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flutterangel 20-02-2011 07:01 PM

Well said, Cal. I too feel content to just "be." I am grateful for all I have, the experiences that have made me who I am. I feel that I have learned a lot and am enjoying learning more every day. Finding and keeping balance, and looking for and trying to act from love in as many situations as I can.
Thanks for asking, Sparrow. How do you feel, in your life at this moment?

Spirit Guide Sparrow 20-02-2011 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by Cal
Hello Sparrow:smile:. Speaking for myself, at the moment I feel joy, appreciation and gratitude. Happy just to simply be....

Have a wonderful day or evening!

Hello Cal. ~ That is music to my ears. It is refreshing to hear the celebration of joy and wellness in posts as this, rather than the abundance of grief, complaint or question. It pleases me people can still speak from a place of contentment of where they currently are.

Yes, I will have a wonderful evening. :smile:

Spirit Guide Sparrow 20-02-2011 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by flutterangel
Well said, Cal. I too feel content to just "be." I am grateful for all I have, the experiences that have made me who I am. I feel that I have learned a lot and am enjoying learning more every day. Finding and keeping balance, and looking for and trying to act from love in as many situations as I can.
Thanks for asking, Sparrow. How do you feel, in your life at this moment?

Oh my, when it shines, it sparkles!

How do I feel? Hmm well, I would have to say, it is difficult to put into words. I feel how I choose to feel within any given moment. I am not attached to feeling any particular way, unless I so choose. Sometimes I choose to feel like a playful child who cares little for growing up, and who sees the world with eyes forever young and innocent. Sometimes I choose to feel sorrow and sadness in order to understand the values, sensations and complexities of human emotion. Sometimes I choose to feel nothing at all, and permit all things to unfold without attachment to desire or response. The power to choose how to feel is such a beautiful gift to give yourself, yet so many still feel how they ought to, or are told to feel, rather than how they choose to feel.
:wav: -Sparrow

Zeliar791 20-02-2011 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by Spirit Guide Sparrow
Hello Cal. ~ That is music to my ears. It is refreshing to hear the celebration of joy and wellness in posts as this, rather than the abundance of grief, complaint or question. It pleases me people can still speak from a place of contentment of where they currently are.

Yes, I will have a wonderful evening. :smile:

It seems as though my life has been but a joke. I will be sure not to miss the rails on my next life. I wouldn't want to be licking my own wounds again.

flutterangel 24-02-2011 01:34 AM

Hi Sparrow,
What is your understanding of people being born or suddenly developing allergies to certain foods? I am one that follows a gluten and dairy free diet to feel better, but still craves certain things like pizza SO much. It seems like more and more one hears of this. Especially I have seen an increase of children coming into my school with peanut and egg allergies.
Thank you for your insight,

Spirit Guide Sparrow 24-02-2011 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by flutterangel
Hi Sparrow,
What is your understanding of people being born or suddenly developing allergies to certain foods? I am one that follows a gluten and dairy free diet to feel better, but still craves certain things like pizza SO much. It seems like more and more one hears of this. Especially I have seen an increase of children coming into my school with peanut and egg allergies.
Thank you for your insight,

Yes~good day to you young butterfly.

Think of your immune system as a sort of anti-virus software which runs on a computer. Depending on how the anti-virus software is configured, from time to time you will have your software alert you to false positives. Which means it has identified something which it deems hazardous to your computer, yet it might not necessarily be, hence it is a false positive. The software then, depending on how it is configured, will seek out and eliminate the threat.

Your body and its immune system does this very same thing. Whether it is actually hazardous to your body or not is another matter, but your immune system takes no chances, particularly in a modern world where viruses, bacteria and other pathogens have mutated. What occurs is that, in the case shall we say of food consumption, where you have fed upon a substance containing allergens, your immune system will hyper-activate white blood cells within your blood and lymphatic system interpreting it as a viral infection. This mass response of white blood cells will cause inflammatory symptoms.

The reason your immune system changes its behaviour in this hyper-sensitive way varies. Though you will find it is primarily due to the toxicity levels now within human atmosphere, drinking water, medications, toiletries, foods and within body chemistry itself. Much of this you will discover has to do with how food, in this modern era, is processed, treated and packaged. What additives, flavour enhancers, preservatives, colourings and so forth are being used, even discretely unbeknown to public eye. Such things, in their graduation, will harvest unhealthy toxins and mutating chemical compositions in the human chemistry. These toxins and harmful chemical compounds are then often transferred to babies through pregnancy, who then, over time develop intolerances to products of all kinds.

You must remember the body is a biochemical factory. It is constantly producing many different chemicals, in response to your emotions, your thoughts and your internal and external environment. Your body tries its very best to maintain a chemical equilibrium so that it may function to its most efficient state. Yet when you start putting food and drink of all description into your body, not really understanding what those things contain, the body has to work very hard to maintain this internal chemical balance. The immune system is reconfigured to become very sensitive and protective of its chemical state. Should it be that you find yourself develop an allergy to a certain food type, it is because the immune system has become hyper-sensitive to that specific chemical composition found within the food consumed. Your immune system acts like a defensive computer programme and changes its tolerance settings as it struggles to improvise around all these evolving potent and often polluting chemicals coming into your system from your skin, from the air, from tap water, clothes you wear and food you eat.

More and more children are developing these immune system responses primarily due to, as I have said, changing toxicity levels in everything, which is causing the body to turn more defensive.

The cravings you feel for certain foods derive from a chemical addiction in your biology. Just as it forms addictions to drugs which produce chemical stimulations, or the chemical stimulations produced from sexual orgasm. It is the chemical stimulant it provides you which causes your craving.
On the other hand, your body will sometimes alert you to certain foods it needs to replenish itself more thoroughly. You have to discern what is what.

In light of love.

Cal 24-02-2011 01:42 PM

Hi Sparrow,
Hope you are having a wonderful day or evening when you find this question. Can you please share your perspective on 3rd eye, its relation to pineal gland if any, and the possibilities or cautions of working with ways of opening/activating them?

Your insights are always greatly appreciated.


Spirit Guide Sparrow 25-02-2011 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by Cal
Hi Sparrow,
Hope you are having a wonderful day or evening when you find this question. Can you please share your perspective on 3rd eye, its relation to pineal gland if any, and the possibilities or cautions of working with ways of opening/activating them?

Your insights are always greatly appreciated.


Hello Cal, yes, my present moment presents much wonder and is full of joy. It is full of wonder, and wonderful.

An interesting question.
The pineal gland works like a biological digital camera. It processes information into linear pictorial images and helps you work with your imagination and visual conceptualization. It also works in the lineal cycle of producing melatonin, which is secreted when the visual cortex detects the absence of light, hence it instructs the body to fall asleep or wake from visual light cues.
The pineal gland, which is located in the centre of your brain at the level behind your eyebrows works very intimately with the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, heart, DNA structure and central nervous system.
The hypothalamus receives envelopes of information from electromagnetic radiation (or light), from different sources, lets say your intuition, or spirit and spirit guides, and then sends them to your pituitary gland where they form thoughts and words. The pituitary gland is in the centre of your brain between both of your eyes, behind the nose. Simultaneously they are sent to the pineal gland, as mentioned, and translated into images. As secretions of chemicals are brought into your blood stream, brought about by your heart function, and the central nervous system is stimulated, you physically feel your emotional states and connect feeling to physicality.
Your cellular DNA structure is your inherent blueprint and storage facility of information. As you access information inherent within this wave form you can intuitively connect with ancestral information and primal code.

There are many ways you can work with these instruments. Ways you can work with your ‘third eye’ or visual holographic projector. One, as you know, is through meditation. Some may suggest to you to visually focus on that specific region of your brain in order to stimulate it, without tensing your facial muscles. If this works for you, so be it. At any time you use your imagination however, at any time you use visual stimulations you are actually exercising this region anyway. You use it to utilize memory, to create art and to dream.
You can also utilize certain wave form pulses to stimulate different regions and functions of the brain. This is why certain types of music will have various effects upon your inner visual ability and thought processes.
There are no real dangers in working with your pineal gland, other than pushing yourself too far too quickly.


flutterangel 26-02-2011 12:52 AM

Hello Sparrow! Thank you for patiently answering my ever growing questions! The more I learn, the more I want to know. It's never ending. I very much appreciate your time. :hug:

Your body and its immune system does this very same thing. Whether it is actually hazardous to your body or not is another matter, but your immune system takes no chances, particularly in a modern world where viruses, bacteria and other pathogens have mutated. What occurs is that, in the case shall we say of food consumption, where you have fed upon a substance containing allergens, your immune system will hyper-activate white blood cells within your blood and lymphatic system interpreting it as a viral infection. This mass response of white blood cells will cause inflammatory symptoms. It is so difficult to know what to eat, and then also what to do to decrease the inflammation. There are so many suggestions out there, but it is hard to know what the right thing is.

The reason your immune system changes its behaviour in this hyper-sensitive way varies. Though you will find it is primarily due to the toxicity levels now within human atmosphere, drinking water, medications, toiletries, foods and within body chemistry itself. Much of this you will discover has to do with how food, in this modern era, is processed, treated and packaged. What additives, flavour enhancers, preservatives, colourings and so forth are being used, even discretely unbeknown to public eye. Such things, in their graduation, will harvest unhealthy toxins and mutating chemical compositions in the human chemistry. These toxins and harmful chemical compounds are then often transferred to babies through pregnancy, who then, over time develop intolerances to products of all kinds. I often wonder, why then do some people have many intolerances, some life threatening, and some are not bothered? I realize it can be said the same for other illnesses and diseases, as well. Also, I realize that there are toxins in so many things, and it makes me wonder what it is safe to actually eat, brush our teeth with, shampoo our hair with, etc. Even fruits and vegetables, and other "raw" foods carry them. On an already limited diet, this makes it difficult.

The cravings you feel for certain foods derive from a chemical addiction in your biology. Just as it forms addictions to drugs which produce chemical stimulations, or the chemical stimulations produced from sexual orgasm. It is the chemical stimulant it provides you which causes your craving.Why do we have to crave that which is not good for us? I like fruits and veggies, but I don't crave them. Probably because I can eat as much of them as I like. Take them away too, and who knows?
On the other hand, your body will sometimes alert you to certain foods it needs to replenish itself more thoroughly. You have to discern what is what. Not an easy task!

Thank you again, Sparrow.

Spirit Guide Sparrow 26-02-2011 02:17 PM

Young Butterfly
There is no inherently right and wrong thing to eat. In a sense, what is right for you to eat is dependant on your sponsoring intention. What is right to eat is that food which aligns you to your choice of who you wish to be and how you intend to embody that. In this thinking, you have a sense of right direction. It is your intention which is important.

You must also take into consideration your individual biological chemical makeup. This will be different to other people and so what others may eat may be chemically unbalancing for you to eat. This is just a matter of genetics, and should not be a cause for distress or frustration. Find what is chemically compatible to you by listening to how your body responds to different food types. It may take weeks to sense an accurate reaction, since some reactions may actually come from other sources you have not thought about.
As a whole, foods, drinks and toiletries are most beneficial to you if they are free from human tampering and processing applications. The more naturally prepared they are, the less alterations they have, and the more original and ‘raw’ they are, the easier they will be on your biology. For, if your body is in harmony with the body of the planet, then both will harmonize with each other. But once you start to tamper with, and add additional chemicals and derivatives to these things, they interfere with this natural harmony with body and Earth. Earths organics are humanities natural pharmacy and nutrition. You just have to stay aware and stay clear of those sources of raw and natural which are treated chemically with unnatural or harmful substances. This is difficult but will become easier as the demand for such things increases in public domain. Create a voice with which to demand such things from governments, corporations and farmers alike.

You don’t crave fruits and vegetables because they have the correct chemical compositions that do not trigger spikes in behaviour from concentrated chemicals. Foods which you ‘like’, as you call it, produce cravings because they produce chemical stimulants in your body which give off an immediate sensation of satisfaction. These stimulants are caused by concentrated chemicals being released in the body in high potent amounts. This potency acts like an intoxicating drug. Your system then craves the chemical ‘spike’ which releases certain endorphins into your system giving you this feeling of pleasure. So in a sense, it is ultimately your craving for these endorphins which sponsors the craving.

Love, as with light.

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