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tealily 05-08-2015 02:35 AM


Originally Posted by Pandora
"What is Pandora's personality like?"

RW, reversals, my usual 3-card spread

You've got a strong, forthright personality (King of Wands). This is my personal "Richard Branson" card - someone who sets a goal, stakes their flag down, and stands up proudly. Not backward in coming forward at all! Lots of physical energy - I don't see you as someone likely to step down from a challenge (in fact, you might relish it).

At this time there's much change in the air (Wheel of Fortune) so there might be adrenaline and a level of optimism, kind of like how one feels when they're just setting off on a grand journey/adventure.

For advice, the cards mention that at times you might get a bit too bogged down in your work (9 of Pent rev) so staying passionate but also making time to come out and smell the roses/touch base with the mundane may be something to keep in mind :)

Next reading for: tealily

Experiment question to see if it works with Tarot. I've got mugs on my desk - are they white, blue, or made of glass?

Pandora. 05-08-2015 03:05 AM


Originally Posted by tealily
RW, reversals, my usual 3-card spread

You've got a strong, forthright personality (King of Wands). This is my personal "Richard Brandson" card - someone who sets a goal, stakes their flag down, and stands up proudly. Not backward in coming forward at all! Lots of physical energy - I don't see you as someone likely to step down from a challenge (in fact, you might relish it).

At this time there's much change in the air (Wheel of Fortune) so there might be adrenaline and a level of optimism, kind of like how one feels when they're just setting off on a grand journey/adventure.

For advice, the cards mention that at times you might get a bit too bogged down in your work (9 of Pent rev) so staying passionate but also making time to come out and smell the roses/touch base with the mundane may be something to keep in mind :)

Next reading for: tealily

Experiment question to see if it works with Tarot. I've got mugs on my desk - are they white, blue, or made of glass?

Feedback for Tealily:

Yes, you are pretty much spot on. I hadn't thought of myself as King of Wands, but there are definitely parts of my personality that could be said to be King of Wandish.

Yes, there's definitely some changes in the air at the moment! Not sure how they're going to turn out. Not too sure on the optimism though.

Very true regarding getting bogged down. I will definitely heed that advice and get out and smell the roses more often. (We usually go camping quite regularly, but haven't been for ages, that would definitely do the trick!).

Thanks Tealily.

Now to your reading. Oh, what fun!

Reading for tealily:

Are the mugs on your desk blue, white or glass?

I picked 3 cards for significators for this question. The blue mugs I picked 3 of Cups, the white cups I picked the Ace of Cups, and the glass I picked 5 of Cups.

I got reversed cards for all except the Ace of Cups (white cups). So I'm going to say that the cups on your desk are white.

Oh forgot to mention, the upright card to represent the white cups was the Queen of Wands. Don't think it holds any relevance, but thought I'd mention it.

What question can I ask? Oh, I know. Will the mechanic find out today, why the car sometimes won't start? (It's at the dealers at the moment)

I forgot again::BangHead: Next reading for Pandora

tealily 05-08-2015 03:12 AM

Feedback for Pandora:

BINGO! They are indeed white! :D

Reading for Pandora:

:/ My cards think ish not looking good for your car. The mechanic might call and say he's convinced he knows what's going on though (King of Swords rev) but behind the bravado I think he's pretty confused and frustrated himself. But he wants to look good, so...

Either way I don't see much headway with the car anytime soon (6 of Swords rev), which is probs going to cramp your style a bit (5 of Pent). Are you heavily reliant on your car?

Likely outcome: 4 of Wands rev. This suggests to me that final 'success' may come with changing mechanic or selling the car. It's still a positive card but has a sense of distance.

Next reading for tealily. I'm battling some post-op pain at the moment, and it's killing me! I'd love to know whether it's better to grit my teeth and go on with my day (which will make me feel productive and happy), or give up and rest in bed.

Pandora. 05-08-2015 03:33 AM


Originally Posted by tealily
Feedback for Pandora:

BINGO! They are indeed white! :D

Reading for Pandora:

:/ My cards think ish not looking good for your car. The mechanic might call and say he's convinced he knows what's going on though (King of Swords rev) but behind the bravado I think he's pretty confused and frustrated himself. But he wants to look good, so...

Either way I don't see much headway with the car anytime soon (6 of Swords rev), which is probs going to cramp your style a bit (5 of Pent). Are you heavily reliant on your car?

Likely outcome: 4 of Wands rev. This suggests to me that final 'success' may come with changing mechanic or selling the car. It's still a positive card but has a sense of distance.

Next reading for tealily. I'm battling some post-op pain at the moment, and it's killing me! I'd love to know whether it's better to grit my teeth and go on with my day (which will make me feel productive and happy), or give up and rest in bed.

Thanks tealily! Damn! That's annoying (regarding the car). Yes, we've only got one car registered at the moment. Trying to sort out the other car, but that's got even worse problems. :BangHead:

Oh, that 4 of Wands reversed doesn't look very good! :icon_eek: I'll let you know what happens by the end of today.

Sorry to hear about your pain - if no-one else does the reading, I'll have a stab later. I've got to get this work done first.

Next reading for tealily

Pandora. 05-08-2015 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by tealily

Next reading for tealily. I'm battling some post-op pain at the moment, and it's killing me! I'd love to know whether it's better to grit my teeth and go on with my day (which will make me feel productive and happy), or give up and rest in bed.

Reading for tealily:

Rider Waite with reversals

2 of Pentacles, 3 of Pentacles and Page of Wands.

At first I wasn't sure about this reading, but when I looked at the 2 of Pentacles, he actually looks like he's grimacing in pain, with one leg off the ground, like when you shift your weight if you've got pain.

Anyway, moving on ... I think the 2 of Pentacles is showing your level of pain and how busy you are, trying to do too much.

The 3 of Pentacles initially made me think of seeing a specialist, consulting with someone to get advice. Or it may be implying you need to get some help and not try to do everything yourself. Are you in a position where you can delegate? Do you have good friends who can do stuff for you, help you out? If not, I'll be honest, I really don't know.

The Page of Wands isn't really doing much - he's standing around, but he's not lying down. So I wondered if this means for you to take it easy, and maybe think of some creative things you've wanted to do for a while, but haven't been able to. Not go and lie down in bed as you may not be able to sleep or rest anyway, but think of something different you can do to help you take your mind off your pain, something you would enjoy doing, to get you in "the zone" without overdoing it.

So basically, I think don't stop doing everything, but limit yourself and try and find something enjoyable to do.

Sorry, a pretty rubbish reading, but that's all I could think of with these cards, which I found quite difficult. I hope your pain goes and you get some relief.

Next reading for Pandora: "Will I get out and about tomorrow?" (Can't think of anything else off the top of my head).

Pandora. 05-08-2015 07:30 AM


Originally Posted by tealily
Feedback for Pandora:

BINGO! They are indeed white! :D

Reading for Pandora:

:/ My cards think ish not looking good for your car. The mechanic might call and say he's convinced he knows what's going on though (King of Swords rev) but behind the bravado I think he's pretty confused and frustrated himself. But he wants to look good, so...

Either way I don't see much headway with the car anytime soon (6 of Swords rev), which is probs going to cramp your style a bit (5 of Pent). Are you heavily reliant on your car?

Likely outcome: 4 of Wands rev. This suggests to me that final 'success' may come with changing mechanic or selling the car. It's still a positive card but has a sense of distance.

Next reading for tealily. I'm battling some post-op pain at the moment, and it's killing me! I'd love to know whether it's better to grit my teeth and go on with my day (which will make me feel productive and happy), or give up and rest in bed.

Further feedback for Tealily:

Just got the car back from the garage - they think it's the starter motor solanoid. But (and it's a big but) you can't replace just the solanoid, you have to get the whole starter motor. The part itself is $1600 (and that doesn't include fitting). :icon_eek: Needless to say, it will have to wait for a while!

Next reading for Pandora

tealily 05-08-2015 08:12 AM

Feedback for Pandora

Thanks for the reading! I am indeed in a juggling act; I did call my doctor though and it was good to get reassurance that it's too early for infection-related pain, so probably just my high sensitivity to pain :D

It hurts to stand/walk, but I HAVE been doing lots of reading and tarot practice spreads, which is fun :)

PS: Sucks to hear about the car! Gosh, at those prices you're almost better off hiring a car. Is using a bike feasible?

Reading for Pandora: "Will I get out and about tomorrow?"

Short answer is no, but advice from the cards is that you should :D

I'm chuckling slightly at the cards. Knight of Wands rev is a big fat no - kind of like a small fire that's been put out by water. 9 of Pent rev gives me the impression that you'll be BURIED under work-related paperwork and tasks - completely and utterly, quite an entertaining visual image.

The advice is to take the leap of faith (The Fool). When I first saw this I figured this was about making sure you still get some outside time, but as I'm typing up my reading I'm getting the vibe that it's more about trusting yourself that you have the capacity to pull whatever-it-is off. Just do it :)

Next reading for tealily. Happy for a general read :)

Pandora. 05-08-2015 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by tealily
Feedback for Pandora

Thanks for the reading! I am indeed in a juggling act; I did call my doctor though and it was good to get reassurance that it's too early for infection-related pain, so probably just my high sensitivity to pain :D

It hurts to stand/walk, but I HAVE been doing lots of reading and tarot practice spreads, which is fun :)

PS: Sucks to hear about the car! Gosh, at those prices you're almost better off hiring a car. Is using a bike feasible?

Reading for Pandora: "Will I get out and about tomorrow?"

Short answer is no, but advice from the cards is that you should :D

I'm chuckling slightly at the cards. Knight of Wands rev is a big fat no - kind of like a small fire that's been put out by water. 9 of Pent rev gives me the impression that you'll be BURIED under work-related paperwork and tasks - completely and utterly, quite an entertaining visual image.

The advice is to take the leap of faith (The Fool). When I first saw this I figured this was about making sure you still get some outside time, but as I'm typing up my reading I'm getting the vibe that it's more about trusting yourself that you have the capacity to pull whatever-it-is off. Just do it :)

Next reading for tealily. Happy for a general read :)

Feedback for Tealily:

Thanks Tealily. I think that's probably right, as much as I would like to play the fool and get out. I suspect the 9 of Pentacles reversed will be pretty spot on - I have to get some work finished from the Ace of Pentacles yesterday, which I hope to get knocked over tomorrow. Further, I've just received another email of more work coming in, so I think I'll be quite busy tomorrow with paperwork. Will let you know for sure tomorrow.

Yes, the car is the last thing we need at the moment, but never mind. It only does it every so often, so hopefully we'll get away with it until we can afford to get the part.

Unfortunately a bike would be useless where we are. We're in a small country village, shops are 15 minutes away by car, (no there's no buses either).

I'm just waiting for the sky to start falling next ... :icon_eek: hahahaha

Next reading for tealily

ReSurrection 05-08-2015 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by tealily
Feedback for Pandora

Thanks for the reading! I am indeed in a juggling act; I did call my doctor though and it was good to get reassurance that it's too early for infection-related pain, so probably just my high sensitivity to pain :D

It hurts to stand/walk, but I HAVE been doing lots of reading and tarot practice spreads, which is fun :)

PS: Sucks to hear about the car! Gosh, at those prices you're almost better off hiring a car. Is using a bike feasible?

Reading for Pandora: "Will I get out and about tomorrow?"

Short answer is no, but advice from the cards is that you should :D

I'm chuckling slightly at the cards. Knight of Wands rev is a big fat no - kind of like a small fire that's been put out by water. 9 of Pent rev gives me the impression that you'll be BURIED under work-related paperwork and tasks - completely and utterly, quite an entertaining visual image.

The advice is to take the leap of faith (The Fool). When I first saw this I figured this was about making sure you still get some outside time, but as I'm typing up my reading I'm getting the vibe that it's more about trusting yourself that you have the capacity to pull whatever-it-is off. Just do it :)

Next reading for tealily. Happy for a general read :)

Btw teailly i also got that your muggs are white :tongue: but my tablet was jacking up so i couldnt post lol

A general read for you would je to focus on being the driven, truth seeking And brave person you are And to charge ahead in life, moving the Devil Card put od your way as it showa as an obstacle for you so maybe some issues grom your past are causing you some type od Hurt or distress but you have the fortitude od character to charge right ahead as it is clear that happiness awaits you with The Sun card,you must leave that Devil to kick rocks though in order to get to it though. Be carefull of lying people with the seven od swords as people around you are maybe jealous od you AMD try to take what you have for themselfes Ane you will find yourself awaiting happiness with an eager heart with THe three od Wands.

Last reading by ressurection.

A general read for me too

Asrai 05-08-2015 02:41 PM


"Reading for Asrai
How can I find my what my passion is?

Deck used Wisdom of the Hidden Realms
Cards drawn- The Rainbow Prince, The Eyes of Beauty, The Altar Priestess.

It would appear that you have been suppressing your own desires as you feel they would conflict with those close to you. I get a sense that your path lies in a different direction to those around you.
You are beginning to find a passion in finding your own path spiritually, this has entailed moments of clarity on old beliefs and although you may feel that this is an intrinsic part of who you are, you are feeling a 'pull' to explore a different way.
I think your passion lies with learning about and studying in depth about spiritual matters (I want to say Wiccan/Pagan/Pantheist) as the last card The Altar Princess shows a woman preparing for magical ritual.
In summary I feel your passion lies in spirituality and spiritual development."

This is my favorite deck!! And the reading was soooo true! It was perfect, thank you!!

I was going to do a reading for resurrection but I feel out of tune. (sorry) Hopefully someone will take it or I could try later.

Next reading for resurrection

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