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Cal 26-02-2011 04:42 PM

Hello Sparrow. I'm always pleased to hear from you and grateful for your heartful and insightful responses. I'm also pleased to know that your presence at the moment of reading my (yet another) question was filled wonder and wonderful.

Thanks so much. After reading your response I suspect I've already been working with my 3rd eye without even really understanding it as that through my meditation and visualization. I was wondering if working this way also opens other senses, other than visual. For example, I can often hear, smell and feel things in new ways when in deep meditation/visualization/trance. I list these three as the same because as I continue to work this way the lines between them and many other things become very blurred. Not sure exactly how to describe it but my previous definitions of these concepts don't exactly imply any longer.

I 'informally' practiced an exercise I read in another thread on this forum a week or two ago designed to open the 3rd eye. I couldn't help trying it casually as I read through the description on how to properly pronounce certain words in a sort of mantra-like breathing way, in a way I've never done before. Doing this in the normal waking mind state, not a meditative state, I really felt the energy and sensations it created. Afterword I was cautious about doing the whole routine for the amount of days prescribed until I understood the implications better, especially since another forum member said it could make some people go mad. I don't remember the exact said implications but it seemed like some potential negative side effects where possible. However, I am pleased to learn "There are no real dangers in working with your pineal gland, other than pushing yourself too far too quickly".

I'm not sure what exactly pushing too hard means in a practical sense but I am much less worried about it than I was prior to reading your whole response several times and absorbing it.

Thanks so much all your guidance, support and insights. I really wish I could understand my 'in spirit' guides more in this kind of detail. I'm working on the relationship and have made progress in recognizing them but most answers are very brief or simplified, starting as a voice but turning more to feeling and I haven't bridged the gap yet for successful lengthy conversation, except for a few times I've engaged in entheogenic ceremony/trance. However, even then I tended to dismiss those communications and insights later on as "just my imagination" working me, as if imagination isn't real (past conditioning influence?) but it's actually all beginning to make more sense now.

Thanks so much once again for helping me to re-member what I may have once known before I came here in this embodiment.

Many Wonderful Blessings!


flutterangel 26-02-2011 05:14 PM

You just have to stay aware and stay clear of those sources of raw and natural which are treated chemically with unnatural or harmful substances. This is difficult but will become easier as the demand for such things increases in public domain. Create a voice with which to demand such things from governments, corporations and farmers alike.
Living in a city it is hard to find (and be able to afford) food that is not chemically altered in some way. I very much look forward to this becoming easier to find. It is getting so much easier to find gluten free and dairy free products, without preservatives and food coloring, etc. I am grateful for that.
Blessings and appreciation to you Sparrow,

flutterangel 11-03-2011 12:11 AM

Hi Sparrow!!
I hope I am posting this in an appropriate spot. You had mentioned before to me about the relationship between healing and sound and color therapy. I looked it up but got such a wide range of information. Can you please expand on this in more detail and how is the best way for me to go about them both?
Thank you so much!
With affection,

Spirit Guide Sparrow 12-03-2011 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by flutterangel
Hi Sparrow!!
I hope I am posting this in an appropriate spot. You had mentioned before to me about the relationship between healing and sound and color therapy. I looked it up but got such a wide range of information. Can you please expand on this in more detail and how is the best way for me to go about them both?
Thank you so much!
With affection,

Good day to you sacred butterfly.

If such a question concerns your life, in any way, then this is an appropriate place as any - for this ballet of thought and feeling is appropriately named… Common Questions About Life!

The best way to go about healing is to presume you have already been healed! This is to say, acknowledging your choice in choosing to be healed will begin the process automatically. For that which you truly desire shall always be made manifest. You have only to look closely, deeply, intuitively in all aspects of life to see and realize this truth, which is not limited to healing alone.

That which you choose to know, you choose to experience. This is a very powerful statement which could change your life completely, if you so choose. This is to say, when you know a thing to be true it becomes true in your reality in the form of experience. Knowing and believing are not the same thing. Believing something to be true is simply adopting a thought or idea about a thing and placing blind faith upon its veracity, but never truly knowing, for there is always room for doubt. People who believe are the ones who experience life first and then attempt to understand and explain it. Knowing something to be true is simply choosing a thing without the need to believe, without the need for faith, and thus your experience of that choice becomes your own veracity. People who know are the ones who choose what life is first and then allow their experience to testify to that.
People who choose to be in the know, choose to be in the now. For now is all there is.

Message summary: That which you know to be healed or is now healing shall produce your experience of it, for to know is to choose, and to choose is to create. There can be no room for doubt, for within doubt there is no room for choice.

Your so-called physical body is not actually physical at all. It is made up of 98% space and only 2% actual solidified matter. When you are looking to heal your body you are looking to address this 98% of this space, since it constructs the majority of what you are in your present form. In truth, there is no such thing as space, for within space itself there is a great diversity of things going on. Primarily we are talking about the oscillations of energy which exhibit cyclonic patterns of movement. All things move in cycles. To understand the cycles within life is to understand the universe itself. So when it is I speak of the oscillations of energy vibration which, in most humans varies between 200 to just over 800 cycles per second, I am referring to what is going on inside of you that makes you the form you currently have. Illness and disease originates from a low cycle per second vibrational state. What actually occurs is that when you resonate energetically at a lower vibration your energy state becomes susceptible to the frequencies of other influences which reside within and upon that particular resonance frequency. As you raise your oscillation vibration you change your frequency away from disease forming pathogens and align yourself with the resonance of harmony and perfection.

Every particle in your body emit’s a terrestrial oscillatory sound wave. Your physical body therefore, or rather, the 98% kinetic space employs sound frequencies to influence and interact within its energy field and environment. Different frequencies produce different forms of behaviour in animals, and in humans, and in all living things. In understanding the frequencies you are producing you come to understand why you behave the way you do under specific circumstances, and why certain people, certain places and certain events cause different responses in your emotional field. Illnesses and diseases form when the instrument, as I continue to call it, which is your body, begins to resonate tones harmful to other cells and functions of the body. This tends to originate from the food and drink you consume, the external influencing environment and your intention of thought. These things have frequencies of their own and when they come into contact with your own resonant field your tone structure becomes altered. Over time it is possible that cells in your body begin to ‘change their tone’ because of influences upon it and thus, you become sick. The body uses these tones to communicate with itself, and so if these are out of sync you will develop problems in health.
Sound also carries the energy of intention. If the intentions of others around you are negative, then the sound penetrating your energy field will become negatively charged. This is why you feel drained.

The influence of colour can be understood by examining the electromagnetic wavelength and frequencies of the light spectrum.

Colour ~Wavelength interval ~ Frequency interval
red ~ 700–635 nm ~ 430–480 THz
orange ~ 635–590 nm ~ 480–510 THz
yellow ~ 590–560 nm ~ 510–540 THz
green ~ 560–490 nm ~ 540–610 THz
blue ~ 490–450 nm ~ 610–670 THz
violet ~ 450–400 nm ~ 670–750 THz

It is commonly known that different frequency terahertz produce different responses and trigger different behaviourisms in human beings. The human brain is a receiver of electromagnetic stimulation and produces its own frequency waves, which then have profound effects on the physical body, and on your health. Different frequencies of sound and colour assist the functionality of the brain and body to become stimulated to produce specific chemical compounds which maintain health, youth and vitality. If the brain or the cells themselves are bombarded with harmful external frequencies, or if they are not sustained and nourished by the right frequencies then the cells will begin to deteriorate or become mutated. Then you manifest illness and disease.

Violet light is often utilized in energy healing because its frequency has enough momentum to trigger change and transformation of frequency pattern. Using colours of higher frequencies therefore will aid in healing therapies. They shift energy and get energy moving again.
Apply this knowledge of colour with the application of sound therapy to maximise your healing modalities.

Surround yourself with bright radiant beautiful colours and choose the sounds natural and terrestrial to planet Earth, as well as music which invokes deep relaxation and transformation. Frequencies which correct the imbalances within you and instruct unhealthy cells to receive and reciprocate healthy harmonic rhythms.


flutterangel 13-03-2011 03:01 AM

Thank you Sparrow,
The best way to go about healing is to presume you have already been healed! This is to say, acknowledging your choice in choosing to be healed will begin the process automatically. For that which you truly desire shall always be made manifest. You have only to look closely, deeply, intuitively in all aspects of life to see and realize this truth, which is not limited to healing alone.
I have come to know this quite well, and have made large strides in healing the MS in my body since last June. Changing my diet to gluten and dairy free, learning meditation, getting back into dance as soon as I was strong enough, etc. has been so important, in addition to "knowing" not just believing that I was being healed. I am always looking for additional ways to continue the healing and thank you for your detailed explanation. It is sincerely appreciated.
I must say, that although the colors of red, orange and yellow are beautiful, I am more drawn to green, blue and violet.
Different frequencies produce different forms of behaviour in animals, and in humans, and in all living things. In understanding the frequencies you are producing you come to understand why you behave the way you do under specific circumstances, and why certain people, certain places and certain events cause different responses in your emotional field. Illnesses and diseases form when the instrument, as I continue to call it, which is your body, begins to resonate tones harmful to other cells and functions of the body. This tends to originate from the food and drink you consume, the external influencing environment and your intention of thought. These things have frequencies of their own and when they come into contact with your own resonant field your tone structure becomes altered. Over time it is possible that cells in your body begin to ‘change their tone’ because of influences upon it and thus, you become sick. The body uses these tones to communicate with itself, and so if these are out of sync you will develop problems in health.
Sound also carries the energy of intention. If the intentions of others around you are negative, then the sound penetrating your energy field will become negatively charged. This is why you feel drained.
This resonates completely with what I have experienced, and I have learned the importance of how to better protect myself from outside influences.

Surround yourself with bright radiant beautiful colours and choose the sounds natural and terrestrial to planet Earth, I find this so much easier to do when not in the winter cycle, but look for other ways to do this until I can be back outdoors more often!
Thanks again Sparrow :happy10:

Love&Light 13-03-2011 09:12 AM

I'd be interested to know what dangerous creatures there are in the Astral Plane, if I'm warrioress.. does this mean I'll be fighting?:confused:

I've heard of creatures that devour their victims... will I be called upon to fight with such entities?:confused:

Spirit Guide Sparrow 13-03-2011 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by Love&Light

I'd be interested to know what dangerous creatures there are in the Astral Plane, if I'm warrioress.. does this mean I'll be fighting?:confused:

I've heard of creatures that devour their victims... will I be called upon to fight with such entities?:confused:

By measure of your own words, the only thing you will be fighting is the ego of your own costume.

Love&Light 14-03-2011 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by Spirit Guide Sparrow
By measure of your own words, the only thing you will be fighting is the ego of your own costume.


I hope your right!:hug3:

flutterangel 01-06-2011 12:02 AM

Hello again dear Sparrow,
I am wondering if I chose to have this illness in this lifetime... because it was the illness that set me on the path of spirituality, so for that I am thankful. When choosing to reincarnate, would I have chosen to experience this? What is your understanding of this?
And if that is the case, will any amount of trying to heal myself work long term, if this was chosen ahead of time? Or does that impede what I set out to learn/do in this lifetime? I have always accepted what is, and do have quite a bit of luck making myself well (with the angels help), or they do with my little bit of help :) Thanks so much Sparrow for helping me understand.

Spirit Guide Sparrow 01-06-2011 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by flutterangel
Hello again dear Sparrow,
I am wondering if I chose to have this illness in this lifetime... because it was the illness that set me on the path of spirituality, so for that I am thankful. When choosing to reincarnate, would I have chosen to experience this? What is your understanding of this?
And if that is the case, will any amount of trying to heal myself work long term, if this was chosen ahead of time? Or does that impede what I set out to learn/do in this lifetime? I have always accepted what is, and do have quite a bit of luck making myself well (with the angels help), or they do with my little bit of help :) Thanks so much Sparrow for helping me understand.

When looking at any situation, it is necessary to look upon it from many different angles to understand the bigger picture.

My understanding is that illness is a cause for, and leads to suffering and sorrow. My dear friend, souls do not consciously choose suffering and sorrow, either for themselves or for others. There is no being in the spirit world, not a single loving being, who would have you endure a single moment of suffering for one reason or another. It is the suffering which so many of these beings work avidly on to erase from the face of the planet.

Illnesses are the result of genetic (cells from one individual to another), environmental (chemicals in food, water, air, furniture) and free will lifestyle (lack of exercise, suitable diet and habitual behaviour) which manifest such things. If you find that your illness has somehow illuminated your spirituality, this is because it has in fact illuminated your core values as a being and altered your perspective of purpose. These values were already within you, if not by illness they would have been revealed to you some other way by the design of the physical universe. Every person in their life, it matters not who they are, or how others view them, will come face to face with their most inner values sometime in their life.

If you wish for complete healing of this illness then that is your sovereign right as a being. Healing yourself is in no way going to hinder your spiritual path or purpose. Suffering souls make good saints and martyrs but very few spiritually enlightened ones.


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