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Unseeking Seeker 12-04-2019 10:12 AM


of being-ness
of in-form consciousness
in a timeless continuum
with formlessness the fulcrum
of awareness
synced with pulsations of Oneness

Our presence
in stillness innocence
poised and alert
ready to spurt
yet unhurried & unexpectant
egoic fears & desires decadent
simply allows the flow of energy divine
consciousness magnetically aligned
and the seeking in a manner unseeking
is a fervent burning yearning
solely for divine entwining ...
the pairing & sharing, love enabling
in an unceasing outpouring
without beginning & without ending

Just being


ImthatIm 12-04-2019 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker

hardly a ptsd case I’d say


Ptsd from dryer repair.*^:icon_frown:^*
Covered in lint all in my hair.
The doing got done.
fluff dry is ONE.

Unseeking Seeker 12-04-2019 03:16 PM


Spiritual search for anything else save divine connect ...
the connect being solely for the sake of love direct ...
is who else, the ego as always, the usual suspect


Unseeking Seeker 12-04-2019 04:15 PM


It is now time to be still
ceasing all movement until
darkness is totally dispelled
and residual desires quelled


Unseeking Seeker 15-04-2019 01:58 AM


The comfort zone of any dependency is a glaring addiction
Like all addictions, a consciousness contraction, a limitation
No matter how lofty may appear to be the purpose
Enmeshed in any groove of habit, we are a clown in this circus

Time is precious and yet in stuporousness we tend to fritter it away
Egoic delusion within this realm of duality is always in subtle play
As to when ‘bestowed enablement’ became ‘our enablement’ we are oblivious
Illusion of sensory awareness concealing that in reality we are unconscious


Unseeking Seeker 15-04-2019 02:00 AM


Fervent desire to embrace & connect
with patience and in time we do not select
The timeless patience & presence of a lover
waiting for our partner to awake from slumber


Unseeking Seeker 15-04-2019 02:01 AM


The moment of inactive, non-doer action
in a continuum of effortless meditation
is in observing rising cognisable magnetism
arousing vibrations of symphonic spectrum
within form, tingling, awakening & enlivening
expanding consciousness in unfoldings enlightening
And yet, fulcrum of awareness being in formlessness
We embrace, release & renew in a flow of seamlessness


Unseeking Seeker 15-04-2019 04:16 AM


Movement within stillness observed as rising, breathing magnetism
as a non-doer doing, resonating with vibration in a seamless continuum
The vibration omnipresent divine love pulsation with which we align
our dissolved yet distinct presence as vibration enlivened by The divine


Unseeking Seeker 15-04-2019 03:34 PM


Vertically splitting
the body into two halves
we may observe energy moving
through pathways Prāna carves


Unseeking Seeker 16-04-2019 02:43 AM


Tracing the source of any given agitation
the observed being the victim
and the observer
being the doctor
become one and so the suffering
becomes the observed’s experiencing
by the observer so observing
and in the act of observing
that the root lies in acceptance
that Tamasic stuporousness
being a Guna will continue to manifest
even if we attempt to desist, resist
and this being so, the end of suffering
is practically feasible only in our becoming
and transcending
by shifting fulcrum of consciousness
by raising vibrations of our awareness
in permanence
which may be done
in the continuum
of continuous contemplative consciousness correction
our reflex status
without hiatus
our innate orientation
being that of meditation
in a flow unending
in being so becoming


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