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Adrienne 24-02-2013 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by Spirit Guide Sparrow
Many blessings of the day Dreamy,
Pleasure as always, in all ways, to hear from you.

We know of course Sparrow does not hinge on hesitation to impart what is needed to be said. Synchronicity occurs to remind you that you are not just fumbling aimlessly in the dark, their repeated patterns present you with assurance there is a bigger picture, and a deeper orchestration of energy interaction taking place of which you are intrinsically a part. The more you follow your heart, the more of these patterns of synchronicity you will see.

:hug3: ~ Sparrow

Delightful as always to hear from you Sparrow !

It is good to hear you do not " hinge on hesitation " as you say, I am thankful for that. :smile:

Interesting to note, on this subject of synchronicity... I have been hearing this phrase " follow your heart "quite often lately. In messages, in songs, etc. Such a nice message ~

May you have a wonderful day filled with many blessings of the heart !
:hug3: Dreamy xx

SSBEE 24-02-2013 06:17 PM

Some graet information.

Thank You,

Sandy :)

Bmain 26-02-2013 06:00 AM


Originally Posted by Spirit Guide Sparrow
Dear Bmain,

You grace me with many questions simultaneously.
To bring value to each point of query and thought we should address them individually.

See yourself as a mirror. That what you see/recognize in others is a reflection of your feelings/emotion.

How you perceive and relate to others mirrors the relationship that you have with your true self, your own thoughts and consciousness. As you develop and purify your relationship with yourself and your thoughts in this way what you perceive in others will expand significantly and intimately. In judging another what you are actually doing is attaching your own value structure to your own thoughts, and then trying to give ownership of those values to something or someone else. So in a sense, you are not judging anyone else, only your own thought and value which you have created. The other person is merely reflecting your own attitude of mind back to you, for what you give out shall always return to you - for we are all One.

See yourself as a sieve, you feel positive, only positive will come through etc.

This is sound logic in theory, but challenging in physical reality. Not only must you try to feel positive but also to think positive thoughts as well. Amidst this internal challenge lies your external environment with its consistent bombardment of circumstance which affect you on every level. While you may try your very best to maintain this inward equilibrium, the external equilibrium is far beyond any one persons control. What many, perhaps sound in their approach and wisdom try to do, is they try to sieve out all the negative aspects of their lives in order to stay positive and joyful. This can however takes its toll and leave even the most loving spiritual warrior sapped and wilfully depleted.

Dear friend, there is another way which does not deplete you so nor deploy you against an endless opposing force. That is the way of Self-value. It is you dear friend who create the value of negativity which you then seek to escape from. Since it is a value you have created, your creation will follow you around for the rest of your earthly journey. Would it not be simpler then to change your own inherent values within you that all external energies are received in singular light and love, without a need for a sieve?

Negativity is a value adopted by you in physical state, it is not a value inherent within you prior to coming to physical Earth.

Send out goodwill and love to everyone in your path.

Do so with all sincerity and you will create ripples within lives that create whole oceans of love and connectivity upon which you all may set sail towards a far more beautiful horizon.

Do I interperet it correctly and if so, what else in baby steps can I do to ease my perception/understanding?

The first step is by letting go of the perceptions fed to you by the conditioned society you exist within. Let not the word of another try to tell you what truth or reality is, create it for yourself despite the reactions or reservations others place upon you. Your courage of heart and leadership of mind will inspire millions in ways you could not begin to fathom.

I read on these forums people speak of grounding yourself. In your view, is this necessary and if so what does it mean?

Grounding is imperative, for if you were not so, you would simply die, or lose your sense of reality. That is, your biological organism would eventually die, for your energy would be focused elsewhere and neglect the ‘physical stuff’ to which you are apart. This can be observed more so in elderly individuals who perhaps have lost loves ones, and who themselves wait to join them in the afterlife. They tend to be those who are less grounded, for their consciousness is more dispersed from the present physical moment, hence you may find their passing often swift and unexpected.

Ground yourself involves focusing your awareness within the present physical moment where all aspects of your multidimensional energies all align to. It means being ever-present in the life and circumstance you are in, and aligning thought and feeling to your physical senses of touch, taste, smell, sound and sight. What this allows your consciousness to do is focus your intention and energy interactivity in the present moment, allowing you the capacity to choose and change your current experience. If you are not grounded, your energy focus and intention is dispersed, diluting your capacity to choose and change circumstance that affect your immediate physical reality. Grounding is your physical anchor which connects you to the energies that sustain your physical health, vibrancy and roots to planet Earth which enrich your chemical cellular structure.

You can ground yourself by immersing yourself in nature; perhaps feel the soil upon your feet or the petting of a beautiful animal. You can indulge a delicious tasty meal or simply focus on the natural process of breath; anything that utilities and stimulates your physical senses and brings you ‘down to Earth’.

The other one is enlightened. Also if it exists, the meaning and how can it be achieved. Does something eventually just `click`?. (Questions with the assumption that it does exist.)

Enlightenment is not a thing to which one becomes apparent to, or something which ‘clicks’ one fine morning. It is something which you become without you knowing you have become it, for you actually let go of the need or want to be that. There is no persona present of ‘I want to be enlightened’. As long as your desire exists to attain a thing called enlightenment, you will never experience it. You will simply exhibit characteristics of behaviour and mind which, in your own value structure, deem to be a form of enlightenment. Someone else far more wise than you will then come along and say, well that is not enlightenment. Enlightenment does not require persona; it does not want to be Self-achieved. It is a pure state of bliss, connectivity and spirit union which takes place when one gives of themselves without thought for themselves, for they no longer experience themselves as ‘selves’, only one with everything. In this state, there is no thought of ‘I am enlightened’, for there is no thought of ‘I’ ever arising.

May you be with peace, and may peace be with you.

Dear Spirit Guide Sparrow

Thank you for answering more than only my questions. It is really appreciated. Now I have to soak it in first.

Yet again, thank you for answering all questions, without exception.

Spirit Guide Sparrow 26-02-2013 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by Bmain
Dear Spirit Guide Sparrow

Thank you for answering more than only my questions. It is really appreciated. Now I have to soak it in first.

Yet again, thank you for answering all questions, without exception.

And thank you for creating the space and opportunity for Sparrow to share his perspective to you. I extend myself in friendship and love to all those who resonate with my energy, with my words and with my intention to increase value within the perceptions of others.

Spirit Guide Sparrow 26-02-2013 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by Dream Angel
Delightful as always to hear from you Sparrow !

It is good to hear you do not " hinge on hesitation " as you say, I am thankful for that. :smile:

Interesting to note, on this subject of synchronicity... I have been hearing this phrase " follow your heart "quite often lately. In messages, in songs, etc. Such a nice message ~

May you have a wonderful day filled with many blessings of the heart !
:hug3: Dreamy xx

Well dear angel, now you have received the message, let us hope you can act upon it. :wink:


TheLegendaryDreamer 04-03-2013 03:18 PM

Dear Sparrow,

Even though it has been a while since my last post here, I have some days where I think my anxiety has gotten better and some days where I think it has gotten worse. On what you suggested in terms of the breathing activity, I sometimes find it difficult to reaffirm my sense of Self-worth because of my low self-esteem and fear that keeps popping up (sometimes "out of nowhere") and surprising me. The breathing exercise has helped, though. Do you have any more suggestions for me?

I just need a hug :icon_frown:


Spirit Guide Sparrow 09-03-2013 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by TheLegendaryDreamer
Dear Sparrow,

Even though it has been a while since my last post here, I have some days where I think my anxiety has gotten better and some days where I think it has gotten worse. On what you suggested in terms of the breathing activity, I sometimes find it difficult to reaffirm my sense of Self-worth because of my low self-esteem and fear that keeps popping up (sometimes "out of nowhere") and surprising me. The breathing exercise has helped, though. Do you have any more suggestions for me?

I just need a hug :icon_frown:


Dear friend,

Overcoming your low self-esteem is really a matter of examining the thoughts that you have and learning to change them, or attune them to the resonance of a different attitude. These thoughts create the value system through which you build your entire human experience upon. These consciousness value systems functions like energy currents which resonate sound frequencies throughout your biological and etherical systems. If you are not sustaining healthy thoughts and perceptions of your own self-worth, the energy systems will circulate frequencies and vibrations within you which harbour gravitational attractions of imaginary fears. Understand fear is a by-product of imagination; it is a feature of human consciousness produced by memory fragments which are attached to specific negative values. This is to say, your thoughts have attached specific values to specific memory images (imaginations) and retained them within your consciousness makeup. These value attachments you then carry around with you in your life journey and often haunt you with phobias and other paralysing reactions. As you go about your daily life, the outside environment with which you interact sometimes stimulates such memory images and value attachments in your consciousness, which then invoke sudden panic attacks or other states of fear.

What you must learn to do to dissolve these adopted fear responses is to examine your own value systems which you are attaching to your own thoughts, and those of past events you retain in memory. This means you may find it beneficial to examine past memory events and dissect the value structures you attach to those experiences. If when examining these past memory events you discover negative or fear-based values attached to them, you will want to understand where those values have come from. As you examine the memory, perceive in this examination that you have the capacity to apply other values and interpretations to those images in mind, those experiences, and recognise you are able to juggle a whole spectrum of thoughts and attitudes to not only heal, but to redefine and reintegrate that memory back into your consciousness on a whole new level of understanding and acceptance.

Learn of your innate ability as a bundle of consciousness that you are, to reaffirm different thoughts, different attitudes and different values to activity which occurs in mind. Within this process your emotional wellbeing will become far more stable and supportive with your internal value structure and state of self-worth.

-----------:hug: -----------

TheLegendaryDreamer 14-03-2013 02:35 AM


Originally Posted by Spirit Guide Sparrow
Dear friend,

Overcoming your low self-esteem is really a matter of examining the thoughts that you have and learning to change them, or attune them to the resonance of a different attitude. These thoughts create the value system through which you build your entire human experience upon. These consciousness value systems functions like energy currents which resonate sound frequencies throughout your biological and etherical systems. If you are not sustaining healthy thoughts and perceptions of your own self-worth, the energy systems will circulate frequencies and vibrations within you which harbour gravitational attractions of imaginary fears. Understand fear is a by-product of imagination; it is a feature of human consciousness produced by memory fragments which are attached to specific negative values. This is to say, your thoughts have attached specific values to specific memory images (imaginations) and retained them within your consciousness makeup. These value attachments you then carry around with you in your life journey and often haunt you with phobias and other paralysing reactions. As you go about your daily life, the outside environment with which you interact sometimes stimulates such memory images and value attachments in your consciousness, which then invoke sudden panic attacks or other states of fear.

What you must learn to do to dissolve these adopted fear responses is to examine your own value systems which you are attaching to your own thoughts, and those of past events you retain in memory. This means you may find it beneficial to examine past memory events and dissect the value structures you attach to those experiences. If when examining these past memory events you discover negative or fear-based values attached to them, you will want to understand where those values have come from. As you examine the memory, perceive in this examination that you have the capacity to apply other values and interpretations to those images in mind, those experiences, and recognise you are able to juggle a whole spectrum of thoughts and attitudes to not only heal, but to redefine and reintegrate that memory back into your consciousness on a whole new level of understanding and acceptance.

Learn of your innate ability as a bundle of consciousness that you are, to reaffirm different thoughts, different attitudes and different values to activity which occurs in mind. Within this process your emotional wellbeing will become far more stable and supportive with your internal value structure and state of self-worth.

-----------:hug: -----------

But but but I can't give you a hug 'cause you're invisible! :icon_frown:

In all seriousness, though, I think I need to sit back, relax, and lighten up a little. Thank you once again for your kind and supportive words. And the beautiful artwork! I can say that while I am still working on myself, this metaphorical hug was received with some of the cosiest giggles and lightheartedness from me. :smile:

Spirit Guide Sparrow 14-03-2013 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by TheLegendaryDreamer
But but but I can't give you a hug 'cause you're invisible! :icon_frown:

In all seriousness, though, I think I need to sit back, relax, and lighten up a little. Thank you once again for your kind and supportive words. And the beautiful artwork! I can say that while I am still working on myself, this metaphorical hug was received with some of the cosiest giggles and lightheartedness from me. :smile:

Dear TheLegendaryDreamer,

Receive in thought this contemplation.
Do you propose in the spirit world people see one another through their physical eyes? Do you presume the many trillions of beings that still remain invisible to you after your passing is due to you no longer having physical eyes?

Let me confirm to you it is not. It is thought itself, it is consciousness that gives you the capacity to see and perceive other beings on a far greater spectrum than anything known to your physical apparatus. Thought and consciousness itself is the real apparatus through which you perceive reality, in the spirit world, and in fact in the physical one. Close your eyes through which you have for so long used to limit your receptivity of information, and open your mind, open your heart to the inherent sight within thought and consciousness. It is this sight within you which will make the invisible visible.

And indeed, receive life not through the seriousness of intellect, nor the analytical disposition that rob your experiences of their flavour and fragrance of sublime elegance and ultimate indulgence. Add light to your approach to life, foster your humour at hand at every turn, be as a child and learn to play at ease with all matters of the mind. Lighten up to your own heart as it guides your will away from worry and gravitates you to the peak of peace.

Your companion of consciousness.
Spirit Guide Sparrow.

Sorai Rai Aorai 31-03-2013 11:59 PM


Originally Posted by Spirit Guide Sparrow

Everything that can exist, does exist, and exists all at the same time, in the same space. It simply exists within the infinity of frequency spectrum. Nobody truly knows or has yet observed the full spectrum of prime creator. Eventually all that exists will retract and cease to exist, only to begin again, and again, and again, for infinity.

Nice to speak with you.

Dear Sparrow,

Does this mean that even in the spirit world, there will be some kind of "reset" every so many eons or so? Does that mean our individuality as the spirits we are will all be melded and rematerialize as new spirits? I hope not. I hope once I get to the Spirit World, I can just stay there forever.

Thanks as always for your response.


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