shrine & stone
With inner self baptised


Unseeking Seeker 06-07-2020 03:14 AM


Yearning for attainment
Or flowing in contentment
Which should we choose
As ego urgings we defuse

This question superfluous
As bliss pulse continuous
Softens residual egoic hold
That light within we behold


Unseeking Seeker 06-07-2020 06:39 AM


Energy seeking balance
Flows into a vacuum
Teasing divine parlance
Bliss at the sensorium

As ego cravings recede
In our emptiness within
Self does self supersede
As thunderous ignition


Unseeking Seeker 07-07-2020 02:26 AM


Aloneness in vibrancy
Bliss throbbing in constancy
We watch the play
Involuntarily sway
Thrill and wonder
As in ecstasy we shudder
With unbound delight
Through day & night

Sharing futile for we cannot translate
The rapture of bliss that our being elates
Yet if it resonates let us say we validate

That that has a thousand times been written
Are we, in the here & now, by love smitten?


Unseeking Seeker 08-07-2020 01:50 AM


The journey thus far
As we shuffle & spar
Walking mile after mile
All our doings futile
Ultimately all is grace
Revealed at its own pace
It is our receptivity
Openness and porosity
Aspect of allowing
That enables becoming
One with the divine
As we gently align
In stillness & silence
Resonance of innocence
Imbibing & assimilating
Elixirous bliss throbbing
Lower mind dropped
Stuporous thoughts stopped
From interfering with the flow
Garnered in stillness slow

We are as we are ever aglow


Unseeking Seeker 09-07-2020 02:02 AM


Free flowing feeling
Without resisting
An act of valour
Bliss flavour
Displaces the old
With rays of gold
As we vaporise
To embrace surprise
Desires subside
Identity dies
All that we clung to
Yields to the new

Only the innocent
To bliss sentient
May reorient
Their being
In ecstasy enlivening
Elixir rapturizing
Moment to moment
The magnetic current
Feeling complete
With bliss replete


Unseeking Seeker 09-07-2020 04:03 PM


Nothing to forgive
Being the recognition
Of heart that gives
In silent meditation

Echoes & reflections
Domain of the ego
Exiting delusions
With bliss aglow

We gently flow


Unseeking Seeker 10-07-2020 05:19 AM


A simple judo trick
For ascension quick
Using opponents strength
To facilitate rapid ascent

Fear or desire approach
Not met by reproach
Rather urge we amplify
Get the illusion to fly

It is only when we stagnate
That delusion precipitates
Within movement continual
We are in the now eternal

Each packet of attention
Wherein we deny transition
Is a self hypnotic trance
Making Tamas our stance

Within any vibration flow
In but not of we are aglow
Continuum of continuity
Annihilates false identity


Unseeking Seeker 11-07-2020 02:28 AM


We feel the soma nectar move
Through fine capillary grooves
Akin to movement of an ant
Bliss within does self anoint

Continuum of stillness attentive
Orientation meditative
Self vaporised ॐ pulse persists
As we be to become a bliss mist


Unseeking Seeker 11-07-2020 03:56 PM


Pulse joyful
Each moment gleeful
Without desiring
Without seeking
No hidden agenda
Uncaring of stigma
We flow

In the now


Unseeking Seeker 12-07-2020 04:59 AM


Each hue
As within

No centre
In banter
Form we wear
Knowing not where
Bliss enters

Versus internal
With reference to

Then there thus
Each pulse
One with Oneness
Everywhere at once


Unseeking Seeker 13-07-2020 03:01 AM


Presence of form
In bliss currents warm
Yet signal a defect
We never did suspect
As attachment
Latent discontentment
Unfulfilled desire or fear
Blocking God to draw near

To bliss we are sentient
Yet Samadhi intermittent
Flickering awareness
Glimpsing oneness
Not the final assimilation
Of our meditation
So we rest and just be
Nestled in blissful serenity

Being empty within


Unseeking Seeker 14-07-2020 02:46 AM


Seeking enhancement
We pause
The cause
Of ego discontentment

Pulsating in exhilaration
Blissful but yet
Lest we forget
We are bound in limitation

To rhythm divine we sway
But unsteadily
Sometimes ego has its way

Viewing attention oscillation
In innocence
Throb of bliss our orientation


Unseeking Seeker 15-07-2020 06:02 AM


Continuous contemplative consciousness correction
Orientation of ever present stillness our prioritisation
Doing nothing, simply looking
At identity gradually vaporising
Emptiness throbbing with rapture of bliss in fullness
Consciousness expanding in a unified field of oneness

No beginning, no ending
In being, becoming


Unseeking Seeker 16-07-2020 01:53 AM


Stillness flowing in pristinity
Elixirous currents of divinity
As we uninhibitedly dance
To the beat of each nuance
Innate celebratory innocence
Awakens subtle sentience
To cognise in wonderment
Behold in astonishment
Moment by moment
Amplification of bliss quotient

At play within


Unseeking Seeker 17-07-2020 02:32 AM


Ceasing striving
Desiring nothing
Our existence
Playful innocence
Gently ambles
No ego that rambles
Our stillness
The bliss we imbibe
Words cannot describe
Moment to moment
Soma nectar potent
Heightens our ecstasy
In unending continuity
Inner emptiness
Magnetised in fullness
Throbs with power
Swathed in a bliss shower
Each pulse a climax
Without mental parallax
Arms open in embrace
Greets each & every face
In gleeful joy
Devoid of egoic ploy

Such is the is-ness
Of our being-ness


Unseeking Seeker 18-07-2020 02:28 AM


Am as am complete
As is-ness of being
Suffused with bliss replete
Flowing in currents enthralling

Lower mind yet seeks
Higher individualised enableability
As bliss within osmotically seeps
The ignition renews in continuity

The see-saw thus continues
Between form & formlessness
Imbibing myriad of bliss hues
Self & self merge as oneness

Observing oscillation in nonchalance
We no longer look askance
Enjoying each throb of the divine dance
In simplistic childlike innocence


Unseeking Seeker 18-07-2020 10:14 AM


By whose will
Are we still
Sometimes agitated
Or tranquil & elated

The currents
To which sentient
Follow a divine rhythm
Reflected in the prism

Of form

We may yet choose
Without excuse
Ceasing to weigh or size
Simply vaporise

Singing the bliss tune
To external vagaries immune
Ceasing to resist
Being to become a bliss mist



Unseeking Seeker 19-07-2020 02:38 AM


Alone in blissful radiance
Awakened inner sentience
Feels the bliss current
Ascending a steep gradient
As we observe
Without reserve
Our trust childlike
Allowing the bliss spike
A natural miracle
Water seeking its own level



Unseeking Seeker 20-07-2020 02:58 AM


Inner sound current
Ever present
Flow of this cognition
As our meditation
Attention single pointed
Quietude self anointed
Throbbing Sushumna
Becomes Hirayangarbha
Bliss in fullness
One with Oneness

The thus continuance
Attribute of innocence


Unseeking Seeker 21-07-2020 02:49 AM


The staff of power
Radiating a bliss shower
Rapturises our form
With purring currents warm
Whilst we as a recipient
Partake of joy in excitement
Each nuance within few
As it’s ignition renews
No flaw we may detect
In our divine connect
Optimised for us alone
Of ecstasy only we own


Unseeking Seeker 22-07-2020 01:38 AM


It is the actual execution in action
Of learning garnered in meditation
That determines consciousness shift
At the level of our reflex instinct
Which in turn frees us in both waking
As well as the state of dreaming
Positioning us in Turiya in continuity
Whereupon we are our own infinity


Unseeking Seeker 24-07-2020 08:27 AM


Hot and humid or cool and refreshing
Either which ways our heart is singing
With the throb of bliss within pulsating

The external domain throws up images
Some pleasing others acts of savages
Healing bliss superficialities assuages

Ultimately it is all about our orientation
If we be in a continuum of meditation
Mind-body tranquil flows in bliss elation


Unseeking Seeker 25-07-2020 02:23 AM


There is a thirst
Divine bliss burst

Attention fixation
For God connect
Restless elation
To alignment correct

We trust the current
In quiet patience
Yet marking each instant
With yearning of innocence


Unseeking Seeker 26-07-2020 01:32 PM


In truth no desire to serve
Though any doing is with verve
Yet if the need arises
As and when empathy rises
From the domain of oneness
Universal consciousness
We hasten to respond
Being free of narrow bonds
Thus with a ready embrace
Face to face
Act as a transmitter
Or rather as a reflector
Of the pulse divine
With which we align

In continuance


Unseeking Seeker 27-07-2020 04:03 PM

Our inspiration divine resonation

What is our inspiration
Being the question
Of this contemplation

What else but the very life pulse
Present everywhere at once
Inner urgings of divine dalliance

We have both lower & higher mind
Of which ego imposing a bind
Delusion in illusions we leave behind

What then remains
Save consciousness unstained
Love within the heart ingrained

We are then still yet there is a mover
Magnetism within rising as bliss hovers
A fragrance ineffable as lifetrons flower

As the limited doer recedes to vaporise
No narrow identity remains to weigh & size
Each moment cognised we behold in surprise

The rapturous divine vibe ascending
Renewal in a continuum unending
Essence of our presence so becoming

Our joy we then exuberantly share
With one & all who choose to pair
Being the throb of bliss itself self aware

Thus our inspiration
Divine entwined connection
As an ever present orientation


Unseeking Seeker 29-07-2020 03:31 PM


We clearly see it slowly creeping
Consciousness contraction
Origin in ego borne craving
Agitating our tranquil orientation

Ever watchful alert awareness
Recognises the egoic aberration
Shifting back to pristine stillness
As quietude of our meditation


Unseeking Seeker 31-07-2020 03:19 AM


Let us be thoughtful
Alert and watchful
Of what is said
And left unsaid
Each silent tremor
Involuntary shiver
Embraced with love
That does us behove


Unseeking Seeker 03-08-2020 08:24 AM


quiet and gentle osmotic percolation
of magnetic electricity within form
accompanied by ecstatic bliss elation
hypnotic maya delusion slowly disarms

with reduction of narrow egoic craving
rooted in fleeting identity attachment
rapturous bliss ignition within continuing
we flow resistanceless in contentment


Unseeking Seeker 06-08-2020 08:15 AM

How to navigate the path leading to liberation?

Loosening mind-body identification
Recognising that our attention is held in packets of time
Silence and stillness our orientation
Unhurriedly shifting fulcrum nearer to conscience chime

What happens in meditation is this: we exit hypnotic trance
Tumbler within falls noiselessly; revealing self-luminescence


Unseeking Seeker 10-08-2020 11:44 AM


Our spacial heart all aglow
The divine love fulcrum
Bliss pulse within mellow
Gently flows the continuum

Dance in joyful exuberance
Where throb of love hovers
A divine entwined parlance
Blessed in a blissful shower

Heart magnetic field a torus
Self resident in the cave within
Emptiness receptive & porous
Renews explosive bliss ignition

All centres orbit the Anahata
Yet independently do celebrate
Fathomless is the divine enigma
As thunder of ॐ reverberates



Unseeking Seeker 15-08-2020 04:29 AM


Enabled and then disabled
To ascertain bliss stability
When no ego agenda tabled
Throb renews in continuity

Game of choosing resonation
With God consciousness
Love the only real vibration
Imbibed in silence & stillness


Unseeking Seeker 17-08-2020 12:07 PM

Stoop to conquer

Plunging in deeper
Into layers of delusion
Making the climb steeper
Adding to confusion

We then surrender!

Something falls away
Detected in flowing stillness
Attention no longer sways
In the realm of Oneness

Presence looks on in wonder!

We look around at the actors
Each playing their part
With zest & zeal & fervour
Until they choose to depart

All one; no hearts asunder!


Unseeking Seeker 20-08-2020 04:55 AM

Disappearing horizon

oft in the still of the night
for a reason to us unknown
we stir awaking slowly
feeling bliss currents grown

the power that so enables
nurturing our innermost need
we trust blindly & implicitly
devoid of attainment greed

the shift within ourself we see
is us as presence centreless
head resident in heart spacial
merging form & formlessness


Unseeking Seeker 21-08-2020 03:08 PM

Journey from self to Self

we may label it as surrender
or our merging by dissolving
it is a child looking in wonder
in trust allowing blossoming

recognising God as omnipresent
we need not search here & there
for our burning yearning innocent
sees Gods presence everywhere

truth is clear if we make the shift
from head to heart in stillness
unwavering focus vibrations lift
uniting us with the That Oneness


Unseeking Seeker 22-08-2020 01:48 PM

Heart the centre

There is a deep thirst within
We unabashedly yearn & seek
Manifestation of Gods miracle

It is a soul consuming fire
Within ablaze
Mesmerising us in meditation
Distanced from life’s maze

Time holds still in our seeking
As we vaporise
The child within us awakes
Embracing each divine surprise

Fears & desires slowly recede
As mists clear
We dwell in magnetism divine
Drawing the bliss pulse near

As we are gripped in rapture
Of bliss ineffable
Meditation now our orientation
Within the heart spacial

We reside


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