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God-Like 05-09-2020 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by Heightend-Awareness
One-Light, I know you have put a lot of hard work and energy into this as you mentioned this not to be a negative vibe topic. But I feel the need to express to all what I know and have researched and discovered. The observations and understandings from my corner of the room and my neck of the woods about this topic, COVID-19 to come to my conclusion based on my observations and above mentioned. Keep an open mind as you will need it.

The term “conspiracy theory” was first coined by the CIA back in the 1960's in relation to JFK assassination. Which created a perception among people to distort their own judgement on matters whatever that maybe now-days. So if anyone was to start piecing together the puzzle they created with their lies, deceit and deception manufactured through manipulation of perception, they would discredit those joining the dots, because the “conspirators” are becoming a threat towards their official narrative. So they shut them down by any means necessary.

Most know of and many deny it, that there is a “Deep State”, “Hidden Hand”, Global Elitists that manipulate the majority if not all of the major events that have in the past and present to occur. They engineer and orchestrate it all through the use of their puppets. Politicians, Academics, Organisations (WHO), Big Pharma, Corporations and Celebrities. You name it they have a ball and chain attached to them. They use the characters to help perpetuate all of their agendas. By helping to spin the web of lies and deceit to modify humanities perceptions to accepting their official narrative. They get away with this because they know the majority of the masses are too busy with their lives in terms of some examples, financial stress, health problems, work and relationship related issues etc. They use this to their advantage to distract the masses to what is truly going on. They add a bit of lube and just ease it right in, next thing know you've just been fire trucked. Your perception has been hijacked.

COVID-19 is one of the tools, the main “gear shifter” for their current agenda to be rolled out. What is the agenda? The very short answer, global domination, control and enslavement of the human race.
A more concise look at it. More security measures (meaning surveillance) in every and I mean every facet of your daily life. A Global Central Government, Social crediting systems (remember China a couple of years ago), One world currency, linked to the social crediting system (so if you do as your told, no matter how unethical the demand might be, you'll be all right (a puppet with no free will and commanded by your masters). Don't do the wrong thing by your masters and you'll be denied access to all forms of anything, yes, everything. If you were financially comfortably, you now have squat, nothing, Nada zero. A simple key stroke and mouse click and your fate is sealed. That's just a start of it, you'll also be given a new title, “enemy of the state”.

Have I got your attention!

Is COVID-19 real? Depends on your perspective of it.
This based on my observations and research and a bit of claircognizance in my part of the world, Australia.
Lets look at some facts that I had followed up on. COVID-19 started in the Chinese province of Wuhan around September/October when I recall caring to watch the news that this is the place of origin. Next look at the attention China has brought about themselves regarding the South China sea. Makes them very popular now. So the perception manipulation has begun. Making everyone think China created this virus and blah blah blah. Cow pie!
Around the end of our summer, February, our first case of COVID-19, was G.P Doctor from Victoria that our mainstream media splashed around (let me state and remind you that the Elitists own and manipulate mainstream media). They never mentioned if he had visited China, particularly Wuhan.
So far it's been 5 months from Wuhan, ground zero to Victoria, Australia. This were the number begin to not add up. The COVID-19 app was released late April. So from February to April is only 3 months. That is some phenomenal work to get that app available for download in such a short period of time when the average time taken to develop any app takes 4-6 months, form conception to inception. They new this was coming a long time ago. They can get that moving and in place quicker than sorting out any other issue in recent history. They were very conscientious about the safety and welfare of the populace... pffff. Hardly, they had this app already ready to rock and roll the minute the green light was lit up for this shindig.
Another observation is the cases and deaths.
Majority of deaths are in the age group 60-90+ years old. How convenient that they use the elderly who already have compromised immune systems and pre-existing health issues. Not once have I heard the news say in terms similar to this example, “145 new cases of the virus and 3 deaths from it as a result”. How they say it is similar to this, “145 new cases of the virus and 3 deaths”. The point being they don't stipulate they died from it. For all we know, they could been in a vehicle accident. Secondly, why hadn't the media approached the victim's families? They have the social distancing rules and being masked up, they'll be alright. I looked at an online data site pertaining to world deaths and from what. At the time I looked at this, Victoria was nowhere near lockdown mode but the amazing thing on the list was Stroke and Heart Attack, respectively are the highest causes of death in the world. 9.4mill for Heart attack, and 5.7mill for stroke
Where did COVID-19 sit with anything on the chart at the time on a global scale? Just below the half waypoint. There were more deaths involving malnutrition than COVID-19 had at the time. But the hysteria of it all had to be maintained.
Next question, Why aren't young healthy people dropping dead in the streets and everywhere?
Why haven't millions and millions of people around the world dropped dead from it? Because it is all perceptual Cow Pies!

Let's get to the pointy end of this stick.
COVID-19, is it real? Not really. What is it then? The tests that people take are flawed for starters. These tests are designed to test for anti-bodies, that's right anti-bodies. If you have ever had the cold or flu, even a flu shot, your bodies immune system will have produced an anti-body for it. So when you get tested for COVID-19, you'll get a false-positive result. Meaning you are testing positive for something(anti-body) and the false(that the test was for a virus you don't have) so they are calling the anti-body the virus. Introducing COVID-19 and all the cow pies you can fit into a show bag!

The symptoms of COVID-19, the same as any flu. And how convenient that is was during our winter and cold & flu season in the coldest, that had the highest population to be the scapegoat, guinea pig, lab rat and all the other clichés you can throw at it.
Also noted that the virus was never isolated by anyone. May have been done now, but the results are more than likely null en void. Because there isn't one to begin with, but the proper steps to this procedure is to isolate, replicate and reintroduce. This did not and never ever will happen. One, because it doesn't exist, only as a perceptual concept by design.

Now to the very tip of this stick.
PRS event. Problem, Reaction, Solution time. Manipulation of perception, people freak out, society flipped on it's back, economies failing etc. “Stop the world we want to get off. Stop the big bad wolf from blowing my house down”. There there, BIG BROTHER(Global Elitists) is here to help, take this vaccine you don't need because it have many nasty surprises in there for you. Including a state of the art microscopic tracking device we will embed into you. Run along now, thank you BIG BROTHER, for destroying humanity and the planet, how can we ever repay you. GIVE UP YOUR FREE WILL would be a start.
COVID-19 is the Pandora's box that will roll out many nasty surprises if we let it, we have ourselves to blame. These are truly challenging times bothers and sisters. What are we going to do about it? If you say nothing, then you best join your brethren on the dark side.
One-Light you do have valid points. Keep your immune system
and mind healthy as we will all need it for what is coming.

I call it how I see it. There is a reason for this topic to be here. It will be revealed soon.

Peace and love all

Glad you liked the video link .. :biggrin:

I agree with what you have said .

The thing about putting this into the conspiracy bracket creates a mainstream reflection of there being nutters running around making stuff up ..

The thing is about all this, is that peeps that are questioning the virus are professional peeps who actually have a lifetime working in the filed of diseases and viruses .

Similar to the disclosure program, there are peeps that have spent a career in the armed forces etc and were witnesses to the actual events .

It's true to say in regards to the virus that they need to isolate it which they haven't been able to do or prove .

This is why in the u.k. Piers Corbyn has written to the government to prove that the virus actually exists .

Did anyone watch the interview on gmtv the other day . If this interview didn't show what's wrong with the mainstream media then I don't know what does lol


Getting back to the isolating of the virus there needs to be the testing of the virus in ways were Robert Koch explained through his years of practice as a microbiologist.

You need to isolate the virus and then subject the virus to another peep/entity, be it another human or animal .

So then when the subjected peep experiences the same symptoms then one has isolated the virus .

This is why a virus like the measles has actually been isolated as that .

The FACT is that what one is being tested for is not the VIRUS itself, because what is being shown to be a positive result when tested is simply a positive result for a biological manifestation that is created by the immune system when the body needs to respond to what is happening to it .

This is a FACT . It's not a conspiracy theory haha

What is created via the bodies immune system can occur when the body is stressed, or when the body is fighting off a manner of all ailments .

It's not a positive result for the Covid Virus itself .

As peeps say, you have to look at the so called experts and see who they represent .

Doctors that go against the big pharma companies get ridiculed, scientists that speak against global warming get ridiculed etc etc .

It's self evident that the media nowadays just play the tune they are told to play and speaking up against them is becoming harder and harder .

I hope peeps are aware of this .

The moment you do you are labelled a nutcase lol or a trouble maker .

It's only going to get worse I dare say .

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGxbaxviRVw. :)

x daz x

ant 05-09-2020 09:04 AM

When you consume yourself with things outside yourself that consume your thoughts.

The yolk is on you.

Altair 05-09-2020 09:14 AM

The ''official'' position is also that the Earth is round, not flat. :D

That's a problem with ''alternative'' thinking, any crank can say ''see I told you, the officials are against my position, this means I must be right.'' no different from ''An angel talked to me in my dream, therefore my religion is right.''

But anyways... covid kills less than 0,3% of the inflicted. There's no significant difference in percentage of deaths when comparing lockdown vs. no-lockdown countries and regions. It's ** to have entire sectors on the brink of destruction (tourism, bars and restaurants), have people live unsociable lives and have ''online meetings'' for work.

Noticed the increased disappointment when you pay with real money? Noticed the calls for more surveillance? Do you know this will accelerate with 5G in place? It will be more data mining and 'smart systems' everywhere. You and me are certainly fine with 4G or less, so that's not it. Notice how those calling for great change and a new revolution at the same time also call for wealth redistribution and social credit?

I am not suggesting the pandemic and coming changes are deliberate and causal, but some do seize the opportunity and I expect a less free world.

Shivani Devi 05-09-2020 09:40 AM

Firstly, I need to be very careful of what I say here, because the discussion of World Events is against forum rules and while I disagree with that rule, it is part of their TOS for my membership and use of this site.

We must understand that whether the virus is "real" or not, isn't the issue here. All I am prepared to say, is that it is just as "real" as Climate Change is.

What we need to ask ourselves, is whether the "solution" is proportionate to the "problem" - that is, if anybody is truly aware of the "problem" beyond what the MSM (who is being supported by vested interests) informs us that it is in the first place.

This leads us to question: "what is REAL?" "What is TRUE?" "What should I believe in?" and these are exactly the same questions that any spiritual seeker on the path asks from time to time...not only in relation to the Coronavirus, or what we see on the news, but to the authenticity of our perceptions in relation to what we call "reality" as a whole.

If anything, the virus and all the narratives surrounding that, brings it home to us..as well as reminding us about our own mortality, which the Stoics remind us needs to be done from time to time to help us get the most out of life.

Both you and I, live in NSW, Australia and we can't help but look on at our Victorian countrymen with sorrow and dismay. Part of us says "those poor people living under such brutal restrictions and tyranny" and the other part of us says "thank God I live in NSW" It is as if our expressions of gratitude must be at the behest of the suffering of others..We see the billboards: "Staying Apart Keeps Us Together" and then the realisation hits that we were never "apart" to begin with...we are ONE and always have been...but there are evil forces at work who don't want people realising that...who don't want people waking up to their true, Divine nature.

In the absence of facts or truth, EVERYTHING is a "Conspiracy Theory" and the conspirator is the universe itself. It is the illusory energies of the Supreme Creator made manifest. This is called Maya..a warped reflection of itself.

Yes, I have read stories about Agenda 21..the Rockefeller Lockstep Document, Bill Gates and his hydrogel nanobots in the vaccine, the UN NWO what do I think? That all this is just as "real" as all of the Scientific Modelling and the case numbers coming out of Victoria. Can we BELIEVE that is going to happen based on everything we have seen and read from David Icke, Alex Jones and such? SURE! Can we know for a FACT this is going to happen to us and to the world? NOPE! I am not discrediting any of this of course, I don't subscribe to labels or judgements..all I know it s, what is meant to happen WILL happen regardless and what can I DO about it? Nothing... nothing EXCEPT for working on myself and going within to find the source of Truth and resting within it and only then can I "change the World"... that is, if I still want to by then.

ant 05-09-2020 09:45 AM

The typewriter is back.

Wb Shiv.

hazada guess 05-09-2020 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by Shivani Devi
Firstly, I need to be very careful of what I say here, because the discussion of World Events is against forum rules and while I disagree with that rule, it is part of their TOS for my membership and use of this site.

We must understand that whether the virus is "real" or not, isn't the issue here. All I am prepared to say, is that it is just as "real" as Climate Change is.

What we need to ask ourselves, is whether the "solution" is proportionate to the "problem" - that is, if anybody is truly aware of the "problem" beyond what the MSM (who is being supported by vested interests) informs us that it is in the first place.

This leads us to question: "what is REAL?" "What is TRUE?" "What should I believe in?" and these are exactly the same questions that any spiritual seeker on the path asks from time to time...not only in relation to the Coronavirus, or what we see on the news, but to the authenticity of our perceptions in relation to what we call "reality" as a whole.

If anything, the virus and all the narratives surrounding that, brings it home to us..as well as reminding us about our own mortality, which the Stoics remind us needs to be done from time to time to help us get the most out of life.

Both you and I, live in NSW, Australia and we can't help but look on at our Victorian countrymen with sorrow and dismay. Part of us says "those poor people living under such brutal restrictions and tyranny" and the other part of us says "thank God I live in NSW" It is as if our expressions of gratitude must be at the behest of the suffering of others..We see the billboards: "Staying Apart Keeps Us Together" and then the realisation hits that we were never "apart" to begin with...we are ONE and always have been...but their are evil forces at work who don't want people realising that...who don't want people waking up to their true, Divine nature.

In the absence of facts or truth, EVERYTHING is a "Conspiracy Theory" and the conspirator is the universe itself. It is the illusory energies of the Supreme Creator made manifest. This is called Maya..a warped reflection of itself.

Yes, I have read stories about Agenda 21..the Rockefeller Lockstep Document, Bill Gates and his hydrogel nanobots in the vaccine,the UN NWO what I think? That is just as "real" as all of the Scientific Modelling and the case numbers coming out of Victoria. Can we BELIEVE that is going to happen based on everything we have seen and read from David Icke, Alex Jones and such? SURE! Can we know for a FACT this is going to happen to us and to the world? NOPE! I am not discrediting any of this of course, I don't subscribe to labels or judgements..all I know it s, what is meant to happen WILL happen regardless and what can I DO about it? Nothing... nothing EXCEPT for working on myself and going within to find the source of Truth and resting within it and only then can I "change the World"... that is, if I still want to by then.

Interesting post Shivani,and something I can agree with.

hazada guess 05-09-2020 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by ant
The typewriter is back.

Wb Shiv.

:biggrin: Lol.

Shivani Devi 05-09-2020 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by ant
The typewriter is back.

Wb Shiv.

Thanks my friend. :hug3:

Heightend-Awareness 05-09-2020 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by Shivani Devi
Firstly, I need to be very careful of what I say here, because the discussion of World Events is against forum rules and while I disagree with that rule, it is part of their TOS for my membership and use of this site.

We must understand that whether the virus is "real" or not, isn't the issue here. All I am prepared to say, is that it is just as "real" as Climate Change is.

What we need to ask ourselves, is whether the "solution" is proportionate to the "problem" - that is, if anybody is truly aware of the "problem" beyond what the MSM (who is being supported by vested interests) informs us that it is in the first place.

This leads us to question: "what is REAL?" "What is TRUE?" "What should I believe in?" and these are exactly the same questions that any spiritual seeker on the path asks from time to time...not only in relation to the Coronavirus, or what we see on the news, but to the authenticity of our perceptions in relation to what we call "reality" as a whole.

If anything, the virus and all the narratives surrounding that, brings it home to us..as well as reminding us about our own mortality, which the Stoics remind us needs to be done from time to time to help us get the most out of life.

Both you and I, live in NSW, Australia and we can't help but look on at our Victorian countrymen with sorrow and dismay. Part of us says "those poor people living under such brutal restrictions and tyranny" and the other part of us says "thank God I live in NSW" It is as if our expressions of gratitude must be at the behest of the suffering of others..We see the billboards: "Staying Apart Keeps Us Together" and then the realisation hits that we were never "apart" to begin with...we are ONE and always have been...but there are evil forces at work who don't want people realising that...who don't want people waking up to their true, Divine nature.

In the absence of facts or truth, EVERYTHING is a "Conspiracy Theory" and the conspirator is the universe itself. It is the illusory energies of the Supreme Creator made manifest. This is called Maya..a warped reflection of itself.

Yes, I have read stories about Agenda 21..the Rockefeller Lockstep Document, Bill Gates and his hydrogel nanobots in the vaccine, the UN NWO what do I think? That all this is just as "real" as all of the Scientific Modelling and the case numbers coming out of Victoria. Can we BELIEVE that is going to happen based on everything we have seen and read from David Icke, Alex Jones and such? SURE! Can we know for a FACT this is going to happen to us and to the world? NOPE! I am not discrediting any of this of course, I don't subscribe to labels or judgements..all I know it s, what is meant to happen WILL happen regardless and what can I DO about it? Nothing... nothing EXCEPT for working on myself and going within to find the source of Truth and resting within it and only then can I "change the World"... that is, if I still want to by then.

Nicely said.

God-Like 05-09-2020 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by ant
When you consume yourself with things outside yourself that consume your thoughts.

The yolk is on you.

This certainly rings true in many instances, perhaps in an ideal world if there was total harmony in ourselves in reflection of all things there wouldn't be the need to entertain the thoughts of being repressed or lied too or abused etc .

We live in a world that reflects the need for some to stand tall and fight for what they believe in ..

Otherwise black lives wouldn't matter, or woman rights to vote wouldn't matter .

Some would rather die than give up their beliefs, their beliefs that have consumed them and perhaps this act in itself helps to move stubborn mountains that are saturated with regimental regimes .

Perhaps a guru sat in a monastery somewhere is oblivious to what is going on outside of himself or does and doesn't care to entertain a thought either way about it .

Perhaps things may change if the guru was living in the middle of it all being abused for having a different colour skin than the abuser ..

A wise saying is that what you resent you become and in a similar vein when you are consumed by thoughts outside of yourself you become to certain degree those thoughts or at least carry that energy about you .

From one perspective it could be said that the yolk is on the one that allows this to happen, but some will say a peep has gotta do what a peep has gotta do :biggrin:

x daz x

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