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durgaa 14-10-2015 12:01 AM

It should be stated that the original theosophists [Blavatsky, Judge etc] had nothing to do with the later, Adyar society of Bessant, leadbeater [an evil paedophile apparently - even krishnamurti said so [leadbeater was his mentor and possibly abused him]. Personally, l believe krishnamurti was a fraud as well [please don't use the 'out of context' quote by anandamayima to try and disprove this; not unless you post the full quote, which means something entirely different.
The original theosophy is now called ULT, l believe, and on their site they explain their position very clearly. They dissociate with ppl like Bessant and Steiner [they accuse steiner of spreading lies and trying to christianize theosophy - theosophy is based on buddhist teachings and are fiercely opposed to mainstream christianity]..
lt's also said that Blavatsky might have been taught by the occultist Max Theon [his wife Alma was an incredible occultist]..

The site below is devoted to the original teachings, and has many articles.. BTW l'm not a theosophist, but some of their stuff is interesting:


Deepsoul 14-10-2015 12:13 AM

Hi Skull, Loved reading your posts a few pages back ,I think I might be a theosophist,, Peace, Love Joy and Service Deepsoul and all glory to the Divine.

Skull 18-11-2015 12:55 AM

Starting in January 2016 the Theosophical Society, Point Loma, will put introductory talks on Theosophy online:


Skull 18-11-2015 01:18 AM

There is a hunger in the human heart for beauty; there is a longing in the human soul for
harmony and for peace; there is an unceasing aspiration in the human mind for an understanding
of the problems of the Universe; and all these qualities of heart and soul and mind are
fundamentally one, arising out of that amazing spiritual fire which dwells in the inmost of the
inmost of every human being, and which is a reflexion in his human character of the Divine
Flame which is fundamentally the Spiritual Man; and this flame is the core of his being.

Men yearn for truth; they yearn for light; they yearn for peace and happiness; and alas, in how
slight a degree is this divine hunger satisfied! It is unsatisfied because men will not self-consciously
realize who they are, what they are, in the core of themselves; their human
consciousness refuses to recognize the living existence in them of this Divine Flame of the spirit.

Nevertheless, there is through the ages a pressure towards this realization, and when recognition
comes, then indeed breaks the splendor of the spirit on the mind and illuminates it divinely. The
man's soul is then moved: and the very depths of his being are stirred, for he recognises not only
his kinship with -- in the abstract sense -- but his fundamental oneness with, the Universe of
which he is a child, an inseparable part.

G. de Purucker

Shivani Devi 20-11-2015 02:04 AM


Originally Posted by Skull
Divine Wisdom (or theosophy) is timeless, but it does have eras when it is more public than others. In 1875 the Theosophical Society was formed by Helena Blavatsky. Blavatsky laid the philosophical and ethical foundation for Interfaith relations and well as much of the "New Age" teachings.

Here is a link to get one started: http://davidpratt.info/


Time for my input on the subject of Theosophy.

Back in the late '70's, 'anything Hindu' was pretty scarce around Sydney, Australia, so I spent most of my youth alternating between the Adhyar Library and the Hare Krishna Temple.

I read about the founder, Madam Blavatsky and began to study the Secret Doctrine in earnest (I could only get half-way through Isis Unveiled). All I could do was say; 'oh...kay interesting'.

I don't know what it was, but I was just 'turned off' by her and couldn't put my 'spiritual finger' on it.

However, it was the Theosophical Society which gave me my 'grounding knowledge' in Kundalini Yoga when I was about 18. I saw a book on the shelf called 'The Serpent Power" by Sir John Woodrofe (Arthur Avalon) and I was like...hmmmm...that looks interesting *yoink*.

After that, I became very interested in an older member called Geoffrey Hodson and I must have listened to all his cassette lectures over and over and over (ad nauseum). Geoffrey Hodson's 'Kundalini tape' and Swami Yogananda's 'Awake In The Cosmic Dream' tape nearly wore my walkman out playing them for about 2 years solid.

After this, I moved on to all the sacred Kundalini and tantric texts, as well as getting into all the works of Pundit Gopi Krishna and then going off on a 'Tibetan tangent' with The Tibetan Book of the Dead - Evans Wentz, the Tibetan Book of Great Liberation - Evans Wentz and the Tao Te Ching by Lao Tsu.

Yes, I am one who believed Tuesday Lobsang Rampa was the 'real deal' before they discovered he was only a plumber named Cyril from Bristol, England! - that was the 'scandal of the day' back then...

Anyway, look at me rabbit on...I'll have to go and pay my Theosophist pals up in Sydney another visit one of these days...it's been like 30 years.

Aum Namah Shivaya

Skull 23-11-2015 03:32 PM

About Healing
When a man is whole, he is well, he is healed; and this more than anything else is the work of the Theosophical Society, spiritually, morally, and intellectually speaking: to make men whole... so that there shall be a divine fire running through the man, through the spiritual and intellectual and psychical and astral and physical — and best of all for us humans, the moral, the child of the spiritual. Then we are whole, we are in health, for our whole being is in harmony.

Thus, then, the work of the Theosophical Society is so to change the hearts and minds of men that their lives shall be changed, and therefore the lives of the peoples of the earth. What is this but healing at its roots instead of healing the symptoms? The god-wisdom goes to the very root of the disease, and cuts it; and the successful theosophist is not he who can preach the most and say the most in the most fascinating way, but he who lives his theosophy. "Theosophist is who Theosophy does."

Purucker in Wind of the Spirit

Skull 27-11-2015 12:18 AM

Major works for guidance on the Path
These often have a strong intellectual leaning, but it is good to stretch our minds.


ian77 11-12-2015 11:17 PM

Hello all,try this link.I think you will find it very interesting http://www.thewordfoundation.org.Or search for The Word Foundation and Thinking and Destiny.

Skull 12-12-2015 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by ian77
Hello all,try this link.I think you will find it very interesting http://www.thewordfoundation.org.Or search for The Word Foundation and Thinking and Destiny.

Thinking and Destiny is not all that interesting Ian.

Percival started out a theosophist using the terms and ideas of Blavatsky. But over the years, in building his individual intellectual structure, he began coining words and replacing Blavatsky terminology with his own.

That he was free to do, but the end result, for the average person, is that one has to become a Percival-ist and learn another system distinct from Theosophy, yet one not very different.

The major lack, is that altruism and brotherhood are buried under many pages explaining the function of mind & thought in varied planes or realms. In short, too metaphysical for my taste.

ian77 13-12-2015 10:18 PM

I do not think Percivals system is in any way related to Blavatskys theosophical terminology.
Percival wrote about what he discovered from being conscious of consciousness.Blavatsky,as far as I am aware,never wrote about the Triune Self and the regeneration of the perfect,immortal,sexless physical body.She never wrote about democracy as Self government.

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