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Spirit Guide Sparrow 10-01-2011 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by rom2014
Any prophecies for the coming year(s)? What's with the accumulation of UFO sightings, the dead fish/birds, the indigo/crystal/super psychic children, alien abductions etc? Are aliens really abducting people or is it all distorted hearsay? And do aliens even resemble reptilian forms or is this just a man-made concept? And what's with this object approaching earth, a comet or something that could potentially collide with it? There's also a prophecy that states aliens will come and 'save' those before great hardships inundates the earth. Is this true or completely erroneous? Feedback highly appreciated!

Is that all one question, or random streaks of thought in one breath? Are there prizes involved if I get the correct answer?

If you would but silence your untamed mind, and entrust just one question within the calibration of your own wise heart, you would have your own answer.

Prophecies? I am not a prophet. So no. The year will bring whatever you co-create for yourself.

UFO sightings are increasing because of two reasons. One, more and more people are looking to the skies, than previously, and taking notice of what is happening in their environment. Some in hope of some external saviour to fix all their problems, and some in fear of what may force them out of their comfort zone. Secondly, Extraterrestrial, inter-dimensional and time-dimensional beings have always been present. They are simply observing human responses to gradual increasing appearances to see what you will do. They are adept in human psychology. Their thought processes are much more multi-faceted and sophisticated compared to those portrayed in the movie theatres. Know that if they wish to be seen in your air space, it usually means they have little moral value in interfering with human affairs, and have an alternate motive than what they will have you think. For what you may or may not know, is that they do in fact have the technology and intellect to bring about significant positive change and support without being seen, felt or heard in any way. The fact they want you to observe them in your air space reveals a self-imposed agenda. This is not a judgement, but an observation for your benefit from me and those I represent, who in fact make it their business to observe.

The increase in dead fish and other life forms is a result of a global chain effect of circumstance. Some circumstances are brought about by human action, some by the effects of planetary cycles and events. Some by the mutation of diseases and afflictions brought about due to changing climate and living conditions.
For example, the toxicity levels of the oceans are much worse than you are being told. Smaller life forms which small fish rely on for food cannot survive in such toxicity. So small fish are facing the repercussions of those effects. As the smaller fish become effected, so too do the larger fish who rely on the smaller fish for food. As one fish becomes toxic and is consumed, that fish then becomes toxic and so on and so forth. Add shark, dolphin and whale poaching to this list, as well as over-fishing. You should also be aware that most of the oxygen you breath is produced by the ocean itself. As your actions affect the oceans, it is also going to affect how much oxygen the planet has. Within the next 50 years oxygen levels will plummet unless human beings take action.

The distinction of indigo, crystal and super psychic children, or this child or that child are all attempts to pigeon hole and create division in your fellow human beings. They are just normal beings like me and you who have been born into the world, and who have not had their natural gifts suppressed as they once were in other generations. They are no ‘better’ or more ‘evolved’ than you. They are simply more in tune with their spirit.

To my knowledge and awareness, abductions are actually on the decrease. If you have any information contradictory to this I would of course observe it.
Inter-breeding, to my knowledge, has been going on for some years. Though it is within my knowledge that this was significantly decreased after others, elsewhere, intervened. This was partly to enable a hybrid species to walk planet earth as their representatives, in a way.

Yes, there are many reptilian species. Approximately around 500 altogether I understand. Some malevolent, some benevolent. Most of them are considered dangerous and aggressive by other species. Somewhat war-like. But there are many exceptions. It is the malevolent ones which do most of the exploration, the others attend to more refined peaceful pursuits.

I am uncertain as to the object you are referring to, approaching Earth. There are many.
I am curious as to what prophesy you are in reference to in regard to an ‘alien saviour’. Your future is not set in stone, so why accept one written for you in advance when you have the free will to create your own future?

The more you remove from your mind and heart, the clearer your own answers will become. -Sparrow

Spirit Guide Sparrow 10-01-2011 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by Cal
Thanks again for a wonderfully enlightening response Sparrow!

These are obviously big differences between plants and animals. Excellent information!

I have watched many documentaries about wild animals and notice the trauma animals cause each other, especially being eaten alive. I've often thought that natural is very cruel. Many animals are carnivorous. How is it different for humans to eat animals compared to animals eating animals?

Then, I would suspect then they would also the animals that natural prey on them.

Wow, this information is a very helpful perspective indeed. What a wonderful way to understand it. What about medicinal herbs where leafs or roots are used?Might they be considered in the same regard to veggies?

Forgive me but I'm not sure I really understand how to apply this in a practical way. Could you please elaborate?

Many thanks!


Some animals (not human animals) eat other animals because they have to in order to survive. It is all they know how to do to survive. It is an instinctual behaviourism. They do not have the same thought process as a human being does. All they know is, I must ‘hunt’ or I will die. They are unable to stop to contemplate, well actually, I think I will become a vegetarian today. Their brain does not work that way. This is not to say those animals are incapable of loving deeds, for often you will observe they are. It is only the instinctual needs of their biology that triggers their survival instincts. Most animals actually vibrate at a higher vibration than human beings, and this is why they often act unconditionally and affectionately, even to offspring of their prey.

Humans on the other hand have the capacity to stop and contemplate choice. They have the capacity to understand cause and effect to a greater degree. They have the capacity to act above their biological instincts. And yet, human beings do not actually need to kill another animal in order to survive. They do so simply because they want to indulge themselves at the expense of another living being, and their joy of life in the physical.

Yes, quite so. An animal will fear other species to whom they have had negative associations with during physical life. Whether it be a human or a bear, or a shark.

In regard to medicines and herbs and such things are you describe, remember that they are aspects of the planet. When you take something from the planet, do so with loving intentions and the roots will give up themselves for you. Or they may not, willingly, depending on your vibration. But show your good intentions by giving something back to the Earth by planting more of the same. Take only what you need, and if possible leave the part of that plant behind which enables it to grow further roots and seeds.


mikron 10-01-2011 03:52 PM

seems what Rom2014 was asking is we are heading soon into Pole reversal and Pole shift when the Magnetics goto zero where may have only 21 days before the world changes dramaticly!


Adrienne 10-01-2011 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by Spirit Guide Sparrow

Is that all one question, or random streaks of thought in one breath? Are there prizes involved if I get the correct answer?

prizes ? now you want prizes, lol ! :D :hug2:

Cal 10-01-2011 09:04 PM


Some animals (not human animals) eat other animals because they have to in order to survive. It is all they know how to do to survive. It is an instinctual behaviourism. They do not have the same thought process as a human being does. All they know is, I must ‘hunt’ or I will die. They are unable to stop to contemplate, well actually, I think I will become a vegetarian today. Their brain does not work that way. This is not to say those animals are incapable of loving deeds, for often you will observe they are. It is only the instinctual needs of their biology that triggers their survival instincts. Most animals actually vibrate at a higher vibration than human beings, and this is why they often act unconditionally and affectionately, even to offspring of their prey.

Humans on the other hand have the capacity to stop and contemplate choice. They have the capacity to understand cause and effect to a greater degree. They have the capacity to act above their biological instincts. And yet, human beings do not actually need to kill another animal in order to survive. They do so simply because they want to indulge themselves at the expense of another living being, and their joy of life in the physical.

Yes, quite so. An animal will fear other species to whom they have had negative associations with during physical life. Whether it be a human or a bear, or a shark.

In regard to medicines and herbs and such things are you describe, remember that they are aspects of the planet. When you take something from the planet, do so with loving intentions and the roots will give up themselves for you. Or they may not, willingly, depending on your vibration. But show your good intentions by giving something back to the Earth by planting more of the same. Take only what you need, and if possible leave the part of that plant behind which enables it to grow further roots and seeds.

Thanks again. I really appreciate your responses and insights!

Your explanation about animal survival instinct vs human cognitive reasoning is an excellent way to think about it. I love it and perhaps it will help me make the jump to a complete vegetarian instead of targeting less meat and more veggies...

I suspect there are many others in a situation like me that neither hunt for or grow their own food. I've become totally dependent on grocery stores. I don't like to hunt because I don't like to kill things or see them suffer and die. Somehow I managed to forget that part when I buy meat **blush**. I even save bugs in a pool or pond or try and capture them alive and release them outside when they make their way into the house.

I struggle with how to apply giving back to the earth as described, although what you said makes perfect sense. I live in a desert region where all summer long is over 100 degrees F, often more than 110 F for weeks at a time with almost no humidity. Also, it can get below freezing in the winter. I had not had any success in trying to grow fruits and veggies or medicinals outside. Instead I have to purchase everything I need as needed. I certainly try to only buy what I can use when I buy from the store though so nothing is wasted. I will have to come up with other ways to give back to the earth.

Thanks again dear friend. I always cherrish the insights offered and really take your ideas and suggestions to heart.

In loving gratitude and appreciation, always


ROM 11-01-2011 02:35 AM

Ahhh thank you Sparrow, and yeah sorry for inundating the post with so many questions! :D

I just finished watching a drunvalo video on youtube in which he goes into detail about this sort of thing, so was just curious.

I think the prophecy regarding ET saviours was that of the indian hopi's. Maybe I just interpreted it wrong though. Not to worry, I will take your advice and stop thinking so much about the future but live in the present!

Thank you.

Emmalevine 11-01-2011 03:24 PM

I haven't posted on this thread before but would just like to say that along with everyone else I really appreciate and enjoy your information Sparrow. I look forward to hearing more when you're able.

flutterangel 12-01-2011 11:42 PM

I live in a desert region where all summer long is over 100 degrees F, often more than 110 F for weeks at a time with almost no humidity. Also, it can get below freezing in the winter.


And I thought Minnesota's climate was drastic!! :D
Wow, Cal!

Spirit Guide Sparrow 19-02-2011 11:51 AM

How does everyone feel in their life at the moment?

Your ear, shoulder and open hand.

Cal 20-02-2011 06:35 PM


How does everyone feel in their life at the moment?

Hello Sparrow:smile:. Speaking for myself, at the moment I feel joy, appreciation and gratitude. Happy just to simply be....

Have a wonderful day or evening!

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