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Pandora. 04-08-2015 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by Pisces_Moon
Oops I keep putting 'next reading for....'

I'm such a renegade :D

Hahahaha! At least you actually remember ... which is more than I can say for myself! I'm getting very good at editing posts, that is for sure.

Next reading for Resurrection

ReSurrection 04-08-2015 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by Pandora.
Thanks Ressurection. Yes, it's a very large comfy shed! Unfortunately, there doesn't appear to be too much common sense, where the local council is involved. :icon_eek:

Last reading by Asrai and Ressurection

Well if it means anything to you dear the local council is trying to be a bully and basically show off their might lol, they have a problem per se with you Guys living there but they must saw you as two people they can maybe pick on legally ih a sense. Btw if it helps i totally Didnt see the tearing down of the shed or you Guys moving:hug:

ReSurrection 04-08-2015 09:54 PM

Btw whomever reads on my question its texhnically a fanstasy question that will never happen im real life And i must asked out od curiousity so dont feel nervous about the cards you pull:tongue:

Pandora. 04-08-2015 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by ReSsurection
Reading for Pandora

Sadly i dont think u will hear from them by Friday but if you do sadly indont feel they will be pleasant....it looks like you have no reason not to live in your shed however They are just being mean and nasty about this so i do think they know they arent doing a nice thing And are aware that they are being bullies towards you but it looks like sadly they are behaving this way cause they feel they can :icon_frown: so i feel you may hear from them later on with the six od pentacles, but with the five of cups, especially five od swords And ten od swords that follows, they might get nasty and might make you feel like the world is coming to an end however that is just being dramatic i feel really they Wont fullfill their threats od moving you put but they are just being asses And verbally displaying their power

Last reading by ReSsurection.

Q- how would a sexual relationship between L and me be like if it ever does happen?

Reading for Resurrection

Rider Waite with reversals

I don't have any problem doing this question for you. If the cards didn't want it answered, I think they would have indicated such, by the cards I pulled.

10 of Wands, 6 of Cups reversed, Ace of Cups reversed

To me this is a resounding, don't do it!

The 10 of Wands looks like someone will have major regrets. If it occurred, they would want to put it quickly behind them, and wouldn't want to acknowledge that it happened in the first place. They may even be ashamed of it. They will do everything they can to distract themselves from having to face it and avoid the other person.

6 of Cups reversed to me indicates a lack of close relationships, a breakdown of a relationship, loss of innocence, unhappy memories and generally feeling sad, sorry and unhappy.

Ace of Cups reversed reiterates the other two cards in my opinion. There would be overwhelming emotional upset, sadness, pain, unhappiness and disappointment. If the two of you are friends at the moment, it could indicate that the friendship may end up being lost.

Last reading by Pandora. I have absolutely no idea what to ask. I'll go back to the "What is Pandora's personality like?" question. I really can't think of anything else at the moment. Maybe it will give someone some practice on court cards! Hahahaha

ReSurrection 04-08-2015 10:29 PM

Hans,thank you Pandora. Like i said its a fantasy question that i either way never planned on doing,just was curious on the cards so thats why i asked. Since its wont ever happen ih real life i cant really give feedback lol,but its fun to get cards on your fantasy guy:tongue:

Will read yours!

Pandora. 04-08-2015 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by ReSsurection
Hans,thank you Pandora. Like i said its a fantasy question that i either way never planned on doing,just was curious on the cards so thats why i asked. Since its wont ever happen ih real life i cant really give feedback lol,but its fun to get cards on your fantasy guy:tongue:

Will read yours!

No worries Resurrection. I think the cards were very plain in this instance. Even though there may not be feedback because it won't happen, it still gave me good practice, so it's all good.

I think it's a warning shouting :director: "don't even think about it!"

Doh! Forgot again :BangHead: : Last reading by Pandora

tealily 04-08-2015 11:52 PM

Hi all, if's clearer to start writing "next reading for ____" rather than "last reading by ____", let's do that! :) No biggie.

Apologies that this thread can be a bit hard to follow; essentially you do a reading for the last person who posted a reading.

As it can get very difficult to follow whose turn it is through feedback/in-thread chatter, I've asked everyone to end their posts with a "tag" so we know whose turn it is - after that you need to back-search a bit to find their question (but usually that's only a post or two back).

This prevents people getting skipped, which is the main complaint from the original 'make a prediction about the person above you' thread. And so far we're doing pretty good! :)

Next reading for: Pandora

Pandora. 05-08-2015 12:08 AM

Okay Tealily ... I'll try to remember ...

Next reading for Pandora

rainbow.sprinkles 05-08-2015 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by ReSsurection
reading for rainbow

You can feel more solid and commited by loving something you want to be commited to more.commitment comes from love ,so if you make love grow inside u towards the things you want to be commited to, your devotion will increase. You should never feel like you have to be commited because you have to or because you feel its an oblligation,but because you want to.as for stability,increase spending time with your family because they will give you a better foundation,if you have peace ih the home you will feel stsble,also practise having calm or being calm on midst od troubles.

it would've been helpful to know what cards you drew. this kind of just sounds like you're giving me your opinion about my question. :icon_confused: that said, the first bit makes sense, but I'm unsure about the family bit, as I don't see or speak to really anyone in my biological family, they don't even live near me, and I don't even have roommates or anything.

Next reading for Pandora

rainbow.sprinkles 05-08-2015 01:52 AM


Originally Posted by Asrai
Feedback for Rainbow Sprinkles:

Thank you! This reading was spot on. I am experiencing every one of the things mentioned.

For your reading your question was "How can I feel more solid and committed?"
I am using the Wisdom of the Hidden Realms (One of my favorites)
I got The Prison Waif for you.

It suggests that you have a tendency to think self-sabotaging thoughts that keep your from your highest good. You may think that you're doing all you can but you may need to pay closer attention to your thoughts. This card suggests getting out in nature more in order to become more grounded. Remember to take off your shoes.

Hopefully you can give some feedback on this as I didn't get any for my last reading, apparently it wasn't good enough. Thanks

Asrai: awesome! I'm so glad my reading made sense for you.

you're definitely spot on about the self-sabotaging thoughts. and I think you're probably right that I would benefit from paying closer attention to my thoughts. I love the suggestion to get out in nature more, be more grounded, and to take off my shoes! I keep wanting to delve deeper into my spiritual studies and it keeps getting overlooked and put off so I feel like your reading is urging me to stop putting it off. and I love going barefoot in nature and I could certainly do it more often. thank you for a great reading! :smile:

Next reading for Pandora

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